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stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 07:37 AM

For me and Esmme. may the fun and the adventure begin!

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 03:14 AM

*breaks into a little dance . . . and then digs up pictures*
Let us see here . . . . *scavenge* Here's one . . . *dig, shuffle* Here's another. . . and now for the profiles!
I'm messing around, so please forgive me if they change randomly. :sweat:

Username: Esmme
Character name: Jayce Varda
Age: 18
Personality: Confident, considered cocky (at times), and ready to meet a challenge head on.
Appearance: Jayce

Username: Esmme
Character name: Isabella "Tweak" Jane
Age: 17
Personality: Wild, rebellious, and strange. Very . .. odd individual, really.
Appearance: Emo

-Jayce's Schedule-

Period 1: Math - Dem, Scott
Period 2: English - Mrs. Pasternack
Period 3: History - Tom Jefferson
Period 4: Science
-Plays volleyball after school

-Tweak's Schedule-

Period 1: English - Mrs. Pasternack
Period 2: Art - Lockwood, Jesse
Period 3: Math - Dem, Scott
Period 4: Science

Last edited by Esmme; 05-21-2010 at 05:28 AM..

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 03:48 AM

Name: Miles Furgeson
Personality:patient, eager to learn, inquisitive, socially akward, polite, somewhat nervous. Intelligent, friendly, creative. Respectful, musically gifted, persistent.

Name:Rhianwen Gerlich
Age: 18 1/2
Personality:quiet, keeps to self, uncomfortable around boys, curious, kind, stubborn, strong ((not just physically)), loyal, mysterious almost.

Last edited by stealthpanther; 03-28-2010 at 08:52 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 01:55 AM

((Question . . . the spirit/ghost thing has me on edge. Can we do "abilities or powers" instead? :XD I know, it sounds twitchy. -_-' Hope it's not a bother.))

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 04:20 AM

((no worries, of course we can!))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 05:27 AM

((*whew* Alright . . . where to start. ;) In class?? Or something akin to that? :lol: Sorry it's taking so long to start up.))

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 06:16 AM

((no worries, how about, beggining of school day?))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 09:28 PM

((School day. Gots it. ^_^ :boogie:))

Jayce sighed, waving to his friend as he stepped into the classroom. Math. He didn't struggle with it, but the teen certainly didn't enjoy it. Taking his seat, he smiled at his neighbor before pulling his book out of his messenger bag. Whipping out a pencil, he took a deep breath and stared at the board in the front of the room. The wait before classes was always so . . . tedious.
Someone bumped into his desk, and Jayce glanced up to see one of the cheerleaders - not one he knew, but he'd seen her around. The dark-haired youth grinned, giving a three-fingered wave and a wink before pulling out his phone - anything to get his attention away from the blonde sitting behind him.
The teacher stepped into the room a few minutes late, apologizing before calling out the page number for the day.
"About time," Jayce muttered to himself, flipping his book open with a smirk. He really enjoyed class . . . it was the people that usually drove him insane. No one would know that by the way he acted: popular, outgoing, and an all-around nice guy. But it was all just for show. Sure, he didn't have a problem being outgoing, or even nice. It was all the people that sometimes wore on his nerves. But again . . . he could deal with it. Especially if it was in school.
Smiling to himself, he brushed his long hair behind his ear before starting on his notes for the day. This is my home.

((I'll post for Bella later. :XD I think it might be smart if we came up for some sort of schedule for these guys . . . I know from experience that it's gonna get REALLY confusing really fast if we don't. :lol:))

-Jayce's Schedule-

Period 1: Math - Dem, Scott
Period 2: English - Mrs. Pasternack
Period 3: History
Period 4: Science
-Plays volleyball after school

-Tweak's Schedule-

Period 1: English - Mrs. Pasternack
Period 2: Art - Lockwood, Jesse
Period 3: Math - Dem, Scott
Period 4: Science

Last edited by Esmme; 04-01-2010 at 01:13 AM..

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-28-2010, 10:04 PM

((sounds good, here's my schedules:))


((drama class after school))

Five minutes into the class, the knob on the classroom door turned, indicating someone coming into the room. Pausing in the lesson, the teacher turned his gaze to the door on impuse, as most of the students did. In came a young female with red-blonde hair holding her sweater in a bundle. She carried the article of clothing too carefully and tenderly for her to just be holding a sweater for later use.

"Miss Gerlich. You're late. Do you have a tardy slip?"
"N-no sir....I just.."
"You know the rules. You cannot so rudely interrupt my class without a tardy slip. You're almost a graduate student, you should know better. Now put down your things and get a tardy slip."
"Y-yes sir, I know, but-"

She was cut off by a squirming sweater, a soft whine coming from within the soft folds. Rhianwen felt her face heat up in embarassment.


History was a good way to start the day. Study about the past so they could learn how to work with tommorow.
Miles sat in his seat and ignored most of the others, smiling and giving a sslight wave to his friends. One boy sat beside him, the two grinning at each other, Miles barely noticing the braces.
"Got your braces yesterday huh?"
"Yup, don't I look pretty?" Joked his companion.
Before he could respond, the teacher walked in, the signal for the adolecents to be quiet and take their seats. Scribbling on a spare piece of paper from his notebook, Miles passed the message to his friend.
I think today is Egypt, we're gonna smoke this next test
This being said, Miles and his best buddy began to jot down the notes and mark all the details. Pharoes, maat, Anubi and Ra, the rituals, the innovative designs. Everything fit into the puzzle, the web of his mind as he absorbed the lesson like a sponge.

Last edited by stealthpanther; 03-28-2010 at 10:24 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-29-2010, 12:36 AM

Jayce watched the girl enter the room with an expression of interest. When her sweater squirmed, he raised an eyebrow in interest. The teacher didn't seem to share that same interest. "Miss Gerlich, what have you brought into class with you this morning?"
Setting his pencil down, Jayce leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he watched the scene. It was something right off of a movie . . . right down to the poor girl blushing brightly. I kind of feel sorry for the girl. It probably wasn't her fault.

The class snickered as the emo-themed girl took a deep breath, lifting her head from her desk. "Mmm?" she mumbled, blinking slowly. Her brown eyes were lined in heavy black makeup, and the youth seemed as though she hadn't gotten any sleep the previous evening.
"Can you tell us if this is the appropriate use of a semicolon?" The teacher tapped on the board with her chalk, indicating a sentence scrawled there. The girl shook her head, and mumbled something under her breath.
"I don't know," Bella muttered, her forehead hitting the desk audibly. A few students whispered frantically. "Tweak" was at it again. "Sure."
The instructor of the class shook her head, resuming her lesson without pausing. "Tweak" sat up, brushing her red and black hair out of her face with black painted fingernails. For the rest of class, she merely messed with the sleeve of her bright yellow sweater, sighing to herself. I hate it here. Glaring at the desk in front of her, Tweak closed her eyes and leaned back . . . it would all end sooner or later.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-29-2010, 12:52 AM

With an expression of worry, Rhianwen reluctantly unfolded the top of the sweater, revealing a kitten who was so young that he couldn't open his eyes. The small handful of thin fur meowed pitifully. "I..I heard him on the way to school and found him in a dumpster..I..I couldn't just leave him there!"the female exclaimed softly, holding the defenseless creature close to her heart protectively. "I..I couldn't run home, so I thought I'd keep him with me until I can go home and care for him..please teacher..I..I didn't mean to be late.."

"Miss Isabella, would you be so kind as to straighten up and pay attention. If you are unable to do so, I must ask you to keep the noise- - which includes groaning, sighing, hitting your head, and rocking in your chair, to yourself. You need to stay quiet and not disturb my class. If you cannot manage that, I will need to send you to the office, now at least pretend to pay attention." With this, the teacher turned back to her lesson, ignoring the sleepy youth for the rest of the class.

Miles sat in class, upright and somewhat bored. Having allready finished the in class assignment, the dark haired male and his friend were eager to occupy their minds and time with something else. Thus, they ended up scribbling on a piece of notebook paper as many words as they could. The rules dictated that each word must start with the last letter of the previous word, and it had to be in a similar category. If the above word was a science term, the next had to be a science term as well.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 06:25 AM

((:lol: I like it!! Sorry for the delay. Mass class attack. :XD
Hmm. I think we should name the teachers. :) Pick which ones you want to name, and I'll name the rest. :yes:))

The Math instructor narrowed his gaze, sighing. "Sit," he demanded, pointing toward Rhianwen's empty desk. "I will speak with you after class."
Jayce slowly picked up his pencil again, glancing at the blushing teen out of the corner of his eye as she moved toward her seat. "Cute," he muttered, smiling. One of the guys near him chuckled, bumping his shoe with a foot. I really meant it that time, but hey. Let them think what they want. I don't flirt with every woman in the class. A guy can strike up conversation without it being something more than that, right?

Bella "listened" intently to the rest of the class period. Her notepad was open in front of her, and her pencil scribbled madly as the English teacher spoke. Really, everyone knew, she wasn't taking notes. She was either sketching, or writing out insults in her own code language. As usual. Reaching up to tug on the guitar pick that hung from her right ear, Isabella ignored the pencil that bounced off of her knee when class ended. Instead, she ripped her paper out of the notebook, crumpling it up tightly before launching it at the guy's head.
"You pencil doesn't jump off of desks of its own accord, dude." Glaring at the male, "Tweak" let her brown eyes bore into him, and she tapped her dark nails against the surface in front of her until she got up suddenly, snagging her bag and sneering. She was out in the hallway before anyone could say anything, her notebook in hand. Ramming some tall guy out of her way, Bella grumbled to herself about stupid classes and school. I do NOT want to be here. EVER.
She dropped her checkered backpack loudly beside her desk in her next class, not caring who she disturbed. Plopping down with a huffed breath, Tweak let her head rest against the table. Her head hurt . . . again. And she was dead tired. There had been very little sleep the previous evening . . . not after . . . that. There were so many bad events in her life that she didn't seem to be effected by them anymore. Right. Let them all think that.
Isabella Jane used to be just as her name sounded - a Jane. Boring, dull, shy, quiet, and predictable. She suddenly changed just in the past year or two, growing brash and rude, outspoken and sometimes brash. And now she could care less about how it effected everyone else.
Waiting for Art class to start, Bella let her brown eyes close, her hair keeping her face from the rest of the class.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 03-31-2010, 06:51 AM

"Yessir...." Rhianwen mumbled, looking down in distress as she headed to her desk, making herself ignore the snickering classmates near her. She was at it again. It was the 3rd time in the past 2 months that she had brought in a creature that she found either injured or being abused by cruel adolecents. She vaguely thought she heard the word 'cute' from one of the boys, but she ignored it, certain it was a teasing remark.

On his way to the tedious, uneventful English class, Miles felt himself roughly pushed aside by a young woman. Dark and sticking out like a sore thumb, the male sputtered at the sudden rude gesture. Miss, May I ask why you bumped into me?" he began, before another male walked up. "relax man, it's just 'Tweak'" "Tweak?" questioned the almost legally bling boy, blinking as he watched the yellow sweater dissappear into the crowd.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 12:05 AM

Jayce turned and slapped the guy who kept poking at him, and then chuckled before turning his attention back to the front of the room. That was Rhianwen - she was pretty much known as the one that took care of every stray that stumbled across her path. If it was small and cute, it was most likely on the girl's radar. With another chuckle to himself, Jayce picked up his pencil . . . and then the bell rang.
Ah, off to English. Gathering his things, Jayce brushed off one of the crude remarks made by his friend. "Darren! Hush!" Punching the jock's arm, he laughed quietly before slipping his messenger bag onto his shoulder. Casting a glance over the Rhianwen, he decided today he would take pity on the girl. After all, she'd missed an entire math class. It wasn't easy catching up in that particular class.
"You can borrow my notes to catch up," he said, moving to lean back against the desk closest to Rhianwen. Waving off his group of friends (who snickered and pointed), Jayce turned his golden-eyed gaze back to the girl carrying the kitten. "I'll let you borrow them if you want."

Tweak thought about the kid she'd ran into for a moment. What was his name? Max, or Miles, or something like that. It started with an "M." Groaning, Bella lifted her head from her desk, forcing herself to calm down. Being all emotional wasn't something she liked . . . but it was certainly something that was happening to her more often.
Choking on the sudden feeling of tears, she snagged a paintbrush and moved toward the shelf that held her drawings and sketches, canvas material and other supplies. Picking out one that looked particularly . . . painful . . . she quickly moved back to her desk, seating herself quietly. Everything she needed soon followed - black, red, gold, silver and copper paint was swiftly applied, as well as a bit of rough looking wear as she scrubbed at a few spots.
Falling into her work of Melancholy, Isabella's brown eyes darted over her art as she messed with it.

"Yeah," a tall, gangly girl moved up toward Miles and the boy talking. She snorted with laughter. "Tweak. Isabella Jane, the most normal girl here." It was true at one point. She had been bland a few years back. "Tweak is having another tantrum, poor little thing." Stifling another bout of laughter, the girl headed off in a different direction as her friends called to her.

((Hmmm. Mind if I name the Math and Art teachers? :D))

stealthpanther is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 12:22 AM

((By all means, go ahead! I shall name ze history and english teachers. By the way, ish my formatting easy enough to read?))

Before the female could approach the teacher for her lecture, she found herself stopped. By one of the most popular guys in the entire school. Eyes wide and face flushed, Rhianwen took a step back. Why was he talking to her? Had his friends dared him to as a joke? It had happened before. Swallowing hard, the shy teen tried to calm herself down. You're an adult now dammit! Act like one, be confident, don't let them step all over you. Just pretend you're on stage. Inwardly sighing, she found herself once more unable to listen to her inner conscience. Almost meeting the boy's eyes, Rhianwen found her voice. "T-Thank you for the offer....But..I wouldn't want to take away your might need them. I'm ok with math. I-It was..very kind of you to offer me help. U-um..Please excuse me!" with this, the petite female dodged the handsome classmate, going to the teacher to get her scolding over with. The kitten was still clutched protectively in her arms.

Turning to face the giggling teenager, Miles frowned in distaste and dissaproval. Why were some people so mean?! He firmly believed males were nowhere near as bad as females when it came ti tormenting and making others miserable. Guys were physical, and usually reacted outwardly, but once done, they tended to cool off. Girls would silently degrade and humiliate a person and make them break from the inside out.
Once done with his thoughts, the dark haired bookworm tapped the retreating girl's shoulder. "That was very mean of you miss. I don't see why that was called for. She hasn't done anything to you, why do you speak so harshly of her? I'm sure it hurts her to be teased and mocked so much. Perhaps you should apologize or try to get to know her better." He failed to notice several people looking at him as though he had sprouted a second head.

Last edited by stealthpanther; 04-01-2010 at 12:30 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 12:49 AM

Jayce watched Rhianwen dash past him, and he chuckled as one of his lingering friends, Darren, made a panicked expression appear on his face. The youth then moved toward the door. At least I tried. Heading to his next class, English, the tall youth waved to a few of the upper-classmen peers of his, nodding when they asked how he was doing. This was pretty much how it was all the time. Even if he knew no one in the room, a few of them were bound to know of him at least.
Stepping into the English room, the dark-haired male pushed Darren by, laughing as he spoke of drowning kittens. "You couldn't if you tried!" he called after him, turning to find his place in the classroom.
Only five minutes until class starts.

"Huh?" the cheerleader frowned at Miles, giving him a once over. "Oh, you're . . ." She cut herself off, tossing her blond hair over one shoulder. "You wouldn't understand." Rolling her eyes, and gaining a few giggles from her posse, she sniffed in disdain. "Didn't you know? Tweak lost it about two years ago. You try hanging out with a freak like her."
Spinning on her heel, she waltzed amongst the other cheerleaders where they immediately started giggling about the way Miles was defending the "Tweak."

stealthpanther is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 01:05 AM

Rhianwen quickly found her math teacher, hoping his lecture wouldn't take too long as she'd be allowed a tardy slip for her next class. Art. If she was lucky, perhaps the scolding would be short enough- -say 2 or 3 minutes- and she could get to class without being late. With this bubble of hope, the animal-loving senior approached the teacher. "Sir...You wished to see me?" she spoke up, petting the kitten soothingly so he wouldn't cry.

"Already busy I see Miss Isabella. Just be sure to clean up afterwards." Said a kind voice as the art instructor walked into the colorful, messy, lively studio. Several fellow classmates walked in, almost all of them snickering and whispering "Tweak" to each other if they came near her. Soon, only one seat was open, the one beside Isabella.

Miles frowned even more, shaking her head. "Even more of a reason to talk to her and be her friend. Perhaps she would be better if someone was kind to her..." Sighing as the majority of his peers walked off to class, Miles stepped into the English room. Mrs. Pasternack wasn't a bad teacher, or mean perse, she just taught a subject that was too easy for the intelectually gifted Miles.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 01:29 AM

The Math instructor, Mr. Dem, raised an eyebrow at Rhianwen approached him, and he pulled his glasses off of his face wearily. "Animals are not allowed in the building, Miss Gerlich." By now, she knew as much. Everyone did. "Must I keep reminding you?" Shuffling a few papers around, the teacher dug up a slip. "This is the third time this semester," he said with a sigh, scribbling a few things onto the detention slip. "I'm sorry, but you have detention after school with Mrs. Pasternack." Mr. Dem paused. "Without the cat."
Tucking the pink slip into the sweater beside the kitten, the instructor then turned his attention to a struggling student.

Tweak looked up from her art with a dazed expression as though she was coming out of a world of her own. It was the dizzying effect of being so far into her work. Glancing to the teacher, Jesse Lockwood (who insisted on being called Jesse), she gave a mirthless smile before wiping a smear of black paint off of her cheek.
Her brown eyes moved to the canvas before her - a mess. Or, at first that's what it seemed to be. If one looked hard enough, they'd see what looked like gold and silver peeking through in rough patches, the vague form of a woman being roughed up with "bruises" of copper and red. Little of the actual canvas showed through, and the uneven layers and thick globs of slow drying paint made the picture look plagued, sick.
Ignoring the rest of the class diligently, Bella blinked rapidly, using a mixture of silver and copper to paint her initials in the right-hand corner.
This is me.

Jayce glanced up when another student walked in, noting that the boy . . . was it Max, or Miles? Something with an "M". . . looked slightly peeved. Turning his attention back to the bit of homework that sat on the edge of his desk, done (as usual), the youth crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.
Mrs. Pasternack walked into the room with her arms full of books and papers, as usual. With a slight smile, Jayce tucked his hair behind his ear before standing, feeling obligated to help the instructor. Wordlessly catching a few papers as they fluttered to the ground behind her, the tall male set them on the teacher's desk with a grin. Always like this. Everything was so familiar here. In fact, the school itself was a sort of haven for him. He didn't really want to leave . . . especially after starting his most recent study. Though some people might call it a wild leap, he believed that there might actually be people with "abilities" out in the world somewhere. Nothing like what the X-Men portrayed, but possibly something close to that.
Shaking his head to draw himself back to the present, Jayce nodded to Mrs. Pasternack before returning to his seat.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 01:45 AM

Rhianwen nodded, sadness in her eyes. "W-will I have to miss Drama class Mr. Dem sir?"the distraught female asked, before noticing the look on his face. Clearly he was done with her, and he wanted her to leave. She'd have to get an answer later. Walking out, she made it to Art just before the bell rang. Seeing the empty seat, Rhianwen tried to be as inconspicuous as possible as she sat beside the lone Isabella. Looking over at the painting, the senior exclaimed softly. "T-That's really good. I's so well done and pretty..but...but so sad and painful too. I-Is it someone close to you? Or could it b-" she stopped, realizing how intrusive she was. Face flushed, she felt guilt pour through her as she apologized. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! That was rude of me, I should mind my own buisiness." Rhianwen looked at the table before flinching, the teacher had seen her. "Miss Rhianwen, What do you have with you today? A bird? Lizard? Dog? Ferret? Mouse?" "Cat sir.."

Rolling his eyes, Miles ignored the jocks as usual. Seeing Mrs. Pasternack in need of assistance, he too rushed to help, somewhat surprised to see one of the popular boys, a jock, helping as well. Miles would be even more surprised if he knew about Jayce's recent interest. Little did he know, the two were of like minds on the subject. The ever-inquisitive and eager to learn Miles was facinated by the paranormal, and even more so by nature and it's wonders. There was undoubtedly powers and forces that existed beyong explanation. It only made sense that somewhere in the world would be people who could control such things.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 03:43 AM

Isabella looked up from her work again, staring at Rhianwen blankly as she stuttered her apology. Her brown eyes moved back to her work slowly as the teacher, Jesse, stepped up to see what the other girl had tucked in her sweater. Acting like she was ignoring them both, Tweak watched out of the corner of her eye. If there was one thing that interested her, despite her roughly punk-themed look, it was small animals.
"A cat?" Jesse Lockwood repeated, raising an eyebrow. The teacher was in his thirties, and stroked his soul-patch in thought. "I'm going to let it slip one more time, Rhianwen. Only one more time." Holding up one finger to eccentuate his point, the art teacher moved to pet the kitten's tiny head. "Don't bring any more animals into the school, Gerlich. Understand?"
Beside them, Bella raised her eyes to the little mewling kitten, and she smiled a bit. They were so full of innocense and were cuter than anything in the world. Nothing could top a cat infant, especially when they got their fluffy fur.

Jayce sat down, nodding to one of the other popular kids who greeted him. Glancing over to the "unpopulars," he smiled in one kid's direction. He'd heard once that a smile can change someone's day, sometimes even their life. There was a story that one of the teachers loved to tell that made Jayce himself think about the morals.
There was a student who was picked on all the time, and he was on his way home from school. All day he'd been planning how to end his life that evening: a knife or the rope from the curtains? While he was walking, two of the bullies that usually plagued him ambushed him, taking his wallet and beating the poor guy senseless. Of course, at that moment another student walked by and told the bullies to stop. They ran off, and with a smile, he reached down to help the suicide-bound boy to his feet. They became best friends from that point on. Graduation hit, and the once-deathly child told the story - no one else had known of his plans for that night.
The very thought of a story like that made Jayce smile at even the saddest of individuals. After all, a smile brings a lot of joy . . . and it's free. Leaning forward in his seat, the youth paid close attention to the teacher as she rattled on about similies and coloquialisms (I don't know if I spelled those right. :sweat:).

stealthpanther is offline
Old 04-01-2010, 05:27 AM

Rhianwen was greatful for the teacher's understanding and letting her slide, but she felt the need to explain. "B-but sir, I could no sooner leave a newborn infant in the garbage! I looked around to see if he got lost from his mother, but..but someone threw him away. It wouldn't be right if I were to leave a defenseless creature if it were sick or beaten or alone. I will tryu not to, but, but I can't promise to not step in if a creature or person can't take care of themselves." Noticing the girl beside her, Rhianwen detected curiousity and could swear she saw a smile. "W-wanna pet or hold him?" the shy female whispered. Animals were good friends, and good therapy.

Avidly paying attention, Miles adjusted his glasses as he took notes, then finished the rules and examples ahead of the teacher. Bored, the young man payed little attention to Mrs. Pasternack as he took out the assignment book, Reading the passge and completing the homework she was bound to assign the next day. And the next day. And the next day. Soon, he noticed it was quiet, and he sensed many pairs of eyes on him. Looking up with a nervous smile, Miles looked around. Everyone seemed to be waiting for him. Mrs. Pasternack sighed. Why was it every time she asked him a question, he was so far ahead that he didn't know what was going on?

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 10:39 PM

Bella smiled slightly, reaching foward to stroke the kitten's head. "I think she did the right thing," the youth said, her brown eyes barely visable behind her fringe of dark hair.
Jesse sighed, and patted the sweater gently. "I'm not saying she did the wrong thing," he said, shaking his head. "You did what was right. I wouldn't have left him there either. But you can't bring stray animals into school, Gerlich. It's against the rules." His attention was swiftly called by another student, and he gave Rhianwen a purposeful look before turning away from her.
Tweak smiled, petting the little kitten still. "Is it a boy or a girl?" she asked quietly.

Jayce glanced to the boy in question, a slight smile on his face. "Question four," he whispered, nudging his foot with his own. They sat next to each other, surprizingly. "Page 324." In the silence that followed, a few disapproving and mocking titters sounded from a few classmates. Mrs. Pasternack remained waiting, her arms crossed as she watched Miles.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 04-07-2010, 11:00 PM

"Boy I think." Rhianwen replied softly, petting the kitten as she glanced at her teacher and the girl beside her in surprise. They agreed she did the right thing? That made her happy. Not wanting to accept the kind teacher, the female nodded in understanding. "Y-yessir Mr. Jesse, I'll try not to."
The kitten meanwhile began to mewl softly, hungry as it was without a mother's milk.

Miles felt his ears and far cheeks burn in embarassment. Before he could stammer out that he didn't know, he looked back at the section the young man, Jayce, mentioned.
"Which line in paragraph 2 indicates a metaphor? Passage 2, line 18 uses the words 'liquid flame and heat' to signify lava."
With a sigh of relief, Miles smiled gratefully at the fellow classmate beside him. "Thanks" he mouthed.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-09-2010, 05:47 AM

Tweak smiled, and then moved to sit back at her desk. "What are you working on?" she asked, drawing her brown eyes away from the kitten for a few moments before they resumed lingering on it's squirming form. The youth went back to her . . . dark artwork, reaching for her brush and dipping it in gold once again. "Anything big?"

Jayce chuckled, and nodded to Miles as the class moved on. Mrs. Pasternack seemed a bit perturbed that the boy had answered so readily, even though he noticably hadn't been paying attention. Class seemed to take forever . . . but it eventually dwindled in time until it came to the point where the instructor let them work on homework to catch up - if one needed it, it was valuable time. Unfortunately, not many took advantage of it. Instead, they broke into cliques, cell phones out and mouths moving constantly as the level of noise rose.
Brushing his long hair out of his face, Jayce leaned over to nudge Miles again. "What were you doing?" he asked, looking toward the youth's work - he valiantly ignored the slap on his shoulder as one of the jocks made a joke that he'd conveniently missed. "You aren't the type to slack off from what I've seen."

stealthpanther is offline
Old 04-15-2010, 01:06 AM

Rhianwen shook her head, petting the kitten gently as she looked over at the one called 'Tweak.' "N-no, nothing really. I wanted to paint a panther, protecting her kittens from an enemy. I can't get the expression right though, she needs to be more fierce." Looking over at the other girl's art once more, the young red-head admired it some more. "I-It really is well done, beautiful but so sad and lonely....It makes me want to comfort someone..." After a few moments, Rhianwen raised her hand, needing to speak with Jesse.

Flushing slightly in embarassment, Miles rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Nothing really, just getting ahead of myself as usual. I finished the homework and was just reading ahead. Thanks again for helping me out by the way. Jayce...right?" replied the boy, feeling extremely uncomfortable around the jocks and popular men in his class. He vaguely wondered why Jayce helped him, and why he was interested....did he want something from him?


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