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Old 12-28-2007, 08:42 PM

I'm planning on going to see it Sunday with my mom. We're both really excited, I mean besides the wonderful cast and the prospect of Johnny Depp signing, the story really sounds interesting ^^ Course my mom just seems excited about the singing prospect.

Fiery Griffin
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Old 12-28-2007, 10:15 PM

Has anyone gone to see the movie, the one starring Johnny Depp? I'm going to go and see that tonight with some of my friends, I'll report back later,

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Old 12-29-2007, 03:30 AM

I just saw that movie with my best friend and it was INCREDIBLE. When I first saw the trailer a few months ago, I knew that it was going to be amazing. It was everything I expected it to be, and it was definitely one of the best Tim Burton films I had seen. I loved everything about it: the music, the scenery, the wardrobe, the plot, the cast, the copious amounts of gore...

I may not be Little Miss Gothic Black Sunshine, but I think it's safe to say that I loved that movie. [: I MUST OBTAIN IT WHEN ITS OUT ON DVD.

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Old 12-29-2007, 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by Servant_of_Victory
I'm planning on going to see it Sunday with my mom. We're both really excited, I mean besides the wonderful cast and the prospect of Johnny Depp signing, the story really sounds interesting ^^ Course my mom just seems excited about the singing prospect.
Would your mom be excited about all the blood and violence?

Teive is offline
Old 12-30-2007, 12:32 AM

That movie was great. I loved it! I want to watch it again. It's all I can talk about at the fact I saw it with the avi above me. n_n I'm glad you she took me to see it. Johnny Depp was great. I loved all the lovely blood.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 12-30-2007, 05:35 PM

I saw it on Friday, and am going to see it again... It's been a long time since I've seen a (new) musical this good. (I know that it isn't actually new; the story's old, and the production is a few decades old, but the film itself--I loved it) The acting was great, and I personally enjoyed the coloring. Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp were given exaggerated complexions, and the blood was a bit fake looking--but that added to the surreal quality. I was impressed to notice that they all sang well....

I also liked the Anthony Steward Head appearance. <3

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Old 12-31-2007, 12:54 AM

I've only seen some of the play thanks to youtube...and I can't wait to watch the whole movie (Johnny Depp! eee!)

I actually find the idea of eating human flesh very disgusting but even though Sweeny Todd is based on a true story - (except for the love affair of course) - I love it already.
It seems to be a really strange but exciting and interesting tale.


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Old 01-01-2008, 11:37 PM

I'd love to watch it, but I'm scared of the bloody parts. ><;
It seems really interesting, though. If it wasn't as scary and bloody I'd go watch it.

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Old 01-03-2008, 09:13 PM

i love this movie, it was so funny in a way but it was awesome. Spoiler.
Anthony was so funny, he keep singing Joanna..... i like that part. also i dont like the part where human are eating human, it just horrible and stuff. the blood look so fake. still, the ending was so sad, why did she not tell Todd that his wife was alive, why does she tell him that his wife is dead. but it was sad that she died though, she love him so much and it was really odvious that he was going to push her into the fire too. Mr.Todd almost kill his own daughter, he kill his own wife. that was sad for him. and i think the boy gone crazy too because of all that had happen plus it was discusting that when he eat the cake, he found a finger nail, a Finger Nail!!? and he didn't freak out, if it was me, i would be freaking out and yell and stuff. well, at least at the end of the movie, their one couple the end up happy and those who have watch the movie should know, it Antony and Joanna.

Teshia is offline
Old 01-03-2008, 09:31 PM

I want to see this film badly as well. I loved the fact that Burton had no idea Depp could sing until he auditioned him for the part of Sweeny Todd. It's great to have best friends isn't it?

Reita Is Love
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Old 01-05-2008, 12:25 AM

Yes. Sweeney Todd is amazing.

I have seen the original stage production and I was really hoping to see the movie. Unfortunately my theater won't play it. Johnny Depp is my favorite actor and he can actually sing pretty well, same to say with Helena Bonham carter.

Hopefully I'll get to see it soon. Just having the soundtrack on my iPod and the CD isn't enough. Lol.

Spencer is offline
Old 01-05-2008, 03:11 AM

I saw it the night it came out. It was so good. ^__^ But terribly sad in some parts.

OBJECTION is offline
Old 01-08-2008, 07:24 AM

Originally Posted by torhu_anime
i love this movie, it was so funny in a way but it was awesome. Spoiler.
Anthony was so funny, he keep singing Joanna..... i like that part. also i dont like the part where human are eating human, it just horrible and stuff. the blood look so fake. still, the ending was so sad, why did she not tell Todd that his wife was alive, why does she tell him that his wife is dead. but it was sad that she died though, she love him so much and it was really odvious that he was going to push her into the fire too. Mr.Todd almost kill his own daughter, he kill his own wife. that was sad for him. and i think the boy gone crazy too because of all that had happen plus it was discusting that when he eat the cake, he found a finger nail, a Finger Nail!!? and he didn't freak out, if it was me, i would be freaking out and yell and stuff. well, at least at the end of the movie, their one couple the end up happy and those who have watch the movie should know, it Antony and Joanna.
The thing is, Mrs. Lovett says at the end that she never said that Lucy died. And that's right. All she said was that Lucy poisoned herself.

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Old 01-08-2008, 07:31 AM

So can NOT wait for this film to come out here. Sadly, it looks like I shall be going to see it alone >_> Pft some people have no taste. I love Sweeny Todd.

Seiki Nova
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Old 01-08-2008, 08:24 AM

I still haven't seen this movie. No one wants to go and see it with me, and I can't just go alone : (

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Old 01-25-2008, 01:21 AM

I finally saw it this afternoon. And I'm still in awe. It wasn't quite what I expected, but it was well worth the obscene amount of money I had to pay to get into the movie theatre.

I swear, Alan Rickman can do no wrong. I love the man even if I hate the character he's portraying.

fr00glet3hm00gle is offline
Old 01-25-2008, 04:22 PM

I'd love to see Sweeny Todd

CupCake Fairy
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Old 01-25-2008, 09:56 PM

Ha. Ive seen it. It was good movie and the singing was good to. Better then Hair Spray

Mrs. Lovett has Sexy Hair. I want it D:

Scott Zombie
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Old 01-26-2008, 10:07 AM

I haven't seen it yet I really want to, i was suppose to see it about a week ago when it came out but we saw mad money instead and it was really good movie i recommend to go seee mad money or juno

foggyday is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 05:32 AM

i just watched..Orz.
it has great singings and everything.but still very disgusted by it.orz

k i w i
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Old 02-05-2008, 02:16 AM

The movie made my think for about a week after i saw it. O.o
Now I can't stop listening to the soundtrack. Speaking of which, I'm listening to... Hrmm, By the Sea, at the moment, that is.
I'm absolutly in love with the whole thing, from the singing to the themes to the acting and what not.
I want to cry everytime I hear Johanna. I can't believe how close Sweeney was to his wife and daughter. Makes me tear up.
-dies- Mrs. Lovett is my idol <333 I don't think she deserved to die. She was just blinded by love. -sigh- I hope I love someone like that oneday.
Anyways, I'm done ranting... ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE MOVIE EVA!

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Old 02-12-2008, 12:24 PM

This movie is fantastic, gross in parts I'll give you, but fantastic. The singing was well done and just about everyone gave fantastic performances. All the really bad fake blood reminded me of the horror films I used to watch when I was 11, so amusing moments of nostalgia. And of course it has two of my favorite actors in Johnny Depp and Alan Rickman, they're both so good to watch.

And I really want to get a hold of some of Mrs. Lovett dresses they were amazing, especially the last one, so pretty!

Master of Malpractice
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Old 02-12-2008, 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by Knerd

Words just can't describe how excited I am to see this movie.
It combines everything I love in this world:
live-action Tim Burton
and Alan Rickman.

I'm going to try to get into town on opening night to see it. I can only hope the the movie actually comes to my town, but I'll con someone into driving me into the city if I have to.
Depp does sing his own songs, the only dubbing was done to increase the effect of the sound... All the characters sing their own songs...

Star Valo
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Old 02-12-2008, 09:58 PM

I love this Movie!
I Saw it about a week ago now and i hav bought the soundtrack, backing tracks, a poster and 2 books.

The first Killing caught me off guard, but after I got over it, I loved the movie :D

Johnny Depp + Helena Bonham Carter = Brilliant
My favorite Actor and Actress :)

amyleto is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 02:53 AM

I've been wanting to go out and see this movie since I first heard that they were going to be making it. I still haven't seen it yet, though. We looked it up the other day, and it was no longer playing in theaters nearby. I guess I have to wait until it comes to video, now. :cry:


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