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Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:35 PM


well, for now I'll be probably pretty alone here, but the heck xD xD

Welcome to Menewsha's Official Art Whore Guild, a place for every art fan, that enjoys collecting stuff of their own characters, stalking artists and sometimes drastically jumping at them to snatch from them some art xD xD

Taken from OGAWG, Official Gaian Art Whore Guild, which I am a member of:
art-whore ( ärt-hôr) n. A person who fanatically collects artwork from other artists, whether by commissioning, art-trades, gift art, or by other means. The person typically has a particular character which their commissioned artwork usually focuses on.
From the latin term Artous Collectus Compellious
I hope we'll all have fun around, and show each other our most prized belongings :3

1. Have at least 30 pictures in your collection
2. Have all the commissions stored in a public gallery. Photobucket can do, but it must not be password-protected.

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:36 PM


1. Yumehayla - Gallery - 1310 pieces of art
2. Tittri - Gallery - 304 pieces of art
3. kairek - Gallery - 44 pieces of art
4. Innie - Gallery - ? pieces of art
5. Jitsumi1221 - Gallery - 153 pieces of art
6. fongmingyun - Gallery - 394 pieces of art
7. Mou - Gallery - 67 pieces of art
8. Alexi - Gallery - 144 pieces of art
9. luciole - Gallery - x pieces of art
10. sekiyoku - Gallery - 205 pieces of art
11. Sizzla - Gallery - 139 pieces of art
12. Zenobia - Gallery currently down - 300 pieces of art
13. chibiwizard - Gallery - around 110 pieces of art
14. ueno - Gallery - 58 pieces of art
15. [ Maxxyne ] - Gallery - 500 pieces of art
16. Tagia - Gallery - 335 pieces of art
17. shosho - Gallery - x pieces of art
18. Ise - Gallery - 262 pieces of art
19. Anoni - Gallery - 147 pieces of art
20. Vilhelmina - Gallery - 55 pieces of art
21. Aliena - Gallery - 237 pieces of art
22. Azure - Gallery - x pieces of art
23. Dark_Maiden_Queen - Gallery - x pieces of art
24. Aerysta - Gallery - 178 pieces of art
25. Tre Le Coco - Gallery - x pieces of art
26. Sirenz - Gallery - x pieces of art
27. Winnsome - Gallery - x pieces of art
28. LunaMiel - Gallery - x pieces of art
29. Starshine - Gallery - 100 pieces of art
30. Rvaya - Gallery - x pieces of art
31. Noir Kalenthiel - Gallery - x pieces of art
32. Saganu - Gallery Gallery2 - x pieces of art
33. Jupiter - Gallery in redesign
34. Lilith W - Gallery - x pieces of art

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:37 PM


Official Menewshan Art Whore Guild Art Exchange
okay, everyone! The First Official Menewshan Art Whore Guild Art Exchange is here! He're's your list of participants, and who to draw!
1. Yumehayla draws kairek
2. kairek draws Jitsumi1221
3. Innie draws Mou
4. Jitsumi1221 draws Innie
5. Mou draws Yumehayla

you have one month to finish the drawing, but a good advice, don't leave it till the last moment xDDDD. And, have fun xD!

Requests for the exchange:
1. Yumehayla
my singer, Oruha: [x][x][x][x]
2. kairek
Whiro *I know how he looks xDDD*
3. Innie
4. Jitsumi1221
either of the two:
A'iel Van Roarke (female)-
[x] [x] [x]
things of note, she only has 1 wing (on her left side), she always has her tattoo's and forehead gem, and her eyes are silvery lilac (no iris)
Cypress Donahue (male) -
[x] [x] [x] [x]
things of note, he has teal snake eyes, scales on his face are a dull bronze color. his hair should look metallic copper like a new penny. and er? he doesnt smile.. he smirks.
5. Mou
her Yumi: [x][x]

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:38 PM

Okays, enough posts xD xD....wonder if any maniacs other than me are around here, and active xDDD

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Tittri is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:39 PM

WEWT :D Art whores unite!
Incomplete collection XD

tanarif984 is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:42 PM

I just dont keep the gallery of the art i get.

But i love art nonetheless.

Tittri - What do you mean Incomplete? Dont you mean Over COmplete?

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Tittri is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by tanarif984
I wouldnt mind being a member.

I just dont keep the gallery of the art i get.

But i love art nonetheless.

Tittri - What do you mean Incomplete? Dont you mean Over COmplete?
Not all the I have is in there yet XD

plus I'll never stop collecting! XD

Otohime is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:48 PM

Can I join? I don't have my gallery online, though... ;-;

tanarif984 is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by Tittri
Originally Posted by tanarif984
I wouldnt mind being a member.

I just dont keep the gallery of the art i get.

But i love art nonetheless.

Tittri - What do you mean Incomplete? Dont you mean Over COmplete?
Not all the I have is in there yet XD

plus I'll never stop collecting! XD
Well thats good.

I had a collection of art i got but then i lost it all...

I cant even remember where it was..

I try so hard to but i know ill never remember.

It wasnt much though, like 3 or 4 pages compared to your massive 'incomplete collection'.

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Tittri is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:53 PM

aww D:

but yea. I've lost a few over the years as well.

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:53 PM

whee, members xD!
Actually, I'd like all members to store their galleries online, even on photobucket *like me xD* Raesha once said, what's the point of whoring art, if nobody can see it xD?

*adds Ana xD*

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Tittri is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 06:57 PM

So... what's everyone's favorite pieces they've gotten so far? :D

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 07:17 PM

hm...good question :3.... *goes to fly through her gallery xD* gimme a minute xD
and in the meantime, count your collection xD

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Tittri is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 07:21 PM

304 XD Or more unless I have some on the other computer

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 07:43 PM

So, my favorite commission list xDDD! Since I've got too many to pick just one T^T:

1. One of my first pictures, and so breathtaking....A kiriban I caught from Delurianne, who still is one of my favorite artists :

It was accompanied by these lyrics:
And as the evening comes and the bars of freedom fall
I watch the two of you on the shadows on the wall
And when the darkness steals some of the choices from my hand
that's when I begin to understand.

And together pictured the mood so -perfectly-, that I decided I'll never stop art-whoring in my life xDDD. So, that picture is the cause of me being here xDD

2. Another, much later kiriban from the same artist xD:

3. Luciole art. Who would not love that?

4. The craziest interpretation of my character I've ever seen. I can't not love it xDD

5. Ecthelian kiriban. How lucky can I be xD? I love this drawing style, though Enoch looks too much like a seme here xD

6&7. Mitamicham chibis. why, oh why is the artist not on Gaia anymore T^T? And I have no idea how he made them so shiny o.o

8. Last, but not least, Mara by Alexandrea Zenne...I'm waiting for 2 more commissions from her right now^^

Ofcourse there's a LOT more xDDDD...but I tried to pick as little of them as possible xDD

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Tittri is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 08:01 PM

I have lot of favorites as well XD Mine are XD
By Synister. Such a unique interpretation XD He calls it his Wasabi art
Another freebie, by Kheleksul this time XD
By Nicallel of Me and Qriss on Gaia.
Simple and clean and so in character XD I want to be able to do marker art like this. By KandaYuu on Gaia
By Tinkachan D: <3333 So perfect. EVER
Omg. How cool is this. XD Honestly, I love funky styles
By tora!tora! Not on gaia anymore I think
Kiriban from Kaizeru :D
And of course, Woe art.

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 08:10 PM

wow xDDD...I love strange styles too, so unique, and you can tell the artist has worked on his style :3...

And I'm in love with that Synister art *0*....was it a commission? gaia/rl? expensive? I waaaaaaaaaaaaant >.<


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Tittri is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 08:12 PM

Freebie XD

He had a gaia auction a few weeks ago. but it ended

He does RL commissions too for a rather cheap price IMO. XD But he's closed at the moment

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 08:23 PM

damn xD xD
but with my luck he's probably a paypal-only person xDDD...whatever, care to link me :3? it's INCREDIBLE. *luffluff*

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Tittri is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 08:25 PM

Somewhere in his journals XD

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kairek is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 08:37 PM

you can add me but i'm not a real art whore xD; i'm not a maniac.

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 08:38 PM

wow, really nice :3
*will stalk him xD xD*
my rl-commissions are quite rare, mostly cause I'm shamelessly paypalless...but still I managed to snatch quite a few pictures that I could never get through Gaia xDD

Originally Posted by kairek
you can add me but i'm not a real art whore xD; i'm not a maniac.
I have your gallery link, but how many pictures do you have xD?

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kairek is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 08:46 PM

44 withaut masive chibi art by fifi

most of it are copule pic xd;

Yumehayla is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 09:18 PM

most recent picture I got ~<3

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kairek is offline
Old 02-21-2007, 09:23 PM

nice one


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