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do you think pigeons have feelin...
Iltu is offline
Old 03-18-2009, 06:49 PM

I live far away from Georgia. Far, far away in the Land of Lollipops and Grinning Tulips. And here's what went down: I totally had a plane ticket. Thing is, I don't have the money for travel. The airplane people gave me the ticket for free, seeing as I was their first ever customer from the Land of Lollipops and Grinning Tulips, and they really wanted me to promote them in my country. Thing is, they made it really clear: if I miss the plane, they wouldn't give me another free ticket.

A few hours before the plane took off, I asked my mom to drive me to the airport, like we'd been talking about all week.
"I don't remember that," she said.
"But mom," I cried, "you promised!"
"Did I?" she asked.
"OH MY GAWWWWWWWD!" I screamed, breaking windows. "YOU ARE RUINING MY LIFE!"
"That is no way to talk to your mother!" she snapped, clearly furious with me. "There is no way I will take you to the airport now!"
"Please mom?" I begged. "I will do anything!"
"Okay," my mother finally agreed, "I'll take you if you wash the cat."

Well. We all know how washing a cat goes. The details are pretty horrific. I respect that there are some queasy people on this site. I mean, even those with stomachs of steel might throw up in their mouths a little if I told you everything that happened to me in the process of attempting to wash the cat.

Suffice it to say I eneded up in the hospital, out cold. I woke up right before my plne departed! I was so happy! I was going to make it! But then my mom said, "You didn't get behind his ears! No way will I take you to the airport now, you slacker."

So there you have it. I couldn't go to Momocon because I had to wash my cat. :gonk:

If I by some miricle get chosen, I'd like a female shirt, please. :3

I'm a little teapot short and st...
Send a message via AIM to Clorissa Send a message via MSN to Clorissa
Clorissa is offline
Old 03-18-2009, 07:14 PM

Well, CK, telling you my reason for not going to Momocon might get me killed. However, for the sake of possibly receiving one of those wonderful shirts (female, please.. If I win one <3), I'll reveal as much as I can.
In the terrible, cheese-scented wilderness that is Wisconsin, I was attacked by three wild chinamen. They came out of the pine trees and just ninja'd my ass. So, as I was lying in a pool of my own bloody snowmush, this FBI guy rode up in his FBI snowmobile and was like, "homg, I must help you@1shift1!!11"

After being taken care of by some crazy FBI guys in eskimo suits, they had me describe to them these ninja chinamen, and came out with a picture looking very similar to a small monkey. Obviously, these men were incompetent. However, because I have no money and am confined to this horrible wisconsinland, I decided to stay and persue my near-killers.
After catching these monkey-chinamen ninjas and putting them to death, I was deposited back at my home just as the con ended :(.

Last edited by Clorissa; 03-19-2009 at 01:36 PM..

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 03-18-2009, 07:59 PM

@CK: Well dear, I don't know if this will make you "entralled" but This is the truth so, here we go:

I was seconds from making my plane reservation to Georgia, when all of a sudden my husband calls me from Florida and tells me that he didn't get his citizenship approved and needed me ASAP to fight for him. As you know, or well atleast alot of people know in menewsha, my husband and I are currently living in different states. So since now that he needed me, I reluctantly changed my plane reservation from Georgia to Florida. *sigh* I was punching pillows at this point because I really wanted to be there. I love my husband and I am willing to do almost anything for him but I was just in Florida two weeks before. He knew I wanted to go to this convention so bad. I guess he figured the whole citizenship denial was serious and needed me to fix it. I completely understand the seriousness of his dilemma but now I have to travel AGAIN to damn Florida to bail out my husband once more. And all I got for a present on Vday was an Ipod touch... >>; Well, I am not so mad...its a pretty nice device and I use it alot. But thats beside the point. I do a bunch of stuff for him and I deserve more than an ipod touch!!... but I digress...
Anyways, going down to Florida ...I always pick out the window seat. And I happen to glance down at Georgia when the pilot told us we were just above it. I was balling!!!! Seriously!!! One of the Flight attendants were asking me, "whats wrong Miss?" and I simply replied "Momocon" with tears streaming down my cheeks and clear liquid slowly oozing out of my nostrils. Yeah, it wasn't a pretty sight to see and I would apologize to the flight attendant if I could. But she just handed me a tissue and moved on. >> Damn, Sadist!

Anyways, I arrived at Florida and all I could think about is Momocon. I knew it was happening on this very weekend I had to fly to Florida. I was biting my tongue alot. I didn't want to take out my aggression on innocent bystanders in the airport.

Once my husband picked me up. I didn't say much. I didn't want to because I knew I would blow up with him. He simply smiled at me and said " I am happy you are here to help me darling", I just looked at him and eyed him suspiciously and said "Momocon" and then I reverted my eyes back on the road. There were no more words exchanged during that drive.

The weekend passed, I went to the immigration place with my husband. I argued my heart out. I might as well since I missed the convention, right? The immigration services will feel the Wrath of Esme. I decided to blame it all on them! Its teir fault I didn't get to go. Screw them all!!!! But in the end, we didn't win. However, at least I got them to give my husband another chance and to just let it be a withdrawal instead of a denial. My husband really does want to be american citizen.... so they at least agreed to that and gave his next opportunity on Nov 2010.... O_O thats crazy but its better than nothing. My husband is happy now since he doesn't feel like a fugitive anymore. Thats great! Wonderful! BEAUTIFUL!!! BUT WHAT ABOUT ME DAMMIT!!!!! ><! I missed Momocon! Ugh, that made me just go bananas. Just before leaving the immigration, the officer said, " Hope to see you again next year," and I simply replied "Momocon" and left with my head hanged low. Who know what they thought but I didn't care. I was in a funk. And it took me a while to feel normal again. And guess when....Thats right...When I was able to come on to menewsha a chat with my loves again. My husband giving me the princess treatment also helped a little bit too. I was almost back to normal when suddenly...

I saw...the T-shirt...the beautiful Georgia peach T-shirt! I thought I was hallucinating. Maybe it was a new common? I had to find out how to get it. And then someoe told me.... it was a limited edition and only could have been gotten fom... you guessed it...Momocon! When I realized this, I started to cry...again... and my mother comes into my room (I am now back in NY at this point) and asks me, "Are you ok? did you have a fight with your husband?" and I simply replied, "Momocon!!!" and buried my head in my pillow.

So there you have it agony and pain all in written form. If you see this and have the goodness in your heart to give me a georgia peach t-shirt... i would love for it to be a female one. Thank you for your time in reading my anguish situation..

Have a good day!

Courage is the Magic that turns ...

Anglie is offline
Old 03-18-2009, 09:22 PM

truth - I live overseas and parents arent about to pay lots of $ to fly me there and back or I was planning on going and while driving there my car broke down. So I went to call for help using my cell but it shocked me and knocked me out. when I woke up I didnt recognize where I was. I realized I had been brouhgt to another world parallel to ours. No one there understood anything I said. I had no idea how to get back in time. I serched around but no luck. After a few days I finally got use to living there and was learning the language and then I went to sleep one night and woke up back here on earth, to late to go to the monocon. if i win, i would like the female one please

Last edited by Anglie; 03-18-2009 at 09:25 PM..

Send a message via AIM to Croon Send a message via MSN to Croon Send a message via Yahoo to Croon
Croon is offline
Old 03-18-2009, 09:59 PM

To be perfectly honest, on the 14th I spent the day packing.
...Alright, that is a lie.
I spent all day the 14th TELLING myself to pack, and dreading the ordeal. I am currently (as of 3/18/09) in California with all 10+ of my insane relatives. The immediate household contains the Grandmother, who is mostly deaf, believes in angels, and is a total sweetheart but for her clawing, clinging need to hang on your arm and smooch you, repeatedly, right at the ticklish spot between neck and ear. Then there's the Odd Aunt, whom nobody knows lives where, who always makes fiendish concoctions that nobody dares eat because, of all things, she refuses to throw food out and as such is constantly recycling leftovers into gradually multi-age creations. There's the Artistic Aunt, who can't seem to decide whether to like or hate me, who takes care of the entire rest of the family and enjoys making stained glass when not trying to sell houses. There's her husband the Uncle, with the acidic wit and the ability to bruise feelings with a single second or, possibly, cause complete humiliated silence with a single sentence. There's the Uncle's Mother, who's one of the nicest people I semi-know and who has the wisdom to hide from the rest of the family during non-meal hours. And then there is Cecil, the Eternally Fat Cat, who loves you until he doesn't, and clings or claws with tooth and nail.

...but, yes. So. The 14th. I was dreading packing. Not packing for a lovely weekend at Momocon, prancing happily between the cosplayers and menewshans. Instead, packing for a 7 hour plane ride at 6:00 AM on the 15th, wherein the man in front of us snored wetly for most of the journey, and the plane never wanted to land (we had to circle at least once after a premature attempt at descent). For the harrowing 45 minute ride from San Francisco, wherein my father decided to be a total "man" and refuse to ask for directions, and promptly got us lost. For the arrival at the house, the "unique" and "individual" welcomes from the rest of the family. And finally the family dishes served at the dinner table.

...I would have taken Momocon over California ANY day of the week.

-I'd love a female shirt, to wear in memory of the times that I COULD have spent enjoying "Otaku" Fangirl Heaven, and instead spent suffering in the ironically-named town of Pleasanton, California.

Last edited by Croon; 03-18-2009 at 10:08 PM..

Send a message via AIM to Kenta
Kenta is offline
Old 03-18-2009, 10:39 PM

-cries- You know what I was just about to walk in the door when the Fbi found me! I was about to walk through those pretty doors, but they scooped me up threw me in their black van and asked me if I knew anything about a guy who goes my the codename insomniac... By this time I was screaming, "God damn I neeeeed to get to the convention" They told me I couldn't and they began starving mee. I was slowly dieeeeing but then they let me go becuase they realized I was the wrong emo kid...

And thats my reason.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 03-18-2009, 11:11 PM

A women garbed in a fine robe walks in and sits down in cushioned chair placed in front of a large fireplace. "Have a seat and I'll tell you a story"

Her hands link together and she leans back, the fireplace gleaming off her small glasses. "It happened like this:

I'll never forget this day. Everything seemed to stand out, but it wasn't until after the incident that I really noticed the fine details." She takes her glasses off and wipes them carefully with a handkerchief from her pocket before she delicately fixes them back in place.

"It was the 13th of March, and a Friday. One would tend to assume that because it was a Friday the 13th that the day would indeed be a bad one, but I was too caught up in the day to pay head to the warning that lay in the air.” Her head slowly shakes as she lets out a sigh.

“It was a rather sunny day here in California, and the wind was blowing softly. I was outside doing a bit of yard work, and over-all just enjoying such a nice day. I was attempting to keep myself busy as I waited until I could leave to board my plane that was to take me to Atlanta, Georgia.” Her eyes lay transfixed on the fireplace and one could easily tell her mind was elsewhere.

“Now, why was I going to Georgia, you may ask. Well, its simple really, I was wishing to attend the Momocon. I had my tickets tucked safely in the front pocket of my overalls,” her hands instinctively patted her chest as though the tickets were still there “and my things were packed inside.

“Now, here is where my memory gets a little fuzzy. Everything happened so quickly.” her head shakes in mild disbelief “I had just set down the hose from watering our flower beds when I noticed a patch of clovers on the lawn. Now, I have a tendency to always want to dig through the clovers in search of a four-leaf clover. So, naturally, I kneeled next to the patch and started to carefully pick my way through them. I spread some of the clovers apart in order to see the ones underneath, and to my surprise, there lay a seven-leafed clover. Now, I figured it must have been my lucky day to find such a rare clover, but it was not luck at all.

“I quickly reached for the clover, my eyes wide with awe. But there was something wrong with it. I grabbed the delicate stem and gave a light tug, but nothing happened. I tried again, this time a little harder, but still nothing. It was as though it was stuck in place. Well, I certainly wasn’t letting such a rare find go to waste, so I gave it another good tug, and to my delight, the clover began to lift. But what shocked me, was I heard a faint voice.” She chuckled softly, as if amused.

“Oh, how foolish I was to keep pulling that clover. As I lifted it up, I saw what appeared to be a small human garbed in green clothes with pointy ears dangling from the stem of the clover. ‘Put me down!’ he shrieked, his small legs kicking side to side. Now, I wasn’t about to give up that clover, so I shook the little bugger lose.” A smirk spread across her face.

“He rose from the clovers, fixing his small hat back on his curly red head. His hands landed on his hips and he glared up at me. ‘Now give me my clover back!’ he demanded, his small hand jutting out towards me. But there was no way I was giving up that clover, so I leaned forward to get a better look at him. I squinted my eyes and looked the little fella up and down. ’Are you a Leprechaun?’ I asked him in disbelief.

“His face scrunched up with anger ’That is none of your business! Just give me my clover back.’ His small hands snatched at the clover, but I easily held it out of his reach. Then my ticket fell from my pocket, because I was leaning too far forward, and landed in front of the small man. He quickly snatched it up and dove into the clovers.

“I couldn’t believe it, he stole my ticket. I dug through the clovers with my free hand, trying to find him, but to no prevail. ‘Give me my ticket back! I need that!’ I screamed at the clovers. I heard a faint snicker, but I have no idea from where. Then he suddenly appeared on my hand, and he snatched that clover away from me. His small hands signed a little salute and he vanished with a grin and my ticket.

She sighed and shook here head. “I dug through those clovers all day, but to no prevail. I even drove to the airport, but no one believed me and they wouldn’t let me board the plane. I got home and just sat outside, watching that patch of clovers.

“One day I will find that Leprechaun again, and I expect him to pay me back for that ticket, and perhaps he can grant me a wish of getting the fine “Georgia Peach” shirt that he made me miss out on.”

She stood from her chair, saying “So, if you ever find a Leprechaun…flick the little bugger in the head for me.” and left with a grin on her face

If my tale of insanity happens to appeal to your better nature, then I would much appreciate a female shirt. Thank you ^^
I am Suona#9746 on discord.

Last edited by Suona; 03-19-2009 at 08:48 AM..

Send a message via MSN to Kultura
Kultura is offline
Old 03-18-2009, 11:18 PM

I couldn't go because I was washing my hair.

What can I say?

L'Oréal. . . Because I'm worth it too!

Ehhh....MaleTee Please?

Last edited by Kultura; 03-19-2009 at 08:34 PM..

Angel Spirit Girl
Angel Spirit Girl is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 12:05 AM

I would have gone to Momocon myself, but I was hoping to get a relative to drop in for me. The whole story goes like this :

In February, with only a month's notice, I learn that attendees of Momocon will get a special item. :shock: Being the avid pixel collector that I am, without even knowing what the item is, I am craving it. :drool: I hesitated to ask off of work with such short notice after using up all my sick/vacation/personal time - at my store's busy time of the year even. You see, I had just taken some seven weeks off of work from mid November until January 5th because of my health. :oops: Not to mention that buying a plane ticket to fly to Georgia for the weekend would be pricey - especially at just when my cash was dipping from being at home instead of working. :gold:

Thus I hit upon the plan to ask one of my relatives in Monroe - right next to Atlanta - to grab the con attendee item for me. :ninja: I figured that it would even be a birthday gift of sorts since my birthday is St. Patrick's Day. So, I call up my brother on the phone to see if someone from his family can go stop by the Menewsha table and grab the item code (or whatever) for me. :offtopic: He said that he might be out of town on a work project, and didn't know his schedule yet. I wait two weeks and call again to see what is up. :glomp: He said that the older of his two boys would go on the errand.

Thus I am mollified and rather confident. ;) The lad is at least a High School Senior, and an Eagle Scout, to boot. He can be depended on to do his dear, sweet auntie a wee, little favor when he goes off to battle his Pok-e-mons, riiiight? :hug: Wrong! :headdesk: My nephew asks his buddy to do it for him. :poke: However, his buddy gets lost on the way. The campus police then come and start towing his friend's car away for parking violations. :banhammer: Thus the two of them have to go chasing after the impounded vehicle. :illgetu: Therefore, I am left without a person registering at the con for me so that I could get my hands on the yummy pixel shiny treat. :gonk:

Thus, I would be ever so grateful if you could find it in your heart to grant me a female Georgia Peach Tee Shirt. :yumeh:

theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 12:57 AM

So there I was, sitting there and minding when own business, making plans to attended Momo Con when suddenly there was a flash of purple light, and flying purple dust bunnies with bright orange antenna suddenly appeared before me! Two of them snatched my plans with a wicked laugh, while the remaining five glared evilly at me and began to chant "No convention for you!" while spinning around. Faster and faster they spun, until they were nothing more then purple-and-orange blurs circling me. Then everything went black.

When I awoke, everything seemed... oddly large. One of the dust bunnies appeared next to me, easily the size of a truck now. Cackling, it spoke, saying that "by sweeping their brethren from their haven and casting them into the Bag of Vanishing I had brought their wrath upon myself and was doomed to fail in obtaining tickets for a plane and the convention that I so dearly wished to attend." But all was not lost, it went on to say. If in the time span of three days I could cross the Cavern of Many Items, walk the length of the Hall of Different choices, ascend the Steppes of Dust, traverse the Plain of Large Felines and, finally, climb the Desperate Elevated Space of Komputers, I would be returned to normal size with plane tickets to Georgia and a badge for Momo Con upon typing out the phrase Still Alive on the Board of Keys before sundown on the third day.

It was a perilous journey to say the least. Everything in the house looked completely different when I was half an inch tall, and I was almost swept up, stepped upon, crushed, and hunted by a cat more times then I can count. But by noon of the third day I had reached the base of the D.E.S.K. Unfortunately, there was no obvious way to get up it, and it took most of the afternoon just to figure how to ascend it. By the time I had reached the top of the desk and approached the Board of Keys, it was almost sundown. Steadily, jumping from key to key, I spelled out the phrase. "S.... T.... I.... L.... L.... A.... L.... I.... V..."

Fate was obviously not on my side, however. That or those damn dust bunnies with no sense of color coordination had cheat codes that caused the sun to sink faster. Because before I could jump to the E, the sun sank and my time was up.

Of course, I returned to normal size (though my keyboard was none to happy about it) but I had not been successful in completing the phrase. I tried calling and inquiring about plane tickets, but oddly enough, every place I called was fully book for every plane headed to Georgia for the next six months.

Darn. Well, it was probably just a coincidence...

(Female Tee, plzkthnx. :3 Hope I made ya laugh!)

Last edited by Lathrine; 03-19-2009 at 01:18 AM.. Reason: Fixing spelling

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 02:00 AM

May we post multiple excuses?

My dog ate the convention?

I couldn't sneak by security?

I was saving babies!

Tilly is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 02:16 AM

The thing is, I did go to Georgia in the hopes of going to Momocon. Unfortunately, I went to Georgia, the former soviet state. Whoops. See, when I bought my ticket, the ticket said Georgia - International. Which makes sense, considering I'm Canadian. So I figured, awesome, long flight, but it'll be worth it to hang out with my fellow menewshians and have some laughs.

So I get on the flight, and I fall asleep because I am a relatively light sleeper.

Next thing I hear, the stewardess walking me up. We're in Georgia! Hurraay! I look out the window and see the dilapidated airport. It's surprising, but I don't know anything about Americans, so I figured maybe they only have a few good airports and this would not be one of them. I step out of the airport and at that point I realized I was not going to Momocon.


Now, I can speak three languages. French, English and Russian. Knowing my geography, I figured I had better chances finding my way around if I spoke in Russian. So, I walked up to someone, asked if they knew where the embassy was. This person glared at me with the white hot intensity of a thousand angry suns, and I knew better than to stick around. But when I turned around, there was a huge mob!!! I don't speak Georgian, but I assume what they said was 'Get out, dirty Russian, we hate you! Swear words swear words!'

So that made me sad. D: The mob chased and chased me into the mountains, and I finally lost them ducking into a cave. I remember being sweaty and gross and hungry. But then a voice came from deep within the cave. A heavy middle eastern accent called out to me in English. So I had to implore, and searched the back of the cave. Lo and behold, before me was a face I have seen a thousand times. A face that's on the news every night. The face of Osama Bin Ladin.

Naturally, I was shocked. He was as disgusting as I was, but had fresh water and was willing to share. He didn't seem hostile at first, but he kept the guns hanging from his sides revealed to me at all times. A couple of days passed, and the day that Momocon was supposed to be was approaching, and I was becoming depressed. One night, on a stroll away from the cave I shared with Osama, you know, for some non-cave air, I stumbled upon a massive stash of hydrogen bombs. Osama Bin Ladin was right behind me, and explained to me in broken english his master plan, to attack Georgia in the name of Georgia so there'd be no more Georgian confusion! I can't say I was opposed, but I was suddenly aware; The Menewshan staff. What will happen when the entire team is blown away!? I'll have no more items, no more chats, no more places to waste my time on! So I knew what I had to do.

I ran that night as far and as fast as I could, towards Moscow and the one man I knew who could help me. I burst into the kremlin, the guards yelling at me to stop, or they'd shoot. I stopped. They didn't shoot. Surprisingly. Putin descended from his throne, giving me questioning looks. I explained myself. Naturally, Putin, charming as ever, understood my plight. Apparently Russians and Americans are buds now, so he decided he didn't want a state dissected from the belly of America's girth. He gave me his all-powerful, all-totally awesome support. With Putin by my side, there was no way we'd fail. He rallied the former KGB spies, and as a group, we stealthily snuck into northern Georgia, where Osama bin Ladin has stored himself and the bombs. Using a powersuit lent to me by the KGB, and with Putin by my side, a team of elite KGB agents started disarming and removing the hydrogen bombs.

Suddenly, there was a light! It was Osama Bin Ladin! He hadn't heard us, for our stealth had prevented any noise from coming out of anywhere, but he was out for a midnight trot! I knew what I had to do. I had to distract him. So I jumped up on the ledge, and started talking to him about Momocon. Apparently, he wanted to go too, and was so frustrated he took the 'If I can't go, no one can' approach. How sad. Meanwhile, Putin signaled me. The bombs were all gone. So, I said goodbye, and he understood. No one likes living in caves.

The next day, I reported Osama's location, but he had already gone.

The Russian goverment gave me a lift home in the goverment plane, but they wouldn't fly me to Georgia the state because they didn't have enough gas in the plane, and what with gas at the prices it is now, they can't afford any more. D:

So I was dropped off at the airport, and my parents picked me up. They asked me how Momocon was.

I lied through my teeth.

Male shirt.

Last edited by Tilly; 03-23-2009 at 01:13 AM..

L o g a n
L o g a n is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 02:30 AM

I wish I would've seen this before I offered 17k on one. XD Oh well~

I couldn't go to momocon because I was doing my photoshoot for GQ magazine. After shooting for three hours, Zac Efron called me up to go run. After that, Taylor Swift flew me to her show in Miami. I was about to leave to Georgia but I was too wasted to drive to Georgia. I wuz sad. ):

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 03:07 AM

How abooout :
I actually was TRYING to go but my car blew up on the way o.O!

>.< female please.

wish is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 05:37 AM

Bao Bao ate my ticket. :/

<- proof of his ferocity. that is him attacking my clovers.

<-- (avatar) that is him attacking me cause i told on him. he even ate my hat... x-x

female please. x-x

Last edited by wish; 03-22-2009 at 11:48 AM..

tick tock
clock is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 06:04 AM

I strode down the bustling street towards the bus stop with extreme confidence. I had my ticket to Momocon and my big pink bag full of con essentials: cell phone, money, soap, and instant noodles. I had on my super cute uniform with its blue pleated skirt, sailor top, and big red bow. My sexy knee-high red boots would stop any man in his tracks. But most importantly, my blonde wig with pigtails that almost reached the ground. My locks were gently flowing in the wind, causing people to stop in their tracks with their mouths agape.

I finally arrived at the bus stop, which was surprisingly empty. A few people stood far away from me, pretending to look elsewhere. I ignored them and pulled out my compact to check on my makeup. But I didn’t have much time, as the bus was approaching. It screeched to a stop right in front of me and I saw the sleepy, unshaven bus driver reach towards the lever to open the door. When he suddenly noticed me, his eyes widened and he froze in an awkward position, his body stretched halfway across the bus aisle. I could see him panicking. He turned away from me as quickly as possible, grabbed the wheel, and floored it. I had never seen a bus go that fast in my entire life and I suddenly wondered why they always moved so slow and blocked traffic.

That day I learned an important lesson: never cosplay when you’re 1,087 miles away from a convention center.

[:: cough :: I figured I would make it cosplay-related, haha. Female shirt~]

woopdidoodoo is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 06:26 AM

ooh ok here is my excuse

I couldn't go because I'm afraid of sharks
I live in Australia and the only way I'd have been able to get to the convention is by swimming all those oceans and sharks live in them so there's no way I'd do that *shakes head sadly*

Send a message via AIM to Aero
Aero is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 07:05 AM

So on the morning of March 13th, I woke up early at 4am to get ready to go to the airport, on my way to the Momocon just for two days for Menewsha. This was my first convention, so I didn't know what to wear or bring, so I brought everything. Everything included my old halloween costumes, emo/punk clothes, and some loose baggy stuff. I'll choose which warddrobe once I know what to wear. I never drove to the airport before on my own, so I was talking to my mom on the phone for directions. Fandango never liked me. I thought I was going the right way until I noticed that I was in a...dry climate. But you know, some airports are in the middle of nowhere. (Arizona, for instance.) I just kept going for a few minutes until I decided that I couldn't see any evidence of human civilization. I turned around, and then a truck was coming. Then the guy got out.
Then I was hurt.
And he stole my man-hood.
So I was raped.

So, I missed my flight on the airport when I tried to rush there after being raped, and then, they decided to put my on LAYAWAY. Oh geez, great. Now, I'll still be able to go there on the 15th perhaps. A day later, me with rape-germs sleeping at the airport, waiting for a flight to Atlanta. It's spring break, and I'm trying to get an unreserved plane ticket. Yeah, didn't think so.

If I were to win, I would hope to have a female shirt, please.. Because I was raped, for you, Menewsha. But I didn't even get anything for it. So I lost gas money, my man-hood and virginity, and plane ticket. So sad.

Edit: Also, my birthday is on this 22nd. It'd be a great birthday present! :D

Last edited by Aero; 03-22-2009 at 12:45 AM..

Quantum Angel
Quantum Angel is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 08:18 AM

Okay, so here's the thing. I was on my way to the convention, crossing the country by car with my sister (Hanahime) and two friends. Well...we started in California, so already things were a bit difficult. It was gonna be an awfully long trip...but we planned to be driving 24/7 so we could miss the least amount of work. Those of us who could drive slept in shifts.

However, when I should have been sleeping, my sister was poking me and keeping me awake in the back when my turn came to drive, I kinda...passed out and ran off the road. :oops: The car was totaled.

Well, we all got out unharmed, but now we had no transportation. It was then that I realized that I had been SO out of it that I wasn't even sure of what state we were in. I tried to call for help, but my cell phone got no signal wherever we were.

Well, after I yelled at my sister for not letting me sleep, we got back up to the road, started asking directions, eventually hitchhiked to the nearest airport. Well...we got there just fine, but then we realized there was a new problem. We didn't have enough money for plane tickets for all of us. We could just BARELY afford three tickets to there and back to California, there was no way we could make four, and even with three we'd hardly have money for the convention.

So we left the airport to discuss new and inventive ways to get some of us on for free. We ended up discovering that one of us in the group was enough of a contortionist to be able to fit in my backpack and one of us had a costume made well enough that it could allow her to pass for a large dog as long as she was kept in a carrier.

So we went back in, me with a heavier backpack and my sister with a "new pet." We got our tickets, got on the plane, and all was well. I fell thing I knew I was waking up to what I thought was my sister playing a prank on me...but actually it was the plane crashing into a lake.

Well, I screamed my head off for a minute, then regained my composure, released my one friend from my backpack, and went searching for the cargo hold for our other friend. She lucked out, really, the animal crate saved her life...right before it almost drowned her, but hey. We got her out...

And then the spilled fuel on the water ignited and we were stuck out there. I mean, completely SURROUNDED by flames. And as if that weren't bad enough...suddenly I felt something bite my foot. Everyone started screaming. I looked down...we were surrounded by flesh-eating guppies.

It was obvious that the odds were not on our side. We could try and bolt, but we'd probably get burned to death. We could wait until the flames were burned out, but we'd either suffocate, be devoured by the flesh-eating guppies, or both.

Well, we kept moving, searching for a way out, when luck FINALLY decided to work with us - a rescue helicopter came and got us out...only after several of us were missing large chunks of flesh, however.

It wasn't near as bad as it looked, though; they managed to patch us up in the ambulance that was waiting on shore and send us on our way. Problem was we had no idea how to GET on our way. We had no idea where we had landed, nor how to get from Georgia from here...and of course now our cell phones were fried from the water damage.

So we walked to the first town we could find. By the time we got there...oh geez we all felt like we were right about to die. It didn't exactly help matters that most of our guppy bites were on our FEET.

So, we headed into a store and asked to use their phone. The manager happily obliged - until suddenly we start hearing this repeated muffled "Mew~ Mew~ Mew~" Looking around for the source of the sound, everyone's eyes landed on my sister - she was clutching her jacket closed, looking nervous and embarrassed...suddenly a small black and white kitten poked its head out from her jacket. The store manager was absolutely livid - the next thing I knew, we were all flying out the front door with boot prints on our backsides. I think it's safe to assume he wasn't a cat person.

Well, we hit a lucky break once again right there - a girl about our age saw and ran over to help - and once she got close, we realized we...actually recognized each other. It was Sonikki - and you know, I always did expect that meeting her in real life would be exciting; after all, she's easily one of the best friends I've ever had, and I know my sister can say the same. But this blew my previous expectations right out of the water. One...obviously, I was meeting one of my best friends, on the way to a convention no less. Two, I now knew where we were. Three, I now had a contact who could probably help us.

You wouldn't think I could be happier to see someone than I was at a certain point in the summer of really wouldn't...but this time beat it by a longshot, I have to admit. I had never been so happy to see one certain person in my life.

Well, after having a group hug that nearly resulted in everyone being strangled, the kitten bolted to escape being crushed. My sister broke down crying. This delayed us a bit, as...she was throwing a huge fit over that cat. I have to say, the extent of her love for cats always has been a bit...inconvenient.

Well, it took all of us and a LOT of cat-related promises to calm her down...but eventually we got up and got moving again. So we were walking down the street...and suddenly this very oddly colored butterfly flies by. I stop and turn to look a it - moments later I realize that that butterfly saved my life. A sniper bullet flew past my head, just millimeters away. I could feel the heat as it flew past, hitting a brick wall, leaving a hole in the wall with purple sugary-smelling smoke pouring out. At this point I can't help but wonder if the heat had somehow damaged my brain.

Another shot came, hitting one of our friends in the shoulder. As I ran over to help her, I got shot in the arm. Something seemed fishy about these bullets, so as the shooter was reloading, I -- with a great deal of pain and shouting -- pulled the bullet out of my arm and quickly made sure that the one that struck our friend wasn't still in her body. Luckily, it had gone right out the other side.

On close inspection, it turned out that the bullets were coated with poison just in case they didn't hit a vital location. Specifically, a poison made primarily from purple Sweetarts with a few drops of various household cleaning products mixed in. This posed a whole new danger to us, as we knew that anything more than minimal exposure to such a substance would result in insanity if not death.

We had to fight. We managed to determine that there was only one shooter, and he wasn't a very good shot - so we all split up and started running around him. Long story short...we confused him, kicked the tar out of him, and went back on our way.

As we walked away from the scene, a little monkey in a tuxedo vest, top hat, and ballerina's tutu skirt ran up to us. He scrambled up my pant leg, climbed onto my good arm, and perched on my shoulder...and started talking. He turned to the group and said "Hey, nice work with that guy there. The cops have been after him for months; he's already killed 15 first person being one of them. To show my gratitude...I'd like to help you with anything I can. Anything this little monkey is capable of...I'll do it for you."

We were all stunned for a moment, but I managed to reply, "Really all we need is directions to Momocon in Georgia."

"Sure thing!" the monkey responded. "The fastest way to get there...if you just follow that road there you'll be there JUST before it starts!" he exclaimed, pointing toward a small, mostly unused road. We thanked him and went on our way, continuing down the road for about five miles.

Suddenly we were stopped by these three Men In Black-looking guys...and perched on one of their shoulders was our little monkey "friend." We knew right away that we'd been tricked.

"You five, come with us. We've some exciting experiments to do that we think you'll enjoy," one of them said, giving this sickening smile that made me wish I didn't have eyes.

"B-but we'll miss the convention! Sorry...I like science and all, but no thanks," my sister said. The expressions on the three men suddenly hardened.

"That wasn't a request!" one of them barked, and the three backed away to reveal a wave of heavily-armed zombie guards coming for us.

Well, we still weren't ready to go down without a fight...and luckily, since the zombies were already dead, they went down pretty easily. It made things even easier that their orders were to stun and capture, NOT kill. So we stole a couple weapons off them and took them out without TOO much difficulty (and people said that planning and preparing for a zombie apocalypse was pointless - HA!).

Well, we didn't count on the second wave. These ones were live humans...and they looked like they'd just come from the convention actually. Clones of various anime and game characters, running in, rolling in, even FLYING in, many of them even being among our favorites.

And here I am, I thought it was painful to fight Genesis copies in Crisis Core. Now I had to fight some in real life. Look them in the eye, stare down their perfect resemblance to someone I care very deeply for...and kill them. It was easily the most difficult and painful thing I'd ever done.

Not to mention that on multiple occasions, while I was focusing on one of these Genesis clones, I'd be attacked from behind by a random clone of another character, from Naruto to Major Motoko Kusanagi (let me just say that THAT was enough to make me piss my pants) to...easily the worst - another Genesis. To make matters worse, all of them seemed to be trained to attack those who had the worst hesitation to attack their character.

Well, I'd had enough of this. I stole a small rocket launcher off one of the people I took out and was right about to fire it into the crowd of cheap character ripoffs...when my sister accidentally hit me in the back. I nearly collapsed in shock, RIGHT as I pulled the trigger...and lucky me, the rocket launcher was pointing straight down at that moment. I shot myself in the left foot, effectively blowing my leg off all the way to halfway up my thigh, shattering and badly burning my right leg as well. Needless to say I was effectively immobilized and captured shortly thereafter.

Well, we were doing poorly enough with the five of us. Once it was down to four, EVERYTHING started shooting to hell and everyone else was captured before long.

Soon I was knocked out. The next thing I knew, I was in a wide open plain, surrounded by a sky of bright white, sitting in the middle of a carpet of flowers, staring at a very strange butterfly that was just dancing in front of me. I reached out and tried to let it perch on my finger...and then I was struck with where I REALLY was - waking up in a large glass fluid-filled tube, breathing through another tube, with MORE tubes dripping all kinds of experimental substances into my veins, and MORE tubes protecting wires that were monitoring my vital signs.

I have to say, I never have been a fan of tubes.

Well, at least they'd given me a prosthetic leg, and my other leg was somehow already totally healed. I looked through the glass of my confinement, and realized everyone else was in a similar position. Suddenly the butterfly appeared to me again, and - although he couldn't speak - encouraged me and helped me find the strength to break out. I did so, landed on top of a very shocked scientist, and forced him to let everyone else go or else I'd kill him. He obliged...I beat the tar out of him anyway.

But even though we were free from the tubes, we were still stuck in their building with no idea how to get out. I realized I...probably should have thought of that before beating that guy up, but it didn't matter at that point. Well, we started searching very door we could get to, going everywhere we could, trying to get out...when suddenly a couple of security guards spotted us and gave chase. We managed to ditch them by hiding in a large supply closet.

After they ran past, I opened the door, and let a little light in on the closet...and that was when we spotted them. Five sledgehammers. It was perfect.

We each took one and started searching for the exit. Locked door? Smash it down! Security guard? HIT HIM WITH A HAMMER! It worked quite nicely. By the time all was finished, they just let us go free...because no one would believe what happened to us anyway.

And then...ah, were we ever in luck! The convention center was only two blocks away! We'd finally found the light at the end of the tunnel...or so we thought. We looked at the banners...the dates were right, the convention was right, but the year was way off. We arrived just in time for the start of...Momocon 2015.

And right as we were breaking down, horrified both at the fact that six years had passed us by AND we'd missed Menewsha's first convention visit...

I woke up to my cat sinking her claws into my back and realized I was still in California...and late for work.

And that's the whole story, officer. D:

I doubt I'll win, but if I do, I'd like the female shirt. :sweat:

Last edited by Quantum Angel; 03-19-2009 at 06:02 PM..

Joico is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 03:05 PM

If I do win I would like a female shirt.

The reason why I could not go;
I couldn't go because I am a poor university student that has exams in 3 weeks.. I couldn't miss classes because exams are in 3 weeks and I don't reallie have much money to go on a trip and I live in Canada so yeah... Thats my sob excuse..

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Nichi is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 07:12 PM

My account's owner was too poor to go, so I (being the adventurous avatar I am) volunteered to go for her. Unfortunately, I misread her directions and ended up in Gaia instead of Georgia. It was the scariest thing in my life! Midgets and deformed people everywhere! They were all chanting bump at me and putting their dirty hands all over my items asking for donations. Seriously, what the heck does bump mean?!

Needless to say, I'll never trust her word again. All I wanted was a cute female Georgia Peach shirt. :cry:

Candycaneslippers is offline
Old 03-19-2009, 10:38 PM

Okay well....
I was sucked into the computer....
I know weird right? Well it's true.
I was watching the anime Shugo Chara! and suddenly a guy from the company,
Easter took me by the shirt and pulled me in. (He's one of the bad guys.) Easter then told
me that I had to be partnered up with Lulu. Her crazy style bugged me..... She had jewels filled with crazy magic. It would turn, your so called "heart egg" into one of your dreams. This wasn't a good thing, because it forced you to feel like you never be able to become your dream. Anyway, I was with Lulu and we came across a guy named Tadase. He's one of Easter's enemy's. So is Amu. Amu, can change any heart (with magic) and is very outgoing. Tadase asked "Who are you?..." Then all of a sudden I was in the anime Soul Eater. Soul Eater has people with weapon-people running around. Weapon-people are people who can turn into weapons. Usually guys got pair with girls and girl with boys. I had found my so called weapon-person. He was soo hot that you saw steam coming off him. I wondered how I would survive. And all of a sudden I was friends with this girl named Maka. She had her weapon-person named Soul. Soul was pretty hott too. Anywayy.......
Thenn I got stucked into Menewsha... Omg thats where Im writing this story down right now! Then all of sudden I was walking on my friend Deppy's thread. Deppy is who I call my bff. Deppy's real username is And Love saidd Noo. I noticed her convo with another friend of mine. I'm not totally sure who was, but I was having fun. I ran around all over. I was in shops shopping. It was soo fun. I saw all these mods and other things. Then a bunch of virtual bugs came after me!!!!! They said they were going to eat me. I ran and ran as fast as I could. Then I got pulled out by my dog. He said sorry you missed the menewsha celebration. "NOOO WAYY!" I yelled. I wondered how he was talking, but then I noticed that I was only dreaming. But I got a call from my agent telling me I had missed the celebration anyway. I was bummed the rest of the day. I thought oh well, at least I had a great dream. :]

ps if i win im a girl :P

Last edited by Candycaneslippers; 03-20-2009 at 10:30 PM..

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 03-20-2009, 12:09 AM

I really really wanted to go to momocon! D:
Sadly, the event takes place in Georgia and I live all the way in California!
If only I had a car... but sadly, I'm a poor college student with no car and no money for bus fare. TT________TT On top of that the company I was working for went bankrupt so I'm even poorer now. Please help me get the georgia shirt! What can a poor college student do?
Hopefully, next momocon is on the west coast... than I can definitely make it!

\ (•◡•) /
Sundey is offline
Old 03-20-2009, 12:11 AM

True story:

I couldn't go because I ended up finnally telling my mom about my dad molesting me as a child. And we're still arguing about it. She's taking his side, saying he was just trying to teach me, and I'm in the middle of deciding whether or not to press charges against him or not.

I also just moved across the country from my parents, to move in with my boyfriend and his parents, and they're still calling me up, and sending me hate filled e-mails and text messages.

So yeah, that's why I couldn't go. Would have loved to though. Anyone who was there, could you please tell me what it was like?

Edit: If I win, I'd like a female shirt please :)

Last edited by Sundey; 03-21-2009 at 03:12 AM..

Undercover Cupcakes
sad_girlformat is offline
Old 03-20-2009, 02:57 AM

Why I didn't make it to the convention? *ebil laughs*
Obviously, I need to take care of my brewing. A love love potion, specialized to convert all AAs and more to be on my side~ *smirks* And the poisonous apple, ah... I have a hard time putting the red back on it after it turns black. So I spend the 14th doing that. I finally got the apple done. Wanna try? *put on evil apple lady cloths*

The 15th, I was in a state of semi-consciousness as I meditate and drift in and out of people's dreams. I went to the momocon in that sense though. So many menewshans... OMMMMMMOMOMOMOMMMMM.... I SEE HER! OM!! *visualize and shake crazily* THAT IS CK!!! OMMMMMOMMMMM! NUUUU!! *kicks and struggle*And then I wake up before I was injured... *phew~*I could felt CK aura as she reach her hands towards the invisible me. GAH! OMG, Sasa thought she saw her... I was just about to pick up the pen when CK GLARED right into my eyes.... she was scary... :gonk:
I end up drifting around the booth and seeing everyone get all the goodies.. :(
In the end, sasa went home and continue to make more apples for future conventions... <3

Sasa is living in Hong Kong. She is poor... cannot afford a ticket.
Sasa also have her midterms around this time. She cannot bear not to study.
Sasa have a strict daddy. He wouldn't let her go even with the money.
Sasa need to get a visa to the US, and that is just complicated.
Sasa never travel to the US before. She is scare of getting lost.
Sasa wishes that she will get a female georgia peach t-shirt.


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