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My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 12-19-2011, 09:22 PM

Name: Jordan "bug hunter" Drake

Rank: Seargeant

Age: 27


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Old 12-19-2011, 09:31 PM

Name: Samantha winter

occupation: insane asylum residant or once was

age: 28

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 12-19-2011, 09:36 PM

Sighing, Jordan checked his ear while he was on the drop ship. "I don't know why they keep sending us to fix these colonies problems," he complained to the soldier next to him, "I figure, if these people aren't smart enough to AVOID these darn aliens, why do we have to deal with the mess?" This got a few chuckles. "shut up back there." The captain snapped, "This aint a fuckin' joke kiddies, don't know how you got your nickname son, but it better be true. This is gonna be a bug hunt......" this made them quiet, until the drop ship landed.

Last edited by Alex_Silvermane; 12-20-2011 at 12:41 AM..

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Old 12-19-2011, 09:41 PM

Sam smirked as she sprinte to the shadows of the buildings and pulled her gun close to her. To most she probably looked normal yet she was far from it. After the aliens came they took this place over and she had finally gotten free of her cell in the asylum. They had kept her in the safest cell they had since she was a little.. wild. But now sit was perfect, she was in her element. The name of the game lately was to live and survive, she could do that. Hearing the sound of a ship she smirked, "wonder if I ould steal that." she muttered as she looke daround and soon got sight of it. "lets find out." she said and then darted after it, sticking low to the ground and the shadows so that none coudl see her.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 12-20-2011, 12:59 AM

When the drop ship touched down, the captain screamed, "Lock and load, I want your asses on ground yesterday." Grumbling, Jordan jumped out, and shouldered his pulse rifle. He quick glanced over, and saw that it was fully loaded, with all of it's grenades. Keeping an eye on his motion tracker, he advanced with his squad to a nearby door. Leaning in, Jordan's flashlight darted around. Tersely, he said into the mike, "Clear." A few minutes later, the other squads checked in. "right.... see you later flyboy," the captain said, "Don't forget about us." "Roger." replied the pilot as he took off, "Hope some of you are alive for me to NOT forget." Grunting, the captain began to deploy men. Jordan and his squad were to head to the control center, and try and get an idea of what was going on. As they patrolled through the colonies interior, it was eerily quiet. "I don't like this," muttered one of the other marines, "reminds me too much of Acheron." Each in turn shuddered, as they remembered that blood bath. "Lock it down," Jordan called behind him, "Don't be inventing ghosts that don't exist." They soon reached a completely dark section of the colony, where the power cords had been ripped out and chewed through. Nervously, the marines turned on their flashlights, and keet going. It was soon pitch black, and the only light was provided by their flashlights. Suddenly, they heard what seemed to be hissing and growling. "I've got contact!" shouted one of the marines, as their motion trackers began to co crazy. "Holy-" one of the marines started to yell, before an alien ripped through the roof above him, yanking him up and out of sight, they could hear the man's screams, which suddenly and abruptly were cut off. "Open fire!" shouted Jordan. A huge mass of aliens charged them from down the hallway. They were pouring from the walls, the floor, the ceiling, even the air ducts seemed to be crawling with them. After mowing down a good number, Jordan saw that they were about to be overrun. "Fall back!" he commanded, "Get to the control room, move it!" The marines turned and ran, trying not to get left behind. They soon reached the command center, after a number of their own had fallen. "Open the damn door!" Jordan shouted harshly, before turning to fire a few grenades into the horde. More of the marines had died before the door was finally forced open. Running in, and taking a quick head count, it appeared that only three of them had survived. And even as Jordan counted, one of them died because of the acid blood. Frowning, Jordan opened his mouth to give an order, when an alien burst through the door, and Bit the other marines throat, the other marine killed the alien before he died, but that only weakened the floor, causing Jordan to slam into the ground below them. The world around him slowly turned black.

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Old 12-20-2011, 01:12 AM

Sam frowned as she got closer and saw the ship move away, "damn, I wanted that." she said as she watched it fly away but then heard the unmistakable sound of foot fall. A smile spread across her lips, feet ment people, people ment dead, dead ment supplies. Sliently she went after them and knew that they didn't even know that a lone person was stalking them. She had made sure that she was skilled in being quiet, that was the only way to survive. Getting closer she hid behind a wall when she saw them head into somewhere and cursed. They were idiots, they didn't know anything of what was out here. You never went into a house. A house ment you were cornered and basically dead. Though as she waited outside she heard the sounds of screaming and shooting. Smiling she waited a little while. SHe then saw hte aliens come out of the house with blood on there faces. ONce she was sure that they were gone she pulled out her gun. "I am going in." she muttered to herself and then ran inside. She saw hte bodies and coudl almost cheer, "payday." she sang as she started to dig threw there clothing. Soon she pulled on armor and was stuffing amo into her backpack along with there guns. Following the blood train she saw that the control room was open. Poking her head inside she saw three more bodies. She started to gather everything form the first two thou when she got to the last she noticed that he wasn't bleeding. Quickly she dropped everything and started to check him over. He was completely okay. "your coming with me." she said as she stuck him on a piece of board and drug him outisde along with what she had gathered. ONce outside she started to set up a small camp and waited to see if he woke up.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 12-29-2011, 10:04 PM

Slowly, Jordan woke up. he seemed to be outside now. In a panic, he grabbed for his sidearm, only ti find it wasn't there. Frowning, he looked around. He seemed to be in a camp of some kind. Soon, he noticed the girl sitting across from him. Smiling a bit, he groaned, "I MUST be dead." Sitting up, he stretched a bit, and asked, "So where am I? Heaven? Hell? neither?" He positioned himself comfortably, and awaited the girl's response.

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Old 12-29-2011, 10:29 PM

Sam laughed when she heard hte soilder boy and shook her head, "well if I would have to call this place anything it would have to be hell. But to me it is home." she said as she was looking at the guns she had gathered from the dead. "and sorry to say but your alive, or as alive as you can get after being attacked by a alien i suppose." she said as she set down a gun and held out a hand to him, "and you can call me Sam, what do I call you soilder boy?" she asked as she looked at him.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 12-29-2011, 10:58 PM

Sighing, he replied, "Dam, I was wishing I were dead too.... name's Jordan, or Drake, take yer pick." Reaching over to the stack, he grabbed a shotgun , a pulse rifle, and his pistol, and reloaded them. "Alrighty then, thanks for saving me." he said, before turning to go back into the building.

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Old 12-30-2011, 01:24 AM

Sam smirked as she watched him and listened. When he took the guns though she growled. Getting to her feet she ran over to him and kicked him in the ass. Grabbing back a gun she glared at him, "look bud, this stuff his mine. Finders keepers out here." she said as she glared at him and then marched back over to her camp muttering, "should of just let you die, but noo I had to save your ass." she then gathered her stuff. ONce sh ewas gathered she looked at him, "oh word from the wise, your a idiot for coming out here." she then started to head out of there not looking back. She had a better camp not to far from here that she made a while ago, it was better protected then being here.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 12-30-2011, 05:15 AM

Growling, Jordan drew his knife. and said angrily, "Look lady, I don't know what your problem is, but I'm getting out of here. and the only way OFF of this godforsaken planet, is to call my drop ship.... and the comm gear is in there. so you can stay and get eaten, or worse. Me, i'm surviving. And i don't care that you THINK that those weapons are yours. But since you took them from MY dead troopers, then maybe i should get some of them, no?" he turned, and started walking towards the compound, no longer angry, but not willing to stay.

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Old 12-30-2011, 05:25 AM

When Sam heard him she laughed, "your a dumb piece of shit." she called after him and then turned to him. "if you think that the aliens would actually leave a piece of machine that actually worked I would still be here? He'll no, but look at where I am. Even if there is something in there that works no signal will go out, they jam every signal you send so we are stuck here." she said as she looked back at him. "don't underestimate these things, they are just as smart as us maybe even smarter. Now I think you should follow me if you want to live." she said as she looked at him and then smirked, "and no, you get no guns till you prove to me that you earn them and so far your earning nothing." she said and then headed out of there.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 12-30-2011, 08:05 PM

Cocking his eyebrow at her, he said scathingly, and a bit angrily, "who's the dumb ass now? these aliens can't jam diddly squat. They simply don't have the tech. Predators could do it, but not these sons a bitches. Yeah they destroy stuff, but one of my men had a portable communicator. Which i doubt you thought to grab." When she said that he didn't deserve the guns, he growled, and took some anyway. He held out one of the more obscure guns, and said, "little girl, whatever your name is, if you can name this gun, i'll CONSIDER letting you keep the rest, but telling me not to grab MY guns, the ones i DROPPED with, that's a no-no. I could kill you before you blinked twice, and for that matter, killing these sons a bitches is my JOB! I'm not saying that we should STAY in the building, i just want to get the gear, get out, and call my drop ship. If you grabbed the comm, that would make it easier, but i don't see it, so we..... I..... have to go back." he aimed his rifle at her, "I don't trust you, to be honest."

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Old 12-30-2011, 08:32 PM

Sam looked at him, "and do you think that the predators give a crap about the humans trapped here? huh? no they dont, we are like cattle to them. So that they can use us for what ever they want. They will jam our signals too without much though of it." she said as she looked at him. "and sorry for not grabing it, I prefer grabbing crap that I know I can defend myself with." she said and glared when he grabbed a gun. "well sorry, I dont know what its name is or the name of half the things I use. All I know is that I can defend myself with it.." she said as she glared at him. When he held up the rifle she smirked. "and I dont trust you, I have learned not to trust anyone. Expecially after being in a mental hospital for my whole life.' she said though then saw something. Quikly she moved and pointed the gun twoards him and shot. The round went right past him and hit a alien rght in the head. "yet I am nice or at least for the most part."

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 12-30-2011, 09:04 PM

Jumping away with a shout, Jordan glared at her, "you do realize these things bleed acid blood, right? mental hospital or no, i would think that working together would be our best chance, and that only works if you don't KILL ME!" Sighing, he said, "look, there aren't any predators yet, and the comm set wasn't that far in. If we can grab it, and get out, then we can get off of this planet. How about we work together, okay? I'm willing to trust you if you trust me." he handed her a large gun, "this is a smart gun..... smarter than any marine the joke goes. It automatically targets these guys, and even predators, cloaked or not." he gave her that matching eye piece, "or, it highlights them on here, and you can manually target them. It's fully automatic, and basically, a super machine gun. Be careful though, it's big, and heavy." Frowning, he said, "or would you like something else?" he walked over to the pile, ":I'm qualified to train others in ALL of these, so if you want something else, just say so, and I'll pick one out for you." he grabbed a bunch of grenades for his pulse rifle, and a box of shells for the shot gun, aw well as as many magazines of ammunition for his rifle and pistol as he could fit into his many pockets.

(also, I came up with an idea for the OTHER rp site, if you want to hear it.))

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Palmoun is offline
Old 12-31-2011, 04:02 AM

Sam smirked whens he heard him, "I know very well they bleed acid blood, I used that blood to kill a few of them." she said and then laughed, "and if I had wanted to kill you you probably would be bleeding right now but your not so dont worry." she said as she looked at him and then started to think. It probably would be a good thing to team up with him. Yet at the thought of getting off this planet she wasn't sure if she wanted too. All that other humans had ever done for her was lock her in a cage yet maybe things would be different. She then nodded, "find, we can team up for now." she said and then looked at the gun and eye piece. Frowned she then gave it back to him, "I have survived long enough to know what to look for here. I dont need a eye piece to tell me where they are." she said as she headed over to the guns. She took the smallest gusn she oculd find and stuck them and there amo in her bag. Though she pulled out a worn out pistol form her bag and smiled, "now I prefer my gun over all others and I dont need to be trained in anything. I can work perfectly fine with this gun and the other smaller ones." she said as she looked at him. "now then lead the way to where ever we are to go.

((what is it?))

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 12-31-2011, 08:24 PM

(doesn't matter, I somehow got banned from the site permanently.... don't know how but *shrugs* oh well)

He held out the eye piece. "At least take this.... it's got a motion sensor package, helpful when they sneak up on you." He was fine with her preferring her pistol. He loaded his rifle, and said, "You ready?" he also had another reason to go back. He wanted to grab the tags of all the people he'd lost.

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Old 12-31-2011, 08:39 PM

((well did you do anything on that site?))

Sam sighed, "fine, I will take it." she said as she grabbed it from him and put it on. She then looked at him and gave him a look that told you was he being serious. "I am always ready, never ask that." she said and got ready to move.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 12-31-2011, 09:30 PM

((no, I literally did nothing except register))

Grinning, Jordan replied, "That's what i like to hear." Leading the way, he said, "oh, if we see a body, I'm stopping.... just saying. I have to collect the tags from them." getting to the door, he found that it was completely deserted. Taking a ready position, he asked, "Do you know the way to the place where we were ambushed?"

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Old 12-31-2011, 10:08 PM

((well that sucks))

Sam sighed, "fine but if you get ambushed while getting the tag thingys I am not saving you." she said as she followed him. It was completely deserted there and it was the sign she liked to see. She then nodded, "yeah, just follow me." she said and started to lead the way. She walked as if this was just a walk in the park. No worry, fear or panic showed as she lead the way. "come on, they aren't here." she called to him as she walked and after a bit they appeared at the spot.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 01-02-2012, 11:36 PM

(9okay, new info. I found out that my ip address was banned, not my account...... go figure. if you're still interested, then I'll tell you, okay?))

Jordan sighed, and followed her alertly. He made sure that he had a fresh magazine, and turned on his flashlight. As the went through the halls, he said, "So tell me, what were you doing in that mental ward? seems you're too smart to be called insane to me." His motion tracker went off, and Jordan tense, but as soon as it appeared, the blip ran off in the opposite direction. "and where did you learn to use a gun?" the came across a few bodies, and Jordan bet over to grab their dog tags, continuing, "you shoot better than half the people I know."

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Old 01-03-2012, 12:41 AM

((tell me!!))

Sam continued to walk and her face was blank when she heard him. "tell that to my face after I explain why." she said as she walked. "and the reason I can use a gun is part of it." she said as she walked. "it is a very long story, one that goes way back so I will give you a quick summary." she said as she looked at him, "your welcome to ask for more information later. But this started when I was around seven or eight, my parents were killed infront of me, I was adopted by a crazy man who taught me to use a gun and then when he thought I was ready hunted me for fun. Each time he caught me or shot me he would nurse me back to helth and then do it all again. He did this for a while and soon I found I liked hte hunt and started to become like him. Yet that was when teh police got word of him and got him. They sent me to a foster home after they sent me to therapy yet i wasn't healthy mentally, I had dreams of him. So when I forgot that I wasn't in his house anymore I found a gun and shot the familly I was with. They sent me to a hospital but there I was only worse. I ended up killing half the people in the hospital and so they sent me to a ward when i started to rant about how I was just protecting myself and now I am here." she said as she looked at him. NO one missed her back home so that was why she wasn't to sure about heading back, she was made for this place.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 01:09 AM

Jordan merely laughed. "Is that all? dam, you could qualify to be a marine, easy. I feel bad that that happened to you, buty don't be ashamed. just try to remember you're not in the kill zone.... any.... more....." his voice trailed off and he winced. "Look it's getting late, how about we hole up somewhere, and get as comfy as we can...." He began to assemble an "auto turret" essentially a machine gun mounted on a box that shot at anything that moved and wasn't human. Laughing grimy, he said, "At least we won't have to worry about ammo for this sucker...." standing up, he grunted and lifted it. "you tell me where we can get safe with this guarding us, and once we get settled, I'll tell you a bit of my past..... Deal?"

((okay, but you'll have to get on skype,.,... I have a feeling that the mods on mene would be...... upset XD))

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Palmoun is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 04:11 AM

Sam laughed bitterly, "I wish that was all." she muttered to him, "I gave you a quick summary of everything, if I went into detail about what exactly I did at the hospital or what else happened when I was being hunted you wouldn't say that." she said and remembered while she was recovering from her injuries the man who adopted her taught her how to torture people and animals with what ever he got his hands on and how in the hospital she had kissed the kids and painted the walls with there blood, used a guys intestines to tie a door shut and so much more. "and that is the probelm, I can't figure out what is kill zone and what isn't. I attacked inmates while in the mental hospital, decapitated little kids, stabbed doctors, baithed myself in blood and here is the worst part, I like it." she said and the last part would give anyone the chills. She knew she shouldn't but she did. She then nodded when she heard him, "this way, we have a nice building we can stay on." she said as she headed out and then nodded, "fine deal." she said and then headed to a buliding. Once inside she headed to the roof and got comfortable since there was actually a makeshift couch here. "this is home." she said as she looked at him

((okay get on when I can))

My heart and world are hers, and...
Send a message via ICQ to Alex_Silvermane
Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 01-05-2012, 02:15 AM

Laughing, Jordan said, "home.... now that's a funny though. He set the sentry gun up outside, so that anything approaching the door would get wasted. Settling in a nearby chair, he said, "Okay... I promised you a story right...... Well, when I first became a marine. I got deployed to a planet, allot like this one actually. there was a xenomorph, that's what we call those aliens, Ifenestation there. The colony had been able to keep them out, but people were still getting slaughtered for some reason. So, when we landed, there were pools of blood.... I actually could have gone swimming if I wanted to. After patrolling the area a bit, we found out WHY people were dying. It was a predator. Just one. Long story short, It slaughtered almost all of us before I killed it..... I was only three of us survived.... Me, Jenkins, and perry." He held up tow sets of dog tags. "and this is what happened to them. i was fine, until we got back. I actually went on a killing spree when we got to base. See, the predator could cloak itself invisible, and imitate voices....... and......" sighing, he forced himself to say, "and I had it in my head that they could LOOK like us too..... I killed everybody I saw....... and I liked it........ I felt so good doing it.... like i was getting revenge...... and what scares me about that.... AFTER they fixed me up, and made me better.... I ASTILL like killing.... it's why I'm still with the marines... I just.... LOVE killing things....." laughing bitterly, he said, "and now i supposed you think i'm some insane guy that's going to murder you....."


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