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Old 07-13-2011, 06:30 PM

Vincent Russel
Age: 234 ( appears 28)
Bio: Vincent has been a vampire for a long time. It wasn't his choice but he has learned to accept it. He has taught at various colleges under many names. He only can teach his classes at night. So far no one knows his secret.

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Old 07-13-2011, 07:29 PM

Name: Michelle Cole
Age: 18
Bio: Michelle wants to be an doctor so she is going to college to head toward her goal. She has alot of classes but only one is at night which is strange but her professors are very nice but also strict. But lately she has a feeling her night professor is abit strange since she only sees him at night and not during the day.

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Old 07-14-2011, 12:40 AM

Vincent arrived to his office at sunset. He was ready for the next semester to start at Mathers College. He taught only one class here because he was a vampire. His bosses taught he had an allergy to sunlight and they allowed him to teach a night class. He got his papers organized as the students assembled in. Not many took his class because it was later . Most of them took the day class version of English Literature 101. But his was the advanced class. If the students wanted a challenge they would take this class.

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Old 07-14-2011, 05:07 PM

It was kinda of an drag that she only had one class at night while the rest was during the day. But she needed to do the advanced class instead of the one that was during the day. Michelle walks into the class room and looks around before she heads over sitting down in the front. She usual likes to be in the front of the class since she was very serious about her school work. Michelle sets her bag down beside her and grabs her notebook out and pen ready to take notes or whatever else.

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Old 07-14-2011, 06:22 PM

After the students were all seated Vincent said. " I'm Professor Russel. Welcome to English Literature 101. I expect you all to take notes and pay attention. You may record my lectures. My office hours are on the information sheet I'm passing around. The reason I have night hours only is because I have a Sun allergy. I can tolerate artificial light though. We will being this session with chapter 1 and 2 in your Lit books. I want a 3 page minimum summary of the stories in both chapters and it will be handed in next week. " He continued to instruct them on what he expected.

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Old 07-15-2011, 02:32 PM

Michelle leans back and crosses her legs over another listening to the professor. She brushes some of her hair out of her face and sighs before she groans alittle. this was going to take some time but lucky she had all this time to work on it. Michelle flips her book open and sighs gently Geez we have to read all of this. Well I am the one that wanted an challege. she thought to herself. But also it would be hard since this was her only class at night so she just hope she could handled this paper and other classes during the day.

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Old 07-16-2011, 12:37 AM

Vincent concluded his lecture and assigned one of the required books they needed for this class. He said they would be discussing the first five chapters next week. He only assigned what the college recommend . He hoped he could find his meal tonight. He would have to go off campus to no arouse suspicions of the students or the staff. He wouldn't know what to do if he was discovered. He did have money saved in case he had to hide for awhile.

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Old 07-18-2011, 12:38 AM

Michelle sighs gently rubbing her head alittle. She continues to write down the notes in her notebook and other stuff. Michelle brushes some of her hair out of her face relaxes as she twists her finger tips in her hair. Fixing her hair back so it would be off her neck so it would be out of the way cause it was hard to work with her hair in her face. She grabs her bag and grabs her notebook and place it back into her bag once class was over. Knew she would have to go to the book store on campus to get the book. Since college wasn't like highschool.

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Old 07-18-2011, 12:48 AM

After class was over was awhile he had went to feed. He hated this part of being a vampire but he had to eat in order to live. He usually only attracted those who seemed to not have a family. He wanted his activities to remain secret. He was good about hiding any evidence he might leave behind. He had to hurry to his apartment on campus. He arrived and worked a little on his lesson for next week.

The next week he arrived before the students and left papers on the desks. This was a question sheet he would have them write as a paper. It would give him a chance to know more about those in his class.

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Old 07-18-2011, 01:27 AM

Over the week since she met the professor it was strange not seeing him on campus during day. She didn't pay much attention but only during the work that she needed. But she knew it would come a day she would have to asked. Even there was time she hope the professor would be in the office sometimes during the week but found he was already gone. So this time she head to the office hoping he was there before everyone left.

She did had an question about the paper since she did alittle bit more than three. Michelle came to the door and sighs gently before she knocks on the door waiting patience for the professor to relpy. She was hoping he was in there this time.

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Old 07-18-2011, 02:21 AM

Vincent heard a knock on the door . He quickly finished putting books if his away. He went to the door and opened it and saw a student there. " Hello . How may I help you miss? " Vincent wasn't sure of her name , so he hoped she would say who she was . " Would you please come in and have a seat? " he said kindly. She seemed like a student who was sincere about her studies.

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Old 07-18-2011, 02:34 AM

Michelle looks around as she fixes her bag on her shoulder. She looks over to the door as it opens and sees the professor. She couldn't help but to stare at him before she stops before it got creepy. "Oh yes..I'm Michelle Cole...I'm in your class of course.." says. She nods and walks inside, taking a seat as she sets her bag down. "I know you said you want an minimum of three pages of the book report. But I never can do three pages I always do more than three like five or I wanted to ask if that was ok?" says.

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Old 07-18-2011, 03:01 AM

" It's fine if you go over that much , but not over 15 pages. Ive had one go up to 30 pages on a 5 page paper. The paper length doesnt matter as long as you put your thoughts and opinion on the story. I like real world examples also. I'll be getting into that more during tomorrow night's class . I'm glad you stopped by Miss Cole. Not many students stop for my office hours . "

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Old 07-18-2011, 03:45 AM

Michelle nods as she listens to her professor "Yea everyone always wonder why I always wrote more than them. I just have more opinions on different things." brushes some of her hair out of her face alittle. She nods "Yea most students are complaining alittle that your the only class they have at night. And you know how some of theses college students get they like to party or something. But I have to get used to it anyway since I will be coming an doctor so I know there will be hours I would have to work during the night. But it is hard trying to get to your office cause some of our classes do run another hour or so before we come to your class. So its hard to catch you before and after class." shrugged and giggles gently. She stands up and nods "Well thanks for answering my question Professor Russel"

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Old 07-18-2011, 04:19 AM

" I do apoligize for the odd hours. This allergy has made my life difficult since I was a boy. I know you will make a great doctor Miss Cole. I know you are dedicated to your studies . It is a privilege to attend college. There once was a time when it was only for the select few. The prices are high now but it is worth it once you achieved your goal . I really enjoyed your company tonight."

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Old 07-18-2011, 04:05 PM

Michelle listens to him and nods "Oh I'm sorry about that..and thank you ever since both my parents died of some kind of cancer becoming an doctor was my goal...well I better get to class since it will start soon" smiles and heads to the door. She looks over her shoulder at her professor and nods "Yea me too anyway cya in class Professor" opens the door and heads out. She walks into the class which half the people was already there fitting out papers that was on the desk. She heads over to her sit and sat down place her bag beside her. She grabs her pen out of her purse while looking over the questions before filling it out herself.

Last edited by Bellinda; 07-18-2011 at 04:07 PM..

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Old 07-18-2011, 06:01 PM

Vincent came out to see the students filling out his questions. After about 45 minutes , he took attendance and asked for the homework to be handed in. He talked a little about how he wanted his papers and then assigned more chapters in the textbook and the required book. He held a discussion of both of them and similarities and differences of each of them.

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Old 07-18-2011, 06:10 PM

Michelle looks up after she filled out as she brushes some of her hair from her face. As she takes the papers from behind her from the others and adds hers as well. While the others did the same who was in the front roll like her. Before they take it and place it the desk before going back to their seats. Michelle winces as she shakes her finger having gotten an paper cut so her finger was bleeding. She grabs her purse and digs thru it to get an bandaid.

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Old 07-18-2011, 07:12 PM

Vincent smelled the scent of blood. Faint, but enough to arouse his senses. He continued to lecture and an hour before the class was supposed to let out, he dismissed the students.It was difficult to suppress the urge to find the source of the scent. He had to relax before he went out again to find his meal.

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Old 07-18-2011, 09:04 PM

Michelle fixes the bandaid around her finger as she listens in on the professor's lecture. She writes down the notes into her notebook which was hard since her cut finger was on her right hand so it was hard to write. Michelle just hopes she could read her notes later. Once classes over she grabs her bag as usal she was always the last one to leave the class. She stops for an second to grab her cell to check to see what time it was. She had time to get some pratice in on the tennis courts. Of course there still one more student leaving and ends up running into her as he tryed to catch up with his friends. That running in class her to drop all her stuff from out of her hand. "Idiot." growls watching the guy leave and not even bothering helping her. Michelle sighs and bents down to the floor an picks up her stuff and place it back into her bag.

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Old 07-18-2011, 09:28 PM

Vincent went out the back way toward the outskirts of the city. An hour later he was walking by the tennis courts . He had a close call in class. He hoped it wouldn't happen again. He sat on a bench to calm down before he went to get his paperwork in his office.

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Old 07-18-2011, 09:36 PM

Michelle got changed and walks out of the locker room with her racket in hand. She looks around as she pulls her hair up as she moves over. Setting up the machine to the pace she wanted the balls tossed at her. She grabs the remote from it and walks on the other side of the court. She pressed the on button and the balls comes at her. At first she missed a few balls but ocne she got into the groove of things she was hitting them more.

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Old 07-18-2011, 10:31 PM

Vincent saw a young woman practicing tennis. He watched her as she hit the balls. He was calmer than he was before. He cheacked his watch and headed back to his home. There was something familiar about the woman.

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Old 07-18-2011, 11:41 PM

Later Michelle turns off the machine and fixes her racket before she stretches some. She knew the night crew would clean up the balls as everyone usual used the courts. Michelle takes an deep breath and sighs looking around noticing the professor leaving probbly going home. She moves over and grabs her bag and slips her racket into it and grabs her stuff figuring the locker room was closed up for the night away.

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Old 07-19-2011, 12:23 AM

Vincent went thourh the week alright. He was still wondering who was the student that had attracted his senses. He wouldn't harm the person . It was the next week and he was in his office again . He made a better effort to be there when he said he would. He had this weeks assighnment ready and was waiting . He hoped this week was uneventful.


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