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Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 10-31-2010, 11:01 PM

Good evening and welcome to Morbid Curiosity.

This is a thread for all those who aren't afraid of the dark and a bit of blood. We are the lovers of the night and the macabre, We are the curious mortals who step the line between the living and the dead. Welcome, children of the night! I, Kage, shall be your host for during this event, so pull up a chair and grab a cup, there's plenty of crimson to be shared.

I always love to share knowledge, and learn the delicious facts that elude me. If you share this sentiment, Please, allow me to entertain and treat you to an amazing library of the Macabre I have. I am always expanding and dispersing these things, so do not fear that you have nothing to add, there are always interesting things to be learned.

As your entertainer, I am offering a special treat. I am an artist, you see, and I wish to share the good fun of the pages ahead, so I am offering 2 lucky people free art of the Macabre kind. But I can't leave all the other Ghouls and Fiends out, So if you aren't one of the lucky ones, I am still offering art for a delectably low price of just 100 gold.

Claim you place on the hit list or just stay for a chat, either way, their is plenty of dark fun to be had, if only you dare to pass though the gates of Morbid Curiosity.

The Morgue Gates ~*~
Topics of the Night
Obituary Photos
Lore of the Dark
Golden Candles & Broken Wicks

Last edited by KageShio; 11-04-2010 at 08:21 PM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 10-31-2010, 11:04 PM

Topic of the Night

Here is where I will post my questions and topics, as well as those that others request.

October 31- How do you, your family or country celebrate All Hallow's Eve?

November 2nd- Why do you think people are so intrigued/ scared of the thought of death? How do you see it?

November 3rd- do you believe in superstitions such as walking under a ladder or hanging a horseshoe up will bring you bad/good luck? If so, what ones do you believe in?

Last edited by KageShio; 11-03-2010 at 09:00 PM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 10-31-2010, 11:10 PM

Obituary Photos

Here is where I will be giving and selling Art. As I said, two lucky cadavers shall receive a Morbid or Horror themed art piece for the succulent price of free. But, as I also previously said, I cannot ignore the rest of the mob, so I am offering my art for just one hundred gold.

There are only two free slots, and three paid at a time, but after the five are competed, I might up the number of paid slots, we shall see what the future holds.

I regret to tell you all that I cannot take requests to draw animals unless they be monstrosities, for I have never really been able to figure out the proportions correctly.

I am pleased to announce that I have use of my tablet back, and will be able to do art in both the traditional and digital styles.


(hidden due to Macabre nature of picture, be advised.)

-Assisted deaths-

-Paid hits-

Thoth Star

-Completed Jobs-

Rikali- Link
Dragoness129- link

Last edited by KageShio; 11-04-2010 at 08:21 PM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 10-31-2010, 11:12 PM

Lore of the Dark

Here I will post some folk tales and myths about the various creatures that go "bump" in the night.

The Vampire
Vampires have a very large presence in modern culture. Novels, movies, media, and tabloids continually use these blood-sucking creatures. We imagine the vampire as the Bella Lugosi, or perhaps the more romantic Lestat. He would be a pale, tall, thin, usually handsome ghoul with wickedly sharp teeth. He might even be able to turn into a bat. A female vampire will be portrayed as drop-dead gorgeous. She will be a deadly vixen, first seducing you with her beauty, and then sinking her fangs into your neck. Male or female, these monsters have been very romanticized. This view of vampires is not very accurate in following ancient myth.

The original Slavic Vampire was widespread throughout Eastern Europe. While being a model for the now known Vampire, its ancestor is quite different. This Slavic Vampire was not always a product of a Vampire bite, rather an entity onto itself. People who died of an accidental or sudden death, or a suicide, could become Vampires. Other situations could attribute to Vampirism. A child born with a caul or teeth could turn after death. An infant who died before baptism could turn as well. If bitten by one of these Vampires you could die and then become a Vampire yourself. To kill a Vampire they would use methods we are well aware of; burning, staking, decapitation, and holy water

The Chinese Vampire is one such culture with a different view on Vampirism than the traditional Slavic Vampire. This Vampire, or Chiang-Shih, as they call it, comes about from a violent death or suicide. A Chiang-Shih would need to reanimate before burial, for it could not get out of the coffin if buried. It did not have the power to materialize or dematerialize at will, unlike the Slavic vamp. The Chiang-Shih would usually be unrecognizable as such, but occasionally it would take on a green glow and grow talons and sharp teeth. The Chinese Vampire would usually rip of heads and limbs of male victims, or rape and then murder women. To ward off the vamp garlic could be used, along with iron filings, red peas, and rice. The only way to kill one was through lightening or a gun shot wound.

India is supplied with many different vampire like creatures. One of the more intriguing is the Chedipe. The Chedipe is a creature in the form of a naked woman riding on a tiger. She would enter a household and hypnotize those there to not notice her presence. She would then suck the blood out of a sleeping man's toe. He would feel drained of energy in the morning. A variation of the myth was that sometimes a tiger with human legs would attack men in the forest.

Malaysian folk lore describes a Vampiric creature called the Langsuyar. The Langsuyar started as a human woman who gave birth to a still-born child. When told of this she flew into a nearby tree. She roamed around in a green robe, with long fingernails and long, ankle length hair. The hair hid an opening in her neck which she used to suck the blood from children. This original Langsuyar eventually created many more. If a Malaysian woman was thought to become a Lansuyar herself there were precautions they would take. They would put marble in her mouth, eggs under her arms, and needles in the palms of her hands. She would stay like this for 40 days after the birth of her child. If a Langsuyar was captured they would cut her fingernails and hair and then stuff them into the opening in her neck. This would make her able to live in society and function normally.

The Vjesci of Polish fork-lore brings about a rather interesting remedy to those thought to turn into a the Vjesci. The Vjesci was said to be destined from birth. A baby born with a caul would turn upon its death. To prevent this the caul was taken, dried out, and then crushed into a powder. When the doomed child turned seven they would feed the powder to them. This would prevent them from becoming a Vjesci. If someone did manage to become a Vjesci, it would happen after their death. They would die, and the reawaken to begin eating at their clothing and flesh. They would then go and suck the blood of their relatives. After this was done it would go and ring the church bell. Anyone who heard the bell would then become the next victim. It seems they thought this Vampire to have OCD. To prevent it from rising they would place a net over the coffin. The Vampire would be compelled to untie all the knots. Likewise, they could put a bog of poppy seeds or rice on the coffin and the Vampire would need to count every grain.
Ghost tales about the world

Ghosts, spirits and poltergeists have always chilled and intrigued humans, since the dawn of superstition and civilization. All across the globe, there are stories of lost love, vengeance and sorrow haunting the living.

The tale of La Llorona
Once a poor man was married to a beautiful woman who lived in his village. The couple was very much in love, but the man insisted that they were too poor to have any children. When he found out his wife was pregnant, the man was very angry. He told the woman they could not keep the child. After the birth of his son, the man drowned the child in the river. His wife, too weak from giving birth to get up from the bed, pleaded in vain with her husband to spare the life of her child.

Several more sons were born to the couple, and the poor man drowned every one. The day the poor man took his fifth child to the river, his wife followed even though she was still weak and bleeding from giving birth. When he threw the child in the river, the woman went in after her son, determined to save the boy even though she did not know how to swim. The woman and her baby were swept away by the current and they both drowned.

The very next night, the woman's spirit returned to the river beside her home, wailing and searching for the sons she had lost. At first, the poor man was terrified by the spirit of his wife. He begged her to return to the spirit realm. But she did not hear him.

Night after night, the woman returned to the river, wailing and wringing her hands in her grief. The poor man became angry. But he could not stop the ghost of his wife from searching for her sons.

Finally, the sound of the wailing woman drove the man mad. He grabbed a knife and jumped into the river after the spirit to kill her. But the poor man did not know how to swim. The current swept him away and he drowned.

From that day to this, the spirit of La Llorona -- the wailing woman -- still haunts the waters and lakes, weeping.
Legend has it that a Rusalka is the spirit of a young Russian woman who haunts the area of the river or stream where she drowned. It may also be the spirit of an unbaptized child, an unwed mother, or a female virgin. Rusalka come in two varieties depending on which part of the country you are located. In southern Russia, Rusalka are beautiful, well-endowed, lovely long hair and have striking figures. Rusalka found in the north are hideous, ugly and appear naked. Both will attempt to seduce men to take as their lovers, before killing them.
Yotsuya Kaidan, The story of Oiwa
(This story is a play that was written in 1825 by Tsuruya Nanboku IV. It is one of, if not the most famous Japanese ghost story and continues to be a major influence in Asian horror films.)

About 1786 the doings of a demented lord results in many master-less samurai, including Iyemon who is used to luxury & could not adjust to the hand-to-mouth conditions & piecework of umbrella making he had resorted to. Having hired ruffians to make him look like a superior swordsman, he arranges for himself the opportunity of a profitable marriage. The daughter of a weathly minor lord, Oiwa, caught his eye and it was quickly arranged for them to be wed.

Iyemon and Oiwa barely got by in a home given to them by Owia's father, and soon Oiwa became with a child. Iyemon hated the idea of having another mouth to feed, and desperate for money, he began to secretly court the grand-daughter of a neighboring merchant.

Enomored with the young beauty, He hired the half-blind masseur Takuetsu to seduce or rape his wife, so that she can be divorced or killed for adultery. But the masseur takes pity & informs Oiwa of her husband's horrid plot.

Assisted by the merchant's daughter he intends to marry, Iyemon disfigures his wife attempting to poison her so he an marry higher. There's a lovingly gruesome sequence as she combs bald patches into her hair, kneeling deformed at her mirror, weeping with bitterness. She eventually cuts her own throat, swearing revenge. Her body & that of her infant vanish.

Soon Iyemon is being haunted & begins killing the people closest to him, including the young woman he had intended to wed. Each time he believes that he is defending himself from his wife's grotesque spirit. Iyemon flees the law but Oiwa continues the haunting until everyone who ever harmed her is killed.
The Flying Dutchman
In the year 1729, a Dutch ship called the Flying Dutchman, captained by the infamous Vanderdecken, set sail towards the Cape of Good Hope, Africa’s southernmost tip which has long been associated with difficult sailing conditions and shipwrecks. Vanderdecken was a violent and disturbed captain who feared nothing and refused to back away from any situation. As the ship approached the Cape a violent storm broke out. The fierce winds, gigantic waves and terrible lightening threatened to sink the Flying Dutchman, but the twisted and fearless captain had a threat of his own. There and then, Vanderdecken swore an oath to the Devil that he would round the Cape even if it took him until Doomsday. This foolish act brought a terrible curse down upon the captain, his crew and his ship. From that moment forth they were forced to roam the mighty seas for all eternity as a ghost ship.

From that fateful day to the present, many sailors claim to have seen the Flying Dutchman haunting the seas. It is believed that anyone who sees the ship will have misfortune fall upon them. So powerful is this belief that King George V of England himself, as a young prince during his naval days, purported to have encountered it, although a prince is not someone who immediately springs to mind when considering unfortunate people.

One method used by mariners to ward off the curse of the Flying Dutchman was to nail horseshoes to the masts of their ships, as this was supposed to bring good luck.

Last edited by KageShio; 11-02-2010 at 02:33 AM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 10-31-2010, 11:13 PM

Golden Candles

Here is the list of well admired lovers of the darker world. Post often and add to the library of knowledge to get buried here.

Broken Wicks

If you end up in a coffin here, you've sinned too much for this thread's liking. Be polite and literate with an open mind to keep out of this plot.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 10-31-2010, 11:13 PM

The Gates to the Cemetery are now open. Welcome to Morbid curiosity.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 11-01-2010, 04:38 AM

Hi, Kage! I think you know how I spend Samhain, handing out free candy to children all dressed up, and maybe going out all dressed up to get free candy. And making sure that I don't get eaten by zombie hordes. Oh! Could you draw a zmobie drow?

Last edited by Drakina; 11-01-2010 at 04:50 AM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 11-01-2010, 04:53 AM

yes, I know how you spend Hallows Eve, I was and am here with you. As for your request, first come first serve, you shall receive a free picture of a Zombie Drow.

Last edited by KageShio; 11-01-2010 at 04:39 PM..

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 11-01-2010, 05:40 AM


Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 11-01-2010, 04:38 PM

Come darklings, don't be afraid, I don't bite... unless you ask.

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 01:59 AM

Hey Kage! :D
I'll help keep your thread alive. ;)
How are you doing?

I love your style. It's so cool. And it's so neat colored. ^.^

I can haz?
Rikali is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:12 AM

*waltzes in*
Why hello! ^^

We didn't do anything for Halloween this year, but normally we have a costume party. I used to go trick or treating and then handed out candy to the other kids.

I would also love some art of my current avatar. ^^ May I take one of the paid slots?

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:15 AM

I'll draw the animals you are requested for. :) I love drawing animals.

I can haz?
Rikali is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:17 AM

Neller- Do you like to draw kitties? I luff kitties!

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:20 AM

@Neller, Huzzah! Morbid lives once more. This poor thread keeps being necromanced. Thank you for the compliments, I'm not as confident in my traditional works as I am with my digital. Hm... I shall have to make sure to refer those questers to you, I already have one who is interested, can you draw Zombies?

@Rikali, Hello Madame! Tis a bit sad that there was no celebration for you this year, but here on Mene there is plenty of celebrating for all, is there not? As per your request, I can begin work on it tonight, It will be a full color waist-up picture, just so you know. You may send the trade at any time, I shall accept it once the work is completed.

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:24 AM

Zombies...I've never tried, but I wouldn't turn down a challenge. :)
And you're welcome. I love the pictures you have as an example. Can I request a freebie slot?

I can haz?
Rikali is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:27 AM

Originally Posted by KageShio View Post

@Rikali, Hello Madame! Tis a bit sad that there was no celebration for you this year, but here on Mene there is plenty of celebrating for all, is there not? As per your request, I can begin work on it tonight, It will be a full color waist-up picture, just so you know. You may send the trade at any time, I shall accept it once the work is completed.
Yeah, I had even gotten some kitty ears and a tail I was going to use, but things didn't work out.
But celebrating on Mene is plenty fun!
Thank you very much, I shall send the trade now before I go to bed. ^^

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:38 AM

@Neller, Well I shall make sure to have her get on Mene tonight or tomorrow, then. Also, you most certainly can, first come first serve. What is your request?

@Rikali, I am sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you are having fun here! Thank you for the request, rest well.

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:39 AM

My avi, lol. You can do whatever you want to her. XD

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:42 AM

Whatever I like, hm? Do you mind blood and artistic gore? It is my specialty and oh so suiting to this season. It certainly will be interesting, you have quite a few layers on there.

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:46 AM

I don't mind. ;) That's why I offered to do as you please. Lol. I can simplify it, if you'd like.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 10:00 AM

Hullo, there! :D I would love to buy some art if that is possible!

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 02:17 PM

If there is a slot still open. I would love to buy one please. ^_^

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 03:50 PM

Hello, Dragoness and HappyStarr, There are indeed two slots available. What are your requests? I assume, Dragoness, you would like a picture of your Avi?

Last edited by KageShio; 11-02-2010 at 03:56 PM..

HappyStarr is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 03:55 PM

Umm. Just draw my avatar? And go to town with it. Have fun. ;)

(Do you need me to post a hosted picture of it for you? I don't really plan on changing it...but..=/ )


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