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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-25-2016, 11:00 AM

Luke smiled, "Lunch sounds nice, and I'm sure Leila would join us." He was sure she would be over it by lunch time tomorrow, she probably was even now. If not he'd force her to come anyways, like she normally did to him. A bit of a change in pace for once. Only one time his sister had ever held a grudge, and this wasn't anything like that, so he knew it would be okay, even if he didn't like seeing her upset, even for a short amount of time.

He watched her, intrigued by how she had tied the tentacles back, as if she would normal hair. "Doesn't that hurt?" He asked without thinking. Apparently he hadn't learned his lesson from yesterday. He just needed to go one day without being totally awkward, he had been doing good, probably because when he was shifted he couldn't say stupid things or ask personal questions.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-26-2016, 02:54 AM

Myriam blinked in surprise upon hearing Luke's answer. "You really think so?" she asked and smiled warmly. "That really makes me happy. I did not mean to upset her." she replied softly and gathered up her things, knowing she needed to take them to her room and put them away. "Maybe tomorrow I can bring out the things I have found for you to look at." she said and blushed, looking down at the things she had. "T-that's if you want to see them anyway." Myriam quickly added. She didn't want him to feel like he had to see her collection.

"Hmm?" Myriam looked at Luke, hearing his question. "Oh this?" she asked and pointed to her tentacles on her head which where now tied up with the rope. "J-just a little bit actually." Myriam confessed and let out a nervous laugh, as if she was caught doing something she shouldn't be doing. "I probably will just put the rope away with everything else." she explained, since she didn't think it would be wise to have her 'hair' like this all the time.

Precarious Fool
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Old 05-26-2016, 10:42 AM

Luke smiled and nodded, "I would like to see your collection. Perhaps then the time after I could show you mine..." He was glad to see her in a good mood, he didn't realize she had been so worried about how Leila would feel. He would make sure his sister was here tomorrow, and he imagined she'd be pretty happy, since her plan to get them to be friends had worked. It had only been a plan to get them to be friends, right? Luke blushed, realizing perhaps his sister had more in mind. Had Myriam realized that yesterday and it was the reason things had gotten so awkward? Oh, that wasn't good. He didn't his sisters matchmaking, not at all, and if he brought her tomorrow... Yet he had no choice, he all but promised Myriam he would bring her. Perhaps he just needed to have a talk with Leila, let her know he didn't want her interfering.

Was she getting ready to leave? It was probably for the best, he had pushed his luck far enough today and didn't need a repeat of yesterday. It seemed it would be okay if they had something around to distract him from asking stupid questions. Or any questions, really. "I've got a paper I should probably finish..." He mumbled to himself, he had planned to finish it last night but spent too much time in the library, trying to find out more about water gorgons. He had little to show for all that effort, too. Standing, he picked up the small metal object and put it in his pocket, then hefted the stone up. It was heavy, but he didn't want to leave it behind and risk someone taking it. "See you tomorrow." He said, managing a smile without looking like a total idiot. He knew he was pressing his luck staying.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-27-2016, 03:23 AM

Myriam smiled and nodded, "Oh that would be wonderful!" she exclaimed happily, holding her findings close to her chest. She watched him and blinked, "What is the paper on?" she asked and noticed he was struggling. "Would -you like any help?" she asked. She wouldn't mind helping him. Sure girls weren't allowed in the male dorms but she was just going to be helping him take something to his room. It wasn't like she'd be staying in there, she had things to put away herself and she probably needed a shower. He was already leaving though, "Oh...y-yeah I'll see you tomorrow." she answered and wondered what Leila was up to. She wasn't going to go looking for her though, she didn't want to make things worse than she probably already had.

Myriam just hoped that tomorrow everything was back to normal. She would need to be focused on her classes tomorrow. What classes did she have tomorrow? Oh right, English and Science. Both rather dull classes, although Science could be interesting at times. Well, only when they had some sort of experiment to do. Group work was something she didn't particularly enjoy but she couldn't really do anything about it.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-31-2016, 11:33 AM

Luke knew he probably had a stupid looking smile plastered to his face, but he was in a good mood. He had managed to not screw everything up, had an actual, real conversation with a female, and... well, and he had enjoyed shifting, which he hadn't done in a long time. Perhaps Leila wasn't as crazy as he thought, him and Myriam could be friends... Unless his sister expected more?

That thought helped to ruin his smile and good mood. Oh, but that wouldn't do at all. He could manage conversation, and whatever it was that happened today, but... that? Didn't she remember the disaster he made last time? Sighing he shifted the weight of the stone head, he was nearly to his room where he could put it down. He had to leave it on the floor to swing open the door, glad his roommate was gone to class, so he couldn't ask questions, like why his hair was still wet, or why he had some weird stone head. It took some careful maneuvering, and a close call, but he got the head hefted onto the upper shelf of his desk, where all the odds and ends he had collected were. Hopefully it didn't break the shelf.

His stomach growled, a reminder of the time spent with Myriam exploring. All that was left was for him to go eat something and then perhaps a nap?

Leila had been sulking around all day, people had commented on it, asked her what was wrong, but she said very little. Why was she so upset? It didn't make sense to her, not everyone liked what she did, and normally she didn't care, so what made this different? Perhaps because only one other person hadn't liked her faeries, and it was still a painful reminder of the time with him.

She sighed and stretched out, in cat form lounging in the sun along the main path, perched on the short, stone wall. Her stomach had been growling a short time ago but she ignored it, as she had all day. How long could she stay like this, ignoring the hunger? Hopefully the rest of the day, so people would stop trying to talk to her when she just wanted silence.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2016, 02:02 PM

Myriam watched him leave and looked back down at what she had before making her way to her room. She quickly put the items away and took a shower before going to bed early. She didn't have anything else to do for the day and she was actually pretty tired, her body was somewhat sore from today's adventure she had with Luke. Luke, she hoped he was okay and that he was able to carry the stone head back to his room without getting hurt or breaking anything. He was a smart kid though, he'd figure out how to get it to his room easily. Without a second thought, Myriam closed her yellow eyes and fell into a much needed sleep.

The following morning, she was already up and walking through the halls with her things in her arms as she made her way to her English class. She wasn't sure what they planned on doing today but whatever it was, it would be easy she was sure of it.

Wednesday morning, it seemed extra crowded in the halls today. Maybe because more students had class today? Raphael didn't know, but what he did know was that no one could see him right now which was always fun. Raphael had gathered his things and was running through the hall, or at least trying to towards his ceramics class. He loved messing with
the clay and he had already made quite a few little trinkets while in class. Today he was looking forward to painting his latest creation, a 'sugar' skull. It wasn't really made of sugar though of course not, it was made of clay but he designed it to look like a sugar skull.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-31-2016, 04:10 PM

Luke lazed around in bed, he had ended up at the library until late trying to find out more information about the stone head they had found. The internet turned up nothing, the description too vague to really find much, as did the books. He had tried talking to the librarian, who had been there for a long time, but she had no idea what he was going on about. His search had turned up nothing at all and left frustrated and tired. He had fallen asleep quickly, and didn't wake up until Leila had burst into the room, complaining about one of the girls on her floor, who had tattled on her for being out of her room well after midnight. She wouldn't have been caught if the girl in question hadn't left her backpack in the hall for Leila to trip over. When he had asked where she had been she avoided the question and to distract him asked him about the large stone head that was currently staring at her. She seemed pleased to know that he had spent lunch with Myriam, and even more so that they were having lunch again today. The frown when he explained that he wanted her to come was not covered quickly enough, and he wondered if Leila was still upset.

Before he could find out, she had taken off in a cloud of pink and white lace, leaving him to peace and quiet. He didn't have classes until after lunch, and he normally didn't stay in bed, but it seemed a lot of things were changing.

Leila, after bothering her brother, was now running late for class. Not that she cared overly much, she enjoyed ceramics, but she was tired and actually a bit hungry, having skipped breakfast. She would have to see about getting a snack between classes. Her mind was too busy, trying to figure out what to do about Luke, Myriam, and a snack, so she paid little attention to where she was going. Already she had nearly bumped into two people, stopping just in time on both occasions to avoid accident. Her notebook, with sketches of her latest project swung at her side, the loose papers close to falling out. She wasn't all that far from class now, but the hall was thinning out, meaning she would be late if she didn't walk faster, yet she kept the same, leisurely pace.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2016, 04:39 PM

Myriam was walking down the hall, avoiding bumping into anyone. People seemed to be in a hurry to get to class today for some reason that she did not understand. As she approached her class someone bumped into her and she turned around but no one was there anymore. "Sorry!" she heard a voice say far away now. Now she was somewhat confused but she ignored it and walked into class where she took her seat and got ready for class.

Raphael hadn't meant to bump into the cousin of Medusa, that's what she looked like but he wanted to get to class quickly. "Hey! Cotton candy cloud, move out of the way!" he warned as he continued running down the hall. He wasn't sure she heard him in time though because then Raphael bumped into her, sending her papers flying. "Sorry!" he said as he quickly picked up the papers and stacked them all neatly before holding out the floating stack of papers to this girl. "Here you are missus." he said to her and smiled even though she couldn't see him.

Precarious Fool
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Old 05-31-2016, 04:49 PM

Leila was sure she had heard a voice, something about cotton candy? Oh, that sounded pretty good, actually. She loved sugar, and candy, and... well, what could anyone say negative about cotton candy? Perhaps someone was selling it? That would be a first, but she was about to miss an opportunity. Just as she was turning towards where she thought she heard the voice, she felt something crash into her, her notebook flying from her hand, the papers scattering across the floor. Blinking, she watched as the papers seemed to collect themselves and floated before her. It wasn't until she heard a voice did she imagine a person... or something, anyways, was behind the chaos.

"You're invisible!" She squeaked out, a grin on her face. It was a pointless observation but she was excited about the prospect of someone being able to be invisible. She had always wished she could be, or at least as close to it as possible. Often she had tried to turn into a bug, or something, but she could never shift into something quite so small. A million questions swirled in her mind and she tried to not blurt them out, like Luke always warned her, but it was hard, since she was curious. She wasn't sure she had ever noticed an invisible classmate before. A giggle escaped her at that thought, of course she wouldn't notice him if he was invisible. The bull rung and she looked over her shoulder as the door to the classroom closed. Well, once again she was late.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 05-31-2016, 05:13 PM

Raphael blinked as he stared at her, "Yes I can see that I am." he answered with a nod of his head. She seemed really shocked and happy to 'see' an invisible person. "You never actually met an invisible person I guess huh?" he asked and chuckled. The flurry of students rushing past them to get to class. Once the bell rang he sighed and slowly made himself visible again. "Hello there." he said to the girl in front of him. His pale blue almost white eyes looking right at her. He smiled when he heard her cute giggle and chuckled in response. "This is not the response I expected to get. I expected you to freak out and run away or something. Oh well maybe I'm just not scary enough." he said and laughed.

"Seems like we're both late to class. Where are you headed?" he asked and looked down at the papers still in his hands. He saw the art sketches, "Art class too huh? Well we're both late. I don't know about you but one absence won't kill me. Besides, I'd rather get something to drink right now." he explained to her. She was pretty cute despite her interesting skin color, but her nose was the cutest nose he had ever seen. Then again, Raphael didn't really stare at people long enough to notice their features.

Precarious Fool
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Old 05-31-2016, 05:35 PM

"Well I wouldn't know if I had met an invisible person..." Leila began to say, her mouthing forming an 'O' when he suddenly was visible to her, her train of thought cut off. Oh how she wished she could do that! Imagine the pranks she could pull. "Scary? You're too pretty to be scary!" She said, not thinking before she did so. Oh, how she hoped she didn't offend him. Could she be blamed though, if it wasn't for the voice she might think he was she... Not that she could say much, if it wasn't for the dresses and long hair she could probably be mistakes for a 12 year old boy. Her pale grey eyes looked over him, much as he seemed to be staring at her. How had she not noticed him before? Perhaps he spent more time invisible than not, or perhaps it was because she was always busy bothering Luke or exploring.

"A drink? Oh!" Leila grinned and grab his hand, pulling him down the hall with her. No longer did she care about the drawings and scribbles he had held, not looking back to see if they even had them all. In all her time exploring this place she had found many cool and interesting things, things she rarely showed other people. One of them was a hidden wing, right near all the art rooms, she had found it quite on accident, when she had fallen against a tapestry and felt the wood give way behind her. "There is an old drinking fountain, in a wing they don't use anymore..." She explained, so he would know where she was dragging him. The wing couldn't be too old, seeing as how it had modern things like drinking fountains and lights, but it seemed at least twenty years since it was last used. The fountain bowl of the fountain was carved from stone, made to look like a resting dragon, and tall trees, carved from wood rose up on either side. It was far too ornate for a water fountain, she thought, but she enjoyed going to it anyways. The water from it was always cold, and no one else seemed to know about it.

When they made it the short distance to the tapestry, she looked around, making sure no one was watching before pulling the heavy fabric away, revealing a carved, wooden door. It creaked and moaned as she opened it, and she rushed through, motioning him to follow her. Her entry stirred up dust that had been sitting on the floor, the clouds swirling around her. The walls were made of stone, old tapestries, carved wooden masks, and other things hung on them. Most of the rooms were locked tight and she couldn't get in them, the windows were locked and blacked out from the outside. Only two of the rooms could be opened, and they were just basic classrooms, a little outdated though, with broken clocks and dusty green chalkboards. Nothing to give away what people had learned in these rooms.

"Come on!" Leila said in a hushed whisper, wanting him to follow her through, the fountain just a bit down the hall, visible from the door.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2016, 06:04 PM

Raphael blushed a dusty pink on his pale cheeks. "I uhh...y-yeah I guess I am pretty.." he said quietly. It shouldn't surprise him to be called pretty since he did look like a girl at times, but he was pretty sure he was a guy last time he checked. "I don't remember ever seeing you around here before, are you new?" he asked her quietly as he was being dragged away somewhere. The papers all still in a nice stack in his hand. He didn't want to ruin them for her. Maybe she was new. Raphael was sure he'd remember her if he had ever seen her before around here. Maybe he was just too busy staying hidden that he just never noticed? Or maybe she was busy with friends of her own? He didn't know but he'd figure it all out eventually.

"A drinking fountain?" Raphael repeated. He wasn't sure why they were going there. He wasn't one to drink actual water fountain water, he always would buy a drink at the cafeteria. "How did you find it?" he heard himself ask her. What was she doing when she found it? Was it accidental or was she avoiding class and exploring the school instead? No, she didn't look like the kind of girl that enjoyed to ditch class. Raphael kept up the pace and turned around to make sure they weren't being watched or followed. So far he saw no one.

Raphael stared at the large door and ran his hand along it before stepping back and letting her open it. Sneezing quietly at the dust in the air now. He followed her inside, his eyes looking around the place and taking in every detail that he saw in there. "Wow..." he whispered. This was really cool. What kind of students attended class in these abandoned rooms? What kind of things did they learn? "I'm right behind you." he whispered and occasionally looked behind him to make sure that they were truly alone. For all he knew, he wasn't the only invisible student here.

Precarious Fool
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Old 05-31-2016, 06:27 PM

Leila shut the door behind him, not wanting them to get caught. She was sure they probably shouldn't be here, it might be hidden for good reason, not that Leila cared. She left him near the door, going to what she usually referred to as her water fountain. She had shown it to Luke before, he couldn't find anything about this particular wing of the building in any of the books about the school, and it wasn't on the old blueprints he had found either. For awhile he had found it cool, but it grew boring to him, and he was always too afraid of getting caught.

She pulled back her long black hair, the strands nearly brushing the floor as she bent over to drink from the fountain. Several strands were braided, pink ribbons running through them, matching the frilly dress she wore. "Ah." She moaned, enjoying the ice cold water that flowed from it. She figured it was still connected to the main lines, since she even found that the bathrooms in this hall worked, even if they were a bit dusty. Finished with her drink she turned back to him, trying to remember all the questions he had asked so she could answer them properly.

"Let's see, I'm not new, I've been here three years... But I've missed class a time or two." She started, a mischievous grin on her face. She was lucky she was still enrolled at all. Though she had failed a few classes, and if she didn't make them up, and pass all the ones she was currently in, she would be here another year. That bit of information she hadn't told Luke, since he would worry endlessly and bother her about it. Staying another year wouldn't be the worst thing, she figured, she quite enjoyed it here.

"Let's just say I... stumbled upon the door awhile back, and have been hanging out here since. It's quite, and weird..." She brushed some dust from her pink dress, "And a bit dusty." Now that she had started talking, all the words just seemed to spill out. "I'm Leila, my brother is Luke, he looks like me, but taller, and sulky. We're shape-shifters, though I wish I could turn invisible like you! Imagine all the pranks I could play on Luke..." She trailed off for a moment, imagining just that. "Oh, but never mind that! What's your name? How long have you been going here? Can you do anything else cool?" Her words came out fast, in her usual sing-song voice, despite how she tried to contain her excitement.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2016, 07:14 PM

While she was drinking water, Raphael admired her long hair. He wondered if it was hard to brush and to maintain. She probably took hours getting it to be perfect like it was right now. He saw the pink ribbons and smiled, she really did take her time with her hair, it was clear to see. If she was drinking the water, then he guessed it couldn't be too gross right? Hey when you're thirsty you'll drink just about anything. Raphael tore his gaze away from her though and looked back around the room. Why was this place hidden from the students? Was there something in here that the teachers didn't want the students to know about?

Raphael looked to her when he heard her speak and smiled. "I see, that's cool." he answered quietly. "I agree, it is pretty weird. Why would they have this place hidden? Maybe they're trying to hide other cool things throughout the school." he suggested. Now it was his time to answer questions though. "Leila..pretty name fit for a pretty girl." he said and went invisible as he walked around the room, knowing she wouldn't know where he was.

"So then you both can turn into various types of animals?" he asked and let out a soft laugh. "That is really neat." Raphael admitted and shook his head. "Well my name is Raphael, yes I am a boy. Shocker I know. This is my last year that I'll be here, then I'll be gone. I hope to be a sculptor someday." Raphael answered and turned to face her, he was now standing right in front of her, of course she didn't know this. "I can turn others invisible. However, it's physically taxing." he said with a groan at the end.

Precarious Fool
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Old 05-31-2016, 07:43 PM

Leila ignored the comment about being pretty, trying to stop the pink blush against her pale skin, she wasn't so sure he was serious. Her skin was weird, her clothes frilly, and well... she was still disappointed in her lack of womanly attributes. "There are lots of things hidden, if you just look for them. I've found many over the years, but I'm sure there are more..." She trailed off as he went invisible, trying to follow his path. At first it was easy, the dust swirling up around where he moved, but soon all of it seemed to blend together and she couldn't tell exactly where he was, no matter how hard she watched and listened as he talked.

So he was on his last year here? How had she not noticed him in all this time, surely they had a class or two together, and she had often made it a point to get to know everyone she could. Yet she found new people all the time, so perhaps she wasn't as perceptive as she thought she was. She had been trying to think of a reply, being a sculptor sounded cool, and interesting, but everything stopped at his last words. "You can turn others invisible?" She gasped out, excited far more than she should be. She all but ignored the mention of it being taxing, not caring about that bit of nonsense. Could she ask someone she just met to make her invisible? What would she do if she was? Oh, but she simply had to try it! Being a cat was fine and all, and flying around was interesting, but to be able to go anywhere unseen? That would be amazing. "Oh, but you have to make me invisible! I want to scare Luke..." A wicked sort of grin crossed her face at the thought of what she could do. And he wouldn't even be able to blame her!

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 05-31-2016, 07:57 PM

"I don't know Leila...we just met after all and we aren't exactly friends yet. I don't think your brother would be too happy if we..." Raphael sighed as he made himself visible, leaning against the door now. "Well alright then, just this once. It would be good practice and what kind of person would I be if I refused to let you have some bit of fun?" he answered with a smile on his face. "So where is your brother and do you really think you can scare him so easily?" Raphael asked. He never really did this before so he knew it wouldn't be easy but how could he just say no to her? Besides, practice was always good to get and it would only be for today.

"I hope you know that I can't be doing this for you every single day though." he said, a frown on his face as he said that. Last year he ended up in a coma for turning people invisible for pranks. He had pushed himself way too far and ended up with a needle in his arm and monitors all around him. That was something he didn't want or need again. His pale eyes instinctively looked down at the arm where he used to have the needle and gently rubbed the spot.

Precarious Fool
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Old 05-31-2016, 08:17 PM

Leila frowned at his tone and the questions... Perhaps she was being rude. Luke said she was often rude. Maybe he didn't like turning people invisible? But then he was visible again, and she noticed his smile and she let excitement take hold again. "Oh yes, just once should be enough." She agreed with him, not wanting to impose too much on him. If she just messed with Luke once, she would be happy. It seemed like it would be safe enough to do, and would satisfy her curiosity, surely.

Leila clapped her hands in excitement, missing his frown and pointed look at his arm. It was one thing people tended to dislike about her, she often was oblivious to others feelings, caught up in her own little world. "He's probably still in his room..." She murmured, working on a plan to scare him. It shouldn't be hard, he would never expect her to be invisible! "Oh! I've got it, he found this silly stone head yesterday... the last thing he'd expect is for it to come alive." Yes, it would work perfectly, she would be invisible, carry it around the room a bit, scare him, then leave. "Oh thank you!" She squeaked out, a grin on her face as she threw her arms around Raphael in a quick hug before skipping back towards the door. Ready and waiting for him. She wasn't sure if he'd wait until they were close to Luke's room before turning her, she didn't know the limits of his power.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 05-31-2016, 08:29 PM

Raphael snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at Leila. He listened to her plan and nodded, "That sounds like a pretty good plan to me. Alright, let's go see if you can pull it off." Raphael said and blushed brightly when she gave him a hug. "Oh uh...y-you're welcome." he said nervously. Raphael took her hand in his and took a deep breath, focusing as he turned invisible and turned her invisible as well. "Alright, let's go." he whispered. "You can lead the way and I'll follow." he instructed. This was going to be hard. Now he had to focus on himself and on her at the same time in order for them both to remain invisible.

He opened the door and let her lead the way to the room she said belonged to Luke. The halls were completely empty and teachers could be heard inside the classrooms giving boring lessons. This was a lot better than sitting in class and working on his sugar skull that was for sure. Raphael was a bit nervous since he wasn't sure how good or how bad this would go. He just hoped that no one got hurt.

Precarious Fool
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Old 05-31-2016, 08:53 PM

Leila didn't really feel any different when she was invisible. She wondered if she truly was, she knew he was, she couldn't see him beside her, but... well she would have to trust him. With a grin that could not be seen she followed him, then led him towards the boys dorms, towards her brothers rooms. She didn't know how long she had, so she hurried along. No one was around, so she couldn't test her temporary power on them. It didn't take long to reach her brothers room, much easier without a bunch of people in the halls blocking their way. As she reached his door she had to hold back a giggle, far too excited about the prospect of messing with Luke.

The door swung open, still unlocked from when she had barged in earlier. Luke was where she had left him, on his back on the bed, a book open and hovering over him. It didn't look comfortable, but he often read like that. "Leila, shouldn't you be in class?" Came his words, he didn't even look towards the door. It took some effort to not reply, and she held her finger to her lips, looking in Raphael's direction, forgetting for a moment he wouldn't be able to see her.

When Leila didn't reply, Luke sat up, putting down his book. He looked around, confused as to why no one was there. As quietly as she could, Leila tiptoed towards his desk, where his collection sat. The stone head was in the same place, facing near the center of the room. When Luke shrugged and looked like he was going to stand, Leila slowly started to rotate the head, turning it to face him on the bed. It made him pause, he blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes, as if he didn't believe what he was seeing. Leila struggled to not giggle, enjoying this more than she should.

Next she flicked the glass eye, the sound of it rolling loud in the quiet room. At this Luke jumped and stood up from his bed, watching as the glass eye rolled from its place on the shelf to the other side. He said nothing, but he seemed pale, and confused. The open window created a distraction, the breeze causing the pages of his book to flutter closed. She had wanted to do more, but was afraid to let go of Raphael's hand, not sure if she would not longer be invisible. While Luke was distracted she used her free hand to shove the stone head, it moved a few inches, knocking over a wooden sculpture and a few books it had held up. Some of the books crashed to the desk with a thud. Quickly he spun around, noticing the change in position of the head.

Leila held a hand over her mouth, trying to keep quiet but enjoying the fearful look on his face as he took a few steps towards the desk. Squeezing Raphael's hand, she moved back towards the door, not sure how much longer he could keep this up. If he needed to stop, she was giving him the chance.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2016, 09:36 PM

Raphael looked in the room once the door was open and smiled when he heard Luke speak to his sister. Well yes, but she missed you too much and wanted to come back to visit you. he thought to himself. Already he could tell that this was going to be interesting to watch. He was going to have to be really careful and quiet not to bump into anything or say anything. He hoped that she would be able to keep herself quiet as well or else this whole thing would be a fail.

Luke didn't seem too concerned that Leila was nowhere to be seen. Raphael wondered what book he was reading and if it was even interesting. It must be though since he looked very interested in it when they first showed up. He felt her moving and quietly followed her moves, making sure not to let go of her hand at any moment. Don't mess this up, don't mess this up. Raphael kept telling himself in his mind. Now he saw what she had been talking about. The large stone head just sitting there. Why did her brother even have that? Where did he get it? Who did it belong to? All these questions threatened to distract him from the task at hand.

He wasn't about to let that happen though. He had to let Leila have her fun for a while, besides, he wasn't tired just yet. Raphael watched Luke's reaction closely and grinned. He didn't seem frightened, just a little surprised or confused. Either way, it was entertaining to witness. There was a sound of something rolling and now he had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing at how scared Luke was. Hopefully we don't end up killing the poor guy because of this. he thought to himself as he continued to hold Leila's hand in his gently.

Poor Luke was probably so confused right now, but there would be an explanation soon enough. Raphael placed his free hand over his mouth to keep quiet while he watched Luke's now frightened expression. Well she wanted to scare him and she had done just that. Raphael backed up with her and then let go of her hand, making her visible again to anyone. He wondered just how angry Luke was going to be but he'd step in if he had to. For now, staying invisible seemed like the best choice.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-31-2016, 09:55 PM

Leila was so busy enjoying this that she hadn't noticed Raphael letting go of her hand. It wasn't until Luke, who had been looking around the room, was staring directly at her, a slightly angry look on his face. Could he see her? "Leila!" Yes, he apparently could see it. Despite her surprise at being visible, and Raphael nowhere to be found, she couldn't hold back the giggles. She was still laughing as Luke stalked towards her, a frown on his face.

"Not funny, Leila!" He said with a pout, his hands on his hips. It only made Leila laugh more. She stumbled back a bit to get away from him as he stalked closer, falling back onto his roommates bed. She fanned her arms out. "Oh, that was so much fun, thank you!" This only served to confuse Luke, he didn't know how she had done it, but he should have known she had something to do with it. Like the head could really be haunted!

"How did you do that?" He demanded of her, he was not amused at all, but he wanted to know how she had managed it. Leila grinned and shook her head, "Don't worry about it, brother." She looked in the direction she thought Raphael was in, wondering if he wanted to show himself or not. Perhaps he wasn't interested in meeting her brother.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Luke asked her when she didn't answer. She frowned, annoyed that he was trying to ruin her fun. "Class is so boring..." She huffed and stood up, making her way back towards the door. Surely her and Raphael could get into more trouble, rather than go to class...

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2016, 10:13 PM

Raphael didn't like how angry Luke had gotten so quickly, but he supposed he understood why he was angry. Leila though didn't seem the least bit concerned that her brother was glaring at her. If looks could kill Leila would be dead already from the glare she was receiving from her brother. "Oh, you're welcome Leila. It was my pleasure and rather entertaining to watch." Raphael said and looked at Luke, knowing he couldn't see him. "Hello there, you must be Leila's brother." Raphael said as he walked over and stood right in front of him before becoming visible again.

"I'm Raphael, pleasure to meet you!" he said and grinned. "You're right, we should be in class, but we missed our chance so Leila here decided to pay you a visit and I just thought I'd tag along and meet you." he explained. "How did she do that? With my help of course. It was exhausting but worth it. I honestly didn't think she would be able to scare you." Raphael explained.

Precarious Fool
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Old 05-31-2016, 10:58 PM

Leila was reduced to giggles once more at Luke's face when Raphael revealed himself. How could he be so surprised by that, considering some of the... creatures they went to school with. Luke was not too pleased and frowned at Raphael, then Luke. "Is that even safe?" He asked, annoyed at them both for interrupting his quiet time, as well as Leila for even trying to mess with him. He had truly been freaked out, he had thought the head was moving on its own, some sort of creepy relic, and that was why it had ended up in the bottom of the lake in the first place.

"Not funny, Leila." Luke said with a groan, turning his back on them both. "Go to class Leila, I need to clean up before lunch."

Leila frowned, she thought he'd have a bit better of a sense of humour than that. She hadn't done anything that horrible. Shrugging, she stood up and grabbed Raphael's hand, pulling him from the room. The door was barely closed before she broke out into giggles once more, her other arm grabbing his to steady herself. "Did you see his face?" She managed to ask through the laughter, enjoying herself more than she had in awhile.

When she was finally able to stop laughing she straightened herself up, and looked at Raphael, a smile on her face. "What should we do now?" It wasn't like she planned to go to class now, not with a new friend and the possibility of mischief.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2016, 11:26 PM

"It's safe yes, to an extent. I can't do this all the time." Raphael started and frowned. Clearly they had angered Luke enough for the day. He didn't want to anger him any more so he allowed himself to be pulled out of the room and let out a sad sigh. At least Leila had enjoyed their fun. "I did, he looked unconcerned, then confused and lastly terrified. Good job Leila. I honestly didn't think you could pull it off." he said to her and laughed. Raphael wasn't sure what they could do since he didn't really want to get into any trouble. That's the reason he avoided being seen. "I'm not sure, what did you want to do?" Raphael asked her. "Maybe we could scare a teacher?" he suggested with a smile. "Or another student? Maybe one you hate?" he hinted with a smirk.

He wasn't sure why he was suggesting any of this, he was probably going to end up in another coma because of this. Oh but it didn't matter. As long as she was happy he was happy. He was always happy to help those who needed it anyway, and it seemed like she'd need his help again if she chose to scare anyone else today.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-31-2016, 11:41 PM

"Hate? I don't hate anyone." Leila mused as she leaned against Luke's door, trying to figure out what they could do. Being invisible was fun, but she wondered if using his powers was as terrible for him as it was for her? She knew after a lot of use she was always hungry and tired. Perhaps she should show him how she shifted? Well, he might find it weird, and there was the issue of clothing, or lack there of, when she shifted back. She blushed a bit at the thought, turning to look away.

"Hmm. I think that is enough being invisible for the day, but I could show you some more cool places I've found! Like the roof." It was a fun spot to go to, she had snuck into the maintenance office to take key to unlock the door, all the way at the top of the back girls stairwell, where no one ever went, since the top floor was mainly storage and the likes. From there she could see the whole campus, and she enjoyed hiding out there, a place she hadn't shown Luke, otherwise he'd probably get it locked back up, or know where to find her.


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