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hummy is offline
Old 01-02-2016, 01:16 AM

I think this would be totally Rad
Item Suggestion: Snow Zombie! i particularly love the 'bite' out of his brainzzz =3


(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-13-2016, 05:41 AM

Oohh I love that zombie snowman idea! That could also be a potential theme for a future Festival of Winter Nights event :)


Velvet is offline
Old 02-09-2016, 11:05 PM

I think this would be totally Rad
Item Suggestion: Dragons! I would love, LOVE, to see something with dragons! (Besides Tatsu..) A cool dragon in the background, cute baby dragons, dragon horns, eyes, scales, wings ect.. Pleeeease? And a cave like background to go with it would be awesome!~
References: Yep, referring to items from a certain website.. Obviously not copying them, but just to give you the idea.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-29-2016, 04:06 PM

I think this would be totally Rad
Item Suggestion: Seacow-related items! For example, a seacow hat, an "I <3 seacows" shirt, seacow-patterned clothing, seacow horns, a seacow plushie that can be held or placed on the ground, a background based on the seacow's habitat
References: Click on thumbnail for full view
and this is the current Whalecow on my Head! item that is available in The Toy Chest:

(oops, I meant whalecow when I said seacow)


Kent is offline
Old 03-01-2016, 11:01 PM

Oh~ Would be awesome to have more whalecow items. > w<

I think other creatures from the Mene zodiac should appear too. > o>

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 03-02-2016, 11:47 PM

Oh cool, I didn't know there was a Mene zodiac. I assume Tatsu and the Star Eater might be included? *is not sure*


Kent is offline
Old 03-05-2016, 01:14 AM

Yes, they are~ As well as the hippocamp, phoenix, and heart faced foxes~
Tatsu looks different from the dragon in the thread tho. X3
Totally want a liondog and kirin. * o*

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 03-05-2016, 05:19 PM

Ahhh thank you Kent for the link! I can't believe I missed the Year of the Whalecow!

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 03-15-2016, 07:42 AM

It is time for the Peeblo Chainsaw Decimation! That's right, boys and girls. The people are clamoring for weaponized Peeblo. In this CI installment, Cueroface Peeblo goes after yet another batch of slow teenagers with his trusty Husqvarna.

G.I. Peeblo could also be equipped with a choice of jetpack, Bushmaster, standard issue M4, explosives (a little C4 knockin' at your door), flamethrower, or LAW (light anti-tank weapon).

With this new CI, Peeblo is sure to do to his foes what Blink 182 did to music in the '90s.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 03-18-2016, 08:16 PM

That's a very cool idea, Mr. Wrong! I wouldn't mind those as event items too!


Velvet is offline
Old 03-23-2016, 02:39 AM

More furniture!

Beds, couches, stove, fridge, lamps, tvs.. Ya know.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 04-05-2016, 06:48 AM

Here it is, folks, the loneliest thread on Menewsha. Or close to it.


Roachi is offline
Old 04-05-2016, 09:11 PM

What happened to the old thread, that had heaps of awesome ideas in it.
I contributed a few times myself. But alas, no cool masks lol :(


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star2000shadow is offline
Old 04-05-2016, 11:17 PM

more kittys, besides just on the head, maybe have them standing infront of, behind, next to on ether side of, or hiding behind things, it'd be cute to have a kitty head peering from behind some of the tree peices and or bushes we have. and maybe a puppy the same size as the kitty?


Velvet is offline
Old 04-08-2016, 12:17 AM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
Here it is, folks, the loneliest thread on Menewsha. Or close to it.
Yes...yes it is.


Roachi is offline
Old 04-11-2016, 03:29 AM

It would be nice to have something different.
I suggested a mask similar too the fairy from rise of the guardians. Some years ago now.
Heres the link --->
I even drew the mask with matching cuffs and earrings & ankle wings. I can't find the old thread though to dig it out.
I still think it would be awesome!!

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-14-2016, 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by Roachi View Post
What happened to the old thread, that had heaps of awesome ideas in it.
I contributed a few times myself. But alas, no cool masks lol :(
We actually have it saved in the staff room and do visit it for inspiration. It was just cluttered and full so we made a new one to start fresh.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 04-15-2016, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Li Mei View Post
Things We've made from suggestions in this thread:
This list is so short that there is no list. Sad.

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 04-15-2016, 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
This list is so short that there is no list. Sad.
To be fair, the thread is only 2 pages long.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 04-16-2016, 06:04 AM

Originally Posted by Chexala View Post
To be fair, the thread is only 2 pages long.
Check out post number four and tell me what you see.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-16-2016, 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
Check out post number four and tell me what you see.
Mr. Wrong: - Hi, I'm Maria. I'm one of the pixelists on mene. Although I haven't been too active lately because of my real life obligations. I have been coming on and helping for future items recently. I promise, we read all the suggestions. But sometimes we forget to update the page.

I just updated the post for you really quickly to reflect some of the things that have been used from here and even in the previous suggestion thread that is currently archived. We archived it for a fresh start but it's in the pixel staff room and we look at it constantly. Things like cats have been suggested a thousand times and we have given multiple cat poses now because of it. So we do listen, I promise.

Sometimes we can't make someone's ENTIRE suggestion. And sometimes we LOVE someone's suggestion but have to wait for the proper moment to release it. A lot of times EIs and Commons fit a theme of the event and so we make the items reflect that theme. But we will use bits and pieces of someone's suggestion to help supplement the item. In addition, wishie places careful consideration into each CI to be as well-rounded as possible. So while she doesn't always use someone's entire suggestion, she DOES take pieces of it.

We apologize for not updating that front post, to be honest, I didn't know that post was even there. I overlooked it while in here looking at the suggestions instead. I can't say what is being offered in the future because that is top secret. But we will soon have an event here on mene and hopefully you can see some other suggestions reflected in the items released for that event as well as the one after that which is also being worked on at the moment.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 04-16-2016, 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino View Post
Mr. Wrong: - Hi, I'm Maria. I'm one of the pixelists on mene. Although I haven't been too active lately because of my real life obligations. I have been coming on and helping for future items recently. I promise, we read all the suggestions. But sometimes we forget to update the page.

I just updated the post for you really quickly to reflect some of the things that have been used from here and even in the previous suggestion thread that is currently archived. We archived it for a fresh start but it's in the pixel staff room and we look at it constantly. Things like cats have been suggested a thousand times and we have given multiple cat poses now because of it. So we do listen, I promise.

Sometimes we can't make someone's ENTIRE suggestion. And sometimes we LOVE someone's suggestion but have to wait for the proper moment to release it. A lot of times EIs and Commons fit a theme of the event and so we make the items reflect that theme. But we will use bits and pieces of someone's suggestion to help supplement the item. In addition, wishie places careful consideration into each CI to be as well-rounded as possible. So while she doesn't always use someone's entire suggestion, she DOES take pieces of it.

We apologize for not updating that front post, to be honest, I didn't know that post was even there. I overlooked it while in here looking at the suggestions instead. I can't say what is being offered in the future because that is top secret. But we will soon have an event here on mene and hopefully you can see some other suggestions reflected in the items released for that event as well as the one after that which is also being worked on at the moment.
Thank you for resonding to my concerns so quickly. I appreciate that you have taken the time from your real life obligations to address me. And thank you for fixing post four and for having the courage to admit that a minor error had been made. This goes a long way with me because it causes me to believe that you actually care about what goes on here. If only this type of care were more prevalent here.

Let me fully agree with you about requests for all things cat. If anyone didn't believe that there weren't enough cat items around then the Cozy Afternoon CI certainly finished it off. What I have seen enough of is wings and swords. The way I see it a backlog of suggestion items have sat ignored while three new CI's containing wings and swords have been created, i.e. Angelic Blessing, Angel's Harmony, and most recently the Sword of Duality. Don't you think there are enough wings and swords on Menewsha as it is? Egads!

Moving on, I understand that choosing bits and pieces from suggestions is more feasible than creating from an entire suggestion. This only makes sense. I get it. What I don't understand is what you remarked about the timing of the release of new items. Not completely, anyhow. Menewsha has in its tool shed a remarkable tool known as Auctioneers Items. This is certainly one way of putting a non-event themed item into circulation.
Another way of releasing non-event themed into circulation would be a direct release into the commons shops. Simply make an announcement that this is taking place with such and voila! Your Eggo has been leggo'd.

I am puzzled to no end as to why people choose to set artificial limits about what can and what cannot be done. Especially in an environment such as this. Menewsha is fantasy land. You can do anything here. The only handicaps here are the ones you place on yourself. It's like those sales that are only applicable on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Are store owners afraid that having a sale on Friday and Saturday will draw too much business? It would seem so.

The biggest mystery I find on Menewsha, in regards to item creation, is why the art of such artists as xuvrette and Longcat, for example, go unused.
Longcat and xuvrette pixeled into existence some outstanding cowboy clothing that just sits idle and has been sitting idle for some time. Why?
Why is it that items already in abundance are chosen to be created when items that aren't in any number are consistently overlooked? Wings and swords. Swords and wings.

The only reason I can come up with to explain this is ego. My brother and I were discussing this a few days ago and he told me of some ideas he had for his bosses and they rejected his ideas outright without any thought. The reason for rejecting his ideas was simple: it wasn't THEIR idea.
Then he tells me about how he presented another idea to his roommate. Without thought or hesitation the roommate rejects his idea. However, two weeks later, the roommate approaches my brother with the very same idea he was presented with earlier, but this time as his own.

I do truly hope that this isn't the case here on Menewsha, but the lack of communication regarding why suggestion thread items are not created causes me to ponder this as being a possibility.

Also, I would like to make known that I have viewed the pixel art created by Longcat and wondered why he hasn't created more. Eventually, I found where he had posted a paragraph stating that he doesn't own a computer and that this prevents him from creating more pixel art. I then began to mull over the idea of purchasing a computer or laptop for him so that he could create more pixel art, but I decided to wait and see what else would be released hoping that his art and the art of others were going to be created.

Obviously, I am still waiting. We are all still waiting.

It disappoints me that he and others have their art sitting in limbo while Wishie does her own thing. I can only imagine what those who taken the time and effort to post their own pixel art must feel. Wishie is good at what she does, but it seems like all others are cast aside for her sake.

Captain Howdy has stated to me that Menewsha is battling time and resources as it pertains to releasing more items, but without giving specifics, it is beyond my capabilities to empathize or understand.

If I seem bitter or confrontational, forgive me, this is not my intent. I only seek to improve Menewsha and hope that my complaints reach those in power who will act on the behalf of Menewshans.

Thank you.

Last edited by Mr. Wrong; 04-16-2016 at 10:01 PM.. Reason: I love this feature

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 04-16-2016, 10:34 PM

I care about mene very much. Unfortunately the past year has been difficult for me. Especially because my computer died and I couldn't pixel for about 6 months. I finally have a new one and I'm easing my way back in (although I am a music teacher and getting married in June so things have been a bit crazy). Let me assure you that my teammates in the staff forums all feel the same way.

I'm going to address some of your concerns if you don't mind :)

The angels and swords, if you would be able to see the old suggestion thread, were the TWO TOP suggested items. Even with the release of wings and swords through the ages, we still had people begging for more. Rest assured, we completely agree that wings and swords have been done a lot and are working on other projects for future CIs at the moment. This upcoming CI (which should be out in a few days) is completely different and I think is super fun. This one is completely wishie's brain child. Sometimes she comes up with these dynamite ideas and uses them :)

Regarding the auctioneer...this is a wonderful idea and it has been used in the past for random items....when we had a 100% pixel staff. With me being gone, Cora has been at full speed ahead on the event/commons side and wishie is the only CI pixelist. So there hasn't been the man power. This is MY fault. And I apologize for being gone and taking that medium away.

LONGCAT - despite being a mod - actually helps with the pixels :) Believe me. She has come to mine and Cora's rescue numerous times. She is having computer problems herself at the moment though and has been unavailable on that front. When we moved Cora over from a moderator to a full time pixel artist, we had mentioned LONG as well. But she is one of the oldest moderators on the site at this point and has that leadership that we find so valuable on that front. It was with that thought that we kept her at moderator and only took Cora over to pixels. However, when LONG has the time, she definitely helps out with pixels a lot :) She just has to balance the mod side with the pixels. (And actually several other staff members have stepped up from time to time as well. Jelly pixeled a few things, Belly has done some work, Chexala is helping for the upcoming event, Nephila is helping for the upcoming event as well, Iku (an old AA) used to do sketches for us that were extremely helpful, Iro (an old EC) used to do work from time to time as well, and Seito (an old EC) used to do work from time to time. )

I want to assure you that it is never our intention to take someone's idea. Believe me! It's always satisfying to see someone comment "OMG, I suggested a cat pose on the head and here it is!" :) We definitely don't want to take credit for someone else's idea.

I help man the user pixel forum when I'm more active. It's actually how I started pixeling. Jelly started the forum hoping to find wishie some help because she was literally the ONLY active pixel pixie a few years ago. I started practicing and Jelly and Xuvvie gave me tips and finally I was offered a volunteer position on staff. I gladly accepted because I want to see mene succeed. I don't get "paid" for my work...I do get a stipend of gold to spend because my mene time is spent pixeling instead of posting to earn gold. But rest assured that we ALL care for mene or we wouldn't be doing this. Earning "gold" is not the same as real money...and to spend as much time as we do on here creating and running the site, it might as well be a full time job at times.

When users create items and ping me, I do my best to give them tips in order to make sure the items are menewsha style pixels. There are many different styles of pixels and mene uses a pretty specific one. FOr example, gaia items use something called anti-aliasing and can use "masking" to make the avatar pose change shape with certain items. We don't use anti-aliasing in our style and don't have the coding ability to use masking. So in order to assure they fit the menewsha standards, I do give tips on how to get there. Several users take them in stride. For example, LONGCAT learned to pixel this way and is now helping us out from time to time. We have used MANY user pixels in the newbie shop (a few of mine are in there from before I was staff :D ) Unfortunately, several of these users have disappeared over time...some top candidates have stopped coming on mene because of their real life stuff. Xuvrette is very talented but I know she is crazy busy with work as well unfortunately :(

I wish I could give you more details of what we have planned for the future. But with me coming BACK on staff...the pixel party is starting to align again. And it should give some help in terms of what we can do event wise, auctioneer wise, wishie wise, etc. It wasn't my intention to disappear and cause chaos. Hopefully I can help make up for that with the work I am doing now. I hope this helps shed some light into what is going on this side of the pixel tracks. It's like a machine - with working parts, things can get done. But when one part is broken, every other part had to step up and help out which let things fall through the cracks. NOw that the part is fixed (me), it should start working again. It wasn't my intention to break your trust in us as a staff and a website and I hope that we can earn that trust back. :)
Originally Posted by jellysundae
I think of you as something small and fluffy, to be honest....a cross between a kitten and a cupcake

Last edited by Maria-Minamino; 04-16-2016 at 10:37 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-17-2016, 12:02 AM

Mr Wrong, I read through your post here, and part of me actually cried a bit. I'm very saddened to think that the users think we care so little. I've dedicated a very large potion of my life to the well being of the site, and every day, although the craziness in my life(everyone behind the scenes knows my situation, and I don't feel it necessary to disclose those issues here, I assure you my life is pretty much chaos right now) should have caused me to retire from here I simply can't bring myself to do it.

Why? Because I love you guys more then you know. I can personally attest to the hours and hours some people put into the site. I work full time(often 90+ hours) and go to school part time as well and yet I still devote time to here. And I'm not the only one. The entire staff is volunteers. We don't get paid for what we do. If we didn't care about you guys, we wouldn't do it.

I only speak for myself there, but I have personally seen some people pull way more then they should have to in order to keep this place running. We may be having our fair share of issues, but not caring isn't one of them. I would like to add to what maria has mentioned on some of your concerns here as well.

Thank you for resonding to my concerns so quickly. I appreciate that you have taken the time from your real life obligations to address me. And thank you for fixing post four and for having the courage to admit that a minor error had been made. This goes a long way with me because it causes me to believe that you actually care about what goes on here. If only this type of care were more prevalent here.
I would like to take responsibility for post four having not been up to date. I worked with the owner of Li Mei on this and I was supposed to be in charge of keeping this up to date. I spent hours comiling the old thread and then unfortunately life got away from me. I made this thread before a series of unfortunate events took hold of my life and I'll take full responsibility for having forgotten about the front page of this.

Let me fully agree with you about requests for all things cat. If anyone didn't believe that there weren't enough cat items around then the Cozy Afternoon CI certainly finished it off. What I have seen enough of is wings and swords. The way I see it a backlog of suggestion items have sat ignored while three new CI's containing wings and swords have been created, i.e. Angelic Blessing, Angel's Harmony, and most recently the Sword of Duality. Don't you think there are enough wings and swords on Menewsha as it is? Egads!
We try to mix in other items, but we throw in wings and swords because people ask for them....a lot. When I cataloged the old thread, which spanned a few hundred pages worth of suggestions, anything from a plushie of a particular user(yes, more then one person suggested a plushie of a user who isn't even here anymore >.>), to a watermelon cannon, to wings and swords. In the end after the tally's angel and devil wings came in an overwhelming popularity over the other things. When I talk overwhelming, I mean like 20 votes to 1 vote of something else. We made these items precisely because the users wanted them. One of these days I'll pull out screenshots of suggestions that people have made that we put into place, to hopefully give you guys peace of mine

Moving on, I understand that choosing bits and pieces from suggestions is more feasible than creating from an entire suggestion. This only makes sense. I get it. What I don't understand is what you remarked about the timing of the release of new items. Not completely, anyhow. Menewsha has in its tool shed a remarkable tool known as Auctioneers Items. This is certainly one way of putting a non-event themed item into circulation.
Another way of releasing non-event themed into circulation would be a direct release into the commons shops. Simply make an announcement that this is taking place with such and voila! Your Eggo has been leggo'd.

I am puzzled to no end as to why people choose to set artificial limits about what can and what cannot be done. Especially in an environment such as this. Menewsha is fantasy land. You can do anything here. The only handicaps here are the ones you place on yourself. It's like those sales that are only applicable on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Are store owners afraid that having a sale on Friday and Saturday will draw too much business? It would seem so.
This, all of this, comes down to resources. Pixel items take time and patience, because we don't want to release items that aren't up to the high standards we uphold to.

For the past few events the pixel staff was me and wishie, and wishie has a busy life too. Wishie's job is the CI's and cash shop items which are the life blood of the site. Meaning anything shop or event related was left to me. Maria's life had swallowed her and her computer went kaput. This isn't anyone's fault, this is just life. During the winter event I ended up in the hospital, life happens. When you are so limited on resources you work with what you have and hope for the best.

The biggest mystery I find on Menewsha, in regards to item creation, is why the art of such artists as xuvrette and Longcat, for example, go unused.
Longcat and xuvrette pixeled into existence some outstanding cowboy clothing that just sits idle and has been sitting idle for some time. Why?
Why is it that items already in abundance are chosen to be created when items that aren't in any number are consistently overlooked? Wings and swords. Swords and wings.
As Maria said, LONG pixels a lot. She has pulled my butt out of time crunches more then once for sure. And she's probably pixel-ed as many items as I have. We always meant to have her revisit those old cowboy items, which aren't quite shop ready at the moment, but the occasion never seemed to fit them. Xuvie, well, I cannot speak for her, but Maria said shes busy, so I'm inclined to agree with this. Our staff crosses our job descriptions and tries to hop in when one or the other side needs help. Long helps pixel and I help mod. Its just how things go. We're working on trying out Chexala and Nephila pixels for an upcoming event so watch out for that :O

The only reason I can come up with to explain this is ego. My brother and I were discussing this a few days ago and he told me of some ideas he had for his bosses and they rejected his ideas outright without any thought. The reason for rejecting his ideas was simple: it wasn't THEIR idea.
Then he tells me about how he presented another idea to his roommate. Without thought or hesitation the roommate rejects his idea. However, two weeks later, the roommate approaches my brother with the very same idea he was presented with earlier, but this time as his own.

I do truly hope that this isn't the case here on Menewsha, but the lack of communication regarding why suggestion thread items are not created causes me to ponder this as being a possibility. not know how to respond to this. I would never steal someones idea. I may take an idea and make it reality if I see someone suggest it. For example, people around the site asked for skins in the new color pallets we have and I pleaded with Wishie to make this a reality, then voila we had Pastel Body Paint! People wanted more interior(actually they still want furniture, I haven't been able to get that to work yet >.>) so I created the honeymooners retreat item. I'm not perfect and actually I'm just a novice pixelist, I've only been pixeling about a year or so. So part of the issue is simply some suggestions are too difficult for me T.T

Obviously, I am still waiting. We are all still waiting.

It disappoints me that he and others have their art sitting in limbo while Wishie does her own thing. I can only imagine what those who taken the time and effort to post their own pixel art must feel. Wishie is good at what she does, but it seems like all others are cast aside for her sake.
Wishie would be very disheartened to think that you think that. She asks for suggestions almost every time a new CI is released. She can't do everything that is ever asked for, but she also can't possibly do things when this thread lay's mostly bare and unused. She wants you guys to keep suggesting things. Like really really wants people to keep suggesting things. She asks us almost every time to come up with ideas. (Not every time, sometimes, like the upcoming one, she gets a stroke of aha, but not all the items lay directly on her. We all work behind the scenes with decisions).

Captain Howdy has stated to me that Menewsha is battling time and resources as it pertains to releasing more items, but without giving specifics, it is beyond my capabilities to empathize or understand.
Captain Howdy and the rest of us, unfortunately, have to remain rather vague on this front. We are trying to give you guys as much information as we can and still keep people's personal lives out of it. The problem really is largely a problem with resources due to various problems in peoples personal lives which is not Howdy's nor any of our places to reveal anything more.

If I seem bitter or confrontational, forgive me, this is not my intent. I only seek to improve Menewsha and hope that my complaints reach those in power who will act on the behalf of Menewshans.

Thank you.
Between this thread and the other thread, we've heard you. Plans unfortunately can't be immediate, and will be a gradual change over time. But rest assured, there are already a number of things we've discussed maybe implementing to put you guys more at ease about our position in the back end. We are alive, we do care, and we are still working for the better of the site.

Cora is also buying art, Please PM me!

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 04-17-2016, 01:03 AM

Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino View Post
I care about mene very much. Unfortunately the past year has been difficult for me. Especially because my computer died and I couldn't pixel for about 6 months. I finally have a new one and I'm easing my way back in (although I am a music teacher and getting married in June so things have been a bit crazy). Let me assure you that my teammates in the staff forums all feel the same way.

I'm going to address some of your concerns if you don't mind :)

The angels and swords, if you would be able to see the old suggestion thread, were the TWO TOP suggested items. Even with the release of wings and swords through the ages, we still had people begging for more. Rest assured, we completely agree that wings and swords have been done a lot and are working on other projects for future CIs at the moment. This upcoming CI (which should be out in a few days) is completely different and I think is super fun. This one is completely wishie's brain child. Sometimes she comes up with these dynamite ideas and uses them :)

Regarding the auctioneer...this is a wonderful idea and it has been used in the past for random items....when we had a 100% pixel staff. With me being gone, Cora has been at full speed ahead on the event/commons side and wishie is the only CI pixelist. So there hasn't been the man power. This is MY fault. And I apologize for being gone and taking that medium away.

LONGCAT - despite being a mod - actually helps with the pixels :) Believe me. She has come to mine and Cora's rescue numerous times. She is having computer problems herself at the moment though and has been unavailable on that front. When we moved Cora over from a moderator to a full time pixel artist, we had mentioned LONG as well. But she is one of the oldest moderators on the site at this point and has that leadership that we find so valuable on that front. It was with that thought that we kept her at moderator and only took Cora over to pixels. However, when LONG has the time, she definitely helps out with pixels a lot :) She just has to balance the mod side with the pixels. (And actually several other staff members have stepped up from time to time as well. Jelly pixeled a few things, Belly has done some work, Chexala is helping for the upcoming event, Nephila is helping for the upcoming event as well, Iku (an old AA) used to do sketches for us that were extremely helpful, Iro (an old EC) used to do work from time to time as well, and Seito (an old EC) used to do work from time to time. )

I want to assure you that it is never our intention to take someone's idea. Believe me! It's always satisfying to see someone comment "OMG, I suggested a cat pose on the head and here it is!" :) We definitely don't want to take credit for someone else's idea.

I help man the user pixel forum when I'm more active. It's actually how I started pixeling. Jelly started the forum hoping to find wishie some help because she was literally the ONLY active pixel pixie a few years ago. I started practicing and Jelly and Xuvvie gave me tips and finally I was offered a volunteer position on staff. I gladly accepted because I want to see mene succeed. I don't get "paid" for my work...I do get a stipend of gold to spend because my mene time is spent pixeling instead of posting to earn gold. But rest assured that we ALL care for mene or we wouldn't be doing this. Earning "gold" is not the same as real money...and to spend as much time as we do on here creating and running the site, it might as well be a full time job at times.

When users create items and ping me, I do my best to give them tips in order to make sure the items are menewsha style pixels. There are many different styles of pixels and mene uses a pretty specific one. FOr example, gaia items use something called anti-aliasing and can use "masking" to make the avatar pose change shape with certain items. We don't use anti-aliasing in our style and don't have the coding ability to use masking. So in order to assure they fit the menewsha standards, I do give tips on how to get there. Several users take them in stride. For example, LONGCAT learned to pixel this way and is now helping us out from time to time. We have used MANY user pixels in the newbie shop (a few of mine are in there from before I was staff :D ) Unfortunately, several of these users have disappeared over time...some top candidates have stopped coming on mene because of their real life stuff. Xuvrette is very talented but I know she is crazy busy with work as well unfortunately :(

I wish I could give you more details of what we have planned for the future. But with me coming BACK on staff...the pixel party is starting to align again. And it should give some help in terms of what we can do event wise, auctioneer wise, wishie wise, etc. It wasn't my intention to disappear and cause chaos. Hopefully I can help make up for that with the work I am doing now. I hope this helps shed some light into what is going on this side of the pixel tracks. It's like a machine - with working parts, things can get done. But when one part is broken, every other part had to step up and help out which let things fall through the cracks. NOw that the part is fixed (me), it should start working again. It wasn't my intention to break your trust in us as a staff and a website and I hope that we can earn that trust back. :)
Congratulations on your upcoming marriage in June. I wish you and your future husband the best.

After reading your CAREful reply, I am given hope, and certainly more details, regarding your life's situation and how it effects Menewsha.I am certainly more positive about about what goes on in item creation now.
You come across as very sweet and caring. Can I marry you in July?

Just kidding. Just kidding.

And I am grateful that you put in the time that you do to make this site work. I wish you were compensated for your efforts. You certainly deserve to be.

I believe you misunderstood what I meant by not taking an idea, though. So let me clarify. There are a certain subset of managers who will reject the ideas of others simply based upon the fact that this idea presented to them was not THEIR brainchild. It matters not how sensible or sound an idea is to them, it's simply rejected because of an inflated ego. But, you have assured me that this doesn't go on here and the length and detail you have thoughtfully provided me with causes me to believe you.

For addressing my concerns about the release of upcoming items, you have my fondest thanks. You are an underappreciated asset to Menewsha.

Godspeed in all good that you do.

---------- Post added 04-16-2016 at 07:02 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Mr Wrong, I read through your post here, and part of me actually cried a bit. I'm very saddened to think that the users think we care so little. I've dedicated a very large potion of my life to the well being of the site, and every day, although the craziness in my life(everyone behind the scenes knows my situation, and I don't feel it necessary to disclose those issues here, I assure you my life is pretty much chaos right now) should have caused me to retire from here I simply can't bring myself to do it.

Why? Because I love you guys more then you know. I can personally attest to the hours and hours some people put into the site. I work full time(often 90+ hours) and go to school part time as well and yet I still devote time to here. And I'm not the only one. The entire staff is volunteers. We don't get paid for what we do. If we didn't care about you guys, we wouldn't do it.

I only speak for myself there, but I have personally seen some people pull way more then they should have to in order to keep this place running. We may be having our fair share of issues, but not caring isn't one of them. I would like to add to what maria has mentioned on some of your concerns here as well.

I would like to take responsibility for post four having not been up to date. I worked with the owner of Li Mei on this and I was supposed to be in charge of keeping this up to date. I spent hours comiling the old thread and then unfortunately life got away from me. I made this thread before a series of unfortunate events took hold of my life and I'll take full responsibility for having forgotten about the front page of this.

We try to mix in other items, but we throw in wings and swords because people ask for them....a lot. When I cataloged the old thread, which spanned a few hundred pages worth of suggestions, anything from a plushie of a particular user(yes, more then one person suggested a plushie of a user who isn't even here anymore >.>), to a watermelon cannon, to wings and swords. In the end after the tally's angel and devil wings came in an overwhelming popularity over the other things. When I talk overwhelming, I mean like 20 votes to 1 vote of something else. We made these items precisely because the users wanted them. One of these days I'll pull out screenshots of suggestions that people have made that we put into place, to hopefully give you guys peace of mine

This, all of this, comes down to resources. Pixel items take time and patience, because we don't want to release items that aren't up to the high standards we uphold to.

For the past few events the pixel staff was me and wishie, and wishie has a busy life too. Wishie's job is the CI's and cash shop items which are the life blood of the site. Meaning anything shop or event related was left to me. Maria's life had swallowed her and her computer went kaput. This isn't anyone's fault, this is just life. During the winter event I ended up in the hospital, life happens. When you are so limited on resources you work with what you have and hope for the best.

As Maria said, LONG pixels a lot. She has pulled my butt out of time crunches more then once for sure. And she's probably pixel-ed as many items as I have. We always meant to have her revisit those old cowboy items, which aren't quite shop ready at the moment, but the occasion never seemed to fit them. Xuvie, well, I cannot speak for her, but Maria said shes busy, so I'm inclined to agree with this. Our staff crosses our job descriptions and tries to hop in when one or the other side needs help. Long helps pixel and I help mod. Its just how things go. We're working on trying out Chexala and Nephila pixels for an upcoming event so watch out for that :O not know how to respond to this. I would never steal someones idea. I may take an idea and make it reality if I see someone suggest it. For example, people around the site asked for skins in the new color pallets we have and I pleaded with Wishie to make this a reality, then voila we had Pastel Body Paint! People wanted more interior(actually they still want furniture, I haven't been able to get that to work yet >.>) so I created the honeymooners retreat item. I'm not perfect and actually I'm just a novice pixelist, I've only been pixeling about a year or so. So part of the issue is simply some suggestions are too difficult for me T.T

Wishie would be very disheartened to think that you think that. She asks for suggestions almost every time a new CI is released. She can't do everything that is ever asked for, but she also can't possibly do things when this thread lay's mostly bare and unused. She wants you guys to keep suggesting things. Like really really wants people to keep suggesting things. She asks us almost every time to come up with ideas. (Not every time, sometimes, like the upcoming one, she gets a stroke of aha, but not all the items lay directly on her. We all work behind the scenes with decisions).

Captain Howdy and the rest of us, unfortunately, have to remain rather vague on this front. We are trying to give you guys as much information as we can and still keep people's personal lives out of it. The problem really is largely a problem with resources due to various problems in peoples personal lives which is not Howdy's nor any of our places to reveal anything more.

Between this thread and the other thread, we've heard you. Plans unfortunately can't be immediate, and will be a gradual change over time. But rest assured, there are already a number of things we've discussed maybe implementing to put you guys more at ease about our position in the back end. We are alive, we do care, and we are still working for the better of the site.
Thank you for your detailed explanation of what goes on behind the scenes here on Menewsha. I greatly appreciate what you do. As for working 90 hours a week, let me say that I am not even awake 90 hours a week.

The details you've provided me with about the resources was more than I had hoped for and is certainly more than enough to satisfy my curiosity as to what effort goes into making this site run from day to day.

I hope that you have recovered fully from having been hospitalized. I know a little bit about what that is like. You are separated from your friends, family, and your money. You can't go anywhere and you can't eat or even bathe as you might want to. Total suckage. I hope you weren't there long.

During my brief stay, I had my boss sneak in a burger from Jack in the Box. There was a stupid NPO (nothing per oral) order on me and I hated it. The only really nice thing that happened was that this super cute nurse changed my bandages. I enjoyed that part.

From my bed I could see nurses entering the narcotics room. After watching them for a while I was able to figure out the code they inputed to access this room. But I never did make use of that.

Anywhoodle, your explaining things, too, have brought me peace of mind as to the future of Menewsha.

One other thing, it is my opinion that Queen Andais should be used in some capacity to help out with the events here. She is willing and able.

Thank you for being there for the site.


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