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Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-15-2011, 09:46 AM

So, I figure I won't jump right into a story line but more lay out the basics and have you lay out yours. :)

Let's see, I'd like for it to take place in the Kanto region, but that doesn't mean we have to strictly adhere to Kanto pokemon. Kids can be the offspring of show pairings, too. Like, Ash/Misty or Gary/Dawn or something. Even fifth gen, like N/Touko is pretty popular. I dunno.

Anywho, my character.

Name: Anyssa Greene
Age: 16
Sex: Female

General appearance: Light, tannish brown hair that falls to mid-back. Dark brown eyes. Clothes tend to always be some shade of green. (I'll draw her eventually, too.)

Mini-background: Started travelling when she was younger and stayed with a breeder friend for a while in Goldenrod City, but left to return home to Pallet Town for a while. She got cabin fever again, though, and told her mom she'd be leaving for good this time, wanting to strike out and catch and train Pokemon. She's off to the see the Professor and is going to ask if he wants help out in the field. (Or at least, she will be when I write it.) She doesn't have any of her own Pokemon at this point.


Last edited by solaria92; 06-19-2013 at 02:19 PM..

the one and only

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Old 01-15-2011, 09:58 AM

i like the new black and white pokemon too actually. So i think we can use them as well. And personally i thought Tracey would make a cute couple with Dawn (yes i know they haven't met but that doesn't mean they don't eventually!) i don't know 5th gen characters though so. hum hum.

Name: Elizabeth Fry
Age: 16
Sex: female
Parents: some nameless characters with last name of Fry.


Bio:She's that punk girl who goes out to get tattoes, but can't help it when she falls in love with pokemon and decided to go off on her own adventure. She's always listening to music and tends to name her pokemon with musical themes. She grew up in Pallet Town and has recently returned to town to help out her childhood friend as she's decided to set out. She hasn't caught many pokemon, and has mostly been just exploring the world and making friends everywhere.

Pokemon: Charmander(Allegro), Eevee (Rubato), Skitty(Presto), Hitmonlee (Largo), Farfetch'd (Cleft)

Viridian Gym Leaders son: Eugene

Brief Bio: kind of a weirdo laid back guy. Fond of country music. talks with "yo" and the likes. Kind of has that gangster wannabe feel.
Pokemon: Growlithe, ninetails, infernape

Saffron city rapper: Ben

Brief Bio: Trains in a dojo
Pokemon: Sawk, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Throh

Last edited by Shadami; 06-10-2011 at 12:43 AM..

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-15-2011, 10:17 AM

Anyssa nibbled on the toast she made while her mother triple checked the bag she had packed last night, making sure the "essentials" were in there.

"You have the bookbag of your clothes, right?"

Anyssa nodded. "Some of it's still hanging on the line outside," she said, pointing out the window. "I packed light and smart. This isn't my first rodeo, ma." She smiled softly. Sometimes, she felt bad about leaving again, but Mrs. Greene got to have her adventure, and Anyssa was sure it'd make her mother feel worse if she was the reason Anyssa was trying to deny hers now. "We went out yesterday and bought repellent, potions, poke balls, general antidotes and picked up the package from dad that I have to deliver eventually." Her mother nodded with each item Anyssa listed.

"And as far as I can remember, PokeCenters still have free utilities for trainers to use. Don't forget to register yourself on the PC, dear. You can do that at Professor Oak's, too." Mrs. Greene joined her daughter at the table. "I feel like I'm forgetting something," she sighed.

"You still have my cellphone from last night, when you went crazy programming extra emergency numbers into it." Adding to the list of emergency numbers Anyssa had deleted the first time around.

"Yes!" Mrs. Greene hopped up and jogged out the of the kitchen and to her room down the hallway. Anyssa leaned back in her chair and had just propped her feet up when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" she hollered.

the one and only

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Old 01-15-2011, 05:35 PM

Elizabeth threw open the door in her excitement rushing right inside. She stopped only momentarily to figure out exactly where Anyssa was sitting before she charged over and picked the poor girl up out of the chair hugging her tightly and jumping up and down. "I'm so excited we're going out adventuring together!!"

"Did you get your first pokemon from Professor Oak yet? Did your mom steal your cell phone again? Which Pokemon are you going to get?" She continued rattling off several more questions, letting Anyssa go from the hug while she stood hopping from foot to foot in her excitement. Than all the energy seemed to drain from her and she plopped down into a chair at the table and grinned widely.

"You know I came all the way back for you so that we can have the best adventure, EVER!" She propped her own feet up on the table, and now that she wasn't talking music could be heard playing from the headphones currently around her neck. She brushed her pink hair out of her violet eyes briefly before it fell back because of the way it was cut. The punk girl was wearing her normal style outfit, baggy pants with pockets and patches galore, fingerless gloves, and a hoodie that had holes in it from being worn so often, and so loveingly. From her side hung a bag which she carried her adventuring gear in, small pokeballs were attached to the side of her headphones.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-15-2011, 07:07 PM

"Lizziekins, darling, I wouldn't have it any other way." Anyssa beamed. She stood up and stretched as Mrs. Greene came back in room and handed Anyssa her phone.

Mrs. Greene waved at Elizabeth. "Hi! I'm so happy you're going to be with Anyssa, she'd be so lonely by herself that she'd just settle down with the first stranger she meets. Like last time." She gave a pointed, but spry, look at her daughter as Anyssa blushed.

"Hey, Ryoma turned out to be nice, there was no danger. He introduced me to Lyra, after all." She shrugged. "I'll be right back, Lizzie, then we can go to Oak's and get my Pokemon."

The excitement was finally starting to get to her as she went outside and grabbed the last couple of things drying on the line. She ran back inside and shoved the clothes into her bag, then zipped it shut. She took in a deep breath and grinned. "Kay, mom. Hugs and stuff." She walked over and gave her mom a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek, hoping she wouldn't cry. "I'll visit, I promise."

"Pokemon, PC, parcel," Mrs. Greene chanted, hoping the alliterations would stick. "That's all we ask of you."

"I know ma. Love you." She slipped her shoes on. "C'mon, Liz! To Oak's lab!"

Last edited by solaria92; 01-16-2011 at 07:45 PM..

the one and only

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Old 01-16-2011, 08:54 PM

"Anytime Mrs.Greene! I'm happy to take her out on adventures with me." She smiled warmly before sliding her headphones on as Anyssa ran outside to collect her things.

Elizabeth stayed lounging on the kitchen table until Anyssa came back inside, toes tapping to the beat of the music. She had her hand going to since it was some rap song, and was jut getting really into the music when her friend burst back through the door. She slowly pulled the headphones off and back down around her neck as she watched the sappy family time.

"Let's go, Race you!" She burst out the door and ran across the town towards Professor Oak's before Anyssa would even be able to process the challenge. Her bag flapped madly into her side as she ran, calling over her shoulder at the last second, "Later Mrs. greene!!!!"

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-17-2011, 12:39 AM

Mrs. Greene laughed as Anyssa blinked before tearing off after Elizabeth. "Liiiiiz!" she whined, despairing over catching up.

After a few minutes, they were outside the lab and Anyssa was bent over, gasping. "You must have," she panted, "done a lot," another huge gulp of air, "of running on your adventures," she finished. Which she hoped to hear a lot about. She hadn't sprinted in ages.

the one and only

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Old 01-17-2011, 01:14 AM

Elizabeth sat leaned against the wall breathing heavily herself but laughing. "I suppose I have now that I think about it. But its your turn to shine, come on let's get you a Pokemon!" She held open the door for Anyssa to go through.

"Hey Professor Oak!!" She called, while strolling over to his PC, "My girl Anyssa is here come get her a good pokemon a'right!" Of course she had talked to the Professor in her travels having to do that whole, load information into the Pokedex thing, Elizabeth supposed it was his way of trying to get all the trainers to get out there and see the world, if it wasn't... well then, the guy was rather spacey. She shrugged, pulling up her own account in the system.

"Which one you getting Anny?"

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-17-2011, 01:31 AM

Now that she was there, staring, she wasn't quite sure. "Professor?"

"Are you asking for a suggestion?" the old man asked, scratching his head. "Hmmmm." He wasn't really sure.

"Lizzie, will you register for me while I chooooooose?" Anyssa requested. "I think I'd like a water pokemon," she said, turning back to the Professor. "They always seemed the most fun at Lyra's ranch."

Oak grinned. "Well, for water starters, you can either borrow a pokemon and catch one out in the lake, or you can have one of mine." He gestured towards a table with pokeballs on it. "Right this moment, we have a squirtle and mudkip, and I'm waiting for a package to arrive from Able Greene..."

Anyssa frowned slightly. "Hang on." She took her backpack off and grabbed it out. "I thought I was supposed to take this to Bill?" she said as she handed it over.

"I invited him over here today. He said he'd be flying he-"

"I'm here!" Bill, the PC man for Kanto, rushed into the building. "I'm here, I'm here!" He waved at Liz for a second. "Where is it? Have you opened it yet?" He asked, bouncing from toe to toe.

Oak laughed and opened the parcel, showing a Pokeball inside. "Couldn't he have just traded it to you?" Anyssa asked, not really wanting an answer. He handed her the pokeball and, pressing the button, released it.

"Osha~" the otter-like pokemon cooed.

the one and only

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Old 01-17-2011, 01:41 AM

"yeah, yeah, yeah." Elizabeth grumbled minimizing her account and opening up a second one where she started punching in answers to the questions and such. "Anyssa Greene." She mumured to herself as she typed her friends name in. Her ears pricked slightly as she heard that Bill was coming over. She'd had a bit of a crush on Bill when she saw him on TV once giving a talk about his new computerized storage system.

She exhaled slowly trying not to lose control on her emotions. She had never met the guy in person, and didn't know how old the documentary interview she had seen was. So for all she knew he could actually be as old as the Professor. She nearly choked when he ran in and slowly turned around, but the new Otter pokemon caught her attention even before she got a good look at the guy. "Cute." She breathed out.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-17-2011, 01:50 AM

Anyssa squealed. "Oooooh! Lizzie, you have to come over here!" It was so adorable. Oak had a piece a paper in his hands.

"Able says the little ones are called Oshawott. He thinks they evolve twice but doesn't know what they're called. He found a colony of them hidden away somewhere in the Unova region." It was hard to decipher Able's chicken scratch, so Anyssa gave him a lot of credit for doing so well.

Bill moaned in despair. "They're finding such good Pokemon in Unova, though some say the Unovan bird pokemon sometimes fly here to Kanto, now. Professor Araragi sometimes will send me pictures."

the one and only

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Old 01-17-2011, 03:07 AM

Elizabeth started blushing the closer she got, because even though Bill was older than her, and in fact was older than he had been in the documentary she had seen, he was still gorgeous. She was abnormally silent and her words came out hoarsly at first before she cleared her throat and continued, "It's so adorable! I would love to be able to see more of them from Unova, they're really cool looking Pokemon. What bird pokemon though? I haven't seen any around that I haven't recognized..." She hesitated there wringing her hands in front of her nervously.

"M-Maybe I should actually start catching more pokemon, instead of just exploring and adventuring. Than maybe I could get even more information on them." She had started to ramble now, and was pretty sure her friend would catch on that she was nervous, and she was prepared to shoot her a glare to keep silent about it if she had to.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-17-2011, 03:55 AM

Anyssa bit her fist to keep back the giggles. "Let's make Unova our number one priority then, Lizzie!"

"I could let you borrow a Pokemon to fly you two there," Bill offered. "Least I can do for all of the discovery that gets done by Able." He smiled at Liz. "I'm Bill!" he put his hand out to shake.

"I'd like to take the squirtle, though, professor." Anyssa grinned. "I think the oshawott should stay here."

Professor Oak handed her the Pokeball and dug in his pocket for the PokeDex. "Here, your Pokemon and a PokeDex. Go out and explore for me, you two. I'll take care of the oshawott."

the one and only

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Old 01-17-2011, 04:06 AM

"Sure think Anny." She did shoot the glare at her friend before turning a slightly trembling hand that she was actually controlling fairly well to Bill to shake. "I'm Elizabeth, its very nice to meet you Bill." She fell silent choking on any other words that could possibly come out after that, she was feeling rather giddy everywhere.

Other words being, as she cursed herself in her head over and over for freezing up, things like, thanks for the ride offer, Come on Elizabeth, its just a guy like any other guy.

She released his hand and turned wide eyed to Anyssa, "Squirtle's good too, right Professor, we'll do that. Definetly. Have fun!" Than with a crimson face for stumbling around with her words she pushed the door open and walked outside, hiding her face.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-17-2011, 04:22 AM

Bill scratched his head, confused. "Was it something I said?"

Anyssa burst out laughing. "No Bill, you're fine. Thanks for the offer, we might take you up on that later! I wanna travel Kanto first. Go a little farther than Goldenrod City."

"Okay. Hey, don't forget to stop by in Cerulean! I might not be there, but you can leave a note. Or wait, do you have a cell?" Anyssa nodded. "Score! Here. You can give it to your friend, too!" He grabbed Anyssa's phone and programmed his number. "Have fun!"

She nodded again. "You too, Bill. See you professor! Thanks for everything!" Oak and Bill waved as Anyssa grabbed her backpack and clipped her new squirtle to her belt. She pocketed the PokeDex and then ran out to Liz, giving her a look, trying not to smirk. "So uh, Bill, yeah?"

the one and only

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Old 01-17-2011, 04:50 AM

"So?!" She snapped turning her head, snapping more out of being startled, and still gushing deep red. "It was a kiddie crush okay, I just couldn't believe I was meeting him in person that's all." She glared, "I know your trying not to laugh..." She sighed, "Just get it over with."

She stalked forward a bit on the trail out of town,"So where shall we head first, I could see if any of my friends are in Viridian so we can stay there free for a bit, or we can go out and catch pokemon, which I never really did all this time I've been out."

Elizabeth did her best to come up with a topic to talk about that would distract her friend from the fact that she liked Bill.

(I'm just assuming computer nerd would grow up to be attractive. xD lols)

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-17-2011, 05:14 AM

"He wanted me to share his number with you," Anyssa sing-songed, sidling up to her bestie. "And I'd like to try catching a Pokemon on the way to Viridian, if I can? It's early enough, the pidgey should still be out."

She stared at Squirtle's ball, and was actually kind of nervous. Would squirtle like her when she let it out?

the one and only

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Old 01-17-2011, 05:37 AM

Elizabeth stopped dead in her tracks, "His number? For me? Why?" Her eyes widened and her face darkened again with color. Anyssa was now passing her though so she continued walking and cleared her throat again, "So yeah, sounds good, maybe we can both catch ourselves a Pidgey."

If she had been standing still she would have been squirming, but it just made her walk funny instead.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-17-2011, 05:47 AM

Anyssa beamed. "It'd be awesome to catch pidgeys together. And he wants to visit when we make to it Cerulean." Personally, she thought they would make a greeeat couple, even with the age difference. She handed Liz her cell. "So, whatcha listening to?" Anyssa asked, hands clasped behind her head as she walked.

the one and only

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Old 01-17-2011, 05:59 AM

She took the phone with shaking hands and punched in the number to her own phone, "Oh nothing much really, its this rapping group that my friend Ben introduced me to. I'm not all to sure who they are because he put them on my player. " She shrugged, handing Anyssa's phone back over. "They're not the best group I've ever heard, but I've got to admit it ain't half bad."

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-18-2011, 04:17 AM

"Awesome!" She had never kept up the music scene much. Lyra usually played a lot of folk music at her ranch and Ryoma never shut up long enough for the need for music to fill the silence to arise. "Tell me about some of your travels, Liz."

the one and only

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Old 01-18-2011, 04:43 AM

"Let's see, let's see... When did I start out again, 12 ish right?" Elizabeth of course started out loud, trying to figure out how to start her story.

"I started from here in Pallet Town where you and I grew up together, and I didn't leave until a couple years after you left, I just couldn't stand this boring old town with out you. So I went off, got a Charmander from Professor Oak, you know, the much cuter one who actually has a head on his shoulders. " She stopped talking momentarily to roll her eyes, "I hung out mainly in the CVS, since those are the cities I made friends in. I guess i was in each one for about a year before I would move on, but I kept going back to visit everyone. Oh Ben I mentioned, he's from Saffron City, knows the streets like the back of his hand."

She laughed, "That was a fun time, its where I got my Hitmonlee and I was training with him and Ben in this little Dojo they have." She paused, "I hope I'm not talking to much."

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-18-2011, 04:59 AM

"Nah, you're not talking too much," Anyssa said, scuffing her feet and accidentally kicking a stone. "I don't think I did anything quite as fun. Haha." She grinned, remembering the time she ran into Ryoma.

"One of the first boys I met after I left, Ryoma, had a few pokemon with him at the time. He was twelve, I think, so he'd be eighteen now. He was really hyper all the time and dreamed of being a nurse in a PokeCenter someday. He was really good at taking care of his pokemon. He left me in Goldenrod City with Lyra and that's where I stayed for five years, helping her with her ranch. Then I came back here for a while, got bored, and now, here we are!" She looked at the ball containing squirtle again.

the one and only

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Old 01-18-2011, 06:20 AM

"I suppose I had some interesting adventures," Elizabeth mused, "I didn't really catch much though. I'm sure the ranch was a great time though!" She lost her words in thought for a bit.

I'll call some of my friends in each city, that'll work! She nodded as if whatever battle she'd been fighting in her head was decided and than turned back to her friend, "So where was I? Or rather, did I confuse you yet." She laughed.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 01-18-2011, 07:32 PM

"Ben from Saffron City," Anyssa recalled. She looked out at the horizon and saw some houses looming far away. She remembered it taking a lot longer to get to Viridian before, but she supposed her stride was a lot longer now than it was.


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