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Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 12-17-2022, 08:46 PM

Just a place to post my latest projects, but anyone can hangout if they want to.

Most recent project that I've finished are a couple loom knit Dratini for a coworker's secret Santa gift.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-17-2022, 10:01 PM

Your dratini are adorable!

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 12:15 AM

Thanks! It's almost impossible to find fun pokemon patterns for loom knitting so I had to modify parts from 3 other animal plushie patterns I had and I'll have to turn my messy notes into an actual pattern now so I can make more of them!

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 12:33 AM

They are soo cute!! Dratini are one of my favourite Pokemon, its cool how you did the normal and shiny versions. Did they take long?

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 12:51 AM

Thanks! I had a little over a week and a half from drawing secret Santa names to the staff Christmas party...most of that time was prototyping the pattern with the normal color one. In terms of actual time, I'd say they're probably like a 5-8 hour project now that I have the pattern down.

Also...the white on the shiny pokemon glows in the dark.


Kent is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 01:31 AM

Awwww! They're adorable!!

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 02:22 AM

I'm surprised there aren't lots of patterns to be found on youtube. Seems like loom knitting is fairly popular?

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 02:35 AM

Hmmm...I know loom knitting is more popular now than it was when I started learning it, but it's still nowhere nearly as common as most other crafts tbh.

And most "patterns" that are available are just people doing slight variations on hats, scarves, and fingerless gloves.
There are a few pattern makers that have put out some pretty unique shawl patterns and one or two that have come up with stuffed animal patterns, but pokemon themed items are pretty rare.

If I were better at making patterns, I'd come out with them myself, but my brain isn't great at making unique patterns. I can usually modify stuff though once I've made the base pattern once or twice.
I have seen a totoro pattern I might be able to modify into Snorlax.

Thanks Kent!

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 04:07 AM

I crochet and knit. Loom knitting isn't a craft I've tried ... yet.

It's really cool that you can figure out how to modify patterns like that.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 04:23 AM

I struggle so hard with crochet.
Would like to pick up traditional knitting eventually though. I used to know the basics, but I haven't really done it much in the last...15 years or so...

Yeah, wish I could actually make patterns, but modifying comes in handy too.

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 05:17 AM

Originally Posted by Kaderin Triste View Post
Thanks! I had a little over a week and a half from drawing secret Santa names to the staff Christmas party...most of that time was prototyping the pattern with the normal color one. In terms of actual time, I'd say they're probably like a 5-8 hour project now that I have the pattern down.

Also...the white on the shiny pokemon glows in the dark.
That's so quick! And you're totally set since you have the pattern. You could make a major outbreak of Dratini haha.

I had no idea material could glow! That's so smart though using it on the shiny one.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-18-2022, 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by Kaderin Triste View Post
I struggle so hard with crochet.
Would like to pick up traditional knitting eventually though. I used to know the basics, but I haven't really done it much in the last...15 years or so...

Yeah, wish I could actually make patterns, but modifying comes in handy too.
YouTube helps a lot with that. I learned to knit from that site.

I've been wanting to learn how to make my own patterns for a while, but haven't managed it yet.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-07-2023, 12:14 AM

Those are so cute! I've never tried loom knitting but I've always been rather curious about it. I do crochet and knit but I'm pretty sure its got a different vibe to it. Definitely curious! Is it fun?

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 09-29-2023, 04:53 PM

Forgot to respond.... In case you see this, Cora, yeah, loom knitting is definitely fun, though a lot of craft snobs will say it doesn't count as knitting. It's definitely a highly ignored and looked down upon craft, but I like it.
Though it is a little more limiting in pattern variety than traditional knitting, there are pattern creators out there making some awesome things.
I've been slowly trying out more shawl patterns.
By which I mean, buying yarn for a specific shawl and then not making

---------- Post added 09-29-2023 at 10:54 AM ----------

In other news, I haven't done much lately, but here's a few things I've been working on/finishing up lately.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-29-2023, 09:10 PM

Honestly the Snobs (and this applies to the snobs in just about any hobby or craft) need to just back off. If someone is having fun then that's all that matters. Especially with things like knitting and crochet or sewing or embroidery which are dying in popularity among younger generations. Be happy anyone wants to do anything at all! *gets down off her soap box*

That said, Mr. Dinosaur is super adorable!

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 09-29-2023, 10:13 PM


He's a dragon actually. I'm obsessed with making dragons, though I have a few other animals that are pretty fun too. And a bunch of others that I need to try making eventually.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-30-2023, 04:21 AM

Oooh a dragon is even better then a Dinosaur!

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 09-30-2023, 02:26 PM

I even have some extra magical dragons planned with some fancy yarn that changes color in sunlight.
Actually, I made one already that the horns and wings go from the natural sort of cream/off-white yarn color to pink, but next I want to either do a frosty blue and white one or one using all 4 of the color shift yarns. That one will be super cool because indoors it will look all the same but will dramatically shift when outside.
I also want to use those yarns for foxes maybe but not sure just yet on those.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-30-2023, 09:13 PM

I feel totally behind the times at the moment, I've been crocheting/Knitting most of my life and I had no idea that yarn like that even existed. I'm now immensely interested, haha!

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 09-30-2023, 10:17 PM

So at this point it's almost impossible to find. The one I'm using is Hikoo Abracadabra, which is a wool blend. A few sellers still have the yellow, but that's about it. And then Premier yarns did the same but with a cotton yarn. I think that one is called Chamelon. I saw it briefly around 2020, but didn't manage to buy any. Haven't tried looking it up online yet.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 10-01-2023, 03:28 AM

Perhaps I'll take a gander online and see if I can find anything later on, I should probably get on organizing my craft closet first (which was on my to do list for this weekend and I just keep putting it off cause I just don't want to )

Snowwika is offline
Old 10-01-2023, 06:57 PM

very cute! i love seeing what people can make with yarn, it's so cool!

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 10-07-2023, 03:19 PM

Cora: Yeah....I'm guilty of the craft closet thing too...It's about half organized, but it tends to become a catch-all for stuff I'm too tired to deal with right away and so stuff tends to pile up on the floor. Probably gonna tackle that (among other things) this weekend though.
And good luck if/when you try to hunt down the fun yarns!

Snowwika: Awww, thanks! I'll hopefully have more plushies to share in a few days as I'm trying to tackle some of my WiPs over the weekend. In preparation for making a shop. Probably on Etsy just to start off, but I have one site a friend sent a link to that I need to check out first.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 10-07-2023, 09:32 PM

I still have not tackled the mess in my craft closet, I am so bad. I pretty much know where everything is in there, but its sorta like organized chaos. As I get new things I tend to be too lazy to put them away properly so everything just sorta gets shoved wherever.

Kaderin Triste
Resident Tiger Expert
Kaderin Triste is offline
Old 10-08-2023, 12:27 AM

That's it! We're both cleaning/organizing our closets tomorrow!
I'm also maybe gonna see if I can move some furniture tomorrow...


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