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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-27-2012, 02:24 AM

Anselm grunted as arms wrapped around him in a desperately strong grip. Wordlessly his own rose to hold the other man close. Freeing a hand he guided Kuraone's face to his shoulder. Carefully he ran a hand trough the other man's hair to try and ease the fear so clear. "Sshh Kuraon, calm yourself. Breathe." Thunder rang trough the air. What calmed him drove the other man to whimper. The storm eased away, the could drifting off until blue skies had returned.

Artist Poison
Artist Poison is offline
Old 09-27-2012, 02:46 AM

Kuraon had almost fallen asleep, he had felt so safe, and he wasn't sure why. He wasn't about to ask or question right now, his face turned red, and he kept his eyes closed. He wasn't sure if looking up when he face was red was a good idea. Somehow he couldn't help it, but, he did resist as he pushed away gently "S-sorry, I hate lighting..." he stated not looking at the other man, that was the only thing that could truly get to him like that.

Everything else was irrelevant to him when it came down to fears. Kuraon sat there after he pulled out of the embrace of the assassin, he was glad he wasn't alone this time, he was terrified of lighting itself. "Will the power come back on?" he asked, he wasn't going to suggest magic, after all they had candles.

Last edited by Artist Poison; 09-27-2012 at 03:55 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-02-2012, 02:21 AM

He resisted the urge to laugh at the all too obvious truth of that comment. Instead, Anselm savored the warmth of having someone so close against him. It was wonderful, and of far too short a duration for his liking. Such a wonderful blush he could see on Kuraon's cheeks, he wondered a little at that. Was it because they had kissed earlier?

"I can go take a look at the generator downstairs to get it working." Reaching out, Anselm brushed a hand gently over his guest's hair. "Unless you wold rather I staid here with you?" He wanted the second option to be accepted in a rather surprising way.

Artist Poison
Artist Poison is offline
Old 10-02-2012, 03:57 PM

(Interesting Hair for your avi)

Kuraon wouldn't know what they would say or think, it they're in a room together any longer, and so with that, it answered him before he gave an answer. Kuraon had to realize where he was again, he had to figure out how to get away, and some time he would figure that all out. However, right now he just wanted to talk more with Anselm as the color to his cheeks returned to normal. "The power should come back on soon, so there wouldn't be any need to go check it" Kuraon added "Maybe we can talk a little more" he meant a little more before they would go back to hating each other. Hate was not only a strong word, but, also a strong emotion to display, and hold onto.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-13-2012, 07:02 AM

He nodded silently. It had been a day and a half since Kuraon's capture, and so many things had happened already. It left Anselm feeling uncertain, and somewhat unwilling to let the other man out of his sight. Not to mention the fact that he knew the rich man who'd hired him was certainly on the prowl for his prize. That left a sour taste in his mouth.

The thought of letting the mage go for any reason made an emotion he didn't want to name shiver trough his heart. "Will anyone miss you?" Anselm knew full well he'd stolen Kuraon from others.

Artist Poison
Artist Poison is offline
Old 10-16-2012, 02:52 PM

"Probably, I might be an only child, but, my uncle did have a shop that I always tended to" he knew that he had to at least check out the shop soon, he had pets he always fed, and knew he needed to feed them soon. "Um, I know I shouldn't be asking this, but, is there any way we can go to the store to check up on it, and feed the animals, they can go a bit without food, but, I'm not sure they can go too much longer, I was on my way back from that store to feed them..." he knew that it wouldn't be accepted most likely, only because they would be out in the open, running, and hiding would be alot easier for Kuraon to do.

However, he had made friends with not only the neighbors and customers in the area, but, also the pets that he took care of that were nothing of what they seemed. That was how they made their name out there in the world, but, only to those folks in the evening or night, that is how they worked. Those during the day would think it would all be just a fake. He looked off into space thinking about each of the pets and how he would feed them like normal with magic. So far as long as he didn't use magic within the house and it wasn't to get away, then he would be fine without getting any kind of shock.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-27-2012, 11:33 PM

He paused to consider that, but sighed. "I don't trust you to leave this place, and not try to run. So no, though I could go and take a look for you." After locking the prisoner away in the cement basement while he was away. Anselm refused to let him leave, or even to give him a chance at escape. The thought was incomprehensible to him. So man other things were as well, or had been. At one point even electricity had been a wonder.

After being orphaned, Anselm had been taken in by strange people with a hatred for magic. With them he had learned many things. To survive at any cost, no matter what needed to be done, that was how he had been raised. "You'd have to stay in the basement for a while." Binding him would be so easy.

Artist Poison
Artist Poison is offline
Old 11-09-2012, 10:06 PM

Kuraon frowned "If you're going to take a look, at least allow me to give you this" he took out a piece of paper he kept with him in his pocket like always. "This tells the basics of how to get in and a certain code that would need to be pressed on the wall. After that you can leave, the door locks itself" he didn't dare to say anything about the fact that most of the place was in magic, but, he didn't want to either.

Kuraon sat there, he knew there was nothing he could say or do to persuade him, "Just don't hurt anything or destroy anything in there please. I've taken care of my Uncle's shop this long, I would like it to live on, just like I wanted him to" he spoke as he sat on the floor, he didn't care if there was anything to sit on. If he was going to be locked away, he didn't want no luxuries to it. He just wanted to get things done and over with. If Kuraon found out anything would get broken, harmed, or even killed in that shop he would probably lose it.


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