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Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 11:36 PM

Thanks to Iroase Delschatten for the art and Ferra for the banner!
A Photography and Crafting Contest!

With your hosts Cherry Who? & Woodlandnymph

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 05-12-2012 at 12:17 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 04:43 AM

Picture Perfect
Ahh, spring. After the long and dreary winter, nature comes alive with brilliant colors and new life. You'd be hard pressed not to feel a little uplifted every time you look out your window and take in the beauty. So I want you to grab your cameras and share some of that beauty with us! Take a picture of something that represents spring to you. A flower, a baby animal, the clear blue sky, or maybe a car packed for a road trip? The interpretation is up to you, but it must be springy!

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 05-12-2012 at 07:59 AM..

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 04:45 AM

Crafting Creations
Spring is here! Everything is starting to bloom and creativity is a buzzing! I don't know about you, but I always get a surge of craftiness, and can't help but make some goodies when the weather gets nice. So, show me what you got!

To highlight all your creativeness, there are a few categories that you can enter.

Here are your options:

Natural Objects:
Make a craft ONLY with found objects from nature! Moss, sticks, stones, etc. Use your imaginations! Build me a faery house, do a mosaic... The possibilities are endless. You are allowed to use adhesives like glue if needed BUT you are only allowed to use one non-natural thing in your craft.

For example: If I made a collage out of pebbles, sticks, and moss, I am allowed to use glue and another non-natural item of my choosing (I would choose glitter <<insert evil glitter laugh here>>).

What kind of baked goods or meals are you making in the spring? It's all about seasonal flavors! Fresh herbs, spring vegetables, and deserts are what we are looking for here!

Nature Themed:
You may use whatever medium and materials you'd like so long as it involves the great outdoors. Plants, animals, outdoor activities, and everything in between.

Trending Crafts!:
Are you as addicted to Pintrest and Tumblr as I am? I hope so, cause here is your chance to show off arts and crafts that you've been dying to try. Repurposed bottles, melted crayon art, and all the other goodies floating around on Pintrest. Please include a reference photo/link of the original craft. Entries without an original link will not be accepted.
For example here are a few amazing crafts I found through Pintrest:
Yarn Chandelier Tutorial
DIY Chalkboard Trays
Canvas Photo Transfers

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 06-14-2012 at 03:26 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 04:52 AM

Picture Perfect Rules
All submissions must include a proof photo. A proof photo is a photo very similar to your submission where a slip of paper with your username written on it is visible and legible. You may not edit your username into a photo. Your proof photo must be from a similar angle and be recognizable compared to your submission. If your proof photo looks nothing like your submission, it will not be accepted. For example, if my submission was this photo, my proof photo would need to look like this. If I submitted a proof photo like this it would not be accepted because it is not clear that it is the same dandelion puff.

You may make minor edits to your submission on photo editing software to alter the white balance, enhance the colors, adjust the focus, and to remove small things (as an example, if this photo was my submission, it would be okay to remove the power lines visible at the lower right corner of the photo). You may not add anything into your photo or significantly alter it beyond minor aesthetic changes. Proof photos will have no impact on judging (beyond making sure you're eligible), so you do not need to make any edits to your proof. If you are unsure if the edit you would like to make is okay, show me a before and after and I'll help you out. This will have no impact on your eligibility.

Your submission must be your own photograph. Plagiarism is a very serious offense that we do not take lightly on Menewsha. In addition to being ineligible for the contest, if you are found to be using someone else's photo, you will receive an infraction against your account. We will find out, don't even bother!

You may submit a maximum of two photos. Please only submit using your main account, no mules.

Your photo must be related to the season of spring in one way or another. I'm letting you have the freedom to interpret this how you would like to, so please don't abuse that freedom by taking a picture of just anything and trying to come up with some weak way to tie it in. A submission like that won't win, so there's just no point in entering it. Go out and take a pretty picture of spring! (Live in the southern hemisphere? Never fear! Just apply this to whatever season it is where you currently are. Just be sure to mention that in the "notes" section of your submission!)

It is up to you to make sure that the image hosting service you have chosen for your picture (photobucket, imageshack, etc.) is reliable and that you have provided the correct link. If your image no longer works and instead displays one of those error images, I may make an effort to contact you for a new link to the image. However, if this happens while I am judging, I will not have the time to wait a few days to hear back from you and so your entry may be discarded. If you notice your image is not working, please contact me ASAP with a working link.

All submissions must use the submission form provided below. Please link to your proof photo, do not imbed it with [img][/img] tags. You may imbed your submission if you wish.

[color=#906E51][FONT="Veranda"][U][SIZE="6"][B]Picture Perfect[/B][/SIZE][/U][/FONT][/COLOR]
[b]Proof:[/b] (do not imbed!)
[b]Notes:[/b] (why this represents spring to you, etc.)
Submissions will be accepted until the end of the event.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 05-18-2012 at 06:26 PM..

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 05:02 AM

Crafting Creations Rules!

Please make sure include your user name in one of your photos. If there is no reference photo, then your entry will be disqualified.

Follow restrictions within each category.
You may enter only ONCE per category and you may choose up to three categories to enter. Enter with your main account only.
Save the photo/s of your entry using a reliable image hosting site like imageshack of photobucket. Please use the entry form below and make sure to specify what category!
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Indigo"]Crafting Creations[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[b]Entry Category[/b]:  

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 05-12-2012 at 06:58 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 05:05 AM

Picture Perfect Prizes
Ahh, your favorite part! To reward you for taking such lovely photos, I'll be awarding a few prizes. But as far as what they are and how many there will be... that's a secret! If I receive many lovely photos, I may give out many lovely prizes. However, if I receive few or very poor photos, I may not give out many prizes at all. But I will guarantee you this much:

First Prize will a CI worth at least 7,000g.

Second Prize will be a CI or other rare item worth at least 4,000g.

Woody's Pick - Woody's gonna help out! She'll pick her favorite photo submission and that prize will be worth at least 3,500g.

Photos will not be disqualified for poor lighting, quality, time stamps, etc. but ones with excellent quality and due attention paid to lighting, angle, color, background and staging are much more likely to win a nice prize. Don't just snap a quick picture and call it a day! Get artistic with it. Experiment with different angles and macro close ups, move things around, spend some time touching it up on your computer. Get it just perfect!

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 05-26-2012 at 04:48 AM..

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 05:10 AM

Creative Crafting Prizes
Ditto to what Cherry said! ;) Show off your skills! Try something you've always wanted to, but never have. The more creative you are, the better the prizes get! Incentive for you to be as crafty as possible. First and second place prizes will be award in each category. However, if the category does not receive many entries, it will be mixed in with another.

First Prize will be a CI worth at least 7,000 gold.

Second Prize will be a CI or other rare item worth at least 4,000 gold.

Cherry's Pick! Cherry gets to pick her favorite craft submission and a prize that will be worth at least 3,500 gold. Her pick can come from any of the categories.

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 05-09-2012 at 01:57 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 06:03 AM

Picture Perfect Submissions


Originally Posted by Silverbeam View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: Silverbeam
Proof: A: B:
Notes: Well in sunny florida, spring is what I call normal eather. It's generally sunny, unless there is a hurricane! These little beauties popped up a few days ago, and what better way to celebrate the end of winter, then a bit of sun, so strech out your petals and look to the light mene!
Originally Posted by KatMagenta View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: KatMagenta
Notes: Spring feels like a time of being close to nature. Even this 'lifeless' concrete post has wild flowers at its base and an iron fence can barely contain the plants growing behind it. I hope the owner of that bicycle comes back before it's engulfed!
Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: Knerd
Notes: Ah, the smell of growing grass and laziness. As much as I love a freshly mowed lawn in spring, my mower is much more likely to have dandelions growing around it.
Originally Posted by neller View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: neller

Proof: You can see the frog in the background. :)
Notes: I love spring. The snow melting away and the days getting warm. Spring is my favorite season and one of the main reasons for that is the return of the frogs. I have a pond so I get to hear all kinds of frogs sing every night from the start of spring to the end of fall. Bull frogs, pond frogs and tree frogs. I absolutely love frogs and get excited for them in the spring. So, for that reason, I pictured one of the frogs from my pond (which was really hard because they all leap away when I go near the water!)

---------- Post added 05-21-2012 at 07:25 PM ----------

Picture Perfect
Username: neller
Proof: (taken 2 weeks later)
What spring would be complete without a rainbow? It's the season of rain (at least where I'm from) and the sun sometimes manages to peek through the grey clouds. When that happens, these beautiful and natural pieces of art spread their colors across the sky.
Originally Posted by llonka View Post
Picture Perfect
Notes: Spring always comes with new budding flowers. This is a rose bush my dad planted in my yard, when it opens it should be a blue rose! :heart:
Originally Posted by llonka View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: llonka
Notes: When Spring finally rolls around the Gnomes are ready to get to work in the Gardens! Here you can see Mr. Gnome is hard at work helping the Iris' grow nice and tall! :)
Originally Posted by Ascadellia View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: ascadellia
Notes: Probably the only trees in bloom at this place, the colors of the flowers reminded me of spring for some reason. <3 Very rare to find these around here. Other than palm trees. D:
Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: Cardinal Biggles
Notes: Spring around here means it's time to get out the shears and spades, and tend to the yard. These are from my cutting garden.
Originally Posted by Ferra View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: Ferra
Notes: Japan is known for its cherry blossoms in spring, but spring also marks an important anniversary. Just over one year ago, there was a massive earthquake and tsunami that affected the lives of everyone living in Japan, but especially those who were living on the coast. I was lucky to be inland at the time so I didn't seen the worst of the disaster with my own eyes. But what I did see were people immediately getting to work to ensure the safety of others and gradually rebuild and restore life to normal. Rather than dwelling on the disaster, I'll never forget the inspiring strength I observed in the aftermath.

But the process is still on-going. This weekend I joined a project to plant trees that will eventually form a protective barrier for a small town by the coast that was largely washed away during the tsunami. This photo shows the saplings that I hope will grow into sturdy trees and volunteers, young and old, who helped plant them. (My trees are the two in the middle.)
Originally Posted by Ferra
Picture Perfect
Username: Ferra
Notes: Spring is in the air~ Which also means that it's the start of festival season. Granted there are festivals all the time in Japan, but the major ones all seem to happen once the weather becomes warm. This is a photo of a mikoshi (portable shrine) which people carried all the way into town from a shrine on a far away hill. Apparently the only people allowed to carry it are the descendants of Date Masamune, the samurai lord who founded Sendai. I also have some photos of people dressed like samurai, so I was torn about which photo to use. XD Ultimately I thought a mikoshi was a bit more unique.
Originally Posted by Ivvy View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: ivvy
original image
prood image with user name attached.
Notes: Spring to me is new life, sunshine and the outdoors with vibrant colors and soft contrasts. This photo is of my daughter playing outside in our yard. She is four months old and so new to the world. So she to me represents spring in all its new life glory especially with the overgrown grass and flowers with the sun shining down on them.
Originally Posted by Ivvy View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: ivvy
Notes: Spring also brings wonder and tall grass as well as unfortunatly allergies she is recovering from a sneeze here.
Originally Posted by Linnea View Post
Picture Perfect
Username: Linnea
Proof: proofy mcProoferton
Notes: every spring since i was in third grade i would wait and wait with as much patience as i could muster for the snow to melt ( because maine winters and springs are oh so fickle) so that softball season would begin. now that i am older and no longer play on a softball league i still find that i await the spring just like i was a child again and get the itch to play ball just one more time.
Originally Posted by Ascadellia View Post
I'll be submitting a edible craft thingy. <33

---------- Post added 05-27-2012 at 12:39 PM ----------

Picture Perfect
Username: ascadellia
Notes: The picture means spring to me, because the roses were in full bloom and so beautiful. My father took a picture of me with them. XD Was also wearing 'springy' colors. Currently, they're not so in bloom right now, so.. Yeah. ^ ^' This was a while ago.
Originally Posted by Seito
Picture Perfect Username: Seito
Notes: It's warm here all year around, but spring always make me notice the flowers more. In particular, hibiscus bloom better and bigger. I choose the hibiscus because it's the state flower here. :3
Originally Posted by Seito
Picture Perfect Username: Seito Submission: Proof: Notes: Memorial Day, fresh cut flowers and leis. Spring also brings a time of rememberance. If there's one time my family makes a point to go visit the graves, it's Memorial Day. So we go with leis and flowers and visit grandfathers, great grandparents, uncles and aunties that come have come before.
Originally Posted by blueblackrose
Picture Perfect
Username: blueblackrose
Notes: I believe that this represents spring because spring marks the start of horse show season aroudn were I live.

Picture Perfect
Username: blueblackrose
Notes: This represents spring because well spring is the season of bloom and rebirth. So flowers are a symbol of spring.
Originally Posted by Keyori
Picture Perfect
Username: KEYORI
Notes: I took this today at the Strawberry Festival in the Village where I live. This is a sortof kickoff for the tourist season; it's one of the biggest and busiest weekends for the area. The other big weekends being 4th of July and Labor Day. It marks nice weather and awesome produce!

This was part of the inflatables section, which covered about two blocks of space. There were a lot of predictable things--inflatable slides, bouncing castles, etc.--but this was something I had never seen before at a fair.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 06-10-2012 at 09:06 PM..

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 05-09-2012, 01:06 AM

Creative Crafting Submissions
Nature Themed


Crafting Creations
Username: silverbeam
Entry Category: Nature themed
Entry: Proof:
Comments/Image/Link: Lots of earth tones for nature! A little magic with glow in the dark clay on the mushroom. I made the mushroom and most of the beads.

Crafting Creations
Username: Knerd
Entry Category: Nature Themed
Entry: Clearer name
Comments/Image/Link: I made this exact style wallhanging as a birthday gift for my mother a few years ago. My Grandma only just saw it last month, so she hinted really heavily that she wanted one too. I ended up going out last week and buying two more of the sewing kits. This will end up being a late Mother's Day gift. :lol:

Crafting Creations
Username: Ivvy
Entry Category: Nature Themed
Comments/Image/Link:"Fireflies in the glade" <----proof
I used oil pastel, chalk and acrylic paint on canvas board and used fingers for blending with fine tipped paint brush.
Crafting Creations
: Seito
Entry Category: Nature Themed
Entry: Comments/Image/Link: Right so down here spring time is lei time. Between Memorial Day, May Day (is Lei Day!), and Graduations, spring is the time when everyone goes into a freezy of lei making. This is one of the many leis I made (and the most complex too). I'm actually gonna start another one of these but it isn't done otherwise I'll be taking a picture of that one instead. xD
Crafting Creations
Username: EirianHikari
Entry Category: Nature Themed
Comments/Image/Link: Crepe paper flowers.

Edible Creations


Crafting Creations
Username: Knerd
Entry Category: Edibles
Comments/Image/Link: I AM A GOOD CHEF, YES?
They were blueberry pancakes, you know. That totally makes it a seasonal breakfast. :yes:

Crafting Creations
Username: Ivvy
Entry Category:Edible
Comments/Image/Link: <----proof
This is my rolled in the farm burger. It is two patties of angus beef with cheese inside of them to make like a pie, it is cooked this way with fresh herbs. Once done it is topped with bacon, canadian ham, a runny fried egg, lettus, tomato, grilled mushrooms, onion, and mayo in my case, all on a seeded bun.

Crafting Creations
Username: ascadellia
Entry Category: Edible. :D
These were done for a cake. <3 I made them with marshmallow fondant and painted them with edible food coloring. >w<
Crafting Creations
Username: EirianHikari
Entry Category: Edibles
Comments/Image/Link: Chocolate potato chip nests with Cadbury eggs.

Natural Objects


Crafting Creations
Username: Silverbeam
Entry Category: Natural Objects
Entry: Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Proof:Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting
Comments/Image/Link: Had some dried stuff that both me and my mom had collected. So thought it time to update the wreath we made earlier. the rolled leaves are really cool, there thick and I picked them up that way. Dried roses from mothers day, and a little splash of color with the feather found. :D THERE should be more entries! GO TO IT!
Crafting Creations
Username: EirianHikari
Entry Category: Natural Objects
Comments/Image/Link: Leaf and rose ornament, I used, leaves, bark, rose petals, glue and yarn.

Oh my gosh, I still need to upload two more entries, but photobucket is being a pain!

Trending Crafts


Crafting Creations
Username: BellyButton
Entry Category: Trending (sorta ;3)
Entry: It's a crocheted uterus! (Forgive the poor image quality, only have access to a phone cam right now.)

Comments/Image/Link: I got the idea from a political action project called the Government Free VJJ - the idea being that if male policymakers had a uterus of their own, they might be less inclined to involve themselves in ours. They do have patterns available on the site both for crochet and knitting, but I couldn't figure them out so I just eyeballed it & came up with my own variation. I feel that the uterus is quite appropriate for Spring, as it's a symbol of fertility, life & birth.

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 05-28-2012 at 05:10 AM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 05-19-2012, 06:33 PM

*peeks in*

is it okay if we post now,
Cherry♥ and Woodie♥?

Last edited by Knerd; 05-19-2012 at 07:04 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-19-2012, 06:40 PM

Will be joining both of these!

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 05-19-2012, 06:49 PM

I've got a plan! Hopefully I'll be able to put it in action and submit something to you guys this weekend. :eager:

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 05-19-2012, 07:39 PM

Of course it's okay, hummy!

I look forward to seeing your submissions, Cora and Knerd! :D

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 05-19-2012, 07:55 PM

damn.....I can't do the photo's a very wet fall over here.....

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 05-19-2012, 08:13 PM

You need to read the rules more closely, musasgal:. ;)
Originally Posted by Cherry Who? View Post
Your photo must be related to the season of spring in one way or another. I'm letting you have the freedom to interpret this how you would like to, so please don't abuse that freedom by taking a picture of just anything and trying to come up with some weak way to tie it in. A submission like that won't win, so there's just no point in entering it. Go out and take a pretty picture of spring! (Live in the southern hemisphere? Never fear! Just apply this to whatever season it is where you currently are. Just be sure to mention that in the "notes" section of your submission!)

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 05-19-2012 at 09:17 PM..

Elluh is offline
Old 05-19-2012, 08:35 PM

:drool: I can't wait to go outside and take pictures for this contest!

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 05-19-2012, 09:22 PM

Originally Posted by Cherry Who? View Post
You need to read the rules more closely, musasgal:. ;)
sorry.....was half asleep......have my necies over for the weekend ^^;

Kamikaze Kendra
Music Guru

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Old 05-19-2012, 10:29 PM

I am so excited about the photo part of this contest!
Can't wait to take my camera out and have a mini photo-safari!

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 12:56 AM

Picture Perfect
Username: Silverbeam
Proof: A: B:
Notes: Well in sunny florida, spring is what I call normal eather. It's generally sunny, unless there is a hurricane! These little beauties popped up a few days ago, and what better way to celebrate the end of winter, then a bit of sun, so strech out your petals and look to the light mene!

Last edited by Silverbeam; 05-21-2012 at 12:29 AM..

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 01:37 AM

Wooh! We're so excited! Enter your pretties!

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 03:05 AM

Silverbeam: Pretty picture! Unfortunately, your proof photo is too far away from the flower your submission was of, so I can't really verify for sure that they're both by you. :sweat: Tomorrow, if you could try to find the same flower you took the submission photo of and get a picture of that one with your name in it. The proof needs to look similar to the submission. I provided some examples in the rules post. :)

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 03:26 AM

Really? It's the same field of flowers with the same lighting... you want me to go back into the middle of the field and try and find the same flower? @.@

I did look at the example picks, but thought that doing a whole field shot would work for my proof. Kinda hard to hold your signature out and zoom ten feet away to shoot a pic at the same time... Hahaha...

That was why I didn't have an exact match. Also to get a good pic, (at least my art teacher told me long ago) You have to take lots of pics in different angles, it would be hard to take two pics of everything in a roll. I'm not trying to be hard, just trying to explain why it might be difficult to get an exact match on a picture for some photographers.

Regardless I totally understand where you are coming from with photo stealing, it's a tough call, where to allow artistic freedom and movement, and where to get exact detail to prove that it's yours..... It's your call. I can try to find the same flower, but prob wont succeed, the lighting wont be the same that's for sure. Or I will have to find something else to do. I really like the sunflower pics though.... :(

Again not trying to be mean or obnoxious, so let me know what you want okay? I'm really excited with this contest, and was inspired by my first photo.

OH! What if I took a pic of the pic on my camera view screen with a sign? I have a big screen on my camera and I can show the photo on the camera I took it with.

Last edited by Silverbeam; 05-20-2012 at 03:30 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 04:23 AM

Alright, I can accept a photo of the viewscreen of your camera. :)

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 05-20-2012 at 04:30 AM..

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Old 05-20-2012, 07:12 AM

I have a picture of the silhouette of the new leaves of the massive... shrub outside my window filtered through the curtains covering my french door. It was a whim picture, but it turned out very nicely. Not spring enough to enter though.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 07:24 AM

Would you like to share it with us anyway? It sounds quite nice. :)


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