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Aire is offline
Old 03-07-2009, 03:52 PM

Hello, Menewsha!
Sooo I noticed that I'm rarely ever on here. I pop on here every now and then, but most of the time I'm on Gaia or Solia (the reason - simply put, that's where all my friends are).

I still intend to keep hanging around here, but I noticed because I've been here almost since Menewsha's start, that I have a lot of the most expensive items on Menewsha that are just rotting on my account. I also took the liberty of calculating how much I'm worth on here in terms of Menewsha gold (yes, a BILLION is an exaggeration, but trust me... it's a LOT X_x).

I want to spread the wealth. :D
I'd also like to in some way incorporate it with my new webcomic I'm starting with a friend of mine! The link is in my sig if anyone's curious about it.

Anyway, does anyone have any really fun ideas for contests/raffles that I can incoporate as many Menewshans as possible to win some super amazing fantasic prizes?

I thought of:
1) Art contests (Pros: I get pretty art and everyone gets to see all the prettiness. I like this idea the best. BUT... Cons: Not all Menewshans have scanners/cameras, and I'm sure a lot are insecure about their drawings and feel the people who can draw have an unfair advantage)

2) Random Prizes (kind of like a raffle where no one has to buy a ticket. But how can I run this fairly? I don't want to give, say, a Queen's Crown to someone who just popped onto the thread, gave one comment, then left. Or some newbie who's been on Menewsha for a day... it would be unfair to people who have been questing this a very long time. Also, how can I incorporate random prizes with my webcomic? X_x)

Sarang hanindea yo~
Chunsa-chan is offline
Old 03-07-2009, 07:53 PM

Could do a mix of diffrent things.
Split what you have. Some aside for an art contest, have a miny raffle, *insert other contest ideas here*

And you could have a trivia contest about your comic. =) It'll get people to read it and, who knows, you could gain some loyal fans from it, if they like what they see.

Avatar dress up. Like avatar contests during events where one has to dress an avatar to a theme, you could hold one for seeing how close they can get an avatar to one of the characters appearance.

Edit- I read your comic. *likes so far*

Last edited by Chunsa-chan; 03-07-2009 at 08:17 PM..

Miss You Guys
Winterwolfgoddess is offline
Old 03-07-2009, 07:55 PM

One I would have suggested in incorporating your webcomic is having a fanfic/story contest on here taking part in the setting and involving the characters, but right now I am not sure if that would be possible.There is a nice amount of decent writers on here. And the art contest isn't a bad idea either. Those usually on here get a fairly decent amount of entries even if the prizes are sometimes not all that much. I understand your cons with that, but I do not think it is that big of an issue on here to be contest. If you were going to do either of these, I would highly suggest advertising to get the most amount of participation and a wide knowledge of it going on.

Um...Best Avatar Cosplay of the characters contest? xD

As for random xD that can sometimes be good and sometimes be bad. I will be blunt in saying that if you turned to that, you should just donate the items to the quest raffle or giving back auctions, or follow guidelines similar to them to make it fair for everyone:

Really I am comic at blanks on this. Contests have never been my best thing. xD

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 03-07-2009, 08:02 PM

Since you pop on here everyone know and then, it'd be cool to have some friends to return to right?
Maybe you could make a thread in the Menewsha Nations (without advertising the gold/prize giveaway) and hold a bunch of different games, to appeal to all different types of fun people.
Like trivia, quizzes, maybe a group scavenger hunt. That type of stuff.
If you like those aideas, and need some help I'd love to help manage it all!
I've wanted to do something like that, but I'm not really "worth" enough to help anyone out much (plus I really love making avatars, and I really want to be able to afford one x' D;; )
So yeah, I hope you see this.
> w <

Last edited by Popcorn Gun; 03-07-2009 at 08:05 PM..

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 01:33 AM

I know that I'd participate in an avatar cosplay contest (as mentioned above - where users try to reproduce your comic's characters by dressing their Menewsha avatar that way). If nothing else, nearly every user can participate either with their own inventory or the MAC or a combination. If you allowed avatar edits, that'd help too. (But I'd suggest that be a separate category.) (<-- this idea would fit best in the "Avatar Chat" subforum.)

I'd probably enter an art contest, if the due date weren't anytime soon. I have a few commissions I need to finish and I won't be available really to work on those until probably after Easter. ;_; Unless I got to work on them next week during Momocon. >_>; I like art contests. :B Even when they're not for me or I can't enter because of obligations to Menewsha. XD; Also, think of the extra advertising you'd get from most of these artists uploading to places like DeviantArt or Side7 or Elfwood. (<-- this would go into "Art Contests", of course.)

Anyway. >_>

You could always have a "caption this" contest and take a page (or several) from your comic (or create a new page/new pages) and have people fill in the text bubbles. "Most in-character" and "funniest captions" is what I'd recommend. ( <-- You'd put a contest like this into the "Community Contests" sub-forum of this forum.)

Short story contests could be fun, if you're into those. It'd go into the Lit Spot.

Your best bet if you're hoping for advertising is to one of the above - or multiples of the above. You can always have any extra prizes be distributed to the people who participate the most in your thread and/or via trivia contests in those threads. ie: "On Tuesday I'm going to have a trivia contest in this thread, be there between 8 and 9 pm central to have a shot at winning!"

That's just in my experience. ;)

Tre Le Coco
Tre Le Coco is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 03:28 AM

You could always donate some of those rarer items to the giving back auction or the quester raffle :yes:

twizted child eve
twizted child eve is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 03:24 PM

I would say do a bit of everything. Have an art contest, raffle or page prizes and maybe an avatar contest. ^^ It's up to you, though. :)

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 11:24 PM

xD I really like the 'Fill In The Caption' idea.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 03-09-2009, 12:03 AM

Do a variety to help give everyone a chance.
If you do decide to make a raffle for the more expensive items make guidelines similar to the Quester's Raffle and Giving Back Auction.

DJ Haywire
DJ Haywire is offline
Old 03-09-2009, 02:04 PM

Give all the poor people money :(

your resident bonafide coffee ad...
Rylynne is offline
Old 03-09-2009, 02:10 PM

I like the trivia game about your webcomic idea, since it can very much incorporate your webcomic to your intention of giving out prizes in contests. :3 Art contests, writing contests, and raffles are also a good way of giving away some things while getting back some neat things for your webcomic. =)

I remember someone I knew before who asked people to give out ideas and predictions for her story, and she gave tokens for good ideas and stuff. xDD;; They weren't big tokens though, but I thought I could share with you the idea, since it's kind of similar. ^^;; <3<3

Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
Esmereina is offline
Old 03-10-2009, 06:39 PM

I came in here to give you suggestions... but everyone beat me to it... ^^' i was going to say the quest raffle is a good idea..and the Caption Contest too...also if you want could alway donate to the Charities...because these people who run them love to give away items to well deserving know? So most of them have sound judgement about it..^^ :)

im sorry you aren't on much though... would be cool to get to know you too. :)

Sally Sinema
Sally Sinema is offline
Old 03-10-2009, 08:56 PM

I love web comics, (your art in it is awesome btw) I like the web comic quiz idea the best.


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