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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 04:42 PM

lunanuova: Eep! That marbling technique sounds pretty complicated. V_V

I've seen the stickers in Walmart in the makeup section where all the polishes are and in Rite Aid Pharmacy. Pharmacies have a surprising amount of nail things.

hummy: The cardboard trick sounds pretty good too but I wonder if maybe paper would work a bit easier since it's more flexible? I dunno, either way it's worth a try, thanks for the tip!

Cat Eye: Haha! That's so true. I agree it can hardly be called polish in that case.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 04:44 PM

paper would probably work too but it may have to be a thicker stock.
the little snack cardboards are very thin and flexible.
you're welcome for the tip, if i can do it so can anyone.
*ish the least talented artist in the whole wide world*


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 04:51 PM

@ hummy: I have a sketchbook that has some thicker paper in it, maybe I'll try that. My current nails have been lasting a lot longer than they usually do but once they're shot I think I'm going to try the style from the picture on the first page.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 04:57 PM

yeah that is a good thickness.
it's just if you use say notebook paper it gets too wet.
unless you aren't as messy as i am that is ;p.

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Eep! That marbling technique sounds pretty complicated. V_V
Actually, the first time I did it, with nail polishes that somehow worked, it came out pretty well! Except I didn't cover the whole nail. There is a lot to clean up around the nail afterwards though, so you really need to keep cotton ball/bud soaked with nail varnish remover next to you.

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I've seen the stickers in Walmart in the makeup section where all the polishes are and in Rite Aid Pharmacy. Pharmacies have a surprising amount of nail things.
Oh, shame we don't have Walmart, but then again Walmart = Asda. I'll look the next time I'm there! I only have one Pharmacy near me and it's pretty small; it still has some beauty stuff though. Thanks for replying!

Elwing is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by hummy View Post

i am sure you can buy a french tip application from the store but i have never done that.
A friend of mine is a nail artist (yeah she went to school for it =/) and she
has these little bottles with a very small pencil, specialy for french nails.
Unless that is what you mean, I'll zip it :D =3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 11:37 PM

My mom got me a pen sort of thing that paints the tips for French manicures. It's not as precise as I'd like though...


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 02:13 AM

So I tried painting my nails with the shiny tips yesterday and it looked pretty good at first but I quickly realized it wasn't very functional. I don't know if it's just my clear but it started flaking coming off pretty quickly. Today I gave in and repainted them with the matte polish but without the shiny tips. I have to admit it's starting to grow on me but I can't say I prefer it over a shiny polish. It also seems to chip off pretty easily.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 02:21 AM

This has probably been mentioned, but there is a new nail polish brand sold by Walgreens that is matte, aka Sinful Colors. I buy it for the super cheap price and bright, non-traditional, colors, but I always clear coat that shit. I absolutely hate the matte.

I do like the picture the original poster showed us. I would/will totally do that.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 03:09 AM

Are all of the Sinful colors matte? I was looking at them in the store today but I didn't see anything about matte on them. Is it just certain shades or all of them?

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 03:58 AM

@Zig: As far as I know they are all matte. I have heard through the grape vine that one of their sparkly colors isn't, but I own two different colors now and they are matte. If you don't use a top coat the polish will neither look shiny, nor will it last more than a day without chipping. The colors, however, are amazing.

I have a bright turquoise by them on my nails right now.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 04:04 AM

Hm, maybe I'll get a bottle sometime when I'm not trying to save up money. Right now I only have a hot pink matte from a different brand but there was a really big variety of colors for the Sinful ones.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 04:49 AM

Yeah, the Sinful Colors brand only costs $1 to $2 a pop, so it's not like you're wasting any money on it if you end up not liking the color or something.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 04:26 PM

Yeah, they were only $1.99 but right now I've got myself on a strict no necessary expenditures budget. T_T

There were some nice nail air polishes too with these really fine brushes that were the same price and I was looking at getting one of those but like I said, no spending. It sucks but I have to do it.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 10-04-2011 at 04:29 PM..

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jellysundae is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 08:51 PM

I got some new polish today :squee:

Just trying to apply the blue now, and not make a hideous mess :ninja:


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 12:57 AM

Ooohh, those look like some pretty colors. Are they shiny or matte?

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 05:32 AM

Those are OPI. They are most definitely shiny.

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 06:05 PM

Yup, SHINY :insane: The blue is holding up well! Only some very minor wear after a day at work that involved dismantling furniture amongst other things!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 12:10 AM

You can tell I don't know much about the various brands except their level of expensiveness. >.< The matte I put on the other day is coming off at the tips already. I think that's because you're only really supposed to put one coat on though so it doesn't hold up as well.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 02:31 AM

@Zig: Typically all nail polishes need two coats and a top coat to hold up at all, and matte nail polishes don't hold up as well as shiny, for some reason.

OPI is like...the shit, man. It's what a lot of people think of as the best nail polish around, with China Glaze up there, too.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 02:54 AM

I haven't heard of China Glaze. I've seen OPI around but I've never gotten it. I remember it being pretty expensive. I usually don't like putting multiple coats because some of the see-through ones I have tend to look messy when I do but the last time I did my nails I did two coats and an overcoat and was amazed by how long it lasted. I'm definitely going to be doing that from now on. I just recently got into painting my nails again. When I was a kid I fooled around with polish pretty often but never did it the "right way".

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 04:50 AM

I don't have any China Glaze, but I have a couple OPI. I think they are overpriced, and they stain my nails. Honestly enough, while it won't last quite as long, $1 nail polish is just as good as OPI with two coats and a top coat. (It's a secret "the man" doesn't want you to know). :lol: So cough up the moolah for the top coat, and buy the cheap nail polishes.

I've been into nail polish for a long time, but it's just the last two years that I turned into a nail polish hoe.

And, yeah. Clear nail polishes are hard to handle. I don't like them, so I don't use them, but I know what you mean.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 05:08 AM

LOL! That's good to know. Thanks a bunch for the tips. I have one more question for you... When I put the clear coat over top of my colored polishes, a lot of the time it seems to streak the polish underneath. I'm not sure if it's the way that I'm applying it or the polish I'm using but I've tried two different clear coats and they've both done it. Any ideas what might be going wrong?

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 05:25 AM

are you waiting long enough between coats for them to dry completely?

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 05:30 AM

Yes, hummy is right. You need to wait for your nail polish to dry to the state where if you touch it it's not sticky, but if you rub it up against something, or press too hard on it with your finger while testing for drying, it will smudge or show the fingerprint. You'll learn to judge the time it takes pretty quickly.


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