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Inactive menace
DaisyKeehl is offline
Old 01-03-2023, 05:09 PM

[CENTER]Here's to a new year
With Menewsha kicking a little, I thought it would be nice to put together a memory jar for myself (and anyone else who would like to peruse)

[SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]
☆Go to more events and finally kick this mild agoraphobia in the ass
☆Move to a new apartment and thrive
☆Make this new upcoming job work
☆Think less about what people say, live life the way you want to
☆Send more gifts to friends around the world
☆Start working on my side business plan
☆Get a therapist
☆Stop crying over the past and push to look toward the future. Live in the present.
☆Travel to at least 2 states this year-- planned fun, nothing else.
☆Keep making strides in my craft
☆Fall in love with drawing again
☆Keep setting boundaries with people, speaking my truth, and being myself unapologetically
☆Save 3,000 USD to replenish what is lost in the move

Last edited by DaisyKeehl; 01-03-2023 at 05:49 PM..

Inactive menace
DaisyKeehl is offline
Old 01-03-2023, 05:14 PM


Starting out fresh with: TODAY IS MY LAST DAY AT MY JOB

I am going to a convention for the first time in over 5 years. With everything that happened, I never thought I would feel comfortable setting foot at an anime/game convention again -- let alone cosplay. HERE I AM and I AM DOING IT!

I have a decent line-up and I am trying not to feel shame over finally dressing up as some (easy) dream cosplays this weekend. I hope the people I am going with are as supportive as they seem. I miss having a con family to rely on and have fun with.

I am finally leaving my very toxic work environment. It is kind of a bummer because I really truly love the techs here, my 2nd boss, and it's an easy job. It is just.....well..... the main boss of the shop. I won't get into details here, but he makes it unbearable and after the spat we had a few weeks ago, I knew I needed a change.

This new place is a lot of work, but it seems very promising and I hope I can make it work. I will have less time to be online outside of work, but it gives me more time to work on my crafts and focus on that. I also won't go home stressed out and crying hopefully. The boss seems really nice and my manager seems amazing as well. The company seems to care for its employees. I am not naive where I think it'll be smooth sailing, but hopefully, it will be a much better environment for me in the long run. If it for some reason doesn't work out -- at least I got out of my comfort zone and TRIED.

I have so much to pack tonight in order to get ready for all of these changes. We are still apartment hunting, but I am hopeful we find a new place soon. So many life changes, so little time. A little stressed about money, but I have faith we will pull through.

Emotions for today:
Nervous, Anxious, Hopeful, relieved to leave this place.

Song for the day: December by Dayglow ♫

Last edited by DaisyKeehl; 01-03-2023 at 05:51 PM..


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