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Old 12-11-2023, 08:26 PM

Monday, December 11, 2023

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted in here since June! I won't try to recap everything but here are a few things:
  • I'm doing my best to settle into my new home in Oklahoma. I miss Florida a lot though. Oklahoma was VERY hot this summer, hotter than Florida which I didn't know was possible. There are also lots of spiders here which is not cool. I do like learning more about the native american culture here though and enjoy the vibe of the city.
  • I've been doing my best to try to get out and meet new people to make some local friends. I've had varying levels of success so far so I guess it's a work in progress. I was super excited to find out that there's a French Alliance here though so it's fun to be able to use my French again!
  • I had a promotion at work, I'm now Marketing Manager instead of Marketing Specialist. I'm going to start interviews soon for my new coordinator! I'm nervous but excited.
  • Still working on the migraine stuff but I've seen some relief with nerve block treatment. It's VERY painful to get the injections and I feel like crap the day I have it but it has helped my neck pain and lessened the number and severity of my migraines.
  • I have a new pet lizard, Mochi! She's so cute but I'm pretty sure she hates me, haha!
I guess those are the highlights. I'll see if I can keep this up more but no promises!

Today was an ok day. I had a hard time getting up this morning (a common theme lately) but I was up and ready in time for work so that was good. I had a productive morning (there's so much to do lately) but got sidetracked in the afternoon with stuff here on Mene. I'll work a bit later tonight to make up for it. After work I'm hoping to catch up on some holiday stuff I still have hanging like sending out the holiday cards I made and wrapping the presents I'm going to take home to my family.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-11-2023 at 10:52 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-12-2023, 04:24 PM

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Well I managed to get most of my Christmas cards done and posted last night and did more than half of the wrapping so that's a score for me!

In other news though I started developing a scratchy throat last night and woke up this morning feeling sick. Being sick is never fun but work is so crazy right now I feel like I have too much to do to be sick right now. Hopefully it'll be mild and pass over quickly. I guess it's better that I'm sick now rather than for Christmas. Fingers crossed anyway!

Welp I guess that's it for break time, I better get back to work.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-13-2023, 10:22 PM

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 much for a mild sickness. I've had my flu shot and my COVID shot this year but I guess I get hit by some megavirus. I dragged myself through the day yesterday but I'm out for the count today. My throat is so swollen I can barely swallow and every time I started to fall asleep last night I woke up feeling like I was choking. I got online for work for about 45 minutes this morning to delegate what I could and pushed things back to tomorrow and Friday but I'm not confident that I'll be better by then. I seriously feel like I'm dying. I really hope it isn't COVID. I've managed to escape it so far but maybe this is the end of my run for that. I asked my boyfriend to bring home a test this evening so I guess we'll find out soon...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-15-2023 at 02:17 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-15-2023, 02:19 AM

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Well it's not COVID so I guess that's good news. I didn't sleep super well though and woke up still feeling crappy but not quite as bad. I decided to work as long as I could today. I ended up staying on much longer than I thought I would and logged off about an hour and a half early to lay down to rest. I managed to get some laundry done too so all in all not a terrible day I guess. I hope I can sleep well tonight and wake up feeling better tomorrow. I still have no voice and can't talk...I'm hoping that will also right itself over night. Fingers crossed!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-17-2023 at 01:51 AM..


Kent is offline
Old 12-15-2023, 04:50 PM

Awww! Hope you're feeling better! Also, can I see pics of Mochi? o:


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-17-2023, 01:50 AM

Thanks! Me too.

Sure! It's super hard to get good pictures of her but here are a few recent ones!

---------- Post added 12-16-2023 at 09:54 PM ----------

Friday, December 15, 2023

I was hoping to wake up feeling better today but no luck. I still feel super crummy and tired and can't really talk. I worked for about 2.5 hours and then called it quits and went back to bed. I probably overdid it yesterday... I got up the energy to sign up for Crunchyroll so I could watch an old anime that was one of my favorites. It's called Witch Hunter Robin. I also watched a few episodes of the new Yu Yu Hakusho live action show on Netflix. They did some really weird stuff with the story super scrunching up the timeline to make things go faster. The original anime is better for sure but I'll keep watching the rest of the episodes of the live action out of curiosity. At least I have the weekend to rest up now before I have to go back to work on Monday.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Still not feeling stellar. This sickness really seems to have a hold on me! I washed my bedding because it feels ick after laying in bed so long but all that work took it out of me and I had to lay back down. In the afternoon I asked my boyfriend to take me to the mall to return something I had purchased online but yowza the mall was insane. We were planning on trying to get some lunch in the food court but it was too crazy so we ended up going somewhere else. After eating I was good and ready to go back home and lay back down. I honestly wouldn't have gone out if I wasn't afraid that the return would expire. So it's back to the couch and anime and books and resting. I ended up canceling my D&D game for tomorrow. It kind of sucks but I definitely need all the rest I can get so I can be ready for work next week. It's the last week before the holiday break and I have tons to do, especially after being sick 3 days this week.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-17-2023 at 01:57 AM..


Kent is offline
Old 12-18-2023, 05:03 PM

OMG She's adorable! > w< Love her coloring.

Aww, that's too bad about you still not feeling well! Make sure to hydrate and take meds~ Hopefully it clears up soon if it hasn't already!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-19-2023, 04:26 AM

This is her when she's all fired up. When she's fired down she's a much lighter cream color. We fed her a cricket yesterday, she was super happy, lol!

---------- Post added 12-19-2023 at 12:33 AM ----------

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Oops, slacking again on this already. Sunday was another mostly chill day trying to rest. I still wasn't feeling well. Kind of shaky/dizzy and overheated. I went on a Target run with my boyfriend though to finish up my Christmas shopping and did the rest of the wrapping. My suitcase is going to be so full of gifts I'll probably have to check it... Anyway, I'm hoping I'll be better enough for work tomorrow, I have so much to do and a bunch of interviews planned for the new hire who will be assisting me!

Monday, December 18, 2023

I still didn't sleep well last night which is frustrating because I wanted to be as rested as I could for work today. I woke up in the middle of the night with a migraine. I did find a use for one of the pain meds that I got that doesn't really agree with me though. Since it makes me dizzy I can't really take it during the day but then I realized I could take it at night for cases like this. It did help a bit in the middle of the night but by morning it was back so that wasn't great. I woke up feeling better than I have been the past few days but still not stellar. I'm coughing a lot now and didn't get any cough drops because I wasn't when I went out to get my first batch of cold meds so that sucks. Work was insane, I was trying to catch up on so many things. I ended up working a 10 hour day just to try to get back on top of it somewhat and even then I'm still overbooked for tomorrow. Maybe by Wednesday I can start to make some headway... We did three interviews today and I have three more tomorrow. So far I really like one of the candidates with a close second so hopefully one of them will work out! After work I had therapy, made some dinner, and watched a few more episodes of Witch Hunter Robin. I keep coming back to this anime even though I think this is my third of fourth time rewatching. Anyway, TTFN!


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Old 12-20-2023, 06:05 PM

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

It was another long day at work. I'm still coughing up phlegm but feeling betterish for the most part. I had a few more interviews and we decided which candidates to move on to the next round. They're a good bunch so I'm really hoping we'll get on well with whoever we end up hiring. I ended up working super late to try to finish some more things before our organization closes for the break. It definitely feels like a marathon this week. My boyfriend actually got home before I finished working which is rare and he made dinner which was nice. I cleaned the bathrooms because they were looking grimy and watched some more Witch Hunter Robin. I'm getting pretty close to the end. I'm hoping to finish it before I travel to see my family for Christmas. It's definitely cut into my reading time, though, as there's a book I also wanted to finish before I leave. Oh well, I guess you can't have everything!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-22-2023 at 05:24 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-22-2023, 05:31 PM

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

I had a really hard time waking up this morning, bleh! I guess those long hours are taking their toll... Thankfully I did manage to finish a bit earlier today so that was good. I went to return and online purchase after work and then my boyfriend met me and we had a nice dinner together. Afterwards we came home and exchanged Christmas gifts. I got him a fun cologne set where you can try a bunch of different scents and then pick one to get full size with a voucher. He got me a Pusheen blanket hoodie but sadly it was a bit tight, it's supposed to be one size but seemed more like kid size so we're exchanging it for a different blanket hoodie. Then we fed Mochi her second cricket for the week. It was pretty hilarious to watch. She kept jumping at it and missing. I was trying to get a video of her but it turned out more like a set of bloopers, lol! She did finally get it though. [XE]

Thursday, December 21, 2023

This morning I woke up thinking I had a few hours to go back to sleep but then my alarm went off. Boo! My boyfriend was randomly off today so that felt a bit weird. I had a lot of work to do before we break for holiday so I worked pretty hard most of the day. I was supposed to work tomorrow morning as well but I'm already really over hours so I managed to finish what I could and push the rest to next year so I can have tomorrow off which will be really nice. After work I watched the rest of Witch Hunter Robin. I'm still a bit confused by the end of that series though. I might have to look up online what some other people think it might mean. After that I took a long bath and then went to bed. Tomorrow I'll need to finish my packing for my Christmas travels!


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