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Kent is offline
Old 01-09-2024, 07:47 PM

I think I'll try this out after all. Just as a place to put memorable moments of the year. > o>


Kent is offline
Old 01-09-2024, 08:17 PM

January 1st, 2024
I spent New Year's eve with my brother's family. We were so distracted by youtube videos that we almost didn't make it for the countdown for the new year. XP Afterwards, I stayed up drinking wine till like 2am with my brother and his wife. We had talked to his daughter who was visiting a travel friend in Guatemala for like an hour at midnight through facetime. That was fun. Slept in my niece's bed that night. XD

Slept till 10am-ish. Had breakfast with my brother's family--homemade breakfast burritos (scrambled eggs with potatoes, chorizo, and mushrooms I think). They left for the gym after that and I went home to check on my cat and get showered and change clothes. I went back afterwards cuz Anna (my niece) returned home from Guatemala that evening. We ate Chinese food they ordered for dinner. Anna showed us pictures of her adventure in Guatemala.

Got to watch Pokemon Concierge on Netflix after I got back home. It was cute but silly. :P

January 2nd, 2024
It was the first time I worked from noon to 8 on a Tuesday. It wasn't too bad but I don't think I ate well enough that day. XP (Oh, I ate Taco Bell for dinner break that day.) We had a few stressful incidents occur that day at the library... I read some of Anyhow, The Rabbit is Infatuated with the Puppy. It's cute but has such a horny teenager in love/lust with an adult! Just wow. I worked a little on lines for art that I'm making for a secret santa that I joined too.

I got Pink Heart Jam with the exclusive sticker from Kinokuniya in the mail!
o uo [should totally add a pic later]

January 3rd, 2024
Don't remember much. Average day at work I guess. I watched The Tunnel to Summer, Exit of Goodbyes on HIDIVE with my sister (Hadsvich). [spoiler in white cuz the spoiler bar is way too blocky] Felt like the tunnel was basically made pointless in the end. He wasted time he could've been spending in the world getting to know the female protagonist and having a better relationship with his parents.. At least he got to say goodbye to his sister..? Also think that was so much more drama in the books that was left out from this movie.
I also got the rest of my kinokuniya order. :'D All manga in Japanese so I have more incentive to study reading Japanese. Apparently the stray tabby hanging around my complex visited too.

January 4th, 2024
A patron gave me a bag of supplies cuz I told him I was sick. XD Cough drops, benadryl, and Listerine(??). Ate dinner with my friends at an LGBTQ bar and eatery we frequent called English Ivy's. Finished up watching Ron Kamonohashi.

January 5th, 2024
Had the day off from work. Joined a first friday dinner with other furs at Jockamo Upper Crust Pizza close to where I live. Had a personal pizza with venison sausage on it. Pretty good.

January 6th, 2024
Worked. Wish I finished my Secret Santa art since Three Kings' Day would've been perfect, but I didn't really work on it...

January 7th, 2024

January 8th, 2024
Went to Glendale library before heading to the library's adult graphic novel club at Blind Owl Brewery. Got a little too drunk and giggly. Totally spent too much on just salmon and two cocktails too. XP But I had a good time.

January 9th, 2024
Went to a Meetup event for a writer's group. Had a personal margherita pizza from a restaurant called King Dough that was nearby. It was really yummy! Met three kitties where the event was hosted and got to re-read and edit the beginning of a story I wrote during high school. Also ate a brownie that one of the host's baked~ Might come back to that place for a painting class. o:

Last edited by Kent; 01-10-2024 at 11:00 PM..


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