yeah it's nice because we can take as many trips as we want, and we can split our time between the two places while we're in the process of moving. the movers come this Monday, hopefully we'll have the carpet sorted out by then. we had to steam clean it ourselves because it overpoweringly smelled like dog, and then we had a hard time figuring out how to get the carpet dry again.
being excited definitely helps! this place is basically in a state park, so it's really nice there and i have a lot more options for places to walk. and our view is the Hudson River, it's so close you feel like you're in it. and there's a lot more storage, and I like how much is hardwood and not carpet because I'm really good at cleaning hard surfaces, but not so much squishy ones. and my room has a perfect little nook for my cat's litterbox! she even has her own little window
i hope you don't have to move soon! it's pretty overwhelming, but since i've walked around where i'm living now i really don't feel too uprooted.
oh that is so stressful, i've been on roadtrips to funerals before and it's just a sucky situation. that's so cool you got to see the Lizzie Borden house though! i think i've passed by it before when i went to Boston