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Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 07-30-2011, 01:59 AM

Name: Damion A. Darkel
Age: 23
Other: He's blind and has a guide dog named Archer and a pet Macaw named Clove

Last edited by Ellancher; 07-30-2011 at 10:00 PM..

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 07-30-2011, 05:01 PM

Name: Rio Wells
Age: Twenty

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It was Rio's second day on the job, she had left her University in the middle of the semester after her father passed away. She was studying to be a fashion designer, she had wanted to be one ever since she was little. All the glam and glitter awed her, but now she was here, she looked at her fathers company it was so boring here...every was in professional clothing every single day. There was no fun in the office. She sighed as she looked at the chair which belonged to her late father, everything was now...hers. Rio Wells, was now the owner of this multi-million dollar company. She knew that many people looked down upon her because she was still just a kid, Rio had no idea how to run a business that was worth so much! "Miss Rio?" she jumped when someone addressed her.

Her wide golden brown eyes looked back at the man, his name was Dave. "Yes Dave.." she whispered. He had been the student intern that her father had hired, he was the closest one to her age, at 25, in this company. "We're all waiting for you at the meeting." he said with a small smile. Rio awkwardly returned his smile and nodded, "Of course..just...give me a moment and I'll be there momentarily" she said with a nod. How typically child like of her, she forgot that she had a meeting. Dave left with a curt nod, she sighed and relaxed once more as he left.

Rio neatly put all the manuals she was reading through in a pile, tidying up a few things, she too left her fathers cabin and headed for the meeting room just down the hall. She felt everyone's eyes look up as she entered, she mumbled a small apology before literally running to the head of the table. She was still young for goodness sake, they didn't need to stare her down like that. Rio sat down and looked up at everyone with a small smile, "So...what exactly is this meeting for?" she asked with a nervous laugh.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 07-30-2011, 10:37 PM

A man at the other side of the table looked up from his papers. Raising an eyebrow he looked over the his employer before speaking."Initally, Miss. Wells, we were going to go over the final details of the new office building we were going to be building across town, and making sure you approved of it all before reviewing you on the happenings of our stocks since this quarter is coming to a close, and you've only recently... taken over the business." He closed the manilla folder he'd been reading and looked across the table towards Rio. He slid the folder towards her over the dark wood of the tabletop and watched it stop right infront of her.

Opening a copy of the folder that had nestled right below it, the man spoke once more. "That, Mrs. Wells, is a copy in a building's layout, a page for each of the three floors open to visitors, and the other thirty six private work related floors, with the fortith floor being an office for you and the meeting room, along with the garden on the very top of the building, also open to visitors." Adjusting his glasses he looked around at the others who were looking through their copies that had been passed out before Rio had arrived. He closed his copy and clasped his hands together ontop of the folder as he looked across the table towards Rio.
"Your father had planned everything and had all of the equipment prepared. If you have anything youd like to change say it now Miss. Wells, construction starts tomorrow."

((Would you be okay with Archer getting into the building and ending up in Rio's office and that being how the two meet up?))

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 01:30 AM

"I...okay" Rio said nodding, she decided that speaking right now, would be the worst idea she's ever had. She had no idea how to find out if their company was in loss or whether if it was prospering. Rio watched the file come to a halt in front of her, she picked it up gingerly, feeling that at any moment the file would crumble in her hands. Rio opened the folder as the man spoke, she saw the building design, it was elegant yet modern. Definetly something her father had worked long and hard on, Rio nodded silently as he continued to speak. Her mouth fell open slightly when he said her room was on the fortieth floor, she closed it and gave a small suppressed smile. She was positively terrified of heights! "That is..wonderful!" she said laughing slightly.

Rio shook her head, "My fathers decision will always be my decision" she said quietly, after all, her father had expected her to obey everything he told her to do. He hadn't spoken to her for almost two years when she had accepted the offer for the fashion department in her university. She had been sad, but it had felt good to make her first own decision for her own life. But as expected, she was back doing what her father wanted to do. Why couldn't some one else run the company?! They would probably run it better than her, they were all the top business administrators and architects, they had taken specific courses for designing and making buildings, the only thing Rio knew how to create were clothes.

"You can go ahead and start the construction for the building and I guess I should be going because I still have to read through the company books" she said with a bright smile. But alas, only a few returned her bright smile with one of their own. One man in particular, seemed to glare at Rio all the time. She had heard from Dave that the man, Carl, was supposedly the next to be in charge of the company, that is until Rio was forcibly dragged to this position.

[[Yeah sure! That would be fine! ^^]]

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 02:14 AM

The man, Carl, simply nodded. "Well then, Mrs. Wells, I suppose you don't have any questions. Do you?" He asked, seeming completely oblivious to the intern chasing something on the other side of a row of filing cabinets. Papers flying behind the young lady as she held onto her glasses and continued around a corner where a flash of black and white fur was visible for just a moment.

Down in the lobby one of the reciptionists looked up from her computer to a blond with a hand gripped firmly onto the marble desktop as if he was about to fall over.
"May I help you?" She asked, lowering the glasses she wore for decoration to get a better view of the blonde. A gold bracelet hung from one of his wrists, the words on one of the charms wasn't visible to her at the moment, making her curious as to what the man might want.
"Yes, you can help. You haven't happened to see a dog wander in, a boarder colli-""Sir, I'm sorry, but I can't help you with a lost dog. Now, you should just head home and put up a few lost dog posters. I could give you the adresses of a few good places that would lend you their printer if you'd like." The man paused, rubbing the back of his neck, something clearly distressign him."Well, you see... I can't get home without my dog." The receptionest raised a thin eyebrow. "Why not? The man sighed and let go of the desk. "Well, Archer, my dog, got loose from her harness while we were on our way home, and we were right outside and it's starting to rain. So I figured she'd go into the closest building, which would be here... and I... umh... I can't... I can't see, at all. So she's my only way home, since you could say that I'm blind."

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 01:50 PM

Rio opened her mouth and then closed it again and simply shook her head, "No, nothing to ask. Thanks...Carl" she said with a soft smile. Rio got up slowly pushing the rolling chair behind and then pushing it back underneath the table again, "Excuse me" she said before grabbing the manila file and walking out. She breathed a sigh of relief as she was out of the meeting room, there were people in the hallway, some nodded their head when they saw her and others just looked away. Rio bowed her head slightly and returned the people's gestures.

She walked to the elevator and pressed the button. While she waited for the elevator she flipped through the folder once more, she admired her father's design. She realized that soon, it would be her designing buildings and other places. She sighed and closed the folder as she walked in and pressed her button. She walked out of the elevator without any eye contact and headed straight to her fathers cabin.

As Rio walked to her room she saw a fuzzy...creature of some sort in front of her room. Rio got closer and saw that it was a dog! Her face instantly lit up, she giggled as she pet the dog slightly. It was a beautiful border-collie, it had...some sort of tag on it...she flipped it over and it had a name, Archer, and an eye drawn on it. It was a guide dog, Rio frowned as she took the dog into her father room, "Here buddy, here girl" she cooed as the dog happily walked in. The dog shook it's fur and got water over Rio, she gasped slightly and then laughed it off, "Thanks" she said grinning at the animal.

Walking over to the phone Rio called Melissa, the receptionist, "Hey..Melissa...there's a dog in my room. I think its a guide dog. You think you could help me out by finding its owner?" she asked the brunette. She pet the dog as she sat down in her dad's chair, she twirled the phone cord around her fingers as she waited for Melissa to help her out.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 03:01 PM

Melissa looked up from the phone to Damion. "Well it's young lucky day young man. Your dog is here... up in Mrs. Wells's office." Damion grinned, utterly elated that he hadn't lost Archer. "Thank you 'Mam... do you think you could give me the direction to Mrs. Well's office?" Melissa nodded and stood up, walking around her desk, her heels clicking on the tiles. The sound was what Damion followed to the elevator.

A few minutes and one extremly silent elevator ride later, Damion found himself being led being led to the outside of Rio's office. Melissa knocked lightly on the door with the back of her hand. "Mrs. Wells, I have the owner of the dog outside."

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 04:06 PM

"Send the person in Melissa" Rio said softly. She was rather surprised to hear Melissa at her door already, Rio had been busy with studying the companies profit and loss reports. Rio was frowning over the files while the dog sat beside her chair happily eating away at a bowl of dog food. Rio didn't know why, but she had a can of dog food in her rooms personal cabinet. In another bowl Rio had poured water for the dog. The dog seemed content beside Rio just eating and drinking happily.

Rio took off her reading glasses and looked up, she wondered how the dog had gotten in here in the first place. She closed up the file and stood up drawing back the curtains even further in the room. She glanced at the clock casually and saw it was almost five, man did time seem to go slow when she was trapped in one room reading senseless reports.

Rio bent over the dog once more stroking the soft fur and scratching behind Archer's ears. "Good girl" she cooed as she watched the dog turn and lie on its back with four paws in the air. She giggled at how cute this dog was.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 02:46 AM

Melissa opened the door and Archer stood up almost immedietly. Yipping happily she bolted from the spot next to the desk towards Damion who had crouched the moment he;d heard the yip. His arm's wrapped around the dog's furry neck as he pulled her leash from his back pocket. "Archer, don't scare me like that." He said as he fumbled with the collar and attached the leash. Standing up he looked towards where he'd heard Archer first bark her greeting. "And who do I owe the please of thanking for helping me get my guide dog back?"[/u]

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 12:58 PM

Rio dismissed Melissa with a nod and a friendly wave. "Alright then Miss Rio, I'll be leaving you" she said with a small smile. She appeared to be trying to tell Rio something but Rio just raised an eyebrow and gave her a speculative look. Rio just shrugged it off as Melissa left. Rio walked up to the boy and stuck out her hand, "Hello, my name is Rio" she said sweetly. She laughed shyly, "You don't need to thank me, I love animals so I was glad that I was able to help return Archer to you" she said with a small smile.

"Would you like to...sit?" she asked him. Rio was looking at his eyes, and then his face. Her brow frowned a bit. "I'm sorry, but you seem really familiar with me...what...high school did you go too?" she asked him laughing slightly. She hoped that he wasn't creeped out by her. He seemed so familiar but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 09:46 PM

Damion shook his head. "Not thank you, I'd rather stand." He replied, continuing to listen as she spoke. What would she, he could tell Rio was a she by her voice, think if they'd gone to the same school? He hadn't really been close to alot of people and he'd gotten by without most people knowing or figuring out he was blind, since he'd gotten by without a guide dog then. "I went to McKinly, just north of DC."

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 01:58 PM

"McKinly?" Rio muttered, "I guess you only seem familiar, sorry" she said with a small smile. Rio wondered if he had gone to the same middle school as her but decided to let it go. "You guide dog is rather well behaved..Mr..." Rio trailed off as she realized she didn't know his name. Rio's head whipped around as she heard thunder, a small smile came to her lips. She loved when in it rained, "would you like something to drink while you're waiting? It looks like it might be raining a while" she said turning back to the man. Rio went back to her seat and slipped on her glasses and finished the last few pages of the report. She looked up at the man, "would you happen to know anything about business?" she asked him laughing.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 03:03 AM

"Mr. Darkel... but you can call me Damion." He replied, flinching when the thunder rumbled outside. He leaned up against the wall, Archer sitting beside him. The sound of pages flipping made him wonder what she was reading. "I don't know much about running a business, except for lemonade stands and student council funds." He replied shaking his head. Rubbing a hand on the top of Archer's head he closed his eye.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 07:04 PM

"Pleasure to meet you Damion" she said smiling. Rio laughed slightly, "Neither do I" she said with a simple shrug. "The truth is, my father passed away a month ago and I was pulled out of university to continue the family business" she gave a low sad laugh. Rio didn't know why she was telling him all this, but for some reason she felt like she could trust him. Rio frowned, she had known a Damion when she was in middle school...then she had moved away.

Rio shook her head, it couldn't be the same boy. No it possibly couldn't be, could it? Rio shook of the idea and turned her attention back to Damion. "Would you like something to drink?" Rio asked making her way to the fridge.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 09:03 PM

"The pleasure is all mine Mrs. Rio." He said with a nod. He listened inently, curious as to why she was telling him this. He couldn't posibly imagine being removed from collage to do something without any experiance, and with her father having just died it must have been almost impossible to get used to her new job. "I'm fine, no thank you." He replied to her question, with a soft nod. "What exactly is it that you do?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 02:14 PM

Rio nodded and grabbed an iced tea for herself, the can opened with a small pop. Rio took a long, much desired drink to quench her thirst. She set her drink down and turned to Damion to answer his question. "Well, we're a huge architecture company." she said with a small shrug. To her it was the easiest to explain to people what her father's company did. "Have you ever heard of Well Architects?" Rio asked laughing, it was sort of a straight forward name kind of boring in Rio's opinion. "Well, right now you're in Well Architects" she said with a small shrug.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 09:35 PM

"I think I have heard of Well Architects, arn't you building another building on the other side of town?" He asked, his neighbor's excitment over the fact he was getting to work on the building the first thing that came his mind when he heard her say Well Architects. Archer pushed her head up into his hand, forcing Damion's fingers into her fur.

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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-14-2011, 06:52 PM

Rio nodded, "Yeah, we're going to be starting the construction tomorrow" she said laughing. Rio yawned and stretched her hands, she was more tired than she had realized. She was usually up late trying to finalize and look over the designs of other designs that her co-workers gave her. She looked outside and saw it was still raining, glancing at the clock she saw it was almost six. "Well, I think we should both be going, the buildings going to be closing soon" she said with a small nod.


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