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Sally Sinema
Sally Sinema is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 11:30 PM

I love Neil Gaiman! Got the first 2 ultimate sandman's for christmas, most beautiful books ever. :heart:
Neverwhere is by far my favorite, american gods a close second.

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-16-2010, 07:36 AM

I really loved Neverwhere, American Gods, and Stardust. He has done a lot for modern/ urban fantasy along with Charles de Lint.

siaasgn is offline
Old 02-17-2010, 03:25 AM

Originally Posted by KarinKusari View Post
Do you follow just Neil or Amanda too?

I found Neil Gaiman from Good Omens, his collaboration with Terry Pratchett. If you are a Neil fan, and you haven't read Terry yet, go remedy that. Now!

I've got friends, a guy and a girl, who are currently working on Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer costumes; the girl's going as Neil and the guy as Amanda; it's going to be gold.
I follow Amanda too :yes:

I'm actually really bummed - I'm going to be in New Zealand next month - but I'll be there 1 day too late to see Neil and Amanda is going to be in the south when I'm in the north & in the north when I'm in the south :gonk:

Wolves in the Walls is a fantastic book! I forgot I had read that. Interworld was really good too - I picked that up after reading Walls of the Universe - I was apparently in a parallel universe mood that month :lol:

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Old 02-18-2010, 07:42 PM

I haven't had the chance to read stardust but I know they made a movie out of it. I think after my current reading list is up I am going to pick up Coraline. I liked the movie. I am sure I will love the book more. :D

thelettervee is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 01:22 AM

the first of neil gaiman's work i ever picked up was the sandman series; love it to death :XD
art work is amazing and the story/ personalities of each character is amazing and fits so well with history. :3

i am a bit of an amanda palmer fan, loved her in the dresden dolls enjoy her solo album as well
hope to see them sometime in my life... *le sigh*

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 02:28 AM

Since there is already a thread on Gaiman in this forum, I've gone ahead and merged the two together. :yes:

Parasitic Panda
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Old 02-19-2010, 06:32 AM

Love Neil Gaimen, the first of his books that I read was Stardust and I loved it. I have since read American Gods, Neverwhere, and Anasai Boys. I want to read Smoke and Mirrors next, but I need to wait a little first before I go buying more books

parcae is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 08:40 AM

About a year ago, I read Smoke and Mirrors and could not stop giggling to myself about "Babycakes" and "Nicholas Was...." because they were so bizarre! A few months after I read the compilation, Gaiman actually came to our school where he talked about his writing and answered questions from us all. He is a very strange person, but it was really interesting to hear him talk. It intrigued me, so a friend of mine recommended Good Omens, which is authored by both Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachett.

To be honest? It's one of the best books I've ever read. Let's put it this way: it's about the apocalypse, an unlikely angel and demon duo, the Anti-Christ, and more references to Queen than you can imagine. It's wonderful, and I highly suggest it.

I also recommend Neverwhere because it's a crazy, imaginative story that draws you in. ((However, I suggest against American Gods because I believe it was Gaiman's first novel, and I don't think he really knew what he was doing....))

:] Enjoy!~


Gamer Geek Girl
Chattonne is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 03:53 PM

I discovered The Sandman in high school. I joined the Science Fiction Book Club (wow what a money sink that was!) and picked one of the graphic novels at random for one of my free books (the one where Lucifer gives Morpheus the key to Hell).

Good Omens is one of my favorites. I actually just posted about it in the "books you read over and over" thread. I've also read (and loved) Stardust, Neverwhere, and American Gods. I really need to pick up the rest of his books.

I also really liked Mirror Mask and the Stardust movie adaptation. I haven't seen the Neverwhere tv series, but it's on my list.

Saria Florite
Collector Of Expensive Dolls
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Old 02-23-2010, 07:58 PM

The Sandman Comics FTW!!!!!!!!

Ode is offline
Old 02-24-2010, 05:22 AM

I've been reading the Sandman....but I really want to get into his book series...anyone want to point me in the right direction as to where to begin reading?

Alice in Wonderland
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Old 02-24-2010, 05:33 AM

Mmmm, Gaiman. I think my favorite of his books is Good Omens - with due credit to Pratchett too, of course - but I'm kind of a sucker for fantasy so I also love Coraline and Stardust.

One thing I like about him is that it feels like his works are all really unique. I mean, yes, he does really like writing about normal people stumbling into fantastical places, but there's always a different feel to it, and you never feel like you're rehashing the same adventure (oh man, that sounds corny, but I don't even care).

scarlettisiren is offline
Old 02-24-2010, 06:35 AM

I adore Neil. he'd defiantly one of my favorite authors, and having had the privilege to meet him a couple times, I can say that he is just as interesting as his writing and a very nice man.
And his hair is very soft.

@Ode I started with Coraline...or Stardust- I can't remember now. Then Neverwhere and then American Gods. Really, so long as you read Anansi Boys after American Gods- and even that isn't entirely necessary- you're fine. honestly, I usually start people on his short story collections first.


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