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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Lady Chello is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 06:15 AM

The terms are simple that they are. Fear not my child some things take time. Sign here and forget it all. Your life your name all you know. The life before will never be. It's said that in a house far away their lives strange things. It is whispered in tales that there in that wicked house lives forbidden magic. Their lives the witches and their minions. Two sister bound by dark magic to a demonic being. One witches of light one of Dark the sun an moon. It is said that in their house that wicked thing there are many things that should not be. For it is said that if a human hates their life then a human can make a deal with the wicked ones and their pet. But be warned it isn't one for the faint of heart. For everything in magic has a price. For one a soul enters the wicked house it never comes out. So these are the whispers though the towns and land. So if you find yourself near the wicked house remember you have been warned......though I'm just a humble girl nothing more what could I know....

Two sisters gave up their hearts in order to gain one special friend. What could make two sisters do such a thing? No one knows, only the being who made the deal with them. As of today the two sister live in their mansion with their butler who is something else. The sister vowed to help humans who wish to no longer have their lives. They make a deal with the human. Once the deal is made it can never be broken. A doll as the humans become may never leave the grounds of the house. They must never anger their masters or they will face the wrath of their pet or is it a pet or their master? Each sister has her own dolls that are under her control. So read the fine print in the contract you'll lose more than your head in these deals.
Players in the game:
*Dark Witch=Finx15
*Light Witch=Kilia
*Butler= Taken LadyChello
*Maid (doll) =Finx15
*Cook (doll or demon) =Triquetra
*Dress Maker (doll) =
*Baker (doll) =AvaBeth93
*Gardner (doll) =
*Other Dolls =Triquetra,Lady Chello,
*Follow all Men rules!
*Do not fighting OCC, curse every other word , and be out of line. THERE ARE KIDS ON HERE!!!
*If the butler decides to do something go with it. Witches only think they are in charge. Witches you are not allowed to kill a doll. And no doll can kill another you are all under contract so you can't die. Try again ladies.
*Keep your petty differences to yourself please. Don't you dare mess up this glorious Thread or the Butler and staff will have to clean you up and off of it. I promise you want like meeting the butler for something like this.
*Have fun and please post as you can. That does not mean for you to vanish for a month and think the staff is going to greet you with cheers. The witches aren't so forgiving so be warn.

PHP Code:

Nick Name :( The name you are called by.)
Age :( Be creativeRemember the old bats are immortal due to a deal with the devil.)
Powers :( up to two besides your magic.)
Skills What magic are you good at. If you are the dark witch hence dark magic, if you are light hence light magic like healingBoth of your spells for anything comes at a priceYou can go to the villages and use your magic to help the villagers if you like of course for a priceThough remember magic comes at a price
Lover You may have a doll or whatever you wish to chose for thisBut your soul belongs to your butler though with those he is your master if you should ever wish to challenge him truly
Master : (Witch witch are youAre you kind?) 
Dolls: (What kind of dolls do you makeEach witch makes dollsThey can make good dolls are dark dolls what kind do you like master witch?)
Story: (The whispers say you gave up your soul to the devil himselfThough you know that isn’t quite true.  A powerful demon yes but not the devil himself. So why did you do it? What happen to you to make you and your sister willing to give up your soul for the knowledge of magic and the protection of such a being? What is your goal? ) 

Dolls and Servents
PHP Code:
Picture: (Anime dolls please)
Name :( The name you where given by your master.)
Nick Name :( The name you are called by.)
Age :( Be creativeRemember the old bats are immortal due to a deal with the devil.)
Powers :( up to two)
Skills :( What use are you as a doll?)
Lover :( Every doll has a loverThis can be added later)
Master :( Witch of the sisters is yours?)
Story: (What are you in this wicked houseSince you lost all rights to your memories of your human life what do you know of your life as a doll? Do you like your mastersAre you their favorite or the one that is on the butlers list?) 

Name : Butler
Nick Name :You can call me one Hell of a Butler if you like. Though Lance works commoners.
Age : Older than the bats I serve. My age is none of your concern.
Powers :I am the holder of darker magic than even the witches know. Though you'll never see it truly. For that is for special guest. Though try to harm my masters or our pets and I promise, I'll be the last thing you see.
Skills : I am a butler of perfection. My house will be carried out as such. There will be no mess,no dirt, every thing will be perfect or else. My masters and guest find my skills with common house hold items quite deadly to say the least. Don't play with me I am not your common butler my skills are deadly as my words.
Lover : Unknown, can such a being as I have a lover? Who can love the monster I am by nature?
Master : Bound to the sister by contract. I act as their protector. As such I out of respect do as they ask. Though don't be fooled I obey no one against my wish or will! And I want let anyone forget that even my so called masters.
Story: My story is none of your concern but if you must know. I come from a place that your kind couldn't understand. I was summoned by the sister for a reason between us and us alone. Since our deal I have been with them serving them. I take my job with the up most care. The dolls so beautiful and perfect are my favortie. I love them that I do. I spend my life teaching a few I deam worthy of things that as humans they would never understand. I act more as a fatherly figure for the dolls. I prefer to love them and teach them with kidness than force though some only understand pain. My business is mine so never get in my way or your worst nightmare will be me.

Nick Name: Phoenix
Age: 200 is the best estimation.
Power:Telekinesis and Fire
Skills: Guardian of the White witch. Her set of skills are killer.
Lover: Liam.
Master: White Witch
Story: Phoenix was a friend of the white witch long before she became a doll. She knew the sister well and had always been their friend. She came with her own gifts as a human fire being her gift. Though when she was left for dead by her deceiving brothers after a battle the witch witch saved her by turning her into a doll. Since that day she has served her master faithfully and always will. No one gets close to the witch without meeting the point of her sword or feeling the wrath of your rage. Tread lightly around the white witch.

Name :Neo
Nick Name :Orion
Age : 23
Powers : He is a wizard, though he has no idea of his powers.
Skills :Artist and blacksmith
Lover : Complicated Josephina
Story: Neo is the local celebrity. He and his family are known for their beautiful metal pieces as well as hand-blown glass. His family has been in this town since it began. There are many secrets in this town and his family is just one of them. It's said that his family is rumored to be gifted with the arts of magic. Though it is whispered through out his family of the wizards of old that came from them. The most famous of them was a lost uncle who was said to have fallen deeply in love with a pair of sisters from the town. Though in the end their love killed him. No one knows the full story but the man had promised that one day his line would keep his promise and make his vow of love true. It's just a old family story that non believe. Though till this day Neo isn't allowed near the house that haunts his dreams every hour and calls to him along with the girl with the red hair. The one that he knows more about than any. The one he wants to heal and make stop crying. In a few months he will be crowned the head of his house hold and take over the family business since he already has made it more profitable than any other than the strange uncle. Many say he is the spiting image of that uncle. He has spent the latter part of his life up till now trying to uncover the secrets of his tie to the house and the girl with the red hair. Just as every one else wants to know in his art and sculptures who is that beautiful girl that is depicted in them.

Originally Posted by finx15
Name : Finx
Nick Name :finx
Age : 100 give or take but looks 18ish
Powers : Can read and control minds
Skills : Dark magic.
Lover :N/A
Master : Dark witch and no I'm not very kind at all.
Doll: I make the dark dolls.
Story: For my own part I signed up because I wished for power and knowledge.((I think I need to plan this over with however the light witch is so we don't get confused.))

Name : Annabell
Nick Name :anna
Age : 100
Powers :Moving objects with my mind
Skills : Maid
Lover : N/A
Master : Mistress Finx-sama is my creator.
Story:My life as a doll is quite nice despite mistress being mean to others she shows me and her other dolls and her sister great kindness. I love my mistress and believe that I am her favorite since I was her first but I could be wrong.
Originally Posted by AvaBeth93
Name : Ana-Maria
Nick Name : Ana
Age : 77, Though appears to be 16
Powers : When she became a doll she was bestowed two powers, the first being an enhanced sense of smell which made her an excellent baker and pyrokinesis which came in handy when the fire in her stove went out and she had no more wood to make a natural fire.
Skills : Baker
Lover :To be decided later, as the baker has yet to admit if she has a lover
Master : Light Witch
Story: Ana does not remember anything before she came to the house, all she knows is that she was sixteen at the time and has not aged a day since. She became close with the light witch and asked one day to be allowed to bake, and when the witches tried her dessert that night after supper, they decided that Ana would be their permanent baker.
Originally Posted by Kilia
Name : Josephina
Nick Name : Jose, Jo, or White Witch
Age : Twenty one years old plus some odd years of experience *so not telling my real age*
Powers : Can heal/mend and Mediumship.
Skills : Light Magic
Lover : N/A
Master : Light Witch, my friend used to say that i was so kind that i was basically a door mat.
Dolls: The light dolls
Story: How the White Witch lost her heart you ask. Well back when she was actually 21, she had fallen deeply in love with what she considered a prince among men. Though what she did not know was that her younger sister had fallen in love with the same man that she had. All she knew is that she was in love, her sister was in love, and the men that they were in love with did not give them the time of the day and was not interested in them. For once she wanted to be selfish like her younger sister was, so they turned to magic, summoning a demon and striking a deal with him. The lost their souls and their hearts to him, all for what to find out that each other was in love with the same guy, thus neither of them could have him.

Originally Posted by Triquetra

Name : Liam
Age : 157
Powers : Empathy
Skills : Liam plays music like none other. He came right out of the classical era before he came.
Lover : Phoenix
Master : Light Witch
Story: Liam grew up in the classical era. Learning the strings and key of instruments just as you or I would learn to breath. He is gifted. Though one fateful night, he wound up being shot. He ran for his life, finding the house in the woods before passing out. The witches helped him recover. When he awoke, he wished to pay with back. With the only way he knew how. He played them a wonderful melody, and has been doing so ever since. He enjoys his little job within the house. Playing the exact music he knows they with to hear.

Name : Kellen
Age : 984
Powers : Kellen has the power to attack the minds of other dolls. He causes black-outs or severe headaches.
Skills : Kellen is the guardian. He watches and controls for his dear Witch. He also is a very good swordsman.
Lover : N/A for now
Master : Dark Witch
Story: Kellen came to being a doll after he saved the dark witch from what he thought was certain death. Kellen was a knight in an army. He served and soon rose threw the ranks. Becoming a very accomplished proctor. One after noon on the county side he noticed a thief grab a young girl behind a tree. He ran, and without a second thought sliced threw the man. Protecting the Dark witch. He found out later she could have protected herself, but the simple act had her bring him home with her. Kellen had no clue why he followed, he just simply did, and ever since has been watching over the witch.

Name : Raven
Age : 11
Powers : Psychometry
Skills : Raven is the Bookkeeper in the library. She also cooks for the household.
Lover : N/A for now.
Master : Dark Witch
Story: Raven is one of the younger dolls in the house. Only being a doll for just over ten years. Raven came to the house after her life turned into a disaster. She was on a camping trip with a man she was seeing. They were having a great time. After the first night together, Raven awoke the next morning to find the man with a cross bow. He told her she would have twenty minutes to run, and he would hunt her. Raven was able to outrun him for two days. Running for her life before finding the house. Without thinking she ran in. Finding the girls. Out of fear, she signed the contract. Though now she regrets it. Raven is one of the trouble makers. Mainly because she is so headstrong about leaving.
Originally Posted by Gemini
Name: Sky
Nick Name: Boy Blue
Age: 100,but looks about 14
Powers: Can walk in other's dreams, can fly (hover,really.)
Skills: Artist
Lover: Unknown
Master: Ana,the Light Witch
Story: Sky is actually an ancestor of Hikari,which is why they look alike.He was about 14 when the pair of sisters that used to babysit him made some unknown contract.He followed them to the house they would live in,and asked if he could stay with them.Ana,the Light Witch,took pity on him,knowing that he was abused at home,and took him on as her personal artist.he learned to paint,draw,sculpt,and all other forms of visual art,and will create anything to suit his mistress's fancy.Because he is young in appearance,his looks are somewhat girlish,but he is in fact a boy.He is known affectionately by others as Boy Blue because of the blue clothes he prefers to wear.
Originally Posted by Gemini
Name: Hikari
Nick Name: Kari
Age: 19
Powers: Ability to nurture plants so they grow quicker and prettier than normal,able to manipulate light.
Skills: Gardener,talks to animals
Lover: none as of yet,though she's often been seen eyeing the butler.
Master: Finx
Story: Hikari is a brand new doll,taken on as the gardener by the Dark Witch,Finx.She seems to have a slight crush on the Butler,and often asks if she can help him with anything when she isn't gardening.She loves animals and can sometimes be seen talking to them.Before she was a doll,she had been an orphan living in night,she was caught stealing bread from a bakery,and she was wounded trying to get away.she came across Finx in the forest,and out of some unknown random kindness,the Dark Witch spared her and turned her into a doll.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 10-28-2012 at 04:40 PM..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Lady Chello is offline
Old 10-08-2012, 10:56 PM

Lance arched a brow as he looked about the poorly decorated room. "How dreadful. The mistresses of the house seem to be losing their taste in their old age." He said as he ran his finger across the small oak table near the door. He close his eyes as he let out a heavy breath. His finger was coated in dust this was a complete outrage. "I swear you can't find decent help now days. Where on earth is the maid and the rest of the incompetent staff? "He said as his anger grew on the inside. His eye starting to twice slightly as he looked around for any sign or sound of the others. He had more important things to do than to be depressed by the ugly decor that the mistresses allowed in the house. He had already called for a shipment of new furniture to be brought and delivered to their door step this morning. He just need the old furniture burned, the room scrubbed from floor to ceiling. The piano needed to be moved in here for Liam so he could preform for the lady's of the house this evening. The outside patio needed to be cleaned. Bushes trimmed the flowers tended to, the patio it's self cleaned. The new furniture he ordered put out there. The cook needed to have the food going for everyone's meals for the day. The baker needed the deserts going for everyone. The list just kept going. There was no rest for the weary around here. He rolled his eyes as he saw where the sun was hanging already. He walked to the kitchen and pulled out two old beat up pans. He closed his eyes as he open his arms wide and then slammed them together with great force. The sound of the pans meeting echoed through the house with such force and sound it was unnatural. There was a plus to being what he was he thought. Waking others up was rather easy. He knew that everyone no matter how deep of a sleep would be woken by that nose. He put the pans away and adjusted his uniform as he put the coffee on to brew along with some tea. He sighed knowing that the lady's of the house would be up soon and where was the baker with his breakfast for them. Yet again he would have to make it he knew. He pushed up his sleeves as he pulled out the pots and pans. He pulled own his favorite cook book and began baking. He made croissants,stuffed pastries, fresh breads, muffins, cakes, and even some cookies. He of course cleaned up his mess though not even the Baker could compare to him in the time he got it done. But he couldn't blame the girl he was after all one Hell of a butler. He fixed the plates for the lady's of the house as he waited for the coffee and tea to stop brewing and the others to wake. At lest they would have something to much on till the baker and cook where up and ready to start their days. Though the maid he had a list for and if she was smart she would eat a filling breakfast because she would be busy the rest of the day.

Phoenix eye's shot open as she heard the sound and felt her room shake. She looked to the floor as she saw she was floating again above her bed. She closed her eyes and sighed as she slowly made her way to her bed landing softly on it. She pulled back the covers as she crawled out of bed. She made her bed and walked to the closet. She just stared at the clothes as the moved about her in a matter of moments she was dressed. Her hair was done perfect along with the rest of her outfit. There was a positive to her mental powers. She slowly headed to the large oak door as it open for her. She walked out as it shut behind her heading to find the crazy butler she had learned to love. He was really one amazing man. There wasn't anything he couldn't do or any mistake that he couldn't make in to a work of art. He had a knack about such things. Though for the rest of the dolls here that was a good thing it kept them from getting in trouble with the lady's of the house as they where known.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 10-10-2012 at 06:09 AM..

AvaBeth93 is offline
Old 10-10-2012, 02:30 PM

Ana-Maria had been up in her room searching for her cookbooks that seemed to have legs of their own when Lance 'rang'. She sighed knowing that meant he was going to out bake her again. "Why do my books always go missing on important days? Oh the Light Witch have mercy on me."

Ana decided to look under her bed for the fifth time with out much hope that the books would be there. When knelt down and looked she saw two of her missing cookbooks and heard something cackling from further under her bed then she was willing to look. At least these are the two I needed most. I think I need to hold on to these even in my sleep. She sat them down on the ground and placed a magicked fire around them so that what ever gremlin or doll kept taking her books would be unable to while she changed.

Quickly getting dressed and braiding her hair that she swept up into a bun Ana put out her fire and grabbed her books. Then she practically flew out of her room and down to the kitchen she was running so fast. Yet when she got there Lance had already baked enough food for five days worth of breakfast. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, but my cookbooks ran off again. I was able to find two of them at least so you don't have to worry about lunch or supper, I will make desserts worthy of the Witches. Please don't be mad." She found herself rambling on like she always did when she had to speak to Lance. She wasn't sure what it was about him that made her so nervous, all she knew was that she wanted to stay on his good side, if he had a good side that is. The Butler was here with the witches when she walked in their door sixty-one years ago and he has intimidated her right from the start. She wondered if it was the same for all the other dolls.

Last edited by AvaBeth93; 10-11-2012 at 02:53 AM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 10-10-2012, 07:08 PM

Liam jumped up when he heard the pans bag together. Although, still in a dream-like state he laid back down. His partner, Phoenix though began to get up. Being stubborn as always, he pulled the covers over his head. "Five more minutes..." He grumbled from under the covers. Holding tight onto the comfy and warm bed sheets. In truth, the two were probably not supposed to be sharing a bed, but about three months ago Liam had just simply moved into Phoenix's room. No one really said a thing, so he stayed. He peeked his head out a second as Pheonix was getting dressed. She appeared to have not noticed him since she just walked out.. Was he in trouble for something? No good morning kiss.. or stealing the blankets so he would wake up faster.... yeah, he was in trouble.

Liam got out of bed just a minute after the door closed. He stalked over to his side of the closet, stretching. He then decided he needed to clean himself, and so instead he headed into their bathroom. Turning on the shower and standing under it. Washing his hair and body as he did every morning. And just like every morning walking around the house with wet hair for a short while. After his shower he walked back into the closet. Putting on a pair of black pants, an off-white shirt and a vest over the shirt. Followed by a nice pair of dress shoes. It was how he typically dressed for the household. Suddenly, something crossed his mind. His piano needed to be cleaned today.... Sighing he took off the vest and shirt, cursing his mind. Instead he threw on a white wife beater and a white t-shirt. His pants turned into a pair of dark jeans. Good working clothes His dress shoes stayed though.. he liked those.

He began to stalk downstairs, the smell of the kitchen caught his nose and that was where he wondered to.


Kellen was just getting dressed well before the butler even thought to bang the pans together. He sighed shaking his head as he pulled the long black turtle neck over his lean muscular body. He already had a pair of dark jeans on. Making him appear very thin and professional. He also had a polished pair of boots on. His hair was combed threw then shaken out. Giving it a neat messy look. Waling over to the table, he picked up a book, opened his door and headed down the hall. Opposite to the kitchen towards the library. Just as he reached out to open the door, it opened. In the way was Raven.

Raven appeared just like her name. She had long straight black hair, and today wore a simple pair of black leggings with a deep blue cowl neck sweater dress. She also had a pair of fur boots on, the same color as her dress. Kellen rose a hand up and pressed Raven's shoulder. Pushing her back into the library and closing the door.

"You have to stop this." Kellen said to her in a harsh whisper. "You are going to get yourself, and probably everyone in this house killed."

Raven looked at him questionably. "You mean organize the library? Because I don't think anyone is in any danger. Well, may you when I tell the butler I am finished after the long night."

Kellen rolled his eyes at the woman. "One of these days I will catch you."

"Well I will probably be back up here around noon, if you want to watch me read... creep." Raven said to him as she walked past. Earning a growl from Kellen. In truth, Kellen was the only doll in the house to suspect something of the newest member to the team. He could not put his finger on it, just knew she was up to something.

Raven headed down the steps right as the pans went off. She jumped a mile, not expecting the sound. Rounding the corner she looked at the Butler. "Seriously Lance?!" Raven said to him, seeing he had used her pots. They were old yes, but still usable.

"I was just on my way down. The Library is done. We are missing five books... Four. Kellen brought one to me. and three, since I see you have one." Raven told him as she stepped behind the kitchen bar. She noticed he had started making many of the bakery items. Mainly because he sucked at regular cooking. Seeing the amount he was making, Raven decided to get started on lunch. Taking out a bit of flour, yeast, sugar and water, she began to roll her creation into a dough ball. Setting it inside of a bowl to raise. Once the coffee was finished, he began to arrange a plate with two coffee cups, sugar and cream. As well as a bit of home made jelly and silverware. Setting it on the table in a beautiful array. Raven took a second to clean her area before getting herself a cup of tea. Drinking it straight as she looked outside into the dark forest. A few other dolls started to come into the kitchen then. Just waking up for the morning.

Kellen and Liam included made their ways into the kitchen after the baker.

"down to one book missing now." Raven said to the butler, continuing that previous conversation for a brief moment.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
Send a message via MSN to Lady Chello
Lady Chello is offline
Old 10-10-2012, 10:55 PM

Lance ignored Raven as he looked around the others. "The list is long today. His eyes followed Ana as he watched her. That one was one of his favorite but not his absolute favorite. He grinned as his eyes landed on Raven. He walked over to where she was as he gave her a bow. "I'm sorry dear Raven. That in your room isn't it my love. We both know what the content is. But here put this up there and no one will know the other is missing." He said as he slipped her the book. He then looked around at the others. "We have to burn the furniture clean the walls and decorate with the new furniture then we have the patio. So hurry up stuff your faces and let us go. We have to get this done now. So hurry up. No excuses. Kellen your with me in the living room. go do whatever you do. " He said as he looked over the man and looked around for his counter part. "You don't worry me where is the mini you with attitude. Last time we didn't keep tabs on her I lost my suit and a excellent maid. Oh, wait that was Kellen because he thought innocent Raven was up to something." He said as he turned glaring at Kellen. "My favorite suit you baboon!" He said as his eye started twitching.

Phoenix smiled as she walked up behind Liam. She softly wrapped her arms around Liam's waist. She softly nuzzled his shoulder blade as she heard the butler. Her eyes cut to Kellen as she arched a brow. She softly placed her chin on his shoulder as she whispered to him. "I'm sorry for not kissing you this morning. I promise to make up for it." She said as she kissed his cheek moving from behind him as she rolled her eyes hearing Lance. She walked into the living room. The doors open as phoenix held out her hands sending furniture flying out the door landing on the door. She emptied the room leaving only the floor and empty walls. She walked outside as she held out her hand as fire busted from it. In a mater of moments the only thing that reminded was ash. She turned as she walked back inside and headed to where Liam was looking at Lance. "The room is clear. Kellen can clean it." She said as she grinned looked at Kellen. "I'll help clean the patio." She said as she grinned at Kellen knowing he would just love cleaning since Lance would make him.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-11-2012, 12:47 AM

Finx sighed as she walked threw her small house wondering what exactly her sister was doing. She looked at the wall next her here and shook her head they had a joined house but had put up a seperating wall between them there magic didn't exactly like each other and would often blow things up. She sighed again and kept walking heading for her sitting room to wait for someone to need her curses or her dolls to ask her if she wanted something. She glanced in back of her and noticed anna following her and rolled her eyes.

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 10-11-2012, 01:27 AM

"Oh good, I thought I did something wrong...again." Liam whispered to his lover. She was just over his shoulder with her arms wrapped around him. "I will hold you to that my sweet." Liam listened to the assignments of the day. Already knowing what he needed to do. There were many instruments to be cleaned, including a piano to take apart. It was only supposed to be a half a day project, but with Liam handling it, it would take all day. Mainly because he took the time to shine everything, and tune it. Phoenix had walked out of the room to burn the furniture. "Setting the furniture ablaze." Liam answered the Butler. He walked out a moment later. Gathering instruments from around the house in order to clean them properly. He also brought a blanket outside to sit on. Keeping out of the way of everyone. He started to take apart a guitar. Running rags all over the wooden frame and shining it.


Raven eyes the butler carefully as he mentioned her... reading. Pure and simple. A smirk crossed her face. It was nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, if the witches were not the ones to read them. Lance had to be. why else would they be there. "No, I brought that book back at midnight when I started cleaning. I'm sure it will turn up. The name of it just escaped my mind." She said. Listening to the daily chores. It was a big day. Mainly because the new season would be starting soon. Every season they did these purges. It was a way to keep everything in order. Lance mentioned his favorite suit being ruined. It happened last season, and he was still angry about it. "When doesn't he think I'm up to something." Raven said rolling her eyes. Searching threw the fridge and pulling out some tomatoes. Allowing them to warm up for a few hours before she would use them. Taking the books that had just been given to her, Raven headed upstairs back into the library. She did not mind people borrowing books, just at this time she needed all of them in the library for counting. If something needed replacing, she would need to know.


Kellen eyed everyone in the room carefully. He was one of the older dolls in the house, yet even his suspicions became a mere joke. He wished he could earn respect. After all, Raven had only been their a short time compared to his over nine hundred years. He sighed but kept his mouth shut. A few dolls walked past him, Yet Kellen remained. Stepping up to Lance in a harsh whisper. "Are you kidding me? She spends far too much time surrounded by books. How do you know she isn't researching a way to break the contract?" His voice was low as he spoke to Lance. "I have served the witches for centuries, and have been right about mot things. Why must you doubt me on this?"

Kilia is offline
Old 10-11-2012, 02:25 AM

Josephina had a soft smile on her face as she stood off to the side in a doorway, she had watched everything silently, wearing a torn and tattered white dress, it had long ago been a sundress that she had worn to attract the attentions of a male.

When she saw the affections between Rae and Laim, she couldn't help but turn her head away from them, they had something that she longed for and would never have. "I would prefer if you sent the furniture out to be mended instead of burned, though i understand why you are doing so. But you are upsetting my companions." she said to them in a simple, kind voice, stepping out from the shadows as she looked at them all. She walked gracefully into the room, looking at the meal that was prepared for her and her sister.

"Lance, that was rather sweet of you to make this all for us. Though I have come to let you know, to not disturb the bedrooms today and that I will also be going into town to get new clothes so sadly I shall be taking Rae away from you." she said to the male just as kindly as she would to her dolls and her sister's dolls.

AvaBeth93 is offline
Old 10-11-2012, 02:44 AM

Ana was glad to have been overlooked as she quickly seen how full the kitchen had become. She went and sat at the table flipping through the books to see if there was something in particular that she wanted to make over and above the rest of her 'normal' goodies. I think I should try that recipe I first made for the witches, they liked it enough to make me their baker after all. The treat she was thinking of would be good for after lunch, but it was not eloquent enough for supper.

Lance and Kellen were speaking in hushed voices as she sat stooped over her books. She hoped that Lance would remain for a moment after Kellen left so she could ask him what kinds of desserts he would like to see served at dinner. She knew that it would be easy enough to decide on her own, but she always liked extra input. If she didn't get to ask Lance, Ana knew there was also Raven, and she had helped her come up with many delicious desserts in the past.

Ana smiled when she heard Josephina's voice. She always smiled when the Light Witch was near as she was like a mother to Ana. For that Ana was extremely loyal to her. She wanted more then anything to see Josephina happy with her dessert for the season changing feast they were having.

Last edited by AvaBeth93; 10-11-2012 at 01:39 PM..

Lady Chello
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Old 10-11-2012, 03:44 AM

Lance gave Kellen a nod as he looked around hearing the white witch. "Kellen will talk in the other room." He said as he gave him a nod. He gave a bow to Jose as she entered. "My lady as you wish the bedrooms want be disturbed. Though the furniture had to go. Yes some new clothing is in order. Good day my lady." He said as giving her a bow as he walked into the now empty room waiting on Kellen. He hadn't forgot Ana or Raven he had some words to go with them but he would have to work.

Phoenix gave a bow as she smiled walking to where Josephina was. She looked back at Liam wishing she had got a hug from him. She looked around and knew she should be happy she had Liam. Josephina had made her forget most of her past but Phoenix hadn't forgot Josephina's. It had been a long time the two of them had been through life together. She knew Josephina better than anyone including her so called sister Finx. She walked to the door and open it for her as she waited to talk to her.

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 10-11-2012, 03:57 AM

Kellen nodded once, turning to see the light witch standing before him. He bowed, knowing he was not hers to toy with. But she still deserved the same respect he gave to Miss Finx. He headed into the now empty room. Picking up a broom and starting to sweep the floors. He started to wonder where on earth Miss Finx was. But soon assumed she wished to be at peace. He had a nice pile before Lance came back into the room with him. Although Kellen waited for an answer.


Liam overheard Phoenix was going to be leaving for the day. He quickly rose, dropping the guitar and going to her side. Kissing the side of her head. "Please bring Twinkies back..." He asked with a boyish smile. One you could not be mad at. "..and I love you. Come home safe." Laim said to her, kissing her lips softly before backing off. He knew Miss Josephina was standing right there. But when it came to Phoenix, well she was the first woman on his list. As oddly as it was. Josephina Always seemed to understand that. "I will play upon your return Mi'lady."

Kilia is offline
Old 10-11-2012, 04:12 AM

"Thank you, Lance. I shall let you know when you can take care of them, for now they are in use and i will have to relocate them." Josephina said to the butler, nodding to him as her bright blue eyes looked over the dolls, giving them all a warm smile, taking a small muffin and a large one, eating the smaller one as she handed Rae the larger one to eat. When Liam joined them to have a tender, loving moment with her dear friend, she respectfully turned her head away, smiling at Kellen as she nodded to his bow.

"I pray you all take care while I am out." she said in a warm motherly tone, meaning she wanted them to stay safe and uninjured while she was getting a new wardrobe that was not moth eaten, torn or falling apart. "My dear sweet Liam, your music is always soothing for me. I will wait to hear the selection you have conjured up this time." she said to him as she teased him just a little bit, knowing that he could feel the sadness that she hid from the others, she also knew that Rae could tell that it was there also.

"Do not forget to eat my dolls." she said the words as she departed from the house, walking towards the car that sat out on the driveway, something that she had never learned how to operate, no matter how hard she tried to learn about everything that had changed over the years. It was far to much to keep up with for someone as old as she was. "I am happy that you both have found each other though it took a bit for it to happen." she said with a smile to Rae, siting in the car after she managed to get the door open to do so, she was also glad that she was the reason they were able to met to begin with.

Lady Chello
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Old 10-12-2012, 05:01 AM

Lance eye's widen as he heard the blond headed doll. He rolled his eyes as he walked to where Kellen was. " I really just want to beat that girl. If it wasn't the fact that I fear the house wouldn't survive I'd have already put her in the ground. "He said as he watched Phoenix leave happy to see her go. "Though as we know she can't die either as you can't. Because the three of us are tied to the witches. You two are the only ones who can kill the other dolls. Though Kellen it must be a royal pain to know that if you killed one of these lovely dolls your equal counter part there can simply heal them. I didn't think this through when I made those contracts that I was dealing with witches honestly. I forgot how annoying they could be. I do like your lady though she is more of my type. Just kill things I like her. " He said as he thought about Fixn.

A wicked grin rose across his lips as he cut his eyes to Kellen a slight red gleam appeared in them. "So, your worried about little Raven now? You know Phoenix doesn't seem to worry and neither do the ladies of the house. You have to say that the blond does seem to know people better than you. Though what makes you feel that the Raven wants us never more? Do you think she is unhappy hear I wonder? Or could she be a lost enemy of the witches hear for her revenge?" He said as his grin widen. He then looked away becoming completely emotionless. "Though she could just have a thing about being a perfectionist like you with your job." He said as he snapped his fingers. A red glow filled the room then the room was completely spotless as he turned heading out of the room. He paused as he stood right beside Kellen and open his red glowing eyes. "Who say's I want to be in contract with these foolish girls? Remember Kellen the only two who should worry if the contract breaks is you and Phoenix. I will no longer be bound here and I will go back to doing what I do best. The other dolls will gain their freedom. But if the contract is broken I take your masters souls and powers....witch means you and phoenix die. Because your contracts are tied to mine remember. You both promised to protect your masters with your life so if anything should happen to them you die instead of them. I do believe that was a direct quote there from your contract. So look at it this way.....if and when that contract of mine is broken with these foolish girls occurs. I get you and phoenix, along with their powers. I'll let them live of course, hear but they want have their powers anymore so the dolls here can tare them apart. Though you and little miss Phoenix become my slaves since your souls will be mine. Because you both singed the worst contract. You promised your life....witch in turn means your soul to them. Witch means that when I claim what is mine they don't die you do and you work for me."

He said in a mocking tone as he chuckled to himself softly turning and walking off. "So, Kellen what makes you think I don't know what is really going on in this house? By the way...fixn is up. You should be with her...I wouldn't want anything happening to her..I hear karma is a Bitch. And from what I know there is going to be one hell of a party soon enough around here. I hope you pick a winning side. " He said before vanishing into the kitchen. He fixed a tray of fruit and pasties and headed up the stairs to where Fixn was. He knocked on the door. "My lady it is near noon it is time for you to open up and take your tray. I was told to not clean the room today. That I will abide by but you will get dress and eat. You have a lovely evening planned. So you must eat and get to your studies." He said as he stood there as if nothing had ever happen between Kellen and him. Kellen needed a motivational push so he got one. Lance wasn't a fool he was older than any in this house and had been around quite a long time. He wasn't a fool and knew the game well. What was a story without a climax and a happy ending. He was a man of contrasting interest yes. But he did love a good story.

Rae smiled as she softly kissed Liam on his forehead as she nodded. "Will do my love." She said as she smiled hearing her friend. She made sure that no one was looking as she dumped her food in the trash. She had never been a breakfast person. She looked at Raven as she gave her a smile. "Morning Raven. I'll see what they have today for you." She said hoping that Raven would have a good day. Raven was new to the house but she was refreshing. "Ana I'll see what they have for you as well I promise." She said looking at the shy girl. "Hey don't let Lance worry you. He is all bark. He wouldn't bite something as sweet as you. And if he tries you know Raven can just bat her eyes at him and melt his demonic heart." She said as she grinned looking at Raven. She knew Raven didn't like her teasing but it was true. Lance seemed to have something for Raven rather either one would admit it, it was there and a blind person could see it but apparently everyone in the house was blind to it. She turned as she headed out the door.

She walked to the car and open the door as she slid into the car. She smiled hearing Josephina. "Yes, I am very lucky. And honestly you need a better dress. And who knows that prince of yours may be just around the corner. " She said as she smiled pulled out her white sun glasses from the glove compartment with her dragons on the side as she put them on. She handed Josephina her own sunglasses. She put on her seat belt as she pulled out the keys and cracked the care up as she put it into revers as she quickly left the driveway. She then put the care into drive as she headed into town. "Just promise want fall for Lance. Don't hurt yourself anymore please. I can't heal you and it hurts me that I can't. She said as she glanced over at her friend. " Why don't we make this a girl day and go get you did up as the people call it now." She said as she smiled. "There are all kinds of new shops and your perfect so you can rock and outfit and you know it. I don't know why you want just become a model you know you always wanted to." She said hoping that maybe now her friend wasn't afraid of living her own life.

She hadn't modeled because her sister wanted too. Phoenix could admit she had some issues with Josephina sister. Josephina was to kind and heeded to what ever her inconsiderate sister wanted or said. It quit frankly enraged Phoenix that her sister could take advantage of Josephina. She thought what Fixn got was fitting personally though she just wish only Fixn had got bound to Lance instead of Josephina. She could feel her temper flaring as she tried to stay calm not letting her anger show as just the thought of Fixn made her burst into flames. It always had even before the day her life ended. She had wanted to end the witches miserable life before and would have in a instant if Josephina had let her. Unlike her friend her family weren't known to be the most kindest magical users. Her family where known for quite the opposite. Her family tree was a mixture of deadly heartless assassins and very dark magic users. So it was a surprise when they had Phoenix. She had the killer skills and the deadly power yet she chose to heal instead of kill and rule. Unless it came to something she loved then her family feared her. That fear was what landed her hear with Josephina. That was why she was betrayed and left for dead. They had made the one mistake and dared to hurt Josephina and her family and that started a war that her family couldn't win. So they deceived her and tried to kill her. She watched the road as she drove turning on some music for them to lessen to knowing that music calmed her down and helped Josephina feel better. When her friend was ready they would talk.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 10-12-2012 at 05:47 AM..

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Old 10-12-2012, 07:37 AM

Josephina smiled as she took the sunglasses from her friend putting them on as she looked out the window, letting her fire red hair fall into her face and hide it from view. Mainly so that Rae could not see her crying, she was in pain, had always been in pain since the incident. She just listened to her talk, which was comforting, the music helped when it was turned on. Soon she was humming along with the tunes that were playing.

"My prince is long dead, my dear. Though it makes me feel better to know that you want to heal what is meant to be broken. Oh lets try that shop." she said to her friend, pointing to one that seemed to have clothes that she used to wear, not saying anything about Lance and her sister and about the modeling. She had talked to Rae about them plenty of times, Lance was just the butler and she had a feeling that he was interested in one of the dolls.

Though she would never go for things she wanted, like her dream of being a model, that was crushed when she found out her little sister wanted to be one, which she had encouraged her in her endeavor. No matter what, Finx could say she wanted the same thing as her and her being the older sister, would kindly let it go and hand it to her. On several occasions she had been lectured by Rae about doing it, having her tell her to be selfish for once, to stop letting people walk on her, not like she hadn't tried to do that once, and look where it got her.

"Rae, thank you.....i really needed this after all my clothes are practically rags." she said as she chuckled, smoothing out a torn piece of it, it seemed as if no matter what she wore, even if it was something you would see on a homeless person, she made it look good and sexy in it's own way.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-12-2012, 06:37 PM

((goodness, and it FINX nor Fixn lol don't worry though I do that alot.))
Finx heard voices drifting threw the house and went to investigated "my my what a collection of dolls in my house and who's this?" she asked pointing to lance "Oh, yes one of my sisters dolls lance correct?" she glanced at kellen "why is he here?" Anna stood behind finx trying to look threatening. "Light dolls should stay on the light side of the house." Anna new all too well that finx didn't like having her sisters dolls around though she adored all the dolls she couldn't stand thinking about her sister.

Last edited by finx15; 10-13-2012 at 12:08 AM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 10-12-2012, 06:51 PM

((When people type fast, mistakes happen.. Its just a name >.< Everyone knows its you Finx.))

Lady Chello
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Old 10-12-2012, 08:28 PM

( ENOUGH!!!!Sorry to Finx. And next time message somewhere else to get their attention please. Tric is right when you type fast it happens. I don't expect everyone to get my name correct typing fast. But I understand the irritation. Such accidents will be avoided. But I do caution if you start to point out others mistakes it may lead to others pointing out yours. For example it's "KNEW", NOT "NEW". We all make mistakes there fore it is best to correct in private. I do believe that was a rule of mine. That the board would not be messed up with such things. From now on all digressions should be handled off the board. PLEASE refer back to the rules. Oh, Finx it's suppose to be (Not) I do believe not (Nor). Because if it's Nor then your partial statement is not valid. ((goodness and it FINX nor Fixn)) Let's correct this shall we. One capital G in goodness. COMMA and if your going to use (it) there. It should be (it's) meaning that (it is). Instead of (NOR),it should be (not). Now your statesmen should read like this. (Goodness, and it's Finx not FIXN!) I do expect that if any mistakes occur in anyone's post, the accuser will message them privately. Mistakes happen and I'm sure we are all willing to fix any errors on our parts. But this is a warning please don't do OCC on this board. There are walls to post on here, as well as email. None of us are perfect we all make mistakes including me. But if I'm going to state something, I'd make sure I was correct first. We all have grammar issues and other mistakes. Please no pointing them out in the open because as the old saying goes, "When you point a finger, there are twice as many point at you." I have just pointed out mistakes to give example of why I wish for such things to never occur on this board. It can lead to fights and other confrontations. I do not know many on here that are English PHD'S. So lets all correct in private. This is a place for all of us to come and just role play. We are not in a professional role playing guild there fore our grammar just needs to be as best as it can be,and we accept that people make mistakes. When it becomes your job then you can correct your own mistakes first before you hand it in to your boss. )

Last edited by Lady Chello; 10-12-2012 at 11:03 PM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 10-12-2012, 11:40 PM

((Okay, back on subject.. Liam is the hottest an in this Rp. Just saying :P ...))

((Edited because apparently Kellen can't be sweet to someone.))

Kellen looked to Lance in disbelief. He could not believe what the doll had said to him. Without really answering his question either. But still, a threat was a threat. Even after the butler left the room, Kellen stood there for a few moments before starting work on the walls. Scrubbing the dust and dirt from them. Finishing up his cleaning of the room, Kellen headed into the kitchen. Grabbing a quick bite. He wanted to make sure the room was empty before really eating himself. He choose a simple muffin. Of coarse by the time he was finished cleaning, it was almost noon. They really had slept late. He turned, and as he did, Raven walked into the kitchen.

The two stared at each other for a good few minutes. There was an electrifying tension in the room. One anyone could recognize. The two were like oil and water. Fire and ice, up and down. The hated each other. Suddenly Kellen stepped up to her, looking down. Their noses practically touching. Neither one giving in before Kellen pushed past her. He headed upstairs into the room his lovely dark witch was in. A dark smile shone on his face as he bowed. Giving her full respect. "Good morning my lovely maiden." He said to her smiling.


After the stare down Raven went back into the kitchen. Checking on her dough. She punched it down. Rolling out many equal portions before allowing them to raise again. In the mean time she pealed and de-seeded the tomatoes. Poured some milk into a a large pot along with a bay leaf and a few other spices. Allowing it to cook for lunch. Giving the mixture a stir every now and again. It would be another hour before it finished. But with the stove on she could not leave the kitchen. Therefore she pulled the book over to one of the bar stools at the island. It was the book Lance had mentioned earlier. She simply was not done with it.


Liam was saddened when Phoenix left, but knew she would bring him back some sort of fattening sweet. Or she would give him the low fat version... Oh god, he hoped not... He was finished with more of the stringed and wind instruments. All that was left was the piano. Which he worked carefully to remove the keys to. Shinning and cleansing every one. It was of coarse a grand piano also. Which meant the entire back needed to be taken apart. As Liam reached into the large opening, his shirt was snagged and ripped. The man sighed, pulling both of his shirts off. Continuing to clean using his new rags.

Last edited by Triquetra; 10-13-2012 at 01:49 AM..

Lady Chello
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Old 10-13-2012, 12:23 AM

Lance rolled his eyes fell upon the maid. "You are a pathetic excuse already for a maid. You fail to clean her room. And you certainty don't clean the rest of the house. I have dust monsters through out no thanks to you! As for him he is more valuable to me than you ever will be. So you leave him alone you foul she demon." He said in a disgusted tone. "Touch him and you want like the punishment." He growled at the maid making it perfect clear that Liam was off limits for harm. He turned abruptly as he saw Kellen appear. He made his way down the stairs as he paused momentarily to watch Raven. He watched her from afar as she worked finding a sick pleasure in it somehow.

Phoenix smiled as she turned the car and parked it. She open the door once the care was parked putting the keys in her pocket. She walked to the other side of the care as she open the door for her friend. "This way please." She said in a playful tone as she bowed in a playful manner to Josephina. She walked into the show with her friend as she looked at the beautiful clothes. She blushed when she found a dress she had a feeling Liam would like. Though her mind quickly turned to the goodies she needed to get for him and the others. She walked to where Josephina was. "Do you mind if I got look around for a little while. I need to pick up some things for the others..." Her mouth fell open as she watched the spiting image of her friends love appear right behind them. "J-Josephina ...I...uh....." She said as she watched the man her mouth open. She slowly inched away and left the pair there out of respect but stayed close.

Neo jumped from his work bench as he almost fainted. Everyone in his family told him that he was crazy. The day he could dream his dreams were filled of that girl. Everyone swore she wasn't real till now. There she was the girl with the red hair. She was even more beautiful in person he though. He ran as fast as he could across the street following the girl. He froze as he stood just inches from her. His eyes locked on the girl as he reached out and softly touched her fiery red hair he had painted so many times. "Josephina." He said in a loving voice as he smiled. He knew this day would come he would finally meet the girl literary of his dreams. "You may not know me. But I have known you for a long time. You have haunted my dreams since I was a boy.You may think I'm crazy for saying such things but they are the truth. I have painted you for as long as I knew how to pick up a brush. If you don't believe me then look around this shop." He said as he looked up to see his paintings of the girl through out all in different settings but all the same girl. Each one more beautiful than the last. He knew he sounded like some sick pervert but he wasn't. This was the girl he had dreamed of and he finally got to meet her in person.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-13-2012, 01:51 AM

"Why thank you, darling. Try to keep the paparazzi away from me." Josephina said to Rae in a dramatic, snobby actress sort of way before she bursted out laughing, she was really enjoying her self for once, being able to relax and not worry about the what was going on in the house.

She tilted her head to her friend when she saw the blush on her face, thinking for a few minutes as she smiled, pushing her sunglasses up until they were turned into a hair band. " you like the dress?" she said to her as her mind wandered off else where, having spotted the dress that Rae had glimpsed, but soon she was on to a white sundress to replace the one she was wearing, though this one had a soft green pattern to it.

"OH!" she said in surprise as Rae seemed to have sneaked up on her, causing her to put a hand over her heart, turning her back towards the shop door so she didn't see the male that had walked in and was standing behind her. "Of course you can go look around, Rae. You don't have to stay by my side at all times.....though try to do some shopping for your self also." she said to her as she smiled, her head cocked to the side slightly, a worried look crossed her face when she saw the look upon Rae's.

"Rae? Are you alright? You look as if you well saw a ghost." she said to her as she chuckled, after all she was the one that saw the ghosts, in fact it seemed there were quit a few of them in the vast mansion that she was trying to help, but they liked her companionship to much to leave her. She frowned even more as she watched her friend high tail it away from her, a hurt look on her face as she thought about what she had done to make her act in such away.

There it was, a touch to her hair, she jerked away from the touch, spinning to face the source of it, her bright blue eyes widen in shock, tears instantly springing to her eyes as she slowly backed away from him. "No....y-you promised that you wouldn't come to me if you became a ghost." she barely choked the words out her mouth, she couldn't stop the tears that flowed from her eyes as she backed away some more, hitting a clothes rack. Which caused her to trip and fall, pulling it down on top of her.

"Ow...." she groaned as she rubbed her head, pushing the clothes and rack off of her, she was shivering, swearing up and down she was seeing the ghost of the man that she loved and had given up in front of her. If he was real, and still alive after such a long time, well such thoughts only made the tears flow more. She didn't know what was wrong with her, it seemed that the tears she had tried to hold back for so many years just came flowing out at the sight of the male.

Lady Chello
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Old 10-13-2012, 02:27 AM

Neo tried to reach out to the girl. He tried to catch the girl but missed her as she feel. He softly helped by picking the rack up. He then softly held out his hand to her not understanding why she was crying. What did she mean he was a ghost? " I'm Neo or the people here know me as Orion you know like the consolation. Neo was the name of one of my relatives. I'm told I'm his spiting image. I honestly don't know if I am. They say he was a wizard but I doubt it. I promise I'm not dead. Because if I was, l wouldn't be here in this town that's for sure. And I'm bleeding again great." he said as he watched the blood bleeding though his bandage around his hand. He let out a breath as he hung his head. "I'm sorry that I made you upset. Please I'll help you up and leave." He said as he heard the sound of the women yelling his name. "Apparently my mistake. I have to get to work and change my bandage again." He said as he felt his heart break. She was the girl of his dreams but he made her cry. Maybe his family was right maybe he should let her go finally.

Phoenix left the two alone as she wondered. She stopped by the kitchen store. She explored it and found some new pot, pans, and other things. She picked them up for Raven and Ana. She walked to the candy store and picked up all kind of different treats for everyone. She wondered into a art shop and froze as she saw the instruments. She quickly rushed over and looked each one over as Liam had taught her how to. She looked like a child in the candy store as she played with them. After a while of playing with them she picked one for her Liam. She kept looking at the other instruments though as she waited for her friend. She wanted to go back and help her friend pick out some clothes but she had a feeling that she needed to leave her and the man alone.

I am the kinda person that runs ...
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Old 10-13-2012, 02:36 AM

Raven had been quietly reading her book. The tomato soup simmering away on the stove. The kitchen was spotless, and as soon as everyone seemed to be done snacking, Raven covered all the food. She was now sitting back in her seat. Flipping pages faster than any normal person should have been. She was in fact a quick reader though. She felt a par of eyes on her, and turned. Seeing Lance watching her. "I apologize for not cleaning. I'm working on a light lunch." She said to him. Thinking she was reading his mind.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-13-2012, 03:07 AM

"Neo....Oh Neo....." Josephina managed to get out, putting her shaking hand into his, but that one touch seemed to break something else inside of her that she had locked away from a long time. She had tugged Neo down to her level, hugging him close as she continued to cry into his shirt.

"Please....i beg you to keep your promise and to stay away from me and my sister's and I's home. Stay away.....Neo." she whispered to him as she continued to cling to him, when she heard the part about his hand, she pulled away form him, taking the injured hand into hers.

Refusing to look up at him to look into those grey blue eyes as she unwrapped his hand. She took a deep breath shuttering breath, clearly trying to calm down and as she put the wound to her lips, kissing it gently. She whispered some words to his hand in a tongue that none could understand, a white glow coming from her hands.

She finally let him go when a female called for him, his hand was healed, and the same wound that he did have, was now on her hand and bleeding. "Good bye, Neo.....please forget me." she said to him as she quickly stood up with his help, pulling away form him as she tugged her sunglasses down once more to hide her eyes. She picked the dresses up off the floor and quickly headed to the dressing room to hide.

She quickly locked the door behind her, sinking to the floor as she held her hand close to where her heart would be if she had one, imagining the pain she should be feeling at that moment. All it did was make her cry even move, the man, even if he wasn't the real Neo still had been Neo, which was made even more clear as she was faced with a painting of her self doctoring a bunny secretly from her younger sister. " could you." she whispered to the empty air as she hugged her knees close, planning on not moving from that spot for now.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Lady Chello is offline
Old 10-13-2012, 03:43 AM

Neo watched as he the girl took his hand to her lips. His mouth feel open as he watched her. The light and the wound was gone. He reached out to grab her when he saw her hand but stood there as he watched her go. He stood there lost as he felt his heart shatter. What was going on why would she say such things. His eyes shifted to the room where she had ran to. He wasn't giving up. He quickly knocked on the door. "I don't know why you say such sad things. But I will not give you up. I will find you and I will make you smile." He said as he turned leaving. He wondered to his shop as he ignored the woman who tried to speak to him. He walked to the back and slammed the door locking everyone out. He could tell that everyone was worried he had never done such a thing. He needed to think. He pulled open the old cabinet that his uncle had locked long ago and pulled out the alcohol he himself had hide in there recently. He took a seat on his work bench as he began to drink. He pondered on what he should do now. Even if he wanted to let the girl go he couldn't. She had haunted him for years.

Phoenix shot up as she watched the boy leave the shop. She could tell by his pace that it wasn't good. She quickly made her way into the shop as she walked to the back. She had known her friend too long. "He's gone." She said as she stared at the door. "I take two met after all. You know he isn't your Neo. But I think he is better because this one is only for you. You now he has a shop I think you should see his shop. You may find that this one is your real prince. It's time to stop living in the past my dear. You would love his work. Now as for that dress really? You can't find another color other than white? " She said as she put her hands on her hips. "We have got to get you some more clothing. "

Lance gave a nod as he heard Raven."I said nothing. Can't I enjoy the view? "He said as he walked into the kitchen. "Well I'll let you be I have to finish the room and the patio. Sorry for the intrusion." He said as he turned leaving her there as he scolding himself. He was to old for such things but here he was acting like a human. Proof even demons could be stupid when infatuated. He walked to the front yard where the boxes where. He picked them up caring them in one at a time.

Kilia is offline
Old 10-13-2012, 04:02 AM

She listened silently as he spoke, having taken her tattered dress off, ripping it to pieces as she wrapped her hand up, using the rest to clean her face before she pulled the new white sundress on, the one with the green design at the bottom. She looked at the painting of her self, it was odd that the male painted something that had happen so long ago. "Rae...please do not do that again." she said softly as she gave her a weak smile, throwing her old dress away, she clinched her injured hand, to hide it from her.

"He is my Neo.....just look, Rae. These were our memories." she choked out, clearly trying to keep her self together as she motioned to the paintings on the walls, even the one that she had been looking at recently. The thought that she had ran into him again after so long just made her shake from the shock. "Even if he is my prince and only mine i still can not have him. He must stay away.....I can not let him die once more.....not again." she said, squeezing her hand again as she used her uninjured one to smooth her new dress out.

"What is wrong with white? I think it suits me quit well." she said to her before she remembered something, smiling once more as the talk of clothes helped to get her mind of the male, but for only a short time. She pulled Rae into the dressing room, helping her out of her clothes and into the dress that she had been looking at.

"Oh, hun. Your breath taking in it.....Liam would only need this sweet when he sees it." she said smiling, hugging her from behind as she looked in the mirror with her, seeming like old times. "No arguments you are getting it!" she said with a laugh as she picked up Rae's clothes, refusing to give them back to her.

"And if you think White is to old fashioned then why do you not pick out the rest of my clothes and i pick out yours?" she said to her just as kindly as she always did, but saying it like it was a challenge, making a game of it as she tried to forget the new Neo that she had met, and that she couldn't stop thinking about with each picture she saw of herself.


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