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Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-08-2010, 06:45 PM

Your Wish, My Command

In a world filled with many creatures it’s not surprising that those with special traits or abilities are highly sought after. Those who are rich or have power have created a market for slave traders who can obtain people with special traits or abilities. Some want these slaves for just that slave/servants, but other want them for pets and the like. So come now and have a look around. You might just find something you like or perhaps you were unlucky enough to end up on display here in our little slave shop.

~ Keep things PG-13.
~ I am god. What I say goes.
~ Please be semi-literate to literate.
~ Use " " for speech, italics for thoughts and ( ) for OOC
~ Please limit one liners.
~ No killing unless it’s been approved by me and the other player.
~ Romance is ok.
~ Please PM Profiles with the title “My Command”

Profile Skeleton
Race: (all races accepted)
Orientation: (which way do you swing?)
Rank: (master or slave)
Abilities: (power - max 3)
Talents: (singing, dancing, etc - max 5)

Last edited by blueblackrose; 09-11-2010 at 12:44 AM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-08-2010, 06:47 PM

Accepted Profiles


Alemi Williams
Kitsune Form
Age: 486 (looks around 23)
Sex: Male
Race: Fox Demon
Orientation: Straight
Rank: Master
Abilities: Illusion, Shadow and Fire
Talents: Many, but most notably his agility and playing the flute
Slave/Pet: Penny

Originally Posted by Aoi Kazuya

Name: Kizu
Age: Unknown; looks about 19
Sex: Ambiguous; though it tends to stray towards male a lot
Race: Demon
Orientation: Bi-sexual
Rank: Master
Abilities: Dark Magic; you know, those normal demon abilities.
Talents: singing, drawing, writing, playing instruments, cooking
Slaves/Pets: Dustin, Grey and Mary
Originally Posted by dragonjake
Name: Jake Dravis
Age: 25
Sex: male
Race: neko vampire
Orientation: Straight
Rank: master
Abilities: shape shifting, controls fire, super agility
Talents: dancing, running, playing the gitaur and singing
Slaves/Pets: none
Originally Posted by Sezumie

Name: Eclaire Bijou
Sex: Female
Race: Celestial Being [the broom is her weapon]
Orientation: Straight
Rank: Master
Abilities: Able to summon spirits to aid her in fight [Piere, the cat, is the one she summons most.], super strength and Lightning.
Talents: Writing stories, gambling, fighting.

Name: Ivan Innokenti
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Race: Nightmaren [Ya know? That monster that haunts your dreams?]
Orientation: Straight
Rank: Master
Abilities: Creates hideous monsters, controls puppets [that kill people.], ventriloquism [he speaks through the doll he holds.]
Talents: Scares people, hiding, making a quick escape
Slaves: None
Originally Posted by lastemoon
Age: Unknown, appears to be 25
Sex: Female
Race: Infernal Demon
Orientation: Bisexual
Rank: Master
Abilities: Produce Fires, Minor Conjuration, Can teleport short distances
Talents: Gifted Swords-woman, Can read and speak many languages
Slaves: None


Nakia Lunar
Cat Form
Age: Unknown (Looks about 18)
Sex: Female
Race: Cat Demon
Orientation: Straight (bi curious)
Rank: Slave
Abilities: Air, ice, empathy, and healing
Talents: Singing, dancing, and playing instruments (harp, piano, flute and clarinet)
Master: Kamilah

Ryo (Re-oh) Tohsaka
Age: 170 (looks 19)
Sex: Male
Race: Vampire
Orientation: Straight
Rank: Slave
Abilities: shadow magic, telepathy, and the third one is a secret
Talents: playing saxaphone, flirting (if that could really be considered a talent), and fighting
Master: None

Originally Posted by CutieFaceBubbles
Name: Z
Age:looks twentyish
Race: Human
Orientation: straight
Abilities: blood control, uncontrollable alchemy and can feel others feelings
Talents: Dancing, acting out parts in stories, cooking, reading.
Master: None
Originally Posted by The Bebe Girl
Name: Grey
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Race: Gryphon
Orientation: Male 0/./0
Rank: Slave
Abilities: Shadow and Light control.
Talents: Makeing beutiful moving air pictures using my light and dark powers. Can speak any human language.
Master: Kisu

Name: Dustin
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Race: Hipogryph
Orientation: Both, but i'm taken anyway.
Rank: Slave
Abilities: To move incredbly fast and control air.
Talents: Dance, Sing
Master: Kisu
Originally Posted by ~TakeMyBleedingHeart~
Hope you're still taking slaves.

Kitten form
Rank: Slave
Abilities: Can shapeshift into kitten form, has healing properties
Talents: Can sing and cook. Is very resourceful which was learned as her years as a stray. Is very obedient and sweet.
Master: Kisu
Originally Posted by Heiyuu

Name: Franya Kirry
Age: 127
Sex: Female
Race: Angel
Orientation: Straight
Rank: Slave
Abilities: Can heal herself when wounded, can glide with wings (if not clipped)
Talents: Singing, cooking, massage
Master: None
Originally Posted by Lolita Sweetness
Profile Skeleton
Name: Elouise Lloyd
Age: (about more than 160)
Sex: Female
Race: (all races accepted) Vamp
Orientation: (which way do you swing?) straight
Rank: (master or slave)Slave
Abilities: (power - max 3)Dark Magic, Healing
Talents: (singing, dancing, etc - max 5) Dancing, Drawing, Singing~
Master: None
Originally Posted by momochan
Age: 12
Race: Neko
Orientation: strait.
Rank: slave
Abilities: super human agility, can climb any thing(she has super sharp claws), and she has hight vision.
Talents: Singing and cooking.
Master: Kamilah
Originally Posted by lastemoon
Age: roughly 19
Race: unknown, appears to be descended from a long forgotten tribe of daedra
Orientation: Bisexual
Rank: slave
Abilities: healing, lightning magic, wind magic
Talents: singing, cooking, dancing
Master: None
Originally Posted by JessehBoo
Name: Model #10293 A
Given Name: Penelope. AKA "Penny"
Age: Appears 19.
Sex: Her Model is Female.
Race: Humanoid Android.
Orientation: Bisexual.
Rank: Slave.
Abilities: Technopath, Has x-ray vision, Energy blasts that range in destrucibility depending on how much charge she puts into it.
Talents: Singing, Fixing things (pretty much anything), Cooking, Keeping Secrets and Being a Lover (all are a part of her programming).
Master: Alemi
Originally Posted by Eternal Darkness View Post
Name:Kìεmα†sµì Nαmε
Age: Unknown
Sex: Female
Race: Kitsune
Orientation: Bisexual
Rank: Slave
Abilities: Fighting; Rank: Runaway Assassin, Levitation, getting anything at snapping of fingers
Talents: Singing softly
Master: None
Originally Posted by Kiyoto
Name: Kyriu
Age: 16
Sex: male
Race: fox demon
Orientation: bi
Rank: slave
Abilities: changes into fox form, spell casting, curs
Talents: singing, pleasure, racing, agility/gymnyst
Master: None

Last edited by blueblackrose; 04-26-2011 at 02:34 AM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-31-2010, 04:06 AM

There were muffled screams coming from the rooms were they broke slaves. Some of the handlers seemed to be in a hurry as they passed by the line of cages. Nakia sat there watching them. She hated being here. Not long ago she had been freed by her old master as a gift for her years of service to him. He had wanted to see her happy before he died. About a week ago while she was traveling through the forest a group of slave hunters spotted her and chased her down. So here she was once again in a small cramped cage waiting for either a change to escape or for someone to come along and buy her.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 09-01-2010, 05:33 PM

((Cutie, i forget what we agreed via PM so i'll start it so it doesn't matter *sweat drop*
Thanks for letting us start Blue.))

At the sound of a scream coming from the other room, Grey jumped into conciousness. With a loud BANG his head hit the roof of the cage and he fellback to his stomach. A number of swear words escaped his mouth as he realised where he was and just how hard he hit his head. Looking around the fellow slaves appeared to be mostly humanoid, and thankfuly would not understand a word of what he just said. There was however a wyvern in the back corner who lifted his head at the curseing, with a simple gusture at the roof of the cage from Grey, it shook its head and rested once more. "How long you been sitting there?", he asked out of curiousity. Again the creature's head rose but it didn't speak. A sigh, then it raised its head completely, revealing a scar on its neck. "Oh, sorry.", Grey shook his head and turned the other direction to see a pretty looking humanoid girl, with cat-like ears. "Hey there", he said, switching language of choice to english.

The shaking of the slave wagon slowly brought dustin back to his sences. A momment to look about, and he was already furious, "Really!? Slavery!? After the life we had in the big city!??", when he realised he was being stared at by everyone else in chains, he settled himself down again. Inspecting the crowd, the only one who seemed of any real intrest was what appered to be a werrwolf, only issue being it was the wrong time of the month. Maybe some sort of shifter? Regardless the creature was out of it anyway, with a dart in its shoulder. Well, that explains how they got me, wonder if Grey got out... It took him a couple of momments to find it and yank the dart out of his own rear, and of course he let out a yowl in the process, and he wondered why the wolf-thing was the only one still out of it.

Last edited by The Bebe Girl; 09-01-2010 at 05:35 PM..

NekoMary is offline
Old 09-06-2010, 02:07 AM

Mary sighed softly, leaning against her cage wall as she thought over all that had happened within the past few days. For 8 years she had been on the run, usually hiding as a cat to keep away from the men that took homeless girls off the street. She was just pretty enough to be taken in. Her old gothic lolita dress had been taken from her and she was now in only her black panties and bra. She drooped her ears and curled up, her tail wrapping around her. She was happy to be off the streets... but... was this any better?

She looked around her with her curious violet eyes. Another catgirl was in a cage near her.. and.. a bird... lion... person.. thing. She had never seen anything like it. She flicked her ears and looked toward the catgirl. "H-hi.."

\ (•◡•) /
Heiyuu is offline
Old 09-06-2010, 02:26 AM

The angel was in a cage alone, dried blood caked on her face and arms from her capture, though no signs of the wounds remained. Her wings were wrapped around her for modesty, as her shirt was little more than mere shreds now. And in her head, the lesson of her mentor rang out: "Take the roles you are given, and play them with pride and humility. You are not a warrior." She accepted it without doubt now, stuck in the cage. She was now a slave--it was her role.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 09-06-2010, 02:30 AM

Nakia had watched them bring in the gryphon. She had heard stories of such creatures when she was little, but had never seen one before. Her tail flicked when he spoke to her. Giving him a nod, "Hello." It seemed that the boss was restocking the place. Sighing she looked down until she heard another voice. Looking over she seen the neko. "Hello there." She smiled softly at the girl, though there wasn't much to be smiling about. One of the handlers approached Nakia's cage and hit the bars with the handle of this whip. "Be quiet in there or I'll make you wish you didn't know how to talk." As he yelled at her he was looking her over, a smirk on his face. Nakia returned his look with a slight glare.

NekoMary is offline
Old 09-06-2010, 09:20 PM

Mary shivered, her ears drooping as she hugged her knees to her closer. She kept her eyes down, hoping that maybe she wouldn't be noticed by the evil man. When he was well away she looked at the girl and mouthed the words "I'm sorry."

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 04:39 PM

After the handler left Nakia looked back at the neko and shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I know better than to get myself into too much trouble just yet." As she spoke she had a slight smirk on her face. She didn't plan on being her long if she could help it. Her last master had freed her and she liked the taste of freedom. Maybe that is why she wasn’t behaving the way she would have before.

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 09-07-2010, 06:11 PM

(i will wait until your accepting slaves :))

NekoMary is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 06:52 PM

She leaned against the other side of her cage where she was next to the other neko. She reached her tail through the bars and touched her shoulder with it. Her arm wouldn't fit.
"I'm sorry you're here... I wonder if out master person will be nice..."

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 10:34 PM

Grey watched the girls talk before adding in his own comment, "So, is it like this in every humanoid city? People keeping people to do their work...and hurting them when they want to leave?" He must have sounded like an idiot, but back home he didn't get out much, only studied languages for the sake of teaching. Dustin was the one who went places and knew what the outside world was like.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:11 AM

((hiya everybody~))

Kizu hopped out of his carriage, his thin fingers barely peeking out past the oversized black sweater he was wearing. His driver looked down at him and blinked, questioningly. Kizu had gone out as a boy today and stretched his arms, looking at the building before him, "I'll be out in a bit. Go get yourself something to eat or drink." He smiled brightly and passed some money over to the man. He nodded and drove off, leaving Kizu alone.

He walked in carefully, swinging his arms by his side lazily. Loud music poured from the headphones around his neck and he peered curiously into cages as he passed them. It was hard to believe that only his appearance was that of a teens. Especially since he was acting like a child. "Hello?" he called out tentatively.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:55 AM

The slave wagon pulled up to the building suffling the slaves in one by one and putting them in new cages. Dustin moaned as he got in, then his heart shattered as he wound himself in a cage beside his lover. "Grey...I thought you got away."
Grey shook his head, "No, you're late, a dire wolf attacked your wagon and slowed things down. It was trying to let you bad it failed."

Suddenly Grey was distracted by a new voice, what seemed like a child was walking in and looking for service. He tried to look as cute as he could, then smacked his partner with his tail and mummled under his breath in their home language "Look nice, costomer."

NekoMary is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 01:06 AM

Mary saw a master looking to buy.. but he seemed like he was younger than her! Who wold let their kid buy a slave?? In any case she didn't want to be in the cage anymore. Maybe a kitten would be much more appealing to a young boy. In the blink of an eye she was no longer a halfbreed, but a small cat with curious violet eyes, giving her sweetest kitten eyes at the boy. "Mew~"

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 01:17 AM

Kizu blinked at the kitten that suddenly mewed at him and then at the Gryphon and Hipogryph. How funny. He crouched down till he was about level with them before grinning, "Hi there~" he greeted them cheerfully. Acting like a child was fun, but sometimes, it wasn't necessary. A gleam entered his eyes that could never have been in that of a child's, one that spoke of danger. Yet Kizu's smile remained pleasant as he slipped a hand between the bars of the cage that held the "kitten".

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 01:22 AM

"She's cute isn't she?", said Grey, hoping if they weren't wanted she would be, "so delicate looking-", he would have continued if it weren't for the glare from hell Dustin had given him. Then, in their own language again, Dustin spoke, "They talk first, not the one in the cage. Got it!? Or we'll never get out of here!"

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 01:37 AM

Kizu turned his head, once again amused, "I suppose she is." he replied to Grey, then turned to Dustin, "Yes, that is the normal way I guess. But it really depends on the customer, no?" he retracted his hand and clapped gleefully, "This is too much fun~ I could stay here all day." then his face fell, "But I can't. I only gave my driver enough money to get himself lunch because he has to come get me." He pouted childishly and put his chin into his sleeve-covered hands. "What to do..." he murmured softly.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 01:52 AM

Grey and Dustin both looked at eachother in shock, before Grey replied, " speak...our home language?", Dustin just continued to stare in disbelife. It was odd to see a humanoid that understood any of the languages of the "beasts", but Gryph was especialy hard for humanoids to pick up do to the birdlike squacks of all types needed to speak it. In fact it was rare for even drakes to know it...yet this boy did?

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 01:57 AM

"What do you know? I do~" Kizu replied, seemingly oblivious to their shock. "It's not very hard to understand considering my nature and all." he half-elaborated. "I know quite a lot of languages actually..." he murmured distractedly, "...but you probably wouldn't want me to list. It gets boring after a while."

NekoMary is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 02:16 AM

Mary mewed softly, purring gently as she nuzzled into the hand, running her back over his hand. As she looked up at the boy.. something in his eyes told her things weren't what they seemed. Suddenly she was glad he pulled his hand away.. she was slightly frightened. Yet.. enticed. She watched him garble out some sort of language at the bird-lion things.. she didn't understand. "Meew~"

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 02:35 AM

Nakia sat quietly watching the boy how had came in looking for a slave. Yawning she looked away, rather bored with what was going on. Now would be a good time to come up with an escape plan she grinned. If I could trick the boy into having them let me out I'm sure I could over power that stupid handler and get out of here. Her tail flicked at the idea of being free again. Composing herself move gracefully and quietly into a more seductive sitting position.

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 11:26 AM

Grey and Dustin looked at eachother again, both without speach. Grey could have fun with this person, speaking many a lamguage to him to see what he knew, but the very idea of a humanoid that spoke their language scared the witts out of Dustinand he didn't like it. He backed up a bit in his cage, hooves making a heavy clunck with each akward squirm/

Lolita Sweetness
Lolita Sweetness is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 02:41 PM

Elouise ran hurrily and took her bag with her. "I must hurry up! I'm late! The masters are going to be mad at me!" She yelled.

She strectches her arms as she arrived. She called out, "Hello? Is anybody there?"
She waits for somebody to come out.......

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 09:19 PM

Noticing something moving from the corner of his eyes, Kizu removed his attention away from the cages before him and onto the cage that held a female cat demon. "Oh~ Aren't you pretty?" he faintly heard heavy clunks coming from the cage of the Hipogryph but dismissed them as being merely out of nerves. "And your name is...?"


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