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Old 05-15-2013, 04:17 AM

This is where a half vampire and a full vampire meet for the first time but will they kill each or fall in love with each.....
Its the year of 1545.

Name: Elizabeth Night
age: looks 18 really is 100 years old.
Bio: Elizabeth is a half vampire she lost her mother and father very young. Elizabeth goes to town to town to get away from the hunters cause she is part vampire. Elizabeth is scared of humans finding out who she is. She never meet another vampire like herself.

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Old 05-15-2013, 04:30 AM

Name; Micheal Wesburn
Age: looks 22 but is really 250+ years old.
Bio: Micheal's parents died the night he was turned into a vampire. He left quickly, not know if it was he or the vampire that turned him that killed his parents, but he didn't want to stay around to find out. Ever since that night, he's been traveling the world in search of other vampires, wondering how many were out there. He decided to stay in a town he found on his travel in hopes of learning something new.

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Old 05-15-2013, 04:39 AM

Elizabeth was in her hotel room and laying on the bed and then saw it was dark out. Elizabeth got up and got dressed and got her bag and left the room she went to desk and left the key on the desk. Elizabeth looked at the night sky and then she smell someone was coming and it wasn't a hunter it was a vampire. Elizabeth looked around and saw a man with purple and bright red eyes. Elizabeth looked at him and wanted to know who he is.

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Old 05-15-2013, 04:45 AM

Micheal was walking down the street, deep in thought when a new smell reach his nose. He looked up and saw a young woman looking at him. She has the smell of a vampire, but the smell of a human as well.... He though as he continued walking, eventually reaching where she stood. He walked passed her, her scent filling his nostrils, causing him to stop and turn back to her, his eyes flashing slightly in the moonlight. "Excuse me, but what are you exactly?" He asked her as politely as one could ask a question like that.

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Old 05-15-2013, 04:51 AM

Elizabeth saw him going past her and then he stopped and turn around and looked at her the moonlight was shinning on him. Elizabeth blushed a bit and then shook her head and he ask her what she is. Elizabeth got closer to him and said "I'm a half vampire I thought I was the only vampire left." Elizabeth looked at him with her yellow green eyes.

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Old 05-15-2013, 05:09 AM

Micheal furrowed his brow. "A half vampire? I don't think I've met a half-vampire before..." He said as he scratched his chin. He looked at the woman again. "Would you mind if I walked with you for a bit. I would like to know more about how exactly you became a half-vampire." He asked her. "I'm guessing you know that I'm a full vampire." He said to her as he continued to look at her. He looked away quickly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare."

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Old 05-15-2013, 07:18 AM

Elizabeth looked at him and then walked with him and said "yes I knew you were a full blood vampire. I have been a half vampire since i was born my father was a vampire my mother was a human and they were killed by a vampire." Elizabeth looked at him and saw he was looking at her and she blushed a bit. "it is alright Sir...."

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Old 05-15-2013, 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by xserenityxninax View Post
Elizabeth looked at him and then walked with him and said "yes I knew you were a full blood vampire. I have been a half vampire since i was born my father was a vampire my mother was a human and they were killed by a vampire." Elizabeth looked at him and saw he was looking at her and she blushed a bit. "it is alright Sir...."
Micheal nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that." He told her. "I know what its like to lose family to a vampire. Mine were killed the day i was turned. I still don't know if I killed them or if the on who turned me did." He told her then smiled softly. "I'm Micheal by the way. What would your name be?" He asked her.

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Old 05-15-2013, 06:42 PM

Elizabeth looked at him and said "im name is Elizabeth..." Elizabeth looked at the night sky and the moon shine on her. Elizabeth looked at him "I'm sorry for what happen to you Michael.." Elizabeth stopped for a minute and looks at him and touch his hair and smiled "your hair is soft."

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Old 05-15-2013, 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by xserenityxninax View Post
Elizabeth looked at him and said "im name is Elizabeth..." Elizabeth looked at the night sky and the moon shine on her. Elizabeth looked at him "I'm sorry for what happen to you Michael.." Elizabeth stopped for a minute and looks at him and touch his hair and smiled "your hair is soft."
Micheal smiled slightly. "Its alright. that was a long time ago." He told her then smiled more. "Why thank you. I bet yours is just as soft." he said then ran his fingers through her hair. "Looks like I was right."

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Old 05-15-2013, 10:15 PM

Elizabeth looked at him and she blushed a bit and then backed up a bit and said " what would you right about Michael?" Elizabeth looked at him and was blushing a bit.

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Old 05-15-2013, 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by xserenityxninax View Post
Elizabeth looked at him and she blushed a bit and then backed up a bit and said " what would you right about Michael?" Elizabeth looked at him and was blushing a bit.
"About your hair being soft." Micheal said and smiled softly. "Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." He said as he glanced down then back at Elizabeth. "Would you like to continue our walk?" He asked her.

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Old 05-16-2013, 02:06 AM

Elizabeth looked at him and then she nodded and she walked a bit and looked at the night sky for a bit and then she sigh "did you just came in to town or are you leaving town?" Elizabeth looked at him and wanted to know cause tonight she is leaving town.

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Old 05-16-2013, 02:31 AM

Originally Posted by xserenityxninax View Post
Elizabeth looked at him and then she nodded and she walked a bit and looked at the night sky for a bit and then she sigh "did you just came in to town or are you leaving town?" Elizabeth looked at him and wanted to know cause tonight she is leaving town.
"I've been in this town for a while now. I was thinking about leaving, seeing as I can't find any answers to my questions. Why do you ask?" Micheal told Elizabeth as they walked down the street. He stopped and sniffed the air. "Crap... we'll ave to talk more later, right now we need to hide." He said just loud enough for her to hear then pulled her into an alley way before scaling the side of a building. He held her with one arm as he hung off the side of the building as he spotted the two hunters enter the alleyway.

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Old 05-16-2013, 02:50 AM

Elizabeth smelled their blood and knew it was hunters and she saw them and then she looked at him and "i'll be back." Elizabeth walked a bit and then she went behind the hunters and killed them right there and looked at michael. "okay it is safe now you can come out." Elizabeth didn't smell other hunters.

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Old 05-16-2013, 02:56 AM

Originally Posted by xserenityxninax View Post
Elizabeth smelled their blood and knew it was hunters and she saw them and then she looked at him and "i'll be back." Elizabeth walked a bit and then she went behind the hunters and killed them right there and looked at michael. "okay it is safe now you can come out." Elizabeth didn't smell other hunters.
Micheal climbed down and looked at the hunter's dead bodies. He could tell one was really young barely in his twenties. "I wonder if he knew how dangerous his job really was." He said quietly then picked up the bodies and dumped them down a manhole. "I guess it would be a good idea to leave this town." He said then looked at Elizabeth. "where will you be going?" He asked her.

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Old 05-16-2013, 03:17 AM

Elizabeth looked at him and then she grabbed his hand and took him out of the town and walked with him for a long while. Elizabeth looked at him again and said "there is a forest near this town and i heard of a cave as well so I need to be there before the light comes." Elizabeth looked at him and saw the forest and got into the forest just in time while Elizabeth still holding Michael hand.

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Old 05-16-2013, 03:38 AM

Originally Posted by xserenityxninax View Post
Elizabeth looked at him and then she grabbed his hand and took him out of the town and walked with him for a long while. Elizabeth looked at him again and said "there is a forest near this town and i heard of a cave as well so I need to be there before the light comes." Elizabeth looked at him and saw the forest and got into the forest just in time while Elizabeth still holding Michael hand.
Micheal continued to walk with Elizabeth, his hand still holding her's. He soon spotted the forest she mentioned. "Do you know where the cave is exactly?" He asked her as they entered into the forest. He peered through the thick foliage in hopes of spotting the cave.

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Old 05-17-2013, 04:55 AM

Elizabeth was still holding his hand and then she saw the cave and they were almost safe from the sun. Elizabeth got to the cave and then they went deep in the cave from the sun. Elizabeth let go of his hand and she smiled at him "its not the best thing ever but it will do for now until the sun goes down." Elizabeth smiled at him.

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Old 05-18-2013, 12:16 AM

Micheal smiled as he leaned against the wall of the cave. "Its not the first time i had to spend the day in a cave. It more than likely won't be the last time either" He said as he looked over at Elizabeth. "feel free to get some rest, I'll keep a look out for any more hunters."

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Old 05-18-2013, 02:54 AM

Elizabeth looked at him and sigh and shook her head and said "I slept before i saw you and sadly thing is I never sleep anyway." Elizabeth goes to sit on the ground with her back against the wall while looking at him still.

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Old 05-18-2013, 04:12 AM

Micheal laughed softly. "I sleep every couple of days, more out of habit than needing it. But if you do feel like taking a nap or just resting your body, feel free to do so. I'm going to see how big this cave is." He told her before heading a little deeper into the cave, then stopped. "Unless you would like to join me." He said and smiled again.

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Old 05-18-2013, 06:16 AM

Elizabeth was already sleep and Elizabeth was sound a sleep she never sleeps in her life before when she does it is only a little nap. Elizabeth looked beautiful when she sleeps her skin was like snow her hair was black like the night sky.

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Old 05-19-2013, 04:22 AM

Micheal looked over at Elizabeth, realizing she was a sleep. He smiled and went over to her, brushed a few strands of hair out of her face then sat next to her. He decided that exploring the cave could wait until Elizabeth woke up.

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Old 05-20-2013, 01:35 AM

Elizabeth sleeps and then she put her head on his lap and slept more and she looked beautiful while she sleeps and her skin is soft and pale as well. Elizabeth opens her eyes a bit and said "Michael what happen..."


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