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Mira Water Alchemist
Mira Water Alchemist is offline
Old 11-18-2013, 08:00 AM

Okay -sighs taking breath- Owl's Power is the only title I could come up with and if a better title pops up into my head I might change it but it depends.

Alright then! Onto starting matters. I wish to see how well an rp would work here with an intro I created. I normally do 1 on 1 but since I do not have anything prior set up I am open minded to a group rp but I'm more used to and comfortable with 1 on 1 and I and other person controlling multiple characters.

I can play both male and female characters. I am not high into anything gory or anything of the sort and I am also not into anything too scary either. So if you would like to take part in this you could Message me showing me your reply to my introduction and see if it would work or not and if it does then I would give approval to post it then I would reply.

Standard rules apply as I'm sure anyone who rps knows these standard rules of rp and knows what is and is not allowed on Menewsha. Below will be my introduction. I hope it's up to standards and am sure it does not violate any site rules.

---------- Post added 11-18-2013 at 12:05 AM ----------

"Move it! Move it! Move it! Don't let her escape!" A commander shouted his orders over the blaring alarm sirens, the blinding red lights flashing down hallways and outside of rooms. Doors began to start to close and lock on their own as the guards dressed in protective uniforms, reinforced to be strong against bullets and even some other materials used against them before by the beings of the country.

A group of four guards ran, passing a darkened hallway. In this darkness a slim form stayed still before moving further into the shadows, watching her steps to keep quiet, glancing back over her shoulder she made sure not to be followed as she made her way down the hallway. The building was composed of six floors, each one a different level for difficulty in what kind of people were there.

The bottom floor was for the easier creations or alterations. The building was known for people coming in and some not taking their leave as others would take their leave yet would no longer quite be themselves. The building was known as the Healing Facility claimed to be able to help anyone ailing of anything from simple pain all the way to even claiming they could help those who believed or were possessed by demons or the devil himself. All were high claims with not much to give or prove for it.

Inside was not much known to many outside of anyone who had entered for help to get rid of what ailed them. But those who did go in and also left only would say how advanced their medical treatments are and how affordable it was. Those who did not leave were listed as still getting treatment because something else had been found that was needing treated.

This was the face of the facility, to keep others from questioning them too much or from shutting down their operation.

As the young woman moved in the shadows she would touch one of the walls in front of her, watching as dim lights illuminated into the heavy darkness, showing her a keypad waiting for a code. The lights softly reflected in her dark sea green eyes that scanned the numbers, thinking carefully before pressing in the code and a small smile came to her lips once a green light came on the keypad. A small lock clicked and beside the pad opened a doorway.

Swiftly she stepped through, moving down the metal staircase she found began to turn moving down in a spiral. On the walls under the soft brush of her fingertips slim yellow and blue lines began to appear, following the curve of the walls, following the staircase down, giving off a soft light to light her way in the darkness that felt as though it were growing somehow.

The light gave soft reflections and hues to her amber rusty colored hair that bounced on her back, some strains flowing back with her brisk steps. Her steps, quiet and echoing in the almost silent staircase, the muffled sirens outside of the stone walls mixed with metal told her they had not stopped searching for her. On her way down she felt her mind wandering off towards the explosion that had happened in the country to their west, the blinding light that reappeared with another explosion in another country then another before happening in their own twenty years earlier.

After the light had happened there came a group of six men dressed in odd clothing, each one appearing to wear part of a different mask and offered everyone aid including food, shelter, and water with medical supplies and medical attention for anyone in need of it. Of course they had taken it, no one was stupid enough to refuse that when they had lost everything and had no idea if they had family left alive anywhere or if any homes were untouched to allow them shelter.

No one had ever explained the explosions to them to tell them how they happened or why they had happened. Over ten years the cities and countries had been rebuilt, the people returning to work, order placed back in its rightful place for all but something had been off or felt off to her and others. When they had went to vote for a person to be the controller of their city they were told it was already taken care of and for people to continue their lives that all was to improve. And it did.

Over the next ten years things did improve, buildings became more advanced, cities stretched out farther than before, pay to workers improved and needing help were given help but still something seemed not right. She and others like her could not place their fingers on it, also they had not been able to explain the building that had also been built in that time called the Healing Facility. Slowly those in the group that suspected something was not fully being disclosed to them their numbers began to dwindle till slowly few to none remained that questioned the six that ruled over their city, their country, and even over other cities and countries, being spread out to keep a tight hold in their circle of power as it was called.

Behind the scenes an army was ready, people trained and practiced, being ready at all times for combat. In the Healing Facility she herself had found out when taken there after an accident when she had been crossing the street, the light had malfunctioned at the moment of her crossing, causing a car to crash into her and she was taken to the Healing Facility.

It was there she did recover, her wounds healed, but it was also there she had also been used in their testing, finding a thin band around her neck. Her room then changed before her, showing a metal walled room with a clear plexiglass like door and above her vents blowing in pure air to make sure she would not die. No windows were on the walls either to ensure she would not or could not climb out.

Looking ahead to see a door of steel brought her out of her memories as her mind had entered the time of the things she was forced to take and endure in training and advancing her abilities for them and the unnamed head of the company. Staring at the steel door the soft yellow and blue strips of light seemed to now pulsate as she slowly neared closer to the wall, reaching up and softly touched the metal with a hand, staring at the rusty surface, the rough texture a welcome change to her from all the smooth clean environment she had been in from the past five years.

Her mind felt as though it wished to wander off again but she kept it focused as much as she could, wanting to know how to get out, how to escape, how to breath the fresh air for herself once more and to escape the Healing Facility before she lost her mind with being told where to go, what to do, how to act, who to listen to, to be obedient. So many rules, she hated it so badly and wanted it all to vanish into dust.

Carefully she felt along the rough door to find its equally as rusty handle of steel. A small smile came to her lips as she felt the texture, wanting to take it in as long as she could but was snapped out of her focusing on the feel of something rough and dirty when a loud bang came from high above her. Her head had snapped over to look towards the stairs and panic came to her fallen face. Quickly she returned her attention to the double doors and began to pull on the handles, trying to open them.

No luck, they would not move. Realizing this she quickly began to feel about on them and around them, trying to find something to trigger their opening for her. When nothing would appear for her she slammed both fists on the doors, causing a loud rumble like thunder mixed with the soft sound of dust and small pebble sized pieces of metal falling to the ground. Slamming her fists into the doors once more, releasing the sounds once more with eyes closed it would be once her eyes opened and saw the odd markings hidden under the rust.

Her eyes widened and quickly she hit the doors more, further removing the rust and stared at the swirls and designs on the hardened thick steel. A small color glow to her dark eyes came as she stared and slowly her body moved without her giving it a single thought to move with her conscious mind. Her right hand lifted to her lips where she bit her pointer and ring fingers and the lower middle of her palm near the heel of her hand, allowing fresh blood to come.

Placing the bleeding hand against the door at it's center line her lips slowly moved in speaking soft words that would sound like "I am here, entree allow." to herself not sure of what it might had sounded like to others as aloud it was an old tongue. The blood flowed into the swirls and design, the blood fueling the gears that began to turn and whirl to life.

Carefully she stepped back lowering her hand as the doors both cracked open with a loud bang and opened. Before her dust fell like a waterfall from the doors appearing old or in the most case unused. Stepping forwards she stepped into the room, hearing the doors slide closed behind her. Staring at the round room that held both books and scrolls alike scattered about, some on shelves others on tables covered in dust.

Stepping forwards she went towards a table, more like an alter and blew the dust off the old cover that held a single dark green gem in its center. Carefully opening it she had no idea what she would find but felt she was hoping to find any answers to what they ultimately wanted, what they would want to have happen to people there, or to find out what had caused the explosions twenty years ago.

Her eyes widened in stunned shock then narrowed in confusion, the sounds outside of the room melting away as she began to get engrossed into the book, reading of six members of an organization known only as the Owl's Power, once known for being so wise and great but in behind the curtains was hidden their dark corruption, aiming only to gain more power to try and make themselves the most powerful.

Pounding came to the doors, the guards trying to get inside through any means. She heard none of this, staring at the book, unaware of the slowly forming wind from under her. When the door snapped and slammed open from giving way the guards were thrown back hard from a huge gust of wind. Scrolls flew around the room with books, pages rippling and once it all quieted down would show the young woman gone from sight, the book on the alter was gone, including a few other books and scrolls were gone, leaving the conscious guards confused and racing to report this to their superiors.

The city continued about its work and its normal daily flow, the sun slowly setting over the land. As it did the wind in a forested area of ruins from a town that remained from the day of the explosions began to blow soft then harder. Leaves began to move, swirling about in the center of the ruins only to quiet and show the body of a young woman who landed gently on her feet. Once feeling solid ground under her feet her legs gave out and she fell to her knees, sitting back on her feet.

She was panting, her dark sea green eyes closed while she tried to catch her breath. Strains of her dark hair fell about her eyes, framing her face nicely. In her arms was the book she had been reading, held close yet gently in her arms. Around her was scattered the few missing books and scrolls that had left the room when she had. The sounds of birds came to her ears but her eyes didn't open, her mind feeling as though it were wishing to hide or leave, feeling a bit lost almost, as though it were trying to catch up to her body that began to tremble when a cool wind blew.
Light Returns to Darkness as Darkness fades to Light (my own quote related to Kingdom Hearts)(Love the games!^^)

Mira Water Alchemist
Mira Water Alchemist is offline
Old 11-23-2013, 01:31 AM

(This RP is open for any who would like to join. Would prefer one on one but could try a three person RP)

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 11-23-2013, 03:11 AM

Boy! That's a lot of reading! Not that I mind.

But, in summary, what is this exactly about?

Mira Water Alchemist
Mira Water Alchemist is offline
Old 11-23-2013, 07:37 AM

Originally Posted by silvergamer View Post
Boy! That's a lot of reading! Not that I mind.

But, in summary, what is this exactly about?
Umm well....I...hadn't thought of a plot line. When typed it up a plot did not show itself to me when the words were coming for the post. :( sorry if I wasted your time


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