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GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 02:43 AM

Walking and following the young woman, he couldn't stop smiling. "I need to tell you something" Hunter looked very handsome. "I can turn into anything, anything you desire" Hunter was surprised as he waited for a reply.

Hunter knew this would turn her off but he transformed into a dog. "Ruff" Hunter was smiling, but it didn't show. So he changed back into his human form.

(PapillonCameo: Sorry It's small.. I got Rpers block. LOL)

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 02:57 AM

She blinked at his words. This on top of everything else just made her want to scream or tear her hair out. How was it even possible for someone to be able to do such things? It was absurd! "Why would you tell me this?" Looking down at the floor Theodora tried to make sense of it. She was just a normal young woman , who happened to have picked an extraordinary cat.

"This is really getting overwhelming.. I need to think, I need some space." Reaching behind her, the young woman grabbed the doorknob. Slipping into her room she closed the door, or nearly did. One small crack was left open. "I'll talk to you tomorrow alright Hunter?" Closing the door Theodora sighed and went to get changed after locking her door. Climbing into her bed, she curled up with her mind reeling.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 03:25 AM

Hunter was overwhelmed as well, he was actually quite confused. Well he was now alone to think.. This was just wonderful alone again. "Goodnight" Hunter said before laying down on the couch and passing out quite quickly. Hunter dreamed muchly so, It was a dream where Theo and him were married and Happy living peacefully.

Then his wonderful dream turned into a nightmare, Hunter was in a fight with other shapeshifters and they were really mad. It was claimed as an assassination, Hunter was no-more. Hunter awoke in cat form, he decided to hide under the couch and stay there until Theo woke up. He was afraid of his nightmare coming to life.

(PapillonCameo: Hope it's good)

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 01:45 PM

Yawning, the young woman stretched comfortably before sitting. Rubbing her eyes a little, Theodora proceeded to walk our of her room in her large pyjamas. Absentmindedly she poured herself some cereal and added some milk to the mix. It was then that she remembered the events of the previous night. Turning around she searched the apartment with her eyes. "Hunter?" Placing the bowl on the counter top she went to look for the man, or cat.

Worriedly she went from place to place. There were little nooks and crannies which a mouse could use to hide in, and other larger ones where a cat could easily conceal himself. Then there was the closet, and the bathroom and all those boxes Theodora tended to collect without meaning to... "Hey come on! I'll give you some chocolate milk." Of course, she would have to making him drink some water too. It wasn't necessarily good for cats to have milk, even if they adored it.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 09:10 PM

Hunter heard Theos door open, he wasn't sure if he should come out yet. But when he heard chocolate milk, he ran for the kitchen. "Milk?" Hunter was questioning. Hunter jumped up onto the table and licked Theodora's cheek. "Morning" The cat said. Hunter pranced around the room, Hunter was very happy this morning.

"Theo?" The cat then pounced at a mouse that was scurrying across Theo's kitchen. "Heey, get over here" Hunter said running after the mouse. Hunter went back to the kitchen with the mouse and threw it in the garbage. "Theo do you think you could take me to the store" Hunter meowed once again, this time anxiously.

(PapillonCameo: :) )

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 12:45 AM

The young woman poured the milk into a low glass bowl, and quite a large one too. Laughter crept up on her from the moment Hunter licked her face, and then grew as he started chasing after that mouse. Well one thing was for certain, mouse were going to want to stay away from her apartment. "Why do you need to go to the store?" her grey eyes were full of undisguised curiosity as she looked at him.

"Besides, I'd have to sneak you into my purse. Somehow I don't think you'd like being crushed under my cosmetics." He was such a tiny little kitten, even though in his human form he certainly looked her age. Which brought about something she had been wondering. "Umm, what form were you born in?" Moving around again, she started picking up certain things that had been laying around. Books mostly, seeing as Theo was an aid reader.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 05:43 PM

"Thanks" Hunter changed back into human form, grabbed the bowl and drank the milk. Hunter noticed Theo laughing. "I need new clothes" Hunter said looking down at the ones he was wearing. "Please" Hunter was looking at her with a pleading stare. "I think I can walk to the store" Hunter tilted his head in curiosity. "I was human until the age of 5." Hunter looked very upset now. "Do you think you could take me to the store now?" Hunter wiped a tear off his cheek.

(PapillonCameo: )

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 05:52 PM

Seeing the single tear made her want to offer him some kind of comfort, but she didn't know what to say. Instead Theodora grabbed the keys of her car and jingled them playfully. "Or we could take my car, and get you more then just one outfit. The store's about a twenty minutes walk from here, and the return trip would definitely cut off your blood flow. I know, it's happened."

Joviality fading away, like the faced that it had been, she moved forward and placed a comforting hand on the young man's arm. "Look Hunter, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. " The hair which had been unbound yesterday was held back by two combs decorated with glass gemstones. She wore a cotton t-shirt with a nice blue design on it and black jeans. She was glad now that she had been saving up her spending money for emergencies. Maybe she'd even be able to find a treat for her 'pet'. The thought was a very strange one.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 06:08 PM

Hunter was most definately upset inside but he didn't want to show it on the outside so he tried his best to be strong. "We shall take a vehicle then" Hunter grabbed Theos hand and walked towards the door. "I'm ready if your ready" Hunter said slipping on a pair of runners.

"It's okay, I just fell upset because I can't remember my parents.I think the shape shifters who experimented on me, erased all my memories from before I met them" Hunter was okay with that though. Hunter knew he would get them back someday.

(PapillonCameo: )

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 10:42 PM

IT startled her, that Hunter grabbed her hand so casually. She half followed, half led the young man to her bright red Bug. It was small and compact, and Theo thought it was adorable. The brunette couldn't ind it within herself to say anything to him about this little revelation until they were both settled comfortably in the car and she was driving on the roads. Silence hovered closely around them, blanketing the little vehicle until Theo lifted it. "You said they died in the twin towers incident... And then others caught you and experimented on you? That's horrible!" Indignation ran trough her at the thought, all she wanted to do was find those people and make them regret hurting her friend. The thought caught her by surprise, but she couldn't deny that Hunter was indeed a friend in her eyes.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 10:47 PM

Hunter felt Theos reaction and released her hand only left slightly touching her hand. "Nice car" Hunter was surprised, he didn't think this kind of car was her *type*. The silence in the vehicle changed Hunter into his cat form. "Yeah, I only remember that because It happened after I met the Shape Shifters" Hunter said he then meowed letting Theo know he was in cat form. Hunter felt the same way Theo did, He thought of her as a friend... Not just a friend a best friend, His only friend.


Last edited by GrandpaGeorge; 06-04-2011 at 11:01 PM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 11:19 PM

She stopped the car at a nearby park. It was a slow stop, so as not to jostle Hunter. Carefully, she leaned over to pick him up and hug him. Burying her face in his fur, she wanted to offer him what comfort she could. "Why... What did they... Oh, Hunter no wonder you were in that pet shop. Now all I keep asking myself is why you picked me." Her voice was slightly muffled as she spoke, from emotions or holding the cat so close it was hard to tell. Gently the young woman put him on her lap, not quite ready to let the caramel bundle leave just yet. Loren didn't realize how differently she treated him from form to form.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 11:37 PM

Hunter wondered why we were at a park, He was confused. Hunter felt very loved as she hugged him. "Mhmm, Yeah. I picked you because we can feel vibes about people. I felt your vibe and It felt like you would bear with me.. about all of this." He curled up into her lap, he was confused. Theo treated the young man in a different matter then she did the cat. She felt more free to show compassion to the cat, rather than the young man. Hunter continued to try and figure out the reasoning.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 11:53 PM

A little smile quirked the corners of her cotton candy lips up. Without realizing it, she began to pet the cat in her lap unaware of his confusion. It was morning, early morning, and no one was really out on the roads. Glancing at the clock, she realized it would be at least an hour before any stores opened. "Hunter, would you give me a hint about what happened?" She spoke softly, trying to come up with something else to say. "I'm glad that you chose me, even if things seem to make me feel like I'm going slightly crazy." Theodora laughed at that and snuggled him close again, nuzzling the cat gently.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 12:48 AM

"They had me in this room, full of test tubes. They shot me with a needle and that's all I remember." Hunter turned into a human on her lap. He then moved over into the passenger seat. "I also remember that they can control when I turn into the cat" He said worriedly. Hunter started changing from cat to human uncontrollably. "Theo!" The changes slowed down a little bit, cause Hunter was trying hard to control it. "Do you see anyone wearing a dress with a hat" Hunter asked screaming and meowing in pain for this many transformations could hurt him.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 12:55 AM

She was more then surprised to suddenly have a young man upon her lap, but those thoughts vanished soon enough. Panic rose in the young woman, but hurriedly she looked around. Vaguely she saw someone hiding behind a tree, barely visible except for a feathered hat and an extravagant dress. Her eyes widened and immediately she started the car and locked all the doors. Then Theodora turned to Hunter, pained incredibly by his painful meowings and screams. Quickly, she unbuckled herself and scrambled over to the young man in order to wrap her arms around him. "I do see someone. Hunter, I'm scared to drive off with you like this, otherwise we would already be gone." The young woman tried to hide the slight fear in her voice, it only worked partially making her sound strained. Of course, it was hard to hug Hunter when he shifted so quickly.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 01:11 AM

"Theo, get out of the car, distract her.. please" Hunter gripped onto the seat and screamed in agonizing pain. "For me" He looked at her with squinted eyes. "Leave the keys in the car" He said as he reached over and turned on the fan. "If you don't I can die" Hunter had tears running down his cheeks as he leaned over and kissed Theo.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 01:25 AM

She was shocked by the kiss. There wasn't really much time to think about it though, she was far too worried about Hunter's health to ponder about it. After a moment she pulled back softly, whipped a few tears away, and rushed out of the car. She ran to the woman wearing the hat as fast as her legs could carry her. The moment she was there, Theodora grabbed the hat ... And ran. There was yelling coming from behind her, but she didn't care. Footsteps followed on the gravel path as the young woman veered off away from the car which contained Hunter.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 04:03 AM

Hunter felt back to normal now that the hat was off the girls head. "Theo, bring me the hat" Hunter yelled after he got out of the car and started chasing Theo. Hunter finally caught up with Theo, He grabbed the hat and ripped off the feather. Hunter then pulled a lighter out of his pocket and lit the feather on fire. "The feather on their hats give them the power, to control me." Hunter grabbed Theo's hand and they walked back to the car together.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 06:08 PM

She was more confused then ever as she slipped into the driver's side door. Once Hunter was safely inside, she locked the doors and set off on the road again with haste. The stores weren't going to be open yet, but the young woman wanted to get as far away from the park as possible. "Feathers? How did they manage that?" Shoving aside other questions she had, the young woman tried to search out another likely spot for them to wile away the time. Spotting a large museum, she pulled in there. It would open sooner then the stores would.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 10:27 PM

Hunter walked over to the passenger seat side of the car, He slipped in and was surprised at how quickly Theo drove off. Hunter was most udderly amazed, they must know that he showed a human his true form. "I have no idea, It's actually quite weird." Hunter smiled and put his hand on her shoulder. "Stop the car" Hunter was confused when she parked at the museum, Hunter leaned over to Theo trying to finish the kiss they had started.

Last edited by GrandpaGeorge; 06-08-2011 at 11:19 PM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 10:47 PM

Her eyes weer wide with surprise, and she pulled away a little abruptly. To ease the sting of her actions, Theodora planted a kiss on the young man's cheek. "I don't really know you at all Hunter. So please, wait a while.. It's hard to know what I feel about you when we've just met." It was coming out a little garbled. The young woman wasn't used to this kind of attention from any male, let alone a shape shifter. Smiling a little, she extended a hand as if to say that it was alright to do that at least.

Theodora needed time to sort everything out. She also intended to raid a few libraries in order to find information. Knowledge was power, and she knew nothing at all about the situation. There were those feathers, and so many other things she needed to know about. Though, the feathers were probably magical. Theodora wouldn't have been surprised if they came from some magical animal with controlling abilities, or some other type of shape shifter.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 05:07 PM

Hunter leaned back over to the passenger seat. "I'm sorry" Hunter felt horrible, he turned into a cat and walked over and laid in theo's lap. "Meow" Hunter said before curling into a ball and falling asleep. Hunter had a dream, He was alone in an alley with many other stray cats. Hunter woke up scared. "Please don't ever throw me out onto the street. The streets look scary" Hunter said using the paw to wipe a single tear off his face.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 12:43 AM

Theodora saw the look on his face, and welcomed the fact that the cat came to cuddle on her lap. Absentmindedly she petted him, and marveled at how quickly Hunter had managed to fall asleep. Theo was dozing off herself when she heard Hunter's distressed cries. Picking him up, she placed the cat in the crook of her shoulder to give him some comforting warmth. "You're my friend Hunter, I'd never do that! The worst that would happen is me leaving you with someone I trust. " Another person who would probably be more then happy to take in the cute little bundle of fur.

Putting the cat in her lap with a securing hand over him, the young woman started the car and drove to the parking lot of the mall. Glancing at is, she knew wit was open. "Alright Hunter, time to go inside and get you some clothes." Placing him on the seat, Theodora was glad to have one way windows.

GrandpaGeorge is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 09:20 PM

Hunter watched Theodora's facial expressions for quite sometime. He noticed them change and wondered why, but he was far too lazy to ask. Hunter felt really exhausted from the transformations, he didn't want to change back into a human. "Are you sure, My dream seemed really real. Promise me completely, that we'll be together forever" Hunter felt Theo's hand on his back and jumped just a little.

Hunter was perfectly happy sitting in her lap, he felt like this could last forever. Or so he hoped. "Okay, I do have a credit card, so you do not need to pay" Hunter mewed, he couldn't wait. Hunter seen many people walking in and out of the store. Hunter realized that he was still in his cat form. Hunter knew it would cause him more pain but he transformed back to a human, and took off his seat belt. Hunter then opened his door, and walked over in a gesture to open Theo's. Once they were both outside, Hunter grabbed her hand and walked to the doors of the mall.


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