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Old 01-19-2018, 09:22 PM

The first thing Ellie noticed when she surfaced was the pain. Her whole body ached but her head and knee felt like they were on fire. Despite the white hot pain, she felt chilled to the core. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably. Somewhere above her, Ellie could hear voices, though they sounded far off. She heard one of them say “…going into shock…” A moment later she felt a warm hand on her shoulder and it took her a moment realize someone was calling her name. She tried to open her eyes but the light was so bright she had to close them again. She tried to speak but it only came out as a moan. ”I know Ellise, stay with us okay?” Ellie tried to nod but the slight movement sent a wave of shooting pain through her and everything faded away once more.

- - - - -

The paramedics unloaded the stretcher and wheeled Ellie into the ER. Ellie’s eyes slowly opened and she squinted against the bright lights to see people in white coats around her. Words like “fracture” “contusion” and “concussion” filtered their way through her ears as she tried to make sense of what was happening. Everything seemed to be moving so quickly and her brain too slow to process, turning everything around her into a blur that left her dizzy. The nurses flitted around her, poking and prodding, covering her in blankets, checking vital signs, and asking her questions. It wasn’t until one of them attached a tube to her arm that the pain finally began to dull.

Some time later Coach’s voice filtered through the background noises of the nurses’ and the beeping machines. Whether it had been minutes or hours, Ellie wasn’t sure. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked, ”Kevin…”, she whispered, surprised to see him but extremely grateful that he was there. She slipped her hand out from under the covers and reached for him, tears gathering in her eyes. She wanted him to hold her and tell her it was going to be alright.


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Old 01-19-2018, 11:26 PM


Kevin sat in the chair at bedside, holding his head in his shaky heads. Why did this have to happen? They had planned a perfectly innocent pizza and movie night, after her practice.. It was so stupid of him to go, despite the coach's words- he still felt somewhat at fault. He lifted his head from his hands as a soft voice reached his ears. It was clear that he had been crying, even if his sniffles had subsided. "Ellie..." Kevin slowly rose from his chair and tenderly cupped her reaching hand, covering her hand with his own. "You're going to be alright.." He said softly, ignoring the aching in his heart.


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Old 01-22-2018, 10:34 PM

Ellie felt the warmth of Kevin’s hand spread through her as he wrapped her cold fingers up in his own. It felt good to have his solid presence grounding her. The room seemed to sway a bit less and her focus seemed a bit clearer. She tore her gaze from their intertwined hands to look up at Kevin’s face. Noticing his tearstained cheeks she gave his hand a squeeze. ”I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered, a few silent tears spilling down the side of her cheeks. A whirlwind of emotions was surging within her. Something about the way their hands cupped together just felt right. Kevin’s words and presence were reassuring but they couldn’t push aside the fear gripping her stomach so tightly it almost made her nauseous. Would she be able to walk again? Would she…be able to skate again? The competition was over, that was for sure. The thought of that sent another wave of tears down her cheeks. What would she do now that she wasn’t able to skate? Skating was her life and blood. Skating is what helped her keep things together when her parents divorced. Skating kept the loneliness at bay when her dad was constantly away on his business trips. Skating filled her with purpose. What could possibly replace all of those things now?

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Old 02-09-2018, 03:00 PM

Kevin offered his friend a small smile when she spoke again. He gently squeezed her hand in return. "Here is where I belong." He said softly. Kevin was here, and he wasn't planning on going anywhere until the nurse kicked him out for the night, if he didn't try staying the night. Ellie meant the most in his little world, Millie came in second. He'd call his mom or something to check on the kitten later. "Ellie.. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have come.. You-.." Kevin paused mid-sentence to swallow a lump forming in his throat. "You were great, just like a dancer.. I'd give you a bouquet if I had one." He said quietly.



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Old 02-14-2018, 10:23 PM

Ellie managed a small smile at Kevin’s comment. She really needed him right now. Her dad was off on some business trip as usual and Marisa, the housekeeper and Ellie’s unofficial caretaker was still at her day job. Ellie closed her eyes, ”It’s not your fault Kevin, I should have been more careful,” she said, hoping that her friend wouldn’t blame himself too much. She smiled a bittersweet smile at his compliment, ”Thank you,” she said, ”I’m glad you got to see me skate at least once…” Her eyes teared up once more as she prayed that she would be able to skate again. She took a few breaths to try to calm herself, her gaze drifting around the room. One of the nurses noticed her looking around and came over to the bedside, ”Your vitals are looking a bit better. I’ve notified the doctor and he should be with you shortly.” Ellie nodded, whether the news was good or bad it would be better to know sooner rather than later.


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Old 02-21-2018, 07:33 PM

Kevin sniffed a little and nodded lightly to her words. Kevin's mom was off working as well as Ellie's dad, so he'd stay here as long as he could, even if it meant hiding under the bed when they closed the doors for visitors. Kevin gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he noticed his friend beginning to look around the room. Kevin waited for the nurse to leave before glancing down at Ellie and lightly kissing her forehead. Nothing romantic, something more like a brother would do. He didn't know what else to do.

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Old 02-24-2018, 07:56 PM



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Old 02-27-2018, 10:30 PM

As Kevin shifted positions, Ellie wondered what he would do. As he bent over her he thought he might give her a hug but instead his lips brushed against her forehead. Ellie closed her eyes, savoring the gentle touch that for some reason made her blush. Ellie squeezed Kevin’s hand once more before a man in a white coat approached her bedside.

”Hello, my name is Doctor Scott and I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Now let’s see here…” he said, picking up her chart, ”Hm, ice skating accident I see.” The doctor took a moment to read over the report and check her vitals. Setting the clipboard down at the end of the stretcher he said ”Alright, let’s take a look.” He felt the back of Ellie’s head, gently probing, before removing a small flashlight from his pocket which he shined in her eyes. He asked her a number of question and nodded after each response and marked some notes on her chart.

”Alright, let’s take a look at that leg now,” he said, carefully folding back the covers. The paramedics had cut off a portion of her pant leg and applied a temporary dressing. Ellie watched as the doctor peeled the dressing off and let out a moan when she saw what as underneath. Her knee was blackened and bloated with blood oozing out of the broken skin. Ellie laid her head back and closed her eyes, swallowing hard and taking a few deep breaths to quell a sudden bout of nausea.

She didn’t reopen her eyes until the doctor replaced the bandage and pulled the blanket back over her. ”It looks like you hit your head pretty hard, you have a concussion. I’m going to prescribe an anti-inflammatory and you’ll need to take it easy for a while. You might experience some headaches or dizziness and have difficulty concentrating for a couple weeks. As for your leg, I’m going to order an x-ray. I’ll know more once I can see what’s going on under the surface. If you need anything, let any of our nurses know and they will be glad to help.”

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Old 03-20-2018, 06:11 PM

Kevin offered her a small smile. When the male doctor approached, he stayed exactly where he was and never let go of her hand, only casting his eyes off to the side as the doctor went to work, checking her over. Kevin glanced at Ellie when he noticed her tense, and gave her hand a light squeeze. He made a point not to look at the uncovered leg, and kept his eyes on Ellie while trying to comfort her in some way. This boy didn't have an iron stomach and was easily nauseated. Hence why he never watched horror movies.

When the doctor recovered the leg, he listened to what he had to say before glancing at the man. "Will she need to stay the night?" He asked, trying to sound as calm as he could manage.



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Old 03-22-2018, 08:45 PM

Coach stood with his arms crossed as the doctor examined his student. The leg looked pretty bad and from experience he knew that her road to recovery would likely be difficult.

The doctor turned his attention to Kevin as he spoke up. “Due to her head injury I would like to keep her here for observation,” he replied. Turning to Ellie he said, “We’ll move you to a private room once you’re done with the x-rays.” With that, the doctor moved on to another bed to consult with his next patient.

Ellie let out a sigh. She didn’t relish the thought of staying overnight alone.

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Old 04-03-2018, 03:01 AM

Kevin swallowed hard and lowered his head some. They would keep her here to watch her, and move her to a different room. He could come see her tomorrow, right? He wondered silently. Part of him wanted to sneak, and stay here tonight with her. Kevin gave her hand a light squeeze. "I'll stay right here until they tell me to leave." He murmured quietly, feeling determined to do so. He wasn't going to leave her any sooner than he had to. They were all each other really had.. Her father couldn't even be bothered to show up!

---------- Post added 04-02-2018 at 11:02 PM ----------


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Old 04-21-2018, 07:36 PM

zigbigadorlube: poke


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Old 04-21-2018, 10:28 PM

((Hey! I haven't forgotten, I just haven't gotten a chance to write something up yet.))

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Old 05-14-2019, 09:46 PM

((Um.. Is this still active? O.o'))


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Old 05-17-2019, 03:31 PM

((Oh wow, I'm so sorry, I thought I had replied to this! ))

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Old 05-17-2019, 04:43 PM

(( xD it's cool, really. if you want, we can keep it going ^~^
unless it's been sitting too long >x< i'm not sure how long a thread can be inactive o.o'' ))


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Old 05-17-2019, 05:03 PM

((Nah, it's ok, we're not breaking any rules by restarting it. ))

Ellie squeezed Kevin’s hand back. ”Thanks,” she whispered. Looking past Kevin, her eyes met Coach’s. He had remained silent so far and she realized she didn’t know what to say. Surely he didn’t either. There would be time to talk about it later. For now, she asked ”Hey Coach, were you able to get ahold of my dad?”

Coach looked back at Ellie. He knew what she was thinking but there was no point putting it to words. When she asked about her father, her voice sounded so sad and frail, like she already knew the answer. ”I tried calling but he didn’t answer,” he said, shaking his head, ”I left a message, I’m sure he’ll call as soon as he gets it.”

Ellie turned her face away. Of course he hadn’t answered. He was probably in some big meeting. There was no use calling her mother, they didn’t speak much. She had visited a couple times over the years but each time the distance felt greater and their relationship more strained. Marissa was more of a mother to her now than anything.

”Can you please call Marissa and let her know?” Ellie asked, turning back towards Coach. She didn’t want the woman to worry when she didn’t show up at home. Her own cell phone likely lay forgotten somewhere at the rink. Coach nodded and stepped away as another nurse came by.

”Alright, time for a couple x-rays,” the woman announced cheerfully. Briskly disengaging the break on the stretcher, the nurse started to pull her away. Ellie’s hand slipped out of Kevin’s and she strained her neck to look back at him. ”Don’t worry hun, we’ll have you back in a jiffy,” she said, seemingly oblivious to the distress of her young patient.

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Old 05-17-2019, 06:55 PM

Kevin only managed a small nod when Ellie uttered a thanks. He listened quietly as she and Couch James exchanged words, biting his tongue to keep quiet. The usually calm and quiet, shy teenage boy suppressed a mix of emotions when they spoke of her father not answering his phone.

It sounded just like his mom, which was why he hadn't bothered to call her. Even if he didn't come home tonight, she probably wouldn't even notice. His mind briefly thought about the small kitten, but he knew she'd be alright for a night. He left plenty of food and water for her before he left. He always did, just in case he came home late for whatever reason.

His eyes widen some when he felt Ellie's hand slip out of his hand as the nurse wheeled her off, and he glanced at her with eyes that said "I'll be right here." in hopes of helping her feel a bit better.


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Old 05-17-2019, 07:49 PM

Ellie held Kevin’s gaze until the nurse turned the corner and then lay back and closed her eyes. The movement of the gurney made her feel dizzy. She just wanted to close her eyes and go to sleep. Maybe the whole thing was just a bad dream and in a short while she would wake up in bed at home… Ellie realized the nurse was chattering to her about something but she was too worn out to really pay attention.

A minute later, they rolled into small, darkened room. The nurse handed her over to an x-ray technician who was thankfully less chatty. The man covered her torso with a heavy smock like they did at the dentist and used an overhead contraption to take various x-rays of her leg. The procedure was mercifully quick and before she knew it, Ellie was being whisked off again.

This time the nurse wheeled her into a private room and with the help of an orderly they removed her damp practice clothes and dressed her in a gown. The room swayed nauseatingly when they lifted her from the stretcher and helped her to the bed and she felt completely exhausted by the time she was finally settled in.

”Alright hun, you just try to rest now. I’ll send in your friends and the doctor will come by once he’s had time to review your x-rays. There’s a call button here if you need anything.”

- - - - -
The phone rang twice before a woman’s voice answered on the other end. James was relieved to finally get ahold of one of Ellie’s caretakers. The poor woman seemed almost in a panic when he explained to her what had happened, and she assured him that she would be there just as soon as she could and that she would try on her end to reach Ellie’s father.

After he hung up, James rejoined Kevin who had been left sitting alone. The poor boy looked positively miserable. ”Hey, would you like a soda or something? I was thinking of getting something from the vending machines,” he said. Coach didn’t feel particularly hungry or thirsty himself but he wondered if a snack wouldn’t help the boy take his mind off of things a bit.

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Old 05-17-2019, 08:30 PM

Kevin waited for the nurse to return and tell him he could go back to Ellie's side. That's where he wanted to be, more than anything. For now, he sat and stared up at the ceiling for a moment before pulling out his phone and texting his mom. In that text he only mentioned being out with Ellie, and that he might not be home tonight.He surprised to get a response, asking if everything was alright. He replied with making up something like they were working on a project. His mom seemed to buy it when she sent a response saying they could work on it at the house if they wanted. But otherwise didn't seem to bothered by him being gone all night. He felt bad, lying to her like that.. but if she taking a break, with how quick she had gotten back to him, she'd likely leave work and come to the hospital if she knew.

He doubted that Ellie wanted to by surrounded by people who were worried about her, and she didn't need the added stress. Kevin put away his phone and glanced at James when he returned to the room and asked if he wanted a soda. A soda sounded tempting, and he offered the coach a small smile. "Yeah, thanks Coach." He said, perking up a tiny bit. "Any kind of soda is okay, I'm not picky." He said, just to save him from having to ask what kind of soda he wanted.


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Old 05-17-2019, 09:05 PM

Coach smiled when Kevin accepted his offer. At least he could feel a little less helpless. ”Alright, I’ll be right back then,” he said before heading out into the hallway in search of the snack machines. It didn’t take him long to find one and after fishing his wallet out of his pocket, he grabbed two cans of Coke. Once back in the room he handed one of the cans to Kevin and opened his own. The pfffttt noise of the gas escaping the can felt satisfying as did the cold liquid as he swallowed it. He hadn’t realized how dry his mouth was. ”Ah, nice and refreshing,” he said to no one in particular.

A moment later Ellie’s nurse reappeared to direct them to her new room. Coach followed behind the woman as she navigated the mazelike hallways before stopping in front of room 323. ”Here you are, she’s just inside,” the nurse said, motioning them inside with her arm before disappearing to take care of other duties.

James peered inside the doorway. Elise looked so small enveloped in the pastel-colored hospital blankets. Her face was pale and her eyes were closed. The young girl who was usually so energetic and intense on the ice looked so lifeless now and it hurt him to see her like this. After a moment, Coach entered the room and set his can of coke quietly down on a nearby table. Ellie didn’t stir at the light clink of the can and he was glad to know that she was resting. At least this way she wouldn’t be overthinking and worrying for the time being.

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Old 05-17-2019, 09:40 PM

Kevin nodded lightly as the coach disappeared out of the room. In the brief moment he was left alone, the blond actually realized where they were and he got up to peek his head outside of the room. Which hospital were they at? There were alone two hospitals around..and his mom worked at one of them.

He sat back down before James came back and quietly thanked him for the Coke when it was handed to him. Kevin didn't open it just yet though, his mind preoccupied by other thoughts. He did however follow the nurse when she came to get thrm, and walked behind James, opening his soda somewhere in the hall as they walked and sipping from the cold beverage.

Kevin paused when they came to the new room, before slowly going inside and sitting in the chair next to her bed. He briefly glanced at the nurse as she vanished outside of the room, and brought his attention back to Elise as he held the Coke can between his hands.


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Old 05-18-2019, 03:14 AM

Coach took the other unoccupied chair in the room and sat in silence. He alternated his time between watching Ellie, watching Kevin, staring at his hands, and taking sips of coke. Once the coke was gone, he got up and went to look out the window. Night had completely fallen and street lamps illuminated the area around the hospital. He wondered if he should try to rustle up some dinner for himself and the kid.

As he wondered what he might be able to find in the area, her heard footsteps and the sound of a clipboard being pulled out. Turning around, Coach recognized the doctor from the emergency room.

The doctor glanced from the clipboard over to Ellie and back again. ”Looks like she’s resting, that’s good. She’s on a pretty strong dose of morphine at the moment so she should be feeling more comfortable now. She show signs of a concussion so she may have some difficulty with memory or confusion as well as dizziness. We’ll definitely keep an eye on that.” The doctor paused and at that moment, a stout dark-haired woman came bursting into the room.

”Where is she, where is my Ellie?” she asked, breathless, dropping her purse on a nearby table and rushing over to Ellie’s bedside. ”Oh baby girl…” she sighed, restraining herself from reaching out to her for fear of waking her. Dropping into the chair across from Kevin, Marissa looked over at the doctor, ”How is she?” she asked.

Barely phased by the interruption, the doctor cleared his throat and picked up where he left off. ”The x-rays showed multiple fractures to the right kneecap. It’s a bad break. We’ve got her booked for surgery tomorrow afternoon. Presuming all goes well with the procedure, recovery for this type of injury will still be slow. She will be put in a cast for 6 to 8 weeks and then will go through physical therapy for about as long. She is young and in good athletic condition otherwise so this may help speed along recovery.”

Coach cleared his throat and stepped forward, asking the question he was sure Ellie would want the answer to. ”How long before she can skate again?”

”Once she is cleared from physical therapy she can resume light activity but I doubt she will be able to resume competition level skating for at least 6 months. It’s not a question of only the bone but also of the surrounding muscle. This type of injury may also lead to post traumatic arthritis or other complications. We’ll monitor her recovery very carefully but the honest answer is that it will take time.”

Coach let out a breath that he hadn’t known he was holding. Well, good news and bad he supposed. Nothing less than what he was expecting really through he knew it would break Ellie’s heart to be off the ice for so long.

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Old 05-19-2019, 07:59 PM

Kevin took small sips from his Coke while he sat and quietly listened when the doctor came back to talk with James, his focus on Elise and the steady beeping of the machine which let him know his friend was still breathing, most of his attention on the Coke can in his hands. It was more apparent now, just how shy the boy was. Hospitals also made him nervous, as well as doctors and nurses, but he was here for Ellie.

He did raise his head to glance at Marrisa burst into the room and interrupted the doctor, who seemed generally unphased, and easily resumed talking. Kevin lowered his blue eyes back down to the can in his hands as he listened before closing his eyes. Nothing the doctor had to say made him feel much better, except that she could eventually skate again, at least. She was hurt pretty bad though.. and even with her being healthy and athletic, she'd still be in recovery for a while..

Was there anything he could do for her, while she was stuck here?


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Old 05-26-2019, 03:32 AM

((Sorry for taking so long to reply to this. I was traveling last week. I hope to get back to this tomorrow if I can, thanks for being patient!))


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