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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 07-07-2016, 03:16 AM

He just left? Rose frowned and stared at the door for a moment. It wasn't often she was able to talk to anyone so openly, she had actually enjoyed it. Sure, it couldn't happen again, but it was nice to do for once. With a sigh she stood up, wobbling on her feet from the after-effects of the drink and her sleepiness. She had gone from sleeping two-thirds of the day to... well, she didn't know what this was. For a minute she wandered the room, running her fingers over everything as she did. There wasn't much, and she stumbled more than she would have liked. Eventually she gave up, going over to the porthole and throwing it open.

The fresh air helped to clear her head, yet it wasn't enough... Without thinking, she put her slippered foot up on the edge, then the other. It took a moment to balance herself in the opening, her feet dangling out, the ocean churning below her. She gripped the edge, not wanting to risk falling out, knowing she couldn't swim and would never survive.


Gerard forced down the tea, it wasn't the worst thing he had tasted but he struggled to keep it down. "Thanks." He muttered, a word he did not say often. Despite the effort he lifted his hand, patting her face lightly. "You've done what you can, lass. I'll be fine." Of course he would be fine, there was no way he was going to die when they just got the biggest haul of their career. He sighed deeply and scooted down into a slightly more comfortable position. He would just sleep it off.

He heard Clark come in, the captains booming voice a contrast to the nice voice of Ariel. "Aye, Captain, I'm still alive." He managed a hoarse laugh, "You ain't rid of me yet." It was hard to stay awake after that, his body was warm and the room was spinning. Only moments after closing his eyes he was in a restless sleep.

a possible comeback (?)
LaClef-a-Verite is offline
Old 07-08-2016, 04:25 AM

Clark gave the both of them a short nod, his fears quelled for now. He noted that they were probably closer than he figured for just a few hours in a room. He guessed that being so close to death could make a person do anything. At that thought, he made a few rounds around the ship, calling for dinner before he went back to his cabin. He stopped at the door. Where was...

Clark ran over, fear tingeing his voice as he asked her what she was doing. The ship was dangerous while it moved on the water, and sitting out the porthole so close to it could make anyone stumble out. What if she was still drunk? Without another word, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in, tumbling back to the edge of his bed. They were both on the ground, almost cradling her between his legs. "If you wanted some air, you should have asked me," he said, his voice stern.

Ariel couldn't help but squeeze Gerard's hand, maybe she could transfer some of her strength to him. He needed it more anyway. She looked up at the captain and got a good look at him, giving him a wry smile. She wondered if she should ask if she could look after the princess in the mean time but she could feel the fatigue crawl up her muscles. An uncomfortable feeling. She leaned her head on the cot and started to doze off, not minding her position or the fact that the captain was pretty much there. Once he left, she adjusted herself so that her back leaned on the cot and started to nod off.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 07-13-2016, 12:01 PM

Rose gasped when she was grabbed, she had been so busy watching the ocean that she hadn't heard someone come into the room. Just as she began to struggle, she realized she recognized the voice. The captain, it was only him, at least she was a bit safer than some random pirate showing up in here. Sitting there, a bit stunned, she shook her head, trying to clear it. "I was holding on..." She muttered, wondering why he was so concerned about her safety. Probably because he wouldn't get his money if she was dead. When her mind cleared, she realized where she was sitting, and her lack of proper clothing.

She stood and went over to her chest, pulling out her robe and putting it on, pulling the straps tight around her small frame. The silk was smooth and cool against her body and she sighed contently while she sat down at the table, picking at the little bit of fruit left. The food didn't really settle in her stomach well, even if all she had eaten were a few bits of fruit since she had ended up on this ship. Apparently being kidnapped and held for ransom didn't agree with her stomach.


Gerard groaned and grunted in his sleep, tossing while trying to find a comfortable position. No matter what he did it seemed to make his chest ache and burn, and he felt like his cabin might just be on fire. "Water." He muttered to himself, his mouth dry. How would he get up to get it if he didn't even feel like he was in control of his own body? He managed to sit up a bit, the room was spinning, but it didn't matter, his legs wouldn't respond to the command to move. His hand found something soft, hair? Looking over he could just make out the shape of a head, with a body probably attached to it, but he couldn't see that. Who was in his room? The hair was thick and long, which meant it was probably a woman. He couldn't seem to remember anything.

Ah, so that was it. He must have gotten drunk, gotten in a fight and that was why his body ached, and then brought a woman back to the ship. Clark would not be too happy with him if he found out. "Come here..." He muttered to the form, reaching out and trying to grab at Ariel. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this awful after drinking, but at least he wasn't alone.

a possible comeback (?)
LaClef-a-Verite is offline
Old 07-15-2016, 12:24 AM

Clark couldn't help but feel relief once she wasn't teetering precariously on the window. He hadn't thought about how much of a safety hazard it was until just a few minutes before. It was a shame, though; it gave such a beautiful view. He frowned when she just stood up and wore something less revealing, which made him pout a bit. It was fun watching her seem to trip over her own feet with how 'indecent' she thought she was around him. He'd seen women in less. When she sat at the table, he got up and sat across from her, wondering if this was how it was going to be for a week. If it was, he'd go crazy in less than two.

"Well, we're going to be on the seas for a while... What say you to getting to know each other better?" Somehow the words sounded better in his head.

Ariel jolted awake when she felt something on her head. She quickly grabbed at it, finding herself holding Gerard's wrist, with more force than she should've. Her eyes widened and she leaned over to touch his face, feeling for some heat. It wasn't a fever, but was he hallucinating? That sounded bad. She got up and grabbed some water for him to drink. Who's great idea it was for her to leave his body alone to it's own devices? He looked worse than when she left him. She muttered curses under her breath as she carefully poured water down his throat.

She heard him call out to her, telling her to come and she paused. Ariel wasn't sure what he meant by such, but figured that he was delirious enough that he wouldn't try anything on her. After she made sure that he got his water, she sat on the cot and slowly patted his head. "What was that?" she asked, not entirely sure on what he wanted her to do. Hopefully, he'd hear her.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 07-19-2016, 11:45 AM

Rose raised an eyebrow, curious as to what he meant by that. "I've told you everything about me." What else was there to know? She was a princess, he was a pirate, and once he got his money he'd be on his way, meanwhile she had no idea what would happen to her, the disgraced and ruined princess. She picked at what fruit remained, eating tiny chunks of the melon, but mostly just pushing the food around. Even still she didn't much feel like eating, she didn't know how she'd last a few weeks like this, barely eating and drinking. It would serve the captain right though, for putting her through this.

He wanted them to get to know each other better? "How can you live without yourself, murdering innocent people and cats like that?" He might change his mind after a question like that. For some reason she could feel anger bubbling up inside her, reminding her that this was the man that killed her guards, drowned her beloved kitten, and ruined her life. Why was she so friendly towards him? If anything, she should be doing all she could to pushing him out that porthole and escape the ship.


The water was refreshing, and almost as nice as the warm body that sat in the cot beside him. He couldn't even remember the woman he had invited back, and wasn't sure why his eyes didn't want to open, but some more rest to get rid of the rest of the drink would probably help and he'd be up and about in no time. "Don't worry, love, I'm far too drunk to do anything to ye. Stick 'round till morning and I'll take care of ye." Weakly he tugged on her arm, pulling her in beside him. Why did that hurt his chest so much? He must have gotten in a fight and taken a blow to the chest. Clark wouldn't be happy about that.

a possible comeback (?)
LaClef-a-Verite is offline
Old 07-25-2016, 12:34 AM

Clark looked at her with careful eyes. "I understand you stubbornness, but I even pirates have to make do somehow," he joked, the words sounding hollow once they left his mouth. he shook his head and leaned back on his chair. He pondered over her question a bit, knowing that he had some sort of morals. If he didn't have any, he'd probably have a shorter lifespan. "I only fight back when necessary. I'm afraid my men do most of the work." Clark shrugged. He made it a point to not pillage certain ports and villages, even though he was once more aggressive a few years back. "Cats, I haven't had much experience in the way of animals... I'm not so sure about innocent people though."

Ariel hesitated a bit, but complied in the end. It wasn't the first time that she slept next to him without anything happening so why should anything happen now? She dusted herself off and made sure that the rest of her supplies would be next to her if he needed them. After she made sure, she laid down next to him, keeping ample space between them. She wasn't sure if she was in the position to get cozy, but she figured that this was enough for him. Ariel instantly felt the effects of how much she gave her energy to taking care of him. She paused for a moment, though, and wondered why it seemed like Gerard didn't remember much. Surely the pain in his chest couldn't be that bad. "Umm... this will sound strange," she started. "Do you know why you have that gash?"

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 08-03-2016, 10:36 AM

[[Sorry! Haven't been feeling the best lately and didn't get on the computer much. D:]]

Rose sighed, so he had no good explanation? No reason why he would do something so... horrible. Why had she thought that there would just be some magical reason for his actions, that would make sense and she'd be able to better understand him. Perhaps that wasn't how it worked, maybe some people were just born... not nice. Frowning, she pushed her plate away, the very sight of it making her stomach queasy. There was little she could do about her situation, but she felt the need to try and control it, even if the only control was her dislike of the captain.

Wine had done wonders to calm her, but she didn't like how friendly it had made her towards Clark, so she would have to avoid indulging in the future. She pushed herself up, the chair scrapping against the floor as she forced it back. As she stood her head seemed to spin and she gripped the table for support, waiting for it to pass. After a few seconds she took a few unsteady steps towards the bed, trying to hide the weakness in her legs and the fact that everything around her wouldn't stop moving. Good thing the cabin was small, she managed to awkwardly climb into the bed, robe and all, and pull the covers over herself. He should get the hint that she was done with their conversation.


"Gash? Nah, lass, just a bit of bruising, probably fightin' with the men again." Gerard grumbled, shifting the best he could despite the ache in his chest. He must have been hit hard to be feeling it this bad. "No worries, I'll be fine come mornin'." He grumbled, managing to roll onto his side, which made the pain worse, but he didn't mind it so much. He was so tired, so groggy, he was sure he could sleep through anything at this point. All he knew was that there was a woman in his bed, and he couldn't do much about it now, a frustrating thought. Perhaps he did drink too much.

With something along the lines of a grunt he put his arm around Ariel, pulling her into his chest. It had hurt, burned to do so, which was strange for a bruise, but he was too tired to worry about it. It didn't take long, he buried his face into her soft hair and was soon gently snoring.

a possible comeback (?)
LaClef-a-Verite is offline
Old 08-11-2016, 02:51 AM

(( It's alright! I'm going through a similar situation as well :P Hopefully things will get better when I get a schedule going with uni coming up ahah don't worry about it~ ))

Clark could only watch Rose as she made her way to the bed, somehow stopping himself to go through the urge to help her. He frowned. The past few hours were mostly him wanting to hold her close for some goddamned reason and he was frustrated at himself. Before he could speak, the door knocked, and another of his men peeked his head inside. "Uhh, cap'ain? There's a terrible storm a'brewing." Clark leaned his head back so that he could see his upside-down crew mate. "Latch everything down. Like always." With that, he waved him away but not before the man looked over at the princess with a sort of curiousness before he left.

"What did you think of the wine? I'm sure you don't have much of it back at the palace."


Ariel yelped as he pulled her closer to him. The closeness wasn't as much as an issue as the fact that he was consciously doing it. The fact that he didn't remember where he got the gash worried her a bit, but the small touches between them sent her mind in a frenzy. She hated how close they were, in just a matter of hours; the fact that she was extremely tired irritated her even more. With a small sigh, she leaned in closer to him, mindful of the gash, as she hoped that everything would be better in the next few hours.

Ariel closed her eyes, nitpicking at her chapped lips as she tried to will herself to sleep. Her eyes shot open every once in a while, annoyed at herself for not being able to sleep yet feeling such immeasurable fatigue. She tired taking a few deep breaths, wanting to calm down her own heartbeat to lull herself to sleep. The irritability just grew, she was pretty much fidgeting on the cot, trying to be careful of Gerard fast asleep next to her. She turned around so that she could see his sleeping face, her eyes glancing over his features. She just rested there, forcing herself to at least blank out her mind and rest that way. Laying in a bed seemed a lot better than mindlessly fidgeting around the room.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 08-18-2016, 12:56 PM

A storm? Rose didn't like the idea of that, storms sunk ships, it was her one true fear she had setting sail on this adventure to begin with. If only she had known pirates were going to be the true problem, perhaps she could have better prepared. Sighing she rolled onto her side, squinting her eyes and trying to see out of the darkness of the porthole. The ship still seemed rather steady, so it must not be bad yet. She wanted to ask Clark about it, to see how much danger she was in, but she didn't want him to think her afraid. Already she was sure he thought her some mindless girl, a spoiled princess who could do nothing for herself, and she wasn't even sure why she cared.

"We have wine at the castle, I drink it with most meals. One glass is all that is proper." Rose frowned, not sure why it was that way. Her father could drink as much as he wanted, as could her brothers, and they drank far worse things than wine. Never before had she considered how much more freedom her brothers had, she had always just known things were different for a prince and a princess, and that is the way it always was. The warmth in her stomach was kind of nice, the spinning of her head wasn't as much, but she didn't care. The boat seemed to rock a little more strongly, almost like trying to lull her to sleep, as long as she didn't manage to fall off the bed.


As he slept, Gerard's hold loosened, forgetting about the warm lady in his bed and even the pain for a short while. His sleep was dreamless, but the fever seemed to be gone and he no longer thrashed about, which was more than likely a good sign.


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