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Barghest is offline
Old 03-19-2013, 06:33 AM

Howdy! I was considering opening up shop here, since I've been kinda bored as of late and I could use something to do. I'm not sure what art tends to go for here though, so I could use an estimate for what my stuff is worth.

Here's some recent examples of the sort of thing I can do:

Human, fullbody: Click!

Anthro, bust/torso: Click!

Anthro/monster, fullbody: Click!

Mostly I've only done anthro work lately, since I hang out with furries. XD But I have some more human work from a year or two ago I did as freebies on Solia. They aren't really up to snuff compared to my current stuff, but they're still reasonably accurate when it comes to gauging my skill level.

Human, female, fullbody, colored
Human, female, headshot, colored
Human, male, headshot, inks
Human, female, bust/torso, colored
Human, female, bust/torso, inks

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 03:59 AM

Wow, amazing! I especially love that second piece~ > w<
I'd love if you drew my male harpy/tengu I have~ I haven't gotten any art of him yet though.

I'd say for a fullbody color piece, 2k-3k~ Maybe 500g-1k more with a background~
Thigh up, 1.5k-2k and bust 500g-1k.
As for inks, 1k for fullbody, 750g for thigh up, and 250g-500g for bust.

If I may, could I possibly commission you right now?
;; w;;
I would love love love if you drew my Illian as well as any of my other creatures that interest you from this thread~
Like my Uzumaki, Kappa, Basilisk, or Griffin?
* u*


Kent is offline
Old 03-21-2013, 07:30 AM

What beautiful artwork! <3 I'm not that good at pricing, but Hadsie's prices sound good.

Last edited by Kent; 03-21-2013 at 07:33 AM..

Barghest is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 06:46 PM

:> Thanks, both of you. I've never sold art on Mene so I wasn't sure what a fair asking price would be. I know that generally speaking, Mene doesn't have a high-cost item market like Gaia or even Solia, so those prices sound about right to me.

Hadvich- IDK if you're going to check back on this thread, but I'll send you a note and we'll work out a deal. <3

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 12-16-2013, 05:42 PM

Haha, it's refreshing not seeing anime!
[Even though I'm stuck in that rut.]

Beautiful work!
The colours are so bold!
[I'm terrible at pricing. Dx]


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