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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 02-25-2014, 07:09 AM

Last edited by Mythos; 04-14-2014 at 12:46 AM..

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 02-25-2014, 04:50 PM

Welcome to the second half of the "Who Stole the Tarts?" event thread!

Regardless if you took part in the Valentine's Day 2014 event thread or not, you're welcome to try puzzling out the mystery at hand for the prize but before you start you might want to review the evidence one more time... Some of it is NOT associated with our crumb-coated crook! It is up to you to determine what happened, who left what clues laying around and (most importantly) who did it!

In your recreation of the event make sure to explain each of the pieces of physical evidence and how they ended up where they did using their locations, the interviews and any other evidence you noticed with your super sleuthing skills~ (because there was evidence hiding everywhere!)

If you manage to guess the culprit and are the best (that is, "closest"-- since you're all the best ) with piecing together the evidence you'll win Gerontious Hammerbottom's thanks (and something really, really nice!). What exactly is it? That's another mystery... for now!

You have until April 18th, 11:59 PM CST to send your theories in!

For those of you who have spoiler tag woes: all of the game information provided within spoiler tags on this thread has been removed from the tags on the original game thread so you can see it all! If you feel that there might be other hints or clues buried elsewhere on that thread all of you are welcome if not encouraged to review it! ...;P Of course I might just be messing with you~)


Prizes earned while you were participating in the event will be sent out between 3/21 and 3/23 so make sure to check your trades!!

So you think you know who did it?
Send a private message to
Mythos with your theories using the following form:

[B]I think the thief was:[/B]
[B]Here is how it all went down:[/B]


Last edited by Mythos; 04-14-2014 at 12:36 AM..

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 02-25-2014, 07:18 PM



Ticket 65: Kent
Ticket 20: ClockReject
Ticket 39: EirianHikari
Ticket 75: Nema
Ticket 86: p o p p e t ♥
Ticket 31: Divacita

Raffle ticket holders and their tickets~

Antagonist: 2 - 3
Aoi Kazuya: 4 - 5 - 6
Arc Angel: 7 - 8 - 9
Arialys: 10 - 11
beautiful_psycho: 12 - 13
blueblackrose: 14
Cardinal Biggles: 15 - 16
Chexala: 17 - 18 - 19
ClockReject: 20 - 21
Codette: 22
CrimsonShadow: 23 - 24
Damia Flagg: 25 - 26 -27
DariaMorgendorfer: 28
dessertdesiert: 29 - 30
Divacita: 31
DivineHeart: 32 - 33 - 34
dragoness129: 35
Dystopia: 36 - 37 -38
EirianHikari: 39 - 40 -41
fireprincess: 42 - 43
girlbot9: 44
Hadsvich: 45 - 46
hilarbees: 47 - 48 - 49
HIM_ROCK: 50 - 51
hummy: 52
iamnotspam: 53
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa: 54 - 55 - 56
Irishrain: 57 - 58
Iroase Delschatten: 59
Ivvy: 60
Kamikaze Kendra: 61 - 62
KatMagenta: 63 - 64
Kent: 65
LaVida: 66
lunanuova: 67
Lunna Dea: 68
Mageling: 69 - 70
Mikio: 71
Miscreant74: 72 - 73
Mnemosyne: 74
Nema: 75
Neora: 76 - 77
Nephila: 78 - 79 - 80 - 81
Nerosity: 82
pollik17: 83 - 84 - 85
p o p p e t ♥: 86 - 87 - 88
PrincessKasumi: 89 - 90
R a n d e h: 91
Razak: 92
Reveuse: 93
Rochiel Silverfire: 94 - 95 - 96
Roxxxy: 97
sadrain: 98 - 99
Shadami: 100
shinigamikarasu: 101
@spricedroses: 102 - 103
steelmagghia: 104 - 105
SuperZombiePotatoe: 106 - 107
The_Crow: 108 - 109
Vanora: 110
Velvet: 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116
Vickyll3: 117
Vox: 118
wish: 119 - 120 - 121
Wyrmskyld: 122 - 123
Xogizmoox: 124 -125

Last edited by Mythos; 03-23-2014 at 08:50 PM..

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 03-19-2014, 12:40 AM

Investigation location: KitchenX

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

You look down into the flower pot but can't seem to see anything through the lovely blooms... well that isn't thorough detective work now, is it? Dedicated to your sleuthing you stick your entire arm down into that sucker and manage to find a cast-away candy wrapper. Seems someone couldn't have been bothered to find the garbage now, could they?

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

In so nice a house with such a large number of staff you wouldn't expect there to be a speck of dust in the place but just there on the floor of the kitchen is a big ol' lump of mud. Gross! Ick! Well it's mostly dry now so I suppose it isn't that icky... Either way it has no business being here! Someone must have tracked it in.

Investigation location: BallroomX

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

A quick sweep of the windows finds you with one very nice, very lacy hanky. It isn't immediately clear whether this delicate piece is for a lady or discerning gentleman right off the bat. The cloth is absolutely pristine save for a faint hint of skin-toned foundation gives it's owner away as someone who wears make-up.

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

In inspecting the statues you notice some greasy looking smudges on one of their bases. The room must have been cleaned fairly recently considering the lack of dust ANYWHERE so such and obvious intrusion to the obsessive cleanliness to the house must mean that the smudge was made very recently.

Investigation location: LoungeX

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

You lean down to get a good look under the sofa only to discover suspicious crumbs! It doesn't take much for Mr. Hammerbottom to verify that those are indeed the exact honey-brown color the missing tarts. You can quickly deduce that someone who had some kind of contact with those tarts made it into the lounge and dusted them off under the sofa!

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

The moment you reach around the back of the column you feel something.. an odd notch which-- CLICK!- Ohh... well what have we here? A secret passage opened up just behind the piano (Perfect for a quick get-away!) You notice that your finger and the back part of the column itself has a light powdering of wheat flour... how strange!

Investigation location: LibraryX

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

It doesn't take much to notice the bright red teacup on the coffee table. It's clearly one of the pieces of the finer china. You can tell by feeling the side that the tea inside is still hot so it almost definitely belongs to one of the party-goers.

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

There are a few things which are evident as you approach the windows... they aren't locked, they face toward the fence and, most notably, seem to have grown a white button and blue thread.

Investigation location: GardenX

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

Getting through the dense landscaping shrubs is difficult work but once you're behind them a large silver platter-- the one which once held the missing tarts-- is plainly visible just outside of the study window! You see some smudges of jam and from the platter's position it appears to have been haphazardly flung outside.

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

When you volunteered for this job you didn't realize that so much of Hammerbottom's garden was covered in paving stones but in the end all your searching has paid off! A familiar looking earring seems to have dropped off of someone's ear while they were out. It seems the stopper on this one wasn't very strong and could have easily shaken off with a quick turn of the head.

Investigation location: ConservatoryX

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

Glittering from just under some of the leafs of fern in the planter you spy a fine but well-used pocket watch. The red and black stylish decorations on the face. From nicks in the gold you can tell that this particular pocket watch was owned by someone who probably fumbled with it often, perhaps even as a nervous tick.

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

Whether by eyeballing or swinging on it, you spy some sticky red jam on the once pure white chandelier hanging above. Your curiosity gets the best of you and after some fiddling you discover that there was in fact every reasons to be suspicious of that chandelier when one of it's arms make a clicking noise and a panel near the corner of the room opens up... another secret passage!

Last edited by Mythos; 03-20-2014 at 09:48 PM..

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-20-2014, 09:06 PM

Mr. Harlan Pince
Originally Mr. Hammerbottom's personal accountant, Harlan has in the 4 years he has worked with Mr. Hammerbottom in a new position: His personal push-over. Too much of a doormat to deal with his boss directly, he has so far managed to avoid a psychotic episode. He was only invited over to fill a seat when another guest declined at the last moment.

Investigation of Mr. Harlan PinceX

Mythos: Ah, sir, a moment of your time if you please.

Pince: Me? I uhm...sure. I...I guess so. What can I do for you?

Mythos: We've been selected to get to the bottom of this tart caper.

Pince: Tart caper?

Mythos: You mean you haven't heard?

Pince: I...uhm...heard what, exactly?

Mythos: Mr. Hammerbottom had some special tarts made for The Red Lady, but someone's gone and stolen the lot of them.

Pince: Th-The Red Lady is here?

Seridano: Look sweetheart, this will go a lot faster if we ask the questions, but yes, she is, and she's not exactly tickled by the theft of her beloved tarts.

Pince: I shouldn't be here.

Mythos: Oh, why is that?

Pince: I really shouldn't be here.

Seridano: So you keep saying.

Pince: I really really shouldn't be here.

Hammerbottom: Ah, Bounce, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you.

Pince: Pince.

Hammerbottom: Hmm?

Pince: It's Pince, sir. -Grumbles to self- (I've only told you half a dozen times)

Hammerbottom: Right, right, Pounce. Well, Pounce, I'm glad I've found you at long last. I have a job for you....Say, when did you get in?

Pince: Just now, sir.

Hammerbottom: The nerve! I expected you nearly an hour ago. What on earth were you doing you sot? Not drinking again, surely.

Pince: I--

Hammerbottom: Oh, nevermind that! Did you bring the wine?

Prince: Not exactly, sir. I--

Hammerbottom: And what's the matter with you? You're white as a sheet!

Mythos: With all due respect, Mr. Hammerbottom, the investigation may go a bit more smoothly with fewer parties involved to confuse matters. Perhaps if you were to conduct your questioning after we've finished ours...

Hammerbottom: Ah, yes, yes, of course. Don't let me keep you from the truth, ladies. Our heads are at stake! -chuckles- Pinze, come find me when you're through here. -Walks off-

Pince: It's Pince! Ugh...what I wouldn't give to see his head roll.

Seridano: What was that now?

Pince: I uhm...that is...well...not really. I mean he's really a very generous employer. He just never gets it quite right. My name, that is. And it gets frustrating. A hundred and some corrections, maybe more, and still Pounce, and Bounce, and Pinze, and Binze, and just ERGH! I'm so very sick of it! -throws his hands in the air- I...forgive me, that was uncalled for. I'll erm...just go now. Sorry for wasting your time. -scurries off into the next room-

Mythos: But wait we're not... ...done yet. -Sigh-

Seridano: Well that was...illuminating. Talk about issues.

Mythos: Drama aside, I suppose I can see his point. It would get annoying after a while.

Seridano: Yeah, I guess. So...on to the next suspect then, eh Nythos?

Mythos: Not funny.

Seridano: Not even a little?

Mrs. Bryony Rose
As the lead vocalist of "The Royal Gardenias" Mrs. Bryony Rose has developed an absolute lack of tolerance for being upset or upstaged. Her relationship with Hammerbottom is no more than as a measuring stick for her to gauge how fast she is climbing the social ladder and with the Red Lady in attendance at his party you had better believe she would show up.

Investigation of Mrs. Bryony RoseX

Bryony: What are you looking at?

Mythos: Hey now, there's no reason to be rude.

Bryony: I'm not the one who was staring.

Mythos: [takes a deep breath] My apologies. I didn't intend to stare, I simply have a few questions to ask you as part of the ongoing investigation. You've heard about the missing tarts, yes?

Bryony: Obviously. I wasn't born yesterday.

Mythos: What does that have know what, never mind. I'm not even going to go down that rabbit hole right now. Would you mind telling me your name?

Bryony: My name? My name? But surely you know it. I'm an honored guest. The honored guest. Gerontius himself delivered my invitation.

Seridano: And yet...

Mythos: [takes a breath] It's just for the record, ma'am.

Bryony: [offended] Ma'am? Hmph. Well I'd never! I'm hardly old enough to warrant a ma'am, and the name's Bryony, as in Bryony Rose. You know, THE Bryony Rose, of the Royal Gardenias.

Seridano: The what?

Bryony: The Royal Gardenias. The crème de la crème of the vocal world.

Seridano: [rolls eyes] I see. So, you're a singer then?

Bryony: A vocalist.

Mythos: Right, right, a vocalist. Of course. [sigh]

Seridano: So you can sing like a lark, lucky us.

Bryony: Now you're getting it.

Seridano: Riiiiight. Anyway, as my partner said, we need to ask you a few questions regarding the tart theft.

Bryony: Surely I'm not a suspect. I'm an honored guest, and besides, I don't even like tarts. Sugars do a number on my throat and I have a performance later. If you're looking for someone who enjoys eating everything in sight, you're much better off checking with him [gestures in the direction of the door where a portly fellow in red is meandering by, puffing languorously on a pipe as he goes. Her voice is filled with obvious disdain.]

Seridano: Let me guess, he's not a fan?

Bryony: Is that suppose to be amusing?

Seridano: Well, actually--

Mythos: [clears throat]

Seridano: No. No, of course not. My apologies. I'm sure you're voice is lovely and you have a plethora of fans waiting to fawn over you. They just happen to be conspicuously absent.

Mythos: [facepalms]

Bryony: [harrumphs] I don't need to listen to this! [storms off]

Mythos: Ah, wait, we're not done...yet. Well, there she goes. Good job, Seri.

Seridano: You'll thank me later.

[An hour later]

Mythos: Miss Rose, I'm sorry about earlier. We meant no offense.

Bryony: Hmph. As if I'd believe--

Mythos: Please, we only need a few more minutes of your time. What happened earlier was out of line, and we apologize.

Bryony: We? The rude one is absent.

Mythos: She uh...went to get some wine.

Bryony: I see...

Mythos: As I was saying, Mr. Hammerbottom wishes for us to ask a few questions to help get to the bottom of this. You're not a suspect--

Bryony: --Naturally.

Mythos: [takes a deep breath] Yes, of course, naturally. Why would you be? Anyway, you might have seen something that might help us unmasking the culprit.

Bryony: Ah, but of course. Why didn't you say so earlier? If Gerontious needs my help, far be it from me to deny him.

Mythos: Err...right...So, have you seen anything suspicious?

Bryony: Like I said earlier, go talk to the fat one. If anyone is likely to have stuffed those tarts down their gullet, it will have been him. He has no regard whatsoever for social decorum.

Mythos: I see...thank you for your...erm...valuable insight, Miss Rose.

Bryony: You're welcome. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go warm up for tonight's performance.

Mr. Chadwick Tirtil
Mr. Tirtil was born into the upper crust but now he's part of what makes that crust... crusty. Inviting him to functions to class up the joint is practically tradition despite the fact that his thoughts are about as wrinkly as his face is. He was good friends with Hammerbottom's father but always viewed Gerontious as something of a brat-- then again all kids are brats to his eyes.

Investigation of Mr. Chadwick TirtilX

Mythos: Sir, a moment of your time if you please.

Tirtil: Hmm? [The man looks mildly curious as he gazes over (or maybe bored...could just as well be bored, you suppose). In his mouth is a long silver pipe (not of the musical variety, thank the seven). Strange symbols are etched upon it.] You would be the detectives, yes?

Mythos: Well, yes, actually. How did you know?

Tirtil: You spoke with a Miss Bryony Rose, correct?

Mythos: Yes.

Tirtil: [nods to himself] If Bryony knows about your investigation, then everybody knows.

Seridano: [to Mythos] I wonder if that will makes people more or less likely to cooperate. Though, I suppose things can't get much worse in that regard.

Mythos: True enough. [sighs]

Tirtil: She's was all up in arms about it. Rude this and uncouth that. [A smile slowly spreads across his face].

Seridano: We're not the only ones he was up in arms about.

Tirtil: Hmm?

Mythos: Yeah, she really seems to hate you.

Tirtil: Yes, I suppose she must.

Mythos: Any idea why?

Tirtil: Many. [puffs on his pipe]

Seridano: And?

Tirtil: … [puff][puff] Hmm?

Seridano: Care to enlighten us?

Tirtil: [puff] ...I don't see why not. [puff] Miss Rose sees herself as a starlet of the highest caliber. [puffs] She does not take well to people saying otherwise, or preferring vastly more talented talent. [puffs] Unfortunately for her, I have quite the ear for raw talent, and she is not nearly the songbird that she thinks she is. [Takes a long drag] I once told her as much.

Mythos: Ouch.

Seridano: Heh, bet she didn't take that one laying down.

Tirtil: Not at all. [puff] [puff] She threatened to ruin me. [puff] Thus far, her attempts have been about as successful as her career [puff] [puff] …Which is to say, moderately annoying.

Seridano: [chuckles]

Mythos: [clears her throat, but looks mildly amused nonetheless] So, would you mind if we asked you a few questions regarding the tart theft?

Tirtil: Be my guest. Though, you will have to excuse me if I munch on an horderves or two between answers. I've absolutely ravenous. Health issues, you see.

Mythos: Uh..sure, that'd be no problem at all.

Tirtil: [puffs] Then, by all means, ask away. [Tirtil snatches a finger sandwich from a passing tray. The waiter looks mildly annoyed.]

Seridano: Are those any good?

Tirtil: No, not particularly. [He pops the little sandwich into his mouth.]

Seidano: I see... [Snatches a tiny sandwich as the tray passes her by and pops it into her mouth.] Eh, it's kind of bland.

Tirtil: Exceedingly.

Mythos: [Gives them both a look].

Seridano: Right, well, getting back on track, what time did you arrive?

Tirtil: Around 6:30.

Mythos: Wasn't the party set to begin around 5:00?

Tirtil: It was.

Seridano: So, you went for fashionably late?

Tirtil: Not at all. [puff] [puff] I get somewhere when I get there. I'm in no hurry.

Seridano: Fair enough.

Mythos: And when did you hear about the theft?

Tirtil: A few moments ago. Can't say I'm surprised.

Mythos: Why's that?

Tirtil: Everybody was dying to get their hands on the blighted things. It's all Gerontious was talking about. Tarts this and Red Lady that. I hear his cooks are world class....though [puff] judging by these appetizers [snatches something else from a passing tray and pops it in his mouth] … … That bit was something of an exaggeration.

Mythos: Could you, maybe not talk while you're chewing.

Tirtil: Mmm? [chews] … ... Certainly.

Mythos: Can I ask a personal question?

Tirtil: Let me guess, you wish to know why I can't wait until after your investigation to eat? Did Bryony say something?

Mythos: Err...something like that.

Tirtil: [waves a hand] Oh, don't worry, I'm not so easily offended. [puff] [puff] If you must know [puff], I have problems with my thyroid. I must be careful about what I eat or else I'll have a rather unpleasant spell, you see. [puff] [puff]

Mythos: I...oh, sorry.

Tirtil: What for? This old body of mine has been on the fritz for years. [puff][ puff] I've grown used to it, even if others have not [takes another long drag]. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a rolled meats tray to chase [puff] [puff]. If you have any other questions, you know where to find me. [With that said, he walks off after a tray laden waiter.]

Mr. Dedric and Dumphrey Tweedle
Twin millionaires, architects and next door neighbors of Hammerbottom's, the Tweedle twins have been both social outcasts because of their often uncouth antics and yet also desirables because of their incredible home design work. They have been known to try and push their luck and pull pranks just to watch others squirm.

Investigation of Dedric and Dumphrey TweedleX

Dedric: Hey, there you are.

Dumphrey: We've been looking everywhere for you two.

Dedric: We heard there's an investigation--

Dumphrey: Of the tart theft...nasty business, that. I mean--

Dedric: If you're into that sort of thing.

Mythos: And you two are?

Dedric: Dedric and Dumphrey Tweedle, millionaires at large.

Dumphrey: Ooooh, I like that one. It's got a nice ring to it. Far better than the last.

Dedric: Doesn't it?

Mythos: [clears throat]

Dedric: Oh, sorry, right. Anyway, we thought we might be able to help.

Dumphrey: We know a thing or two about the goings on here.

Dedric: We make it our business to know things.

Except he's an incorrigible liar, so you probably shouldn't listen to a word he says. [gestures to his brother]

Dedric: Uhm, no, that would be you. I can't remember the last time a bit of truth passed your lips.

Dumphrey: Pot, kettle.

Dedric: You're one to talk.

Seridano: [To Mythos: I've got this one]
Boys...Boys! Please. Do the two of you know anything useful or not?

Dedric: 'Course we do.

Dumphrey: Like we said, we know lotsa' things.

Dedric: But we can't just give things away for free like that.

Dumphrey: Yeah, we're more in the giving hints business.

Dedric: So one of us will lie to you.

Dumphrey: While the other tells the truth.

Dedric: Keep in mind that he's the liar. [gestures at his brother]

Dumphrey: Am not!

Dedric: Are too!

Dumphrey: I am n--

Seridano: Boys!

Dedric: Sorry ma'am. Anyway, I spied a lady with jelly stained fingers.

Dumphrey: No, no, it was a man for sure, idiot!

Dedric: You think I don't know a woman when I see one?

Dumphrey: I wouldn't be surprised. You know, it's not nice to lie, brother.

Dedric: I'm not the one who's lying!

Mythos: Oh, I know this one! Dumphrey?

Dumphrey: Yes?

Mythos: If I were to ask your brother which of you is the liar, what would he say?

Dumphrey: Why, he'd say that I'm the liar. Of course, he'd be lying about it.

Dedric: Would not, you're the one who can't be trusted!

[They carry on like this for some time]

Seridano: Boys!

Dumphrey: ...err, yeah? [stops paying attention to watch a woman in a purple gown pass by]

Dedric: [follows his brother's gaze and sighs]

Seridano: Could you two focus for a moment?

Dedric: Yeah, sure...I mean, mostly. Kinda hard to focus with Ches here. I mean day-uhm.

Dumphrey: I know, right? She is fiiiiine. [looks at his brother and grins] You thinking what I'm thinking?

Dedric: We could slip something into her tea?

Dumphrey: Yeah...she didn't really like that last year. [frowns]

Dedric: But you'd think a cat person would be able to appreciate a dead mouse.

Dumphrey: You would think.

In Unison: Women.

Seridano: Seriously? What is wrong with you two?

Ms. Fiona Chester
An heiress to her father's mighty goldfish empire, Fiona spends more time playing and socializing than she does in any stuffy old office building which has definitely hurt the company. Lately she's been in the news for some less than complimentary reasons but that isn't going to keep her from visiting with her fabulous social circle!

Investigatin of Mrs. Fiona ChesterX

Mythos: Miss Chester.

Fiona: Please, call me Fiona.

Mythos: Alright, Fiona then, you're the heir to the great Chester Goldfish Empire, yes?

Fiona: Yes. I mostly run it now since my father passed away. Got a few guys who help me out. Can't say I've had much time for the office lately though. There's so much to see and do, and Bella keeps inviting me over for shopping and cards. Not that I mind, of course. I love shopping! I got this gorgeous new hat the other day, deep purple with hints of black lace. I can't wait to make use of it!

Mythos: I see. I'm sorry for your loss.

Fiona: Don't be. My father and I didn't exactly see eye to eye.

Mythos: Oh...

Fiona: [giggles] Uh oh, I've put you off, haven't I? My apologies. It's best to avoid talk of my father, especially these days.

Mythos: Right, let's do that...Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?

Fiona: Be my guest, but do try to keep them short, I have a date with destiny tonight.

Mythos: Destiny?

Fiona: You know the sort, tall, blonde, and twice my age.

Seridano: You mean Hammerbottom?

Fiona: That's the one! Oh, Bryony is just going to be so jealous, I can feel it!

Seridano: [To Mythos: Well, there's no accounting for taste.]

Mythos: [Shakes her head.] Do you and Miss Rose not get along?

Fiona: Hmm? Oh, no, it's not like that at all. Bryony and I have been like this [she twines two fingers together] for as long as I can remember. I used to look up to her when we were girls.

Mythos: And now?

Fiona: I have my own things to do. Well, that and 'shared interests' have put a bit of a strain on our relationship of late. I imagine tonight will be the lynchpin on that.

Seridano: [Makes a gagging sound].

Fiona: [Fiona grins. It seems oddly catlike, not to mention pleased.]

Mythos: Err...right....well, when did you arrive?

Fiona: Hmm...let's see. I'd say about 5:15 – 5:20ish.

Mythos: And what have you been doing since your arrival?

Fiona: Trying to figure out how those twin Adonises disappeared after they slipped inside... Oh, but catching up with old friends, mostly. Can you believe that I haven't seen Kitty in over a week? She and I used to be like this [she makes the same gesture with her fingers as earlier.] I wish I knew what happened.

Seridano: Er... 'Disappeared'?

Fiona: Oh yes! When Gerontious had the place built he hired them as his architects... they know every secret passage in this place! Now each time pookie-love has a party they're always coming out of the woodwork... not that I mind, we all know a few of the passages, but they've even caught Gerontious off guard!

Mythos: Interesting... And you mentioned 'Kitty'. That's Miss Emily Kittredge, I presume?

Fiona: The one and only! Have you seen her dress? It's gorgeous! If I hadn't found this one I would be so jealous right now.

Mythos: I'm afraid I haven't seen it, no. She isn't one of our suspects.

Fiona: Well you should. You're missing out.

Mythos: I'll...get right on that after we've finished up our investigation here.

Fiona: That's the spirit! So, what else have you got for me?

Seridano: Are you enjoying the deserts? I hear they're spectacular.

Mythos: [Gives Seri a disapproving look]

Fiona: Are you kidding? They're amazing! Warren and Ruby have really outdone themselves this time. I mean, I had one of their cupcakes and I literally almost died of happiness. They were that good. You have to try one if you haven't already.

Mythos: Warren and Ruby?

Fiona: Huh? Oh, they're Gerontious's cooks. World class those two. I mean it! He really lucked out when he found them. I'm almost--

Seridano: Let me guess, jealous?

Fiona: Exactly!

Mythos: [Adds their names to the list of suspects.] Thank you for your time Fiona, you've been very helpful.

Fiona: No problem, let me know if you think of anything else. I could play 20 questions all night, passes the time until...well, that would be telling. [Fiona winks, makes an odd gesture with one hand, and saunters off toward a rather irate looking Bryony. You almost feel sorry for her...almost.]

Mr. Warren Black and Mrs. Ruby Stewart
Together Mr. Black and Mrs. Stewart have worked as members of the Hammerbottom kitchen staff for over a decade and in that time have found themselves convinced that they're ready to hit the road. Word is that the pair have been considering opening up a five-star restaurant specializing in tasty treats for those seeking sweets.

Investigation of Warren Black and Ruby StewartX

Mythos: And that just leaves...[checks her notes] the cooks. Then, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this tart caper and get the heck out of dodge.

Seridano: Yes, please. I'm all for wacky hijinks and drama, but even I have a limit.

Mythos: Maybe the staff will be a bit less...colorful...

Seridano: One can only hope. Though, somehow, I doubt it.

In unison: [They sigh as they make their way to the kitchen.]

Mythos: Excuse me, could we speak with Miss Stewart and Mr. Black?

Black: We're a bit busy at the moment.

Stewart: Would you mind coming back later?

Mythos: I'm afraid time is of the essence.

Black: Agreed. And these replacement tarts aren't going to bake themselves, or are you looking forward to having your head parted from your shoulders?

Stewart: I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive Warren, he's been a bit on edge since the theft. We all have. There was more than enough to do back here before everything went south, and now [she throws her hands up in the air].

Mythos: Understandable. There are certainly a lot of mouths to feed tonight.

Black: There always are, and do you know how much appreciation will be shown for our efforts? Not a wit.

Stewart: [Sighs] We do what we must.

Black: We could do better elsewhere. You know it as well as I do, Ruby. If you'd only agree and come along with me. We could make a name for ourselves.

Stewart: I...I told you, I'm not ready yet. We're not ready. In another year or so, maybe, but right now... [she chews on her lower lip, clearly distressed by the turn of the conversation].

Seridano: Sorry to interrupt your would be spat but, just as you have a kitchen to run, we have an investigation to run.

Black: [Grumbles]

Stewart: Ask what you will, but please try to be quick about it.

Mythos: To your knowledge, has anyone outside of the staff entered the kitchen?

Stewart: Not that we've seen, and we've been in here all day.

Seridano: All day? So how did a plate of specially made tarts make its way out of here without being noticed?

Stewart: Ah, well, we were away for the opening ceremonies.

Mythos: opening ceremonies?

Black: That's what Gerontious calls his post party speeches. He welcomes the guests, talks himself up, and tries to woo a favored few by showering them with lavish gifts and compliments.

Stewart: Mr. Hammerbottom requested that everyone be in attendance. We watched from the back with the rest of the household staff.

Mythos: And you were away for how long?

Stewart: About 20 minutes or so, if I had to guess.

Black: It was longer than that!

Stewart: [Shrugs]

Seridano: So, what you're saying is anyone could have slipped away and swiped the tarts during the speech.

Stewart: I...well, yes, I suppose so [she looks nervous].

Black: [Glances from Ruby to the detectives. His eyes narrow.] And that's the long and short of it, so if you'll excuse us, we have a lot of baking to do.

Stewart: Warren, please. [To Seri and Mythos: Would you two like a bite to eat while you're here? We've just finished baking a batch of triple fudge chocolate chip cookies]

Seridano: Don't mind if I do. [Takes a cookie].

Mythos: [Follows suits] Thank you very much, Miss Black.

Stewart: Don't mention it, dear. You two seem like you've been doing a lot of running around for Mr Hammerbottom. You deserve a little treat for your efforts.

Black: It'll be the only one you get. Mark my words, even if you catch your thief, you'll get no words of gratitude from Hammerbottom.

Mythos: To be perfectly honest, at this point, the unlocking of the front doors may be reward enough.

Seridano: You can say that again.

Last edited by Mythos; 03-20-2014 at 10:35 PM..

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 12:06 AM

So excited for this!
Sorry if I was being a pest, but I'm glad it's here!


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 12:31 AM

I'll have to re-read everything now! I'm looking forward to it!

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 01:19 AM

xD You weren't being a pest! The final touches just needed to be made~
I can't wait to see all of your responses!

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 05:05 AM

Uhm... Out of curosity- Should I have recieved the prizes from investigation already? 'cause I think I'm missing a few .D:

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 05:34 AM

Those will be sent out shortly... I knew I managed to bork something on the second post xD


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 12:53 PM

Yes, please! I want my poking stick!


Velvet is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 05:25 PM

Been waiting for this. 8D

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 05:45 PM

c: Thanks!

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 07:25 AM

All of those lovely prizes have been sent out! Remember to accept those trades within a month or all those goodies are going to charities!

Tomorrow... tomorrow comes the ping wall! >: D

Mime From Hell
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The_Crow is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 09:55 AM

I have a bit of a logistical problem. After some point on Mene a while back, on any given page for me, ONLY the first spoiler box will expand on clicking.

Is there an alternate way you could perhaps get the information to me so that I could refresh my memory?

I do have some half-formed theory floating around in the recesses of my mind.


Nema is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 10:56 AM

Thank you for all the lovely prizes, Mythos!

I don't really have a theory yet, but will keep thinking...

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 03:29 PM

The_Crow: eep, goodness, yes I will figure out a way to get you this information so you can access it for the contest ASAP! Out of curiosity what browser do you use?

Ahh okay Nema! I will be looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks of the mystery!

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 04:47 PM


deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 07:28 PM

ROFL! Well I was thinking that I might post quotes in the results thread of everyone's theories if you think that would be interesting to see... of course if you don't want me to post your theories thats fine as well. Just let me know : )

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 09:27 PM

No theory needed. I confess. I stole the goodies.


Velvet is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 09:46 PM

I can't believe I found evidence every day. 8D

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 09:50 PM

I found evidence a lot of the days. xD

I hope I win the raffle. ;___;


Velvet is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 10:16 PM

I'd like to win one of the raffles too. 8D

Sent in my guess. <3

Not ready for school to start!
steelmagghia is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 10:20 PM

Oh sweet jeebers, I think I've forgotten 90% of what I had come up with already. Haha.


Velvet is offline
Old 03-22-2014, 10:20 PM

Was I the only one to find a clue everyday? :O


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