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Kiako is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 04:34 AM

Or just an event in general where the people of Menewsha could get together and meet.

I know that many people come from all over the world and frequent this site, but I think it would still be fun to hold an event. I know I come from Montréal, but I would travel if it meant that I could meet (in person) some of the awesome people I have come to know and love here on Menewsha.

Anyways, it is just an idea of something that can be looked at. I don't expect it to happen or anything, since I know the amount of planning that it takes to get an event like this ready, but still.

Thanks guys!


bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 03:25 PM

It would be nice wouldn't it? Especially from the point of view of us having enough users to be able to seriously consider it, which we don't. :lol: Gaia can have their own cons, but that's because their membership numbers run into the millions so wherever they held a con there would be enough Gaian's within travelling distance to have people turn up. But Mene is only little so we'd struggle a bit xD

The best bet at the moment is for MiniMeneMeets at other conventions, lol. Whether it's seeing staff like CK and Omi at MomoCon, or people just getting the word out on here if they're going somewhere and seeing if any other Mene people are going too and want to get together and hang out.

It would be neat if we could have a gallery for pics of meet-ups, even if it was just a get together to go shopping or something, lol. Stuff like that helps a lot with community spirit though, I think. Having said that, I'm not posting the pics that I have of me and Juru xD She'd kill me, if I didn't kill myself first. :lol:

If (WHEN) we ever get a proper map feature going again, and people can add their locations, it will be a lot easier to see why at this stage of our growth MeneCon is just so much pie in the sky. There's a fair concerntration of users down the eastern seaboard, and another bunch in California, but in a lot of the states there's just one or two people, or no-one at all.

Maybe once teleportation becomes a reality?

We'd be able to dish out infractions in person then 8D ..."Stop spamming! *smacks around head*" :lol:

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 06:49 PM

:lol: infractions in person would be epic... double post: a slap in the face, trolling: hit with a hammer, Commenting on jelly's age: death.

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Old 05-31-2010, 07:45 PM

As long as the banhammers were squeaky, I'd be on board.

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 09:26 PM

I imagine the inflatable hammers like at theme parks xD

Or, you could have Yumeh hand out infractions in person >_>

"Why are you bleeding?!" "This black cat with a little crown just came out of nowhere and shredded my face!"


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