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Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 07:42 PM

Banner by Cardinal Biggles

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-31-2012 at 04:48 AM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 07:42 PM

The Story

Last year around this time, we announced the completion of new tracks laid leading into the mountains. To celebrate, we took a lovely journey, visiting the new stops and seeing new sights! However... it seems our commotion last year roused some hibernating dragons near Icy Peak. And because we're such good citizens, we're going to go handle them! You guys are in shape right?

Not to worry! Luckily for us, Sera heard of our plight (and questionable physical condition) and connected with citizens of her home island of Dainae. Taking pity upon usWanting to lend a hand, the mighty Dainae Empire has sent over a few warriors to help us on our journey. Treat them well!

In addition to great warriors, Abel got in touch with citizens from his home island of Gwydion, and they've sent over a special set of magical snowballs. Now I know what you're thinking... "Snowballs?! What good is that?!" But they're magical! Don't forget that. Just be sure to read the instructions for each one!

TL;DR: Dragons are causing a ruckus, let's stop them!

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-20-2012 at 08:05 PM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 08:13 PM

The Objective

Hmmm... Seems I lost the instructions for the snowballs... Never fear!
It's simple. We kill the Batman. On our trek, we'll be encountering different dragons. Based on the dragon, you'll choose the snowball you think is best. (The snowballs are used to help weaken the dragon; so the warriors can defeat them.) The outcome is different depending upon the snowball used; so choose wisely!

TL;DR Choose a snowball for each throwing period!

There will be 4 throwing periods.
  • A (Days 1 & 2)
  • B (Days 3 & 4)
  • C (Days 5 & 6)
  • D (Day 7)

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-20-2012 at 07:59 PM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 08:13 PM

The Rules
  • One roll per throwing period
  • One account per person though charity mules are welcome

Can I change my choice?
As long as the change is within the current throwing period. Just PM or Ping me with your change.

Who drew all this stuff?
I did! I'm no artist; so be nice.

So how many snowballs could we throw in total?
4 snowballs. One for each throwing period.

Are there teams?

I don't know if I chose a snowball for this period, can I just post it again?
I'd rather you figure out if you rolled, but if you're really unsure, go ahead and do the form again. I'll just use the first form, unless you state you wanted to change it.

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-21-2012 at 02:47 PM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 08:14 PM

Current Throwing Period: D
Day 7!

Within the valley is the entrance to a large open cave hidden behind a wall of trees, rocks, and a waterfall. Inside this cave, is rumored to be a group of very large dragons called "Haisvaeh" with long curved horns coming out of their heads, a shorter horn above their snouts, and a row of horns going down their backs. Being the most powerful of the dragons, they harness the most magic and have the power to appear invisible if need be. These dragons are also highly intelligent, capable of understanding the flow of things beyond their area. It's with this information that we hope to persuade these dragons in helping to keep the other dragons in check. Let's hope it's not all rumors!

Now choose your snowball!

This snowball has gold in it. .......This snowball is translucent. ......This snowball has a scroll in it.

[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]Take that?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Round D

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-30-2012 at 03:11 AM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 08:14 PM

Current Rollers for Round D~!

Dessertdesiert Snowball: 1
Jeannesha Snowball: 1
Kent Snowball: 3
Death_to_the_reaper Snowball: 2
BellyButton Snowball: 3
PapillonCameo Snowball: 3
M i n u x e Snowball: 3
shadami Snowball: Snowball 3 -
~LONGCAT~ Snowball: 3
Maria-Minamino Snowball: 3
Kay Snowball:3
Damia Flagg Snowball: 1
shinigamikarasu Snowball: 3
Mageling Snowball: 1
mewmew07 Snowball: 1
dragoness129 Snowball: 3
Shania583 Snowball: 3
Antagonist Snowball: 1
fireprincess Snowball: 1
ToriKat Snowball: 3
Nephila Snowball: 1
blueblackrose Snowball: 3
musasgal Snowball: 2
linnea Snowball: 3
girlbot9 Snowball:3
Kamikaze Kendra Snowball: 1
Ascadellia Snowball: 3
JediMercJeff Snowball: 1 (Yes, it's Force Thrown)
zigbigadorlube Snowball: 3, the scroll one
Connielass Snowball: 3!!!
DivineHeart Snowball: 1
Hatake Ayumi Snowball: 2
Gmwolflord Snowball: 1 ~
Sho-Shonojo Snowball:3
Roxxxy Snowball: 3
Darth Mudkip Snowball: 1
Captain Howdy Snowball: 3
Rochiel Silverfire Snowball: 1
Dystopia Snowball: 3
Emma Corrin Snowball: 1
maidenroseheart Snowball:3
Kiari Snowball: 3
MintyRey Snowball: 1
derpy_shy Snowball: 3 {With force!}
LaVida Snowball: 1
WherededIGo Snowball: 3
hummy Snowball:2
star2000shadow Snowball:2
Seito Snowball:1
Mimmu Snowball: 1
Nema Snowball: 2
Kemii Snowball: 1
Keondre Lorano Snowball: 3
X---AznCo0ki3 Snowball: 1
Ferra Snowball: 3
Anglie Snowball:3
Liztress Snowball: 3
Velvet Snowball: 3
lunanuova Snowball: 1
Wyrmskyld Snowball: 3
Angel Spirit Girl Snowball: 3
Senpai Snowball: 3
Hadsvich Snowball: 3
d2hiriyuu Snowball: 2
spicedroses Snowball:2
KatMagenta Snowball: 3
Arinia Dreamdancer Snowball: 3
EirianHikari Snowball: 3
Vickyll3 Snowball: 1
wish Snowball: 3
sushi_mew Snowball: 3
iC[a]ndy Snowball: Snowball 1 - Gold :D
Artsydaze Snowball: 3
Cloudwalker Snowball: 3
Cardinal Biggles Snowball: oooh, 3
spunky3 Snowball: 2
Wrenji-chan Snowball: Three.
Jezriel Snowball:3
Stellar Delusion Snowball: C (Maybe it'll get distracted? Or even help us?)
GwenaHikari Snowball: 1
Popcorn Gun Snowball: 3
pollik17 Snowball: 1
Cora Lorington Snowball: 1
neller Snowball: 3
Seridano Snowball: 1
Usako Snowball: 2
miscreant74 Snowball: 3
Car'a'Carn Snowball: Number 3!!
DariaMorgendorfer Snowball: 3
Everlastingritz Snowball: 1
Ling Snowball: 3
Risque Snowball: 1
Saravi Boo Snowball: #3
Vox Snowball: 2

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 01-03-2013 at 01:31 AM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 08:14 PM

Past Days 1 & 2

Starting in the town of Icy Peaks, we're dealing with snake-like dragons. Due to their lack of eyes, they mostly stick to tunnels underground and within the mountains. Growing quite large, they disturb the citizens of the town by blocking paths and creating new ones by running down fields and destroying vegetation in the nearby forests. Something special to note, these dragons are well adapted to snow and ice, gathering up piles of snow on their back, moving somewhere warm and then letting it melt slightly before heading back into frigid areas. This technique gives them a very hard icy shell on their backs making them hard to capture and harder to hold. These dragons are called "Ciinelts."

Now choose your snowball!

This snowball is melting. .........This snowball is warm and glowing. .........This snowball stinks!


If you threw Snowball #1:
You grasp the pile of slush as best as you can. With more of a toss than a throw, it flies through the air and lands squarely on the back of a Ciinelt. Good throw! However, because of the current frigid conditions, the snowball promptly freezes into place on the Ciinelt's back. And due to the magical nature of the snowball, seems that it will remain in place for quite a while. The blue warrior, Dalin, stares at you in disbelief. As you hang your head in shame, you notice a mouse staring up at you. Dalin states that maybe he should have let the mouse choose the snowball. Oops!
(Gained: one "Nosy Mousie")

If you threw Snowball #2:
You pick up the warm snowball and almost resist throwing it because it's warm and toasty. The red warrior, Dirk, prods you, causing you to fling it wildly into the air. Despite your hasty and surprised throw, the snowball finds its way to a Ciinelt. The snowball seems to latch onto the dragon, and emanates a stronger warmth. This causes the ice on the Ciinelt's back to melt and also causes the Ciinelt to become lethargic and drowsy. It rolls itself into a loose pile and appears to be snoring! Dirk pats you on the back and states that they will be much easier to handle and transport back to a safer part of the mountain thanks to you. He also gives you a ribbed scarf and tells you to stay warm. Good job!
(Gained: Recognition+1 and one Ribbed scarf (in the event store) of your choosing)

If you threw Snowball #3:
As soon as you open the packaging for this snowball, it emanates a smell so strong that causes you to drop it. You go to cover your nose, but the stench remains on your hands. You feel dizzy from the smell, but somehow manage to pick up the snowball and toss it. Except there's nothing there. It seems the Ciinelt smelt the stench as immediately as everyone else and slithered out of there! The green warrior, Eerin, laughs at the commotion and heads off into the forest. She returns a few moments later and states that she couldn't find the Ciinelts, but she did find a Silver Pocket Watch. She hands it over to you with a chuckle and says that maybe the Ciinelts will come back looking for it.
(Gained: one "Silver Pocket Watch")


Mageling Snowball: 2
Cora Lorington Snowball: 2
Kay Snowball:1
Nephila Snowball: 2
Wyrmskyld Snowball: 2
Darth Mudkip Snowball: 2
maidenroseheart Snowball: 2
Seridano Snowball: 2
DaniCalifornia Snowball: 3
Velvet Snowball: 3
KatMagenta Snowball: 3
Maria-Minamino Snowball: 2
Yeah Snowball: 2
Wrenji-chan Snowball: 3
Shania583 Snowball: 2
anglie Snowball: 2
Kamikaze Kendra Snowball: 2
Senpai Snowball: 2
musasgal Snowball: 2
Usako Snowball: 2
spicedroses Snowball:2
lunanuova Snowball: 3
Antagonist Snowball: 3!
star2000shadow Snowball:2
Dystopia Snowball: 1
shinigamikarasu Snowball: 2
Ascadellia Snowball: 2
kiari Snowball: 2
Liztress Snowball: 2
hummy Snowball: 2
d2hiriyuu Snowball: 2
PapillonCameo Snowball: 2
~LONGCAT~ Snowball: #3
everlastingritz Snowball: 2
Linnea Snowball: 1
Ling Snowball: 2
EirianHikari Snowball: 2
DivineHeart Snowball: 2
Rochiel Silverfire Snowball:1
Kent Snowball: 2
Hadsvich Snowball: 3
spunky3 Snowball: 3
Jeannesha Snowball: 3
shadami Snowball: the second one with the awesome fire warmth powers :D
Jezriel Snowball: 2
MintyRey Snowball: 2
Emma Corrin Snowball: 2
zigbigadorlube Snowball: 2, the warm one
Dessertdesiert Snowball: 2
fireprincess Snowball: 2
wish Snowball: 1
Connielass Snowball: 3
Seito Snowball: 3
Death_to_the_reaper Snowball: 2
LaVida Snowball: 2
ToriKat Snowball: 2
BellyButton Snowball: 3 - THE STINKY ONE!
Flowery Pit Snowball: 2
Artsydaze Snowball: 2
mewmew07 Snowball: 2
Nema Snowball: 2
gmwolflord Snowball: 2
Vickyll3 Snowball: 2
iC[a]ndy Snowball: 2
WherededIGo Snowball: 2
Sho-Shonojo Snowball: 3
Keondre Lorano Snowball: 2
dragoness129 Snowball: 2
Angel Spirit Girl Snowball: 3
Car'a'Carn Snowball: The stinky one! (I think that's number 3?)
Divacita Snowball: 3
Lacrimosa Snowball: 3
Hatake Ayumi Snowball: 1
Cardinal Biggles Snowball: 2
Captain Howdy Snowball: 3
M i n u x e Snowball: 2
Saravi Boo Snowball: 2
X---AznCo0ki3 Snowball: 3
DariaMorgendorfer Snowball: 2
girlbot9 Snowball:2
blueblackrose Snowball:2
GwenaHikari Snowball: 2
Ferra Snowball: 1
Cloudwalker Snowball: 2
Popcorn Gun Snowball: 2
Arinia Dreamdancer Snowball: 2
Roxxxy Snowball: 2
Kemii Snowball: 3

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-27-2012 at 04:14 PM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 08:14 PM

Past Days 3 & 4

As we travel down the mountain and into the valley, we pass through a thick setting of forests named the "Wisps Haven". Occupying these forests is a disguised sort of dragon and the reason for the name of the forest. These dragons are actually short, but fashion stilts out of branches in order to appear tall and menacing. They wear the skulls of fallen creatures (humans included) so often that their horns grow downward and out, appearing more as tusks than horns. They sport a blue flame at the end of their long tails and use that as a lure to capture curious prey. These dragons are called "Felmwais." Currently, the Felmwais are chasing the Ciinelts farther up the mountain, disturbing parts of the forest they shouldn't and getting dangerously close to Icy Peaks.

Now choose your snowball!

This snowball has meat in it. .......This snowball has metal in it. .........This snowball is shaking.


If you threw Snowball #1
You pick up the meaty snowball. You go to throw it, but feel something moving in your hand. You hadn't noticed it before, but the meat pieces are wriggling. Ew! You quickly toss it towards a nearby Felmwais. It takes notice of the wriggling pieces and becomes intrigued, sniffing and nibbling at the snowball. This gives Eerin enough time to place herself within a nearby tree before tossing a poisonous smoke ball at the Felmwais. It promptly collapses into a peaceful slumber. Eerin returns and gives you a cloak, stating that it will keep the gas from affecting you.
(Gained: Recognition+1 and one "Cloak of Death")

If you threw Snowball #2
This snowball is heavy at first, but as you go to throw it, seems to lighten up. It moves through the air with more ease than it should. It hits the makeshift stilts with a crack, causing the Felmwais to topple over. Dirk grins and runs over to the fallen creature. Unfortunately, he then comes running back, stating that the creature is really mad, and now instead of wooden stilts, it somehow has metal ones. Looks like that snowball makes the first thing it impacts change to metal. Who would have guessed that! You guys decide to climb the trees and wait out the wrath of the dragon. Dirk hands you a Chocobun to snack on in the mean time.
(Gained: one "Chocobun")

If you threw Snowball #3
You hold this snowball close to your body to keep it from rolling away, but it slips through your grasp and does exactly that. As a stroke of luck, it actually attracts the attention of a Felmwais. Apparently it's bad luck though because the snowball keeps on shaking and rolling away, taking the Felmwais with it. Dalin sighs and takes off after them. He finally returns and with something in hand! He states that he couldn't catch them, but found something else. He hands you a bone belt. Gee, Dalin... you shouldn't have... really...
(Gained: one "Bone Belt")


Jeannesha Snowball: 2
BellyButton Snowball: 3, Shaking!
Kamikaze Kendra Snowball: 3
Nephila Snowball: 3
Death_to_the_reaper Snowball: 1
MintyRey Snowball: 3
Senpai Snowball: 1
Seito Snowball:3
Liztress Snowball: 2
Kemii Snowball:1
Kent Snowball: 3
maidenroseheart Snowball:1
KatMagenta Snowball: 2
Kay Snowball:3
Nema Snowball: 3
M i n u x e Snowball: 2
Antagonist Snowball: The shakin' 3!
Wyrmskyld Snowball: 2
Hadsvich Snowball: 1
Mageling Snowball: 3
Velvet Snowball: 3 (The Shaking one!!)
shinigamikarasu Snowball: 2
Wrenji-chan Snowball: 3!
zigbigadorlube Snowball: 3, the shaking one!
dragoness129 Snowball: 1
Angel Spirit Girl Snowball: 3
LaVida Snowball: 3
Anglie Snowball: 3
PapillonCameo Snowball: 3
Emma Corrin Snowball: 3
Vickyll3 Snowball: 3
Darth Mudkip Snowball: 1
Ferra Snowball: 2
Jezriel Snowball: 2
fireprincess Snowball: 2
hummy Snowball: 2
Seridano Snowball: 3
Maria-Minamino Snowball: 2
neller Snowball: 2
DivineHeart Snowball: 2
Sho-Shonojo Snowball:2
blueblackrose Snowball: 1
Cloudwalker Snowball: 1
Hatake Ayumi Snowball: 3
Ling Snowball: 1
Dystopia Snowball: 3
Rochiel Silverfire Snowball: 2
Connielass Snowball: 2
ToriKat Snowball: 3
mewmew07 Snowball: 1
Dessertdesiert Snowball: 3
Artsydaze Snowball: 3
Keondre Lorano Snowball: 3
Mimmu Snowball: 1
Precarious Fool Snowball: 3
Shania583 Snowball: 2
girlbot9 Snowball:3
Everlastingritz Snowball: 2
Saravi Boo Snowball: 2
Damia Flagg Snowball: 1
spunky3 Snowball: 2
lunanuova Snowball: 3
EirianHikari Snowball: 3
musasgal Snowball:1
Flowery Pit Snowball: 1
~LONGCAT~ Snowball: 3!
Popcorn Gun Snowball: 3 Shaking
Stellar Delusion Snowball: 3
Cardinal Biggles Snowball: 3
GwenaHikari Snowball: 2
spicedroses Snowball:3
Ascadellia Snowball: 2
Whisper Invictus Snowball: 3
sushi_mew Snowball: 3
wish Snowball: 3
Divacita Snowball: 2
Kh4life Snowball:3
DariaMorgendorfer Snowball: 1
Cora Lorington Snowball: 3
Kiari Snowball: 3
star2000shadow Snowball:3
Arinia Dreamdancer Snowball: 3
Gmwolflord Snowball: 2
Roxxxy Snowball: 3
shadami Snowball: number 1 meat ball
Usako Snowball: 3

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-28-2012 at 02:12 AM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 08:14 PM

Past Days 5 & 6

Upon reaching the bottom of the valley, you notice little pools of water dotting the bumpy landscape. In each pool are bundles of grass-looking material that move and sway despite the low volume of wind. These are actually the tops of the dragons that inhabit this area. Their grass-like "hair" serves more function for insects than it does for them as their food source is within the water. Or it should be. Because of the disturbance, more of them are venturing beyond their pools into nearby streams and rivers (possibly even the ocean!). Though small creatures, their claws and teeth are sharp and hard, easily able to puncture and break shells, bones, and stone. This poses a deadly problem to creatures that aren't used to these dragons. They're called "Shangrat."

Now choose your snowball!

This snowball has grass in it. .......This snowball emanates darkness. ......This snowball has a light within.


If you chose Snowball #1
You gently pick up the grassy snowball. It’s slightly slimy and the grass wriggles a bit, reminding you of the meaty snowball. You throw the snowball into a nearby pond and it falls in with a plunking sound. After a few short moments of silence, grassy tendrils can be seen flailing out of the water. What used to be a calm pond now resembles a stormy sea as water is flung wildly in every direction. Finally, the pond calms itself and a round mass of grass floats to the top. Eerin walks over and prods the mass carefully before pulling it out of the water. She states that it doesn’t look quite like the picture. You peek behind her and see a pale and stitched body. Indeed it doesn’t!
(Obtained: one “Voodoo Doll Skin”)

If you chose Snowball #2
As you hold the darkening snowball, you notice a heaviness in your mind. You blink slowly as your vision blurs. Dirk notices this and asks if you’re all right. You nod slowly, then release the dark snowball, watching it fall in slow motion into the pond. Immediately, the blueness of the pond disappears, giving way to a dark and inky black. All is silent for a moment as the darkness takes over the pond. Dirk stares into it before finally poking the end of his staff into the dark pool. A tentacle slowly rises out of the pond, then quickly grabs hold of the staff. Everyone rushes to help Dirk and with group strength, the staff, along with something at the end, is pulled from the pond. You move to get a good look at the creature, but instead you get a tentacle to the face.
(Obtained: one “Malinda Squiddly)

If you chose Snowball #3
The light within this snowball pulses as if it’s alive. You almost expect it to be warm when you pick it up, but indeed it is cold. As it sits in your hands, the light grows brighter after each pulse. You worry that soon it will be too bright to look at it; so you toss it into the pond. Your intuition was right, as now, even below the blue water of the pond, you can see it shining brightly. But before long, you’re shielding your eyes from the intense light. With your eyes covered, you hear a slight splashing and hope it’s nothing dangerous. Finally, the light seems to lessen and you slowly open your eyes. To your surprise, you see a Shangrat lying on the ground near the pond with Dalin kneeling beside it. He reassures you that it’s only sleeping, and tells you that another creature emerged from the pond. It handed something to him and he feels that you should have it instead. A cucumber?
(Obtained: Recognition+1 and one “Kappa Trouble”)


Dystopia Snowball: 2
Jeannesha Snowball: 3
spunky3 Snowball: 3
Wyrmskyld Snowball: 3
Senpai Snowball: 2 3(changed via PM)
Damia Flagg Snowball: 2
Velvet Snowball: 3
Kamikaze Kendra Snowball: 3
Vickyll3 Snowball: 2
Cora Lorington Snowball: 3
girlbot9 Snowball:2
Shania583 Snowball: 3
GwenaHikari Snowball: 1
Antagonist Snowball: B
Artsydaze Snowball: 3
Sho-Shonojo Snowball:2
zigbigadorlube Snowball: 2, the dark one
blueblackrose Snowball: 2
MintyRey Snowball: 3
maidenroseheart Snowball:3
Kay Snowball:2
mewmew07 Snowball: 3
shinigamikarasu Snowball: 2
Liztress Snowball: 3
KatMagenta Snowball: 1
Hadsvich Snowball: 3
Roxxxy Snowball: Umm, I'll go with 3
Divacita Snowball: 3
Kent Snowball: 2
EirianHikari Snowball: 3
musasgal Snowball: 3
Emma Corrin Snowball: 3
Connielass Snowball: 3
Rochiel Silverfire Snowball: 3
Dessertdesiert Snowball:3
linnea Snowball: 1
Nephila Snowball: 3
fireprincess Snowball: 3
Keondre Lorano Snowball: 1
Maria-Minamino Snowball: 3
DivineHeart Snowball: 3
~LONGCAT~ Snowball: 1
Seridano Snowball: 3
BellyButton Snowball: #3
M i n u x e Snowball: 2
Darth Mudkip Snowball: 3
Everlastingritz Snowball: 3
Mageling Snowball: 3
Stellar Delusion Snowball: 3
WherededIGo Snowball: 1
ToriKat Snowball: 3
Nema Snowball: 3
LaVida Snowball: 2
wish Snowball: 2
KH4life Snowball:3
Seito Snowball:3
Flowery Pit Snowball: 3
d2hiriyuu Snowball: 3
Cloudwalker Snowball: 2
Mimmu Snowball: 1
Gmwolflord Snowball: 3
Ferra Snowball: 1
hummy Snowball:3
Shadami Snowball: i cast a light spell!! i mean throw snowball 3 - the light one
Death_to_the_reaper Snowball: 3
star2000shadow Snowball: 3
sushi_mew Snowball: 3
dragoness129 Snowball: 2
Saravi Boo Snowball: #1
Jezriel Snowball: 1
Anglie Snowball:1
Hatake Ayumi Snowball: 3
neller Snowball: 3
Angel Spirit Girl Snowball: 1
Cardinal Biggles Snowball: 1
Popcorn Gun Snowball: 1 (The grass one)
Kemii Snowball: 3
Arinia Dreamdancer Snowball: 1
JediMercJeff Snowball: 3 (Force Thrown, of course!)
Whisper Invictus Snowball: 3
spicedroses Snowball:3

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-31-2012 at 04:48 AM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-09-2012, 08:14 PM


Upon completion of our journey, those with the most helpful throws will receive a special prize!
And maybe we'll pick up some things along the way! ;D

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-20-2012 at 07:56 PM..

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-20-2012, 08:07 PM

And one last reserve!

Last edited by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa; 12-21-2012 at 02:49 PM..

Send a message via MSN to Ascadellia Send a message via Yahoo to Ascadellia
Ascadellia is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:05 PM

So, this open? Owo;

Or not yet? XD

Mostly void, partially stars

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Mageling is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:06 PM

I was just about to ask the same thing.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:07 PM

Lol well, its a good quesion. >.>

Mostly void, partially stars

Send a message via AIM to Mageling
Mageling is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:09 PM

Yes, yes it is. But we haven't been chased out yet, so maybe it's open for snowball throwing?

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
is full of flavor
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:11 PM

It is! Throw away.

Mostly void, partially stars

Send a message via AIM to Mageling
Mageling is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:14 PM


Take this!
Round A
Username: Mageling
Snowball: 2


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:14 PM

Take this!
Round A
Username: Cora Lorington
Snowball: 2

Kay is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:15 PM

Take this!
Round A

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:18 PM

Take this!
Round A
Username: Nephila
Snowball: 2


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:18 PM

Take this!
Round A
Username: Wyrmskyld
Snowball: 2

Darth Mudkip
The ninja in your toliet.

Darth Mudkip is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:28 PM

Take this!
Round A
Username: Darth Mudkip
Snowball: 2

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa View Post
It is! Throw away.
Thank you!

Take this!
Round A
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Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:36 PM

Take this!
Round A
Username: Seridano
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DaniCalifornia is offline
Old 12-23-2012, 10:40 PM

Take this!
Round A
Username: DaniCalifornia
Snowball: 3


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