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salvete is offline
Old 01-19-2015, 02:44 AM

What are the shape and color of your eyebrows?

Do you pluck, shape, and/or otherwise style your eyebrows?

If so, how did you learn to style your eyebrows?

What are your disastrous eyebrow stories? success stories?

Added by zigbigadorlube - Please remember to quote the questions as they are spoons!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-12-2015 at 09:01 PM.. Reason: Spoons Quoting Rule

linainversetsg is offline
Old 01-27-2015, 07:55 PM

What are the shape and color of your eyebrows?

My eyebrows are black like my hair, and have a gentle arch shape.

Do you pluck, shape, and/or otherwise style your eyebrows?
Nope! I have always thought I have lovely eyebrows so I never felt the need to mess with them.

What are your disastrous eyebrow stories? success stories?

When I was younger I was SUPER into Egyptian style make up, and had attempted a more dramatic style by making a line extend from my eyebrow.
However when it was on I though my eyebrows weren't dramatic enough, and added mascara to them.....It didn't look pretty.

River Song
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River Song is offline
Old 01-30-2015, 05:05 PM

What are the shape and color of your eyebrows?

-Right now they are sort of a blob/rectangle.

Do you pluck, shape, and/or otherwise style your eyebrows?

-I used to pluck my eyebrows, but I rather just have them waxed. I like the look better when they are waxed.

What are your disastrous eyebrow stories? success stories?

- I plucked my eyebrows back too far when I was in highschool and I has really short eyebrows for a month. Never again.

A.K.A ii-AznGurlDream-ii
Aimless.Wanderer is offline
Old 01-31-2015, 09:07 PM

What are the shape and color of your eyebrows? Black and arched

Do you pluck, shape, and/or otherwise style your eyebrows? I only pluck the middle (I end up getting a unibrow if I don't ) and leave the rest alone.

If so, how did you learn to style your eyebrows? My mom tried to teach me at first, but I learnt most of it online

What are your disastrous eyebrow stories? success stories? I remember letting my mom pluck my eyebrows once, they ended up being lopsided for a couple months. It was embarassing

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Kory is offline
Old 02-02-2015, 12:31 PM

My eyebrows are black and they have a very small arch.

I don't do anything to them. I don't pluck them, I don't do anything to them at all. They're just what they are.

My worst eyebrow stories is when I was in high school, I thought my eyebrows were too thick, so I'd shave them halfway to look like I had two dots for eyebrows. And I actually thought it looked good. But they grew back, so I guess that's a success!
Then I went through a phase where I felt my eyebrows were too thin, so I filled them in with eyeliner and I looked like Charlie Chaplin.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-09-2015, 10:24 PM

I have black eyebrows but brown hair. It drives me crazy to be honest. They're also a bit unruly. I pluck the little hairs that grow around them but I don't do much with the shape. Every so often I will trim them if they get too bushy but not too often. Depending on how much time I have I will either just brush them into shape, put some gel on them to keep them in place, or color them in with a brown pencil to soften the bold blackness. I honestly never saw myself using a brow pencil but I went to Sephora and one of the ladies showed it to me and totally sold me on it.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 01:52 AM

I don't pluck or wax mine. Never had. I blame my mom. When I was growing up she'd always tell me about how hers never grew back like they once were after she started plucking them..then she'd look wistfully at mine and say, "Yours are so lovely though!" Once in a while I do use a little tiny bit of eyeshadow on an angle brush on them just put emphasis on the shape.

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salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 07:19 PM

I pluck my eyebrows every so often. Most of the time, I just get rid of the hairs in between my eyes that form a shadow of a unibrow. I also have some eyebrow hairs on my eyelids that I pluck out. Otherwise, I only shape them a tiny bit when I feel like it's necessary to look more professional. I have never learned to shape or style them, or to use eyebrow wax or eyebrow pencil (although I have watched quite a few Youtube tutorials on them), but I guess it saves time in my daily routine?

In terms of disaster stories, when I was much much younger, I plucked the top half of both my eyebrows off because I thought that was what you were supposed to do. I am so lucky that they grew back, haha.


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