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Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 01:06 AM

The Boy Who Murdered Love
[ a private roleplay betwen Wavi and musikfreakx ]

Love is rumored to be a powerful bond that brings two souls together. However, what happens when that bond starts to break? Whose fault is it then? Whose responsibility is it to repart the relationship?

This is a story about a young bride whose world couldn't be better, that is, until he makes a change for the worst. With no one else to turn to, she goes to see his best friend, as he would surely know the truth behind this metamorphosis. Just when things start to make sense, she finds herself in trouble. The best man become more and more appealing. Pretty soon, she's longing to feel his body. What is she to do? Forever be wed to the wrong man? Or does she call everything off to run away with the groom's best friend? Help is needed, and she turns to her beloved best friend for advice.

No one knows the ending, not even us! So stick around and see what happens. Things could get hot and heavy. They will definitely get interesting, you can count on that!

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 01:23 AM

The Best Man

Devin L. Von Hellens
twenty-seven years of age
jet black hair
cold red eyes

bounty hunter and private investigator
orphaned and only child (that he knows of)
lived on the streets his whole life, so he's pretty wild
he's also able to adapt to just about anything

everyone knows he's...
wild + reckless + bitter + cold + ruthless + impatient + indifferent
what they don't know is...
chivalrous + charming + intelligent + compassionate + protective + forgiving

The Groom

Michael J. Emblidge
twenty-four years of age
light brown hair
soft blue eyes

young professional chef
one of three siblings from divorced parents
grew up living with limited resources, but knew the meaning of family
he was able to put up with everything as he grew up in a busy house

everyone knows he's...
sweet + passionate + kind + patient + exceptional + funny + easy-going
what they don't know is...
jealous + flirtatious + cheating + foolish + hot-headed + easily misguided

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 10:24 AM

The Bride

Isadora Marae Valentino
Twenty-three years young
Soft black, wavy hair
Pale blue eyes

Music composer/song writer
Youngest and only girl of four children
Moved from Italy to live with a distant Aunt after parents died in a car accident
Lived with her not-so-concerned Aunt from age thirteen, mostly had to take care of herself
Close to her brothers because of her parents' death, learned to move on from tough circumstances

It's easy to see she's
Intelligent // Daring // A Sweetheart // Outgoing // Stubborn // Fun Loving // Caring // Quirky // Open Minded

But behind the curtains
Insecure // Slow to trust others // Impatient // Procrastionation // Sensitive // Puts too much trust in others when she does learn to trust them

The Maid Of Honor

Sophia Juliet Dawns
Twenty five years young
Long blond hair
Dark blue eyes

Only child
Was spoiled rotten by her rich parents
Grew up mostly with nannies and butlers, seeing as her parents were never really around

It's easy to see she's
Loyal // Devious // A Jokester // Protective // Curious // Friendly // Determined // Not all she appears
But behind the curtains
Selfish // Spiteful // Envious // Manipulative // A grudge holder // Compulsive liar // Bitter // Expects to get everything she wants

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 02:26 PM

"If you mess this up, you will get hurt" a cold voice said from the shadows. A pair of brown eyes wrinkled, which revealed a nasty grin. A chuckle escaped as he made his exit. If Michael failed, life as he knew it would cease to exist. This was the wish of his boss, the life Mike decided to get caught up in.

On his walk home, Mike stopped at a bar and washed his worries away. Round after round, he finally got too drunk for his own good. When the police arrived, slapped some cuffs onto him for causing a scene. However, another male with black hair rose to defend the drunken fool. Calling himself Devin, he took full responsibility for Mike's actions. In addition to paying off the bar owner, he even took the male home.

The ride home was not a pleasant one though. Devin's cold red eyes stayed bitter and filled with much rage. Tonight was the seventh night he cause Michael spending his money on foolish desires. Between the lap dances, the vodka, and the gambling, his best friend would be without money. No money meant no wedding. And no wedding would result in a broken bride.

"Do you ever think of Isadora? I thought you would be less selfish, but I am proven time and time again that you care about no one but yourself. Karma will catch up with you and be warned, when it does, I won't be there to rescue your sorry ass. Sober up. Get help. You need to start thinking of your future with Isadora."

"I is. Imma be rich 'n sha'll be da happiest gurl alife."

"Where on earth do you plan to get that kind of money? You might be a young chef, but you're not the owner of a five star restaurant. Money like that doesn't come from drinking. Perhaps you should invest in a bar... that way you could make money off fools like yourself."

"We is be rich 'n ya are j-j-jelly-oz. Ya can't handle da troof."

"I swear, Mike, you need to learn to not drink. I'm going to stay with your tonight. You'll be at my place where it's liquor free."

"Screwin' my baby ta'night. We is gonna rock da couch."

"You will do no such thing in my house. If I even see the slightest bit of nudity from you, I will toss you in prison myself! There will be no stains on my couch and I will not allow you to soil your fiance when you're drunk like this."

"It's fightin' time, biotch."

"You're hopeless," he said while hitting the 'call' button on his car. At the red light, he dialed Isadora's number. It rang for a bit and then someone finally picked up.

"Sorry to disturb you at this late hour, Miss Isadora. I have your fiance. I found him drunk off his ass, again. He'll be staying at my place. Feel free to join us if you'd like. It might do him some good to see you shed some tears."

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 10:37 AM

Screams filled the cozy, small home in the busy city, richoeting off of the walls and echoing around the room. At first one would think they were screams of fright, as most were late in the night, but if one would listen long enough, they would hear the laugh at the end.

Isadora had been sitting at her piano for most of the night, staying up waiting for her groom to be and trying to work on a song she was writing. She was actually paid quite well for her music, and occasionally would hear more than a few of her songs on popular radio stations. She didn't actually mind that others were singing her material; she kept the best and favorite ones for herself anyways.

Her long fingers usually found comfort and ease on the grand piano, which took up a lot of room in the living room. Thankfully the living room was one of the biggest areas of the house, with dark wood flooring and modern furniture giving a very New York vibe.

However tonight was an exception, and every time she tried to let her fingers dance across the black and white keys, they would slip. In frustration she had not too harshly banged her head against the keys, groaning and creating a loud cacophony of unpleasant sounding notes mixed together. This had happened for the past week, ever since things had started changing with Michael.

Sophia saw her mess ups, could read the sadness and confusion in her best friend's eyes. A nasty part of her within was content with letting her wallow. There, she wasn't so happy after all. But another part of her, though smaller than the other, had forced her to pick up her cell phone and ring Isadora's three older brothers.

This was the cause of the screaming, Isadora's oldest brother pinning her to the ground and holding her down, one of her other brothers tickling her sides and the other throwing small bits of pop corn at her with Sophia. Isadora, growing up with the three, had obviously learned to fight and wrestle, both for real and just playing around.

It was times like these that her brothers would show up, keep her company, liven her up. They all knew Mike had been acting different lately, and it put their nerves on end. Their baby sister wouldn't get hurt if they could help it, but they had tried to reason for her. The light skinned girl had chewed them out, telling them she could handle things, she was a big girl. And they would let her, at least for now. Solely because she did have a way of intimidating them, even though she was much smaller.

Roma, her oldest brother, who was pinning her down by holding two wrists above her head and sitting on her stomach, of course not with his full weight so he wouldn't hurt her, grinned down at her. All four of them had jet black hair, a family trait easily visible. Roma and Demetri both had light, caramel brown eyes that sparkled when they talked or looked at something they loved. Tamos had eyes like his little sisters, except a shade blue darker.

"Get off me!" Isadora shouted playfully and tried to wriggle free, her infectious laugh spreading through the room and making the others grin from ear to ear at the beautiful noise.

The blond female watched the scene from the plush couch, laughing and throwing pop corn at her with Demetri. Though Isadora was trying to struggle, she was no match for her other two brothers. They were both well muscled and strong, and quite taller than her. Isadora herself was five foot ten, a tall height for a girl, and her brother's were six foot four (Demetri), six foot five (Tamos), and six foot five and a half (Roma). "This is out of love," Sophia shouted playfully and launched another kernel of popcorn straight at Isadora's forehead, laughing when it hit dead center in the middle and bounced off.

The phone ringing made Isadora squirm and she brought her leg up, kicking it into Roma's stomach. "Ooph," he said and rolled off of her, causing Tamos to lose balance and stop tickling her. The lean girl darted to the kitchen, where her cell phone laid on the counter, forgotten in her little family get together.

"Ciao," she said as she saw the caller ID, comfortable in using Italian with Devin. Her accent was natural and laced through her words audibly, but she could still be understood and spoke fluent English. The accent added to her light, happy soprano tone and she smiled.

The grin soon faded from her upturned coral colored lips. "That bastard," she growled, not caring if Michael could hear or not. This was the seventh time he had done something stupid like this, and it still mystified her. It also pissed her off, and her free hand clenched into a fist. She let out a choice string of Italian curse words before taking a deep breath and letting it out.

"Thanks for picking him up, again. I'll be by in a bit, but I won't be staying the night with him," she said and closed her phone angrily, staring at her three brothers who had propped themselves up on the counter. They had heard everything, and knew what to assume. She was quite close and confided in them, as well as Sophia. She told more of the details and endeavors to her blonde best friend, seeing as it would piss off her siblings too greatly to know the full aspect of things.

"Izzy, this is getting out of hand," Roma said in his velvety voice, shaking his head.

"Yeah Lizard, it's too much. Seven days in a row he's done something stupid," Tamos, the middle brother added, using one of her many childhood nicknames. Demetri nodded his agreement, watching her anger develop before his eyes. People had always said Michael and Isadora would end up married and happy, ever since they had been close friends years back. She knew Sophia, Devin, and Michael, from high school. She moved in the eighth grade and started school with them the next year, and even though she was the youngest they all accepted her.

"I can handle things, thanks guys," the raven haired female said with the roll of her pale blue eyes. She was in loose black shorts that hung at her hips and a light grey tank top, casual wear. She left the kitchen, hearing her brother's mumble behind her. In the living room, she tugged on her light aqua, snug zip up hoodie and grabbed her keys.

With a sigh, Sophia followed her best friend and shook her head at the girl's brothers before laying a gentle hand on Sophia's shoulder. "I'm coming with you," she said and wagged a finger playfully when Isadora tried to refuse. Defeated, the music composer nodded and Sophia tugged on a loose black hoodie over her white skinny jeans and black spaghetti strap cami.

"Te amo," Isadora shouted to her brothers and heard the 'I love you' returned by all of them. She would leave them there. They could either stay or go home, but for now Isadora was only focused on Michael and her anger at him.

The car ride was long and silent. Sophia knew not to talk to Isadora. She could see white hot rage in her friend's eyes, and the fact made her oddly pleased. Finally things weren't going right for the lucky girl. How did she end up engaged and happy without a care in the world? Served her right. Sophia was quite jealous of the attention Isadora got and how much people liked her, but never said anything.

Arriving at their destination, the blue eyed, black haired female opened the dark blue car door of her classic Camaro and climbed, realizing she had forgotten to put on shoes, and slammed the door. She was never a super girly girl, always loving wrestling and horseplaying and goofing around and cars and doing adventurous and daring things. But she was also a girl with a temper and Michael knew how to set it off.

With her rage boiling, she waited for Sophia and gritted her teeth, grinding them together to keep from yelling out instantly as she saw Devin's house, fists clenching and unclenching at her sides.
"you will fall in love with train rides, and sooner or later you will realize that nowhere seems like home anymore..."

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 12:50 PM

Moments after he hung up the phone, Devin was in the kitchen brewing up some decaffeinated coffee for his drunk friend. Devin, himself, was not a coffee drinker, but he knew that he could have to keep Michael awake until he was able to exhale and inhale on his own. Not that Michael couldn't do that, it's just that Devin didn't want to be responsible for another dead body.

Joining his sluggish friend on the couch, he poured the cooled drink into his friend's pallet to easy the dryness the liquor had brought about. When he set the fine Chinaware down on the mahogany table before them, he reclined his back into the deep red cushions of the four person sofa his behind was resting upon.

"You really need to stop doing this, Mikey. I can't lose you, too. It's bad enough that I lost my girlfriend like this. That day, it forever taunts me. We were out clubbing at the hippest scene in town. The lights were flashing as were the ladies. One too many shots and we found ourselves in a heap load of shit. Drugged high off our asses, we find ourselves out on the streets with barely anything on."

Tearing up, Devin just looked at his bare hands. As a single tear slid down his face and splashed onto the cream-colored carpet, he began to lose it. One little tear soon became a great flood of large raindrops. Even though it only lasted for about two minutes, it was enough to permeate into the carpet and soak the floor.

Being of a more rugged nature, Devin was hardly the kind of man to open up and cry. Mike, who was baffled by his friend's show of emotions, immediately sat up and cared for his beloved grieving comrade.

Michael's head dropped onto Devin's lap and he looked up at his friend. Even though Devin's face was shaded from the light, he could still see the anguish on his face. The wrinkles that lined his forehead and the clenched teeth where are just signs that the man was in pain. His agony had been bottled up for too long and he finally snapped when the thought of losing Michael crossed his mind.

"Devi..." was all he could stammer out before his own eyes swelled with tears.

"I was so reckless! No naive! I thought she wasn't that bad. I figured she hadn't taken in as much as me and she was just acting high and drunk to make me feel better. But the truth is, I was the one with the conscious. I was the one who was still in control of my mind and body. It's all my fault she's gone. I laid her to rest with a goodnight kiss and that was the last time I ever saw her smile."

"Devi, you didn't know. Had you known, you'd have taken her to the hospital."

"That's not it! She was eight weeks pregnant with our child and I didn't even know it. There I was, high off the sex, drugs, and alcohol and I couldn't see that she was slipping away from me. I couldn't feel her life fading and I couldn't hear her call out my name, seeking for help. I lost everything that night. Everything. The love of my life, my child, and my sanity. I lost the part of me that she loved so much."

The room suddenly fell silent. It was so quiet that the sound of a slamming door could be heard from the living room. It took awhile for the sound to register in Devin's mind. When he finally put his tongue on the sound, he snapped to his feet. Wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt (he was dressed in a fine long-sleeved button down white shirt with a sleek looking black vest), he approached the door.

The sound of the deadbolt retracting into its hole helped the man force a smile on his face. Though, it quickly vanished when he say Sophia was along for the ride. He, personally, disliked this woman. He always felt she was a bad omen and was going to bring about a terrible wedding for her so-called best friend. He knew she had darker intentions then she liked others to believe.

"Greetings, my ladies. Shall I put on some tea for the both of you?"

His cold looking black hair was in his eye again. Swinging his head to the side, he cast the hair away so he could look at the women with his eye. The left-patched-eye remained a secret to everyone. No one knew why he wore the patch, but the assumed it had something to do with the few scars that were carved into his perfectly crafted face. Even though his right eye was red (someone said it was due to a chemical explosion he was in), one often wondered if his true eye color was still visible in the left eye. Though, there was always the chance that he might be without an eye. Hoping for the best, it was safe to assume he had his other eye still intact.

Michael, who was still perched on the couch, smiled when he saw his Isadora had come to see how his health was. With a sad attempt to get up, he realized he couldn't quiet keep the room from spinning so he opted to remain seated. With a sloppy smile on his face, he waved at the women.

"Don't worry, Devi has been a great help."

Head snapping toward the masculine voice, Devin let out a hiss. Glaring at his with that one red eye, he practically raped his friend's mind. Mike, in return, sunk into the couch more and zipped his mouth shut.

"Don't pay any attention to him. He still has no idea what he's saying. I shall assume full responsibility of him and stay by his side until he sobers up. It is my fault he got this way. I should have intervened sooner on rather than watching him squander his money way."

Last edited by Wavi; 08-23-2011 at 12:54 PM..

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 11:22 PM

Isadora's arms had begun to tremble with rage, her teeth grinding together as if trying to break them apart. Her knuckles turned white from having clenched her fists, but she kept her gaze steady on the door as she waited with Sophia on the porch. Sophia didn't try to calm her, to quell her anger. Isadora quite never knew why, especially because Isadora's temper could get the best of her when irked in just the right way. Sophia, however, knew exactly why she did it and a dark glint came to her midnight blue eyes. She enjoyed watching trouble spill out like a witch's cauldron tipped over, even though it was her 'best friend' she was watching turn into a ball of fury.

The door pulled open and Devin looked at them, addressing them as gentlemenly as he ever did. Isadora peered up at him, looking into his red eye. He showed no emotion on his face, but she could tell he was pained. Just the sad look in his eyes, the way he acted too OK. But Isadora said nothing.

It was true, she knew at least tiny details of what had happened that night. She personally wasn't there, having went to check on one of her brother's that came down with pneumonia. She wasn't even sure if Michael and Devin had been close then, but she didn't prod Devin about it. She didn't like it when people did it to her, so she made it a point to herself to not do it to others.

Her momentary sadness from him was soon gone when she stepped in and heard Michael. Her eyes hadn't yet taken him in, but suddenly the light blue irises snapped at the sound of his voice, locking him with a gaze that could slaughter an army. with a disbelieving look she watched him try to get up before drunkenly sitting back down.

For a second she blinked, looking back at Devin. He looked down at her, but not in a degrading of self superior way. Then he too glared at Michael. She shook her head, wavy long black locks tousling with the movement. "Nah, don't really drink tea," she said, before returning her steel cold gaze to Michael.

Sophia, being careful to conceal the glint in her eyes and pleasure in her mind, glanced back at Devin nonchalantly. "I like tea," she said qutie matter of factly, as if it were his duty to make her tea because she said she liked. Though she was not 100% sure if he would make it or care, but she wouldn't let it bother her if he didn't.

Isadora listened to Devin before speaking, listening to him say he should have intervened. Her head shook more harshly this time and she stepped forward. "Oh, but he knew what he was doing when he got shit faced seven days in a row on alcohol and God knows what else! He knew what he was doing when he spent his money away. He should have known what he was doing when he stepped into that pitiful bar and drowned his worries in cheap vodka," she said in a soft but angry and dangerous voice. She had never had to be loud to be heard, didn't have to get loud for one to know the intensity of her anger. Actually, when she was most quiet, which she was now, was when she was most lethal, when her rage had reached far above its boiling point.

She stood in front of Michael now and swung back with her arm, sending a SMACKing slap across the right side of his face with her left hand. She let out a string of colorful Italian words, all of which degrading and swear words. Michael and the others had picked up on a few of her commonly used phrases, the Italian curse words and a few were elligable, but most were so fast and fluent he wouldn't pick up on him. But he would know the intent and meaning of them, sure enough.

The only reason she had slapped and not punched him, which she so badly wanted to do, was because he wanted him to experience that emotion, feel the betrayal he had caused her. After slapping him, her hands shook and she kept them at her sides. Tears had since streamed from her eyes. When she got extremely frustrated and angry, she couldn't help but cry. It was something she was teased for by her brothers and hated, but her tears were also ones of pure sadness.

"And you should've known what you were doing when you proposed to me," she whispered, words barely audible and choked up in her throat. Her plump colors lip quivered and tears still made their wet path down her porcelain cheeks. Her eyes were pained, agonizing, hurt, betrayed, angry, and more all in one light blue swirl of color. She pleaded with him through her eyes, begging him to stop what he was doing. They also were full of fury, raging at him for what he was doing to her.

She wiped a stray piece of hair from in front of her face and sniffled in, taking in a deep breath. She waited, wanting to see if he had anything to say for himself. She glanced back up at Devin, her gaze sadly reaching his. "Thanks Dev, but it's not your fault. You're a good guy," she said to him before looking back at her fiance. She choked back a sob, watching him as he sat on the deep red of the couch cushions. Her breathing was forced and uneven, shaking with her intakes of breath.

Sophia had watched from the sides, pretending to be sad and looked pained at the distress between her two friends, they love birds. They and others would always tease them, saying they would get married one day. And here they were, on the brink of marriage, and all of it was crumbling. And the blond was enjoying every minute of it.

She was quite the actress, that was for sure. Though the moment she had stepped foot through Devin's door, she knew he could see at least somewhat through her thick veil. Michael didn't see it, or at least didn't talk of it, because he too had a darker side, which she knew more than plenty of. Isadora was easily deceived because she trusted Sophia too much, had grown a connection with her she thought the blond would never betray. That made her want to cluck her tongue in disapproval to Isadora, and make not be so naive.

"Izzy," she whispered as the girl slapped her fiance, hard enough to make Sophia feel his pain. She had seen her friend's fists start to clench again tightly, knowing the nails would be digging into her palms with a vicious bite, and could tell her friend extremely wanted to punch her fiance. Sophia's whispering of Isadora's name seemed to keep the black haired young female from striking again, but it immediately broke her. Sophia's dark eyes could almost see Isadora's waves of anger and sadness, mixed together in a deadly and terrible storm.

The blond played the compassionate part well, and actually mentally wondered what had caused all of this to suddenly happen with Michael. He seemed happy with Isadora, happier than he had ever been since she knew him in elementary school. He would always tease her for how she pronounced English words, her accent and foreign tongue making some words down right hilarious when spilled from her lips, and he always there to comfort her and defend her, even if she tried to push him away.

Sophia mentally shrugged. Served them right. She didn't have that love they had as kids and she was just fine. Actually, she was stronger because of it. She didn't need anyone else to make her happy. Which meant no one else would be able to break her. She would make sure to do that to them first before they even had the chance to think about.

She supposed there was some jealousy thrown in, having had barely anything more than fling-type, wishy-washy relationships. But she had really liked one of them. And that time the ending was his fault. Whatever, Sophia thought to herself and pushed the memories away. She was stronger because of it, and that was all that mattered.

With the trembling of her lips, her whole body shaking in tiny tremors, Isadora blinked at Michael. "You act like all that matters is getting wasted, and spending your money, and drinking until well into the morning." She breathed heavily, her voice having been choked and cracked with new tears springing to her eyes, threatening to spill over her ong eye lashes. "I matter too, Michael," she nearly pleaded with him. "At least I should." She went slack a bit, anger draning from her and making her just seem defeated, confused, and in pain.
"you will fall in love with train rides, and sooner or later you will realize that nowhere seems like home anymore..."


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