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Je t'aime toujours.
~{MagikRiter}~ is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 06:57 AM

Megan Wessan
18 years old
~ ~ ~ ~
Megan is quiet, respectful, hard-working, smart, and head-strong. When you get to know her, you'll find her to be kind, sweet, caring, understanding, and beautiful inside out.
~ ~ ~ ~
Megan doesn't remember much of her childhood. All she remembers is her parents selling her over to the manor's owner to be a servant there. Ever since she was thirteen, she's been doing various jobs for the manor. Cooking, cleaning, accounting, and helping out wherever she was needed. She hopes to get out of her 'prison' before her life passes her by. Secretly, she's been collecting any gold coins she finds when cleaning to save up so she could start her life over elsewhere.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 07:23 AM

Algernon Kanoni

20 years old


Sweet, kind-hearted, and just a little spoiled. Algernon has a deep love for wildlife and exotic items. Actually not very manly at all, in some ways, as he's been spoiled all his life. He laughs more than he speaks. Due to the life he has, though, he's also very lonely.


Algernon grew up in a noble household. He is the eldest son in his family, and from birth he's been coddled and sheltered, kept away from all the bad things in the world. As such, despite his age, he's very innocent deep down and can be dense when it comes to real-life struggles. He's very lonely, since his only siblings--his younger brother and younger sister--don't really associate with him. He often tries to strike up conversation with passing servants, but if one of his parents is near, they will stop him. They want him sheltered.

Je t'aime toujours.
~{MagikRiter}~ is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 07:36 AM

Megan tucked a strand of her fallen brown hair behind her hair as she placed the pile of folded rags on the table in the kitchen. She let out a sigh as if she had been holding in a breath. The cook stopped and looked at her. "How much more cleaning you got to do?" asked the cook. The cook had always been Megan's mother at heart. She protected her and was always the one for advice.

Megan thought for a moment. "I have to make the beds and replace the flowers," replied Megan.

The cook just nodded.

"When I'm done, I'll come and help you with supper." She knew the cook well. She walked through the archway that led into the grand foyer. A pile of sheets sat by the large set of stairs on the table. She picked it up and leveled them in her hands as she walked up the stairs. She was on the last step when she miscalculated and tripped, her body sent flying forward as the neatly folded sheets went flying everywhere. Her body hit the stone floor with a loud thud as she squinted from the pain. She never tripped. But as she knew well enough, it happens. She sighed and slowly got up to her knees as she knelt there for a moment before gathered the sheets to neatly fold them back into their original pile and arrangement. She had five beds she needed to change the sheets and make up perfectly. Then she had to head into the garden to pluck various flowers to replace the old flowers in all of the vases in the house. She sighed and looked out the window, only halfway done with re-folding the sheets. The sun was high in the sky. It was only noon. Her stomach was rumbling and she had to wait for supper time to eat. Today wasn't the best day for her, that's for sure.

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 01:42 AM

"Oh...oh no."

If the man who had just turned the corner to head down the staircase had been wearing shoes, surely it would have been easy to hear him coming. But he was totally barefoot and still in his neat white nightclothes. Tall and toned, with an almost feline look about him, the noble's son, Algernon, was a near-constant source of gossip for the household's female servants, old and young. He could usually be seen in the library or outside in the garden, in proper and ornate clothing fit for a noble.

Now, though, he didn't fit the part of a regal noble at all. His golden blonde hair was disheveled and messy, and he was rubbing absently at one of his bright honey-colored eyes. His voice was soft and thick with sleep. It seemed as if he'd just woken up. Really? He'd been asleep all morning?

There was a concerned look on Algernon's face. He approached the kneeling girl with an intent air about him, beginning to scoop up the sheets nearest to him that she hadn't reached yet. "Are you all right?" he asked, a worried little frown marring his features. "Did you hurt yourself?"

Though he was attempting to fold the sheets that he picked up, attempting to be as helpful as possible, he appeared to have no idea how to fold properly, because he was folding them into strange triangular shapes rather than into squares. Well, at least he was trying to help.

Je t'aime toujours.
~{MagikRiter}~ is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 02:38 AM

Megan froze when she heard the heir to the mansion speak to her. Was he really speaking to her. She tried to stay silent as she took the sheets from him, but he had asked her a new question. Staring at the floor to be careful not to look him directly in the face, she refolded the sheets he had tried to refold. Her cheeks blushed. She wasn't accustomed to talking to males. Let alone her boss' son. She didn't really know how to act around such people.

Despite the painful throb in her ankle she tripped on and the stinging in the palms of her hands, she held back the tears for the pain in various places. "Yes, sire. Thank you," she said in a soft tone as she curtsied and turned the opposite direction. Her cheeks still blushing and her heart racing, she was used to start changing the sheets on the other side of the mansion. Today, she would have to work backwards.

Her eyes were still stinging with held-back tears, but it wasn't long before it went away and she was back to her usual strong self. She hurried to change the sheets and then headed out to the garden to pluck the flowers for the vases.

Last edited by ~{MagikRiter}~; 09-26-2011 at 02:41 AM..

The Almighty Tallest
Mira-Charma13 is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 02:55 AM

"Oh." A big, silly smile made its way across Algernon's face. "That's good to hear. Are you sure, though?" He could distinctly see some tiny scrapes on her palms...just a few. She appeared to be all right otherwise, though, so he didn't stop her once she curtsied and headed on her way.

It was a shame she couldn't stay and talk. Algernon wasn't using to talking to females...actually, he wasn't using to talking to people other than his family members at all. Really, he was very lonely. Sometimes, he found himself wishing that he had more siblings--maybe then they would talk to him more often. It felt as if he had a million different things to say and no one to say them to.

Algernon spent the rest of the day with his very irate tutor, who apparently had been trying for hours to wake him up to no avail. As such, he missed most of his lessons for the day, including his piano lesson. By the time suppertime rolled around, he looked miserable. Being berated by his teacher for the better half of the day hadn't exactly been fun. He looked a he sat at the dinner table. He was the first one there, out of everyone from his family. Algernon loved food, after all. It tended to cheer him up.

Je t'aime toujours.
~{MagikRiter}~ is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 03:05 AM

After changing the vases, the day went by quickly. After cleaning her wounds, she joined the cook in the kitchen and helped her out with making supper. Soon enough, it was all ready. She headed into the dining hall to set the table, noticing the heir to the mansion was the first one there, early. Keeping a low profile, she sat down the clean goblets from a tray she balanced in her one hand and soon set up the silverware. The presence of her master's son made her a bit uneasy. Her heart was pounding like crazy once again, just like from this morning.

As instructed carefully, Megan prepared the plates, soon exiting the kitchen and entering the dining hall to serve each plate to each person sitting there. When Megan place the plate before the mansion's heir, she accidentally faltered for the first time in a while. She caught a glimpse of his features. It came to her as such a shock that she nearly dropped her plate. With carefulness, she made sure not to make it obvious that she faltered.

After all plates were served, she waited by with a pitcher of wine for those who asked for a refill on their goblets. She sighed, forcing herself to calm down. She shook her head at herself. She was a wreck today. Maybe she needed more sleep? Maybe she needed more food? Nonetheless, this was just highly unusual for her.


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