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Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 07-15-2011, 03:41 AM

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Last edited by CrimsonShadow; 07-10-2012 at 05:40 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 07-15-2011, 03:42 AM

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Last edited by CrimsonShadow; 07-10-2012 at 05:46 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 07-15-2011, 03:44 AM


Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 07-15-2011, 03:45 AM


Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 07-17-2011, 10:18 PM

Walking out of her tent Zalia paused at the opening and stretched. It was morning about 6:00am, the circus always got up pretty early but most of the time Zalia was the first up. She began walking and made her way over to the dining area where she grabbed some fruit for breakfast. Chowing on her apple Zalia walked into the big tent where all the performances happened. She went to the center of the stage and just stood there thinking. She often just stood here, where she felt comfortable. Soon the other carnies would wake up and they would have to get to work.

Groaning Azra rolled over in bed and opened her eyes. She couldn't help but wake up early even though she really wanted to sleep in. Maybe it was the magic of the circus. Getting out of bed she shuffled over to her shower. Even though the performers lived in tents they were just like bedrooms with walk in closets and their own bathrooms. Once she was out and changed she walked out of her tent and over to her twins room. "Chenol are you up?" She called as she walked in.

Walking out from her closet when she heard her sister Chenol stopped and laughed. They were wearing the same outfit but in different colors. The twins were wearing harem pants and a harem bra top. Chenol had picked black and silver while Azra had picked dark blue and silver. They both had on ballet slippers that went with their colors. Both women had on their jewels (in the picture). "Why do we always do this? We always pick the same outfits." Azra smiled to her sister. "You know why Chenol. Were identical twins and we think alike! Now come on I'm starving." Turning around she walked out to go get breakfast, her sister following after her.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 01:55 AM

Ahanna put down the bowel she was holding and stretched. She loved the smell of freshly crushed herbs. I really need to get a desk or table. Working on the floor is getting to me. She carefully stood up making sure not to tip over any of the bowls. She had gotten up early to make up a new batch of her normal herb mixtures. She always tried to have something for headaches, general pain, sleeping herbs, and herbs to awaken a person. She had made a few more mixtures of shampoo and herbs for health. But she was finally done.

She quickly bagged and cleaned up the changed out of her sleepwear. She pulled on a pair of black leggings, a knee length purple skirt, and a purple tank top.

Stepping outside she thought about going to get food but stopped and decided to wake up Rythen. She walked to his tent next to her own and walked inside without warning.

Rythen sat up on his bed and smiled at Ahanna. "Well thank you for knocking." The cover pooled at his waist showing off his bare chest. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. His baggy pink pj bottoms made Ahanna smiled and he laughed knowing that she enjoyed this. She had bought them for him expecting that he wouldn't wear them but instead he did.

He walked into his bathroom and quickly cleaned up and put on a pair of jeans and a light blue shirt. He walked back out of the bathroom. "Ready for the day darling?" Without waiting he walked out of the tent and headed for the mess tent. He grabbed a few apples and meet Ahanna at the practice tent opening. He handed her an apple and they walked inside.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 03:03 AM

Ophelia let out a sigh as she woke up, arching her back and stretching. 'Another exciting day of circus life,' she thought to herself, going over to her dresser. Then again, around here, every day is pretty exciting. Pulling on a loose black top and a pair of jeans, she headed out into the light, squinting against the rising sun. "It's almost TOO early to be awake." Ophelia muttered to herself, heading toward the smell of food. Grabbing a plate, she quickly made herself some eggs and toast, grabbing an apple to go with it. She never worked on an empty stomach, after all. Ophelia flexed her wrist carefully as she started eating, turning it around in circles. She had sprained it the other day, catching herself on a bad drop. But it seems okay now. Better take it easy in practice anyway.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 03:32 AM

Walking into the mess tent the girls spotted Ophelia and waved to her. After grabbing oatmeal and some fruit the twins sat down at her table. "Bonjour Fee," Azra said with a smile as Chenol gave her a bow with her head. Then Chenol grabbed a small dagger that was hidden in her bun and sliced up the fruit. She tossed some in her sister bowl and then her own. After wiping down her dagger she placed it back in her bun. The two of them always had weapons hidden on them.

"Matin (Morning) Ophelia," Chenol's voice was soft unlike her sister's energetic one. The both had thick French accents, but they were easy to understand most of the time.

aimanderz is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 05:08 AM

Hanna woke up and yawned as she stretched away the tiredness from her slumber. She was ready for a productive day of practice, perhaps she would even throw in a little more theatrics than usual. She selected a short orange dress with a flame pattern and changed out of her pajamas.

She stepped outside of the tent and let the sun hit her face, as she breathed in a breath of fresh air fire sparks danced along her cheeks. She rubbed them away with a small laugh and made her way back towards the tent as the smell of food reached her nose.

As Hanna saw that there were already others at the table she walked up to them all. "Good morning everybody, I hope you are all very well rested". She smiled cheerfully as she grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and placed it on the table. She put her hand over the bowl and the oatmeal caught fire, Hanna had always liked her food to be slightly charred. After a few seconds she extinguished the flames and added various fruits and nuts, those she did not like burnt fruits usually always went mushy. Hanna dipped her spoon into the slightly burnt mixture and stirred in the fruit and nuts.

Last edited by aimanderz; 07-18-2011 at 05:40 AM..

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 01:00 PM

Ahanna moved around Rythen and walked around the side of the tent. She had seen the Ringmaster in the tent and still wasn't comfortable with her. So instead she walked till she was at their chest of knives and other juggling items. She opened the lid and carefully looked at everything inside. Finally she took out a sheath of several knives. They had several different sets; some sharp but most simply flashy. These were the sharpest they had. She took a few out and slowly started practicing.

Rythen shook his head as Ahanna ran off. He did not follow instead he decided to be friendly. He walked over to Zalia. "Good morning Ringmaster. I hope we are not bothering you."

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 04:00 PM

Ophelia smiled as the two twins joined her at her table. "Morning Azra, Chenol. You guys sleep all right?" Ophelia had known the twins since she had joined the circus five years ago. She watched, amused, as Hanna lit her food on fire before adding in her fruit and such. "Is it strange that I've been here for five years and I still think the fact you can do that is neat?" Ophelia asked, blushing a little. At only nineteen, she was practically a baby compared to most of the performers in the circus. But, they were her family, and the ring on her finger proved that. "So, is everybody ready for tonight's show?"

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 04:54 PM

Hearing someone enter the tent made Zalia turn around. She saw Ahanna steer clear of her and that made her shrug slightly. The two of them hadn't talked much yet and she had to admit she could be a bit to get used to. When Rythen came up to her she gave him a smile. "Morning Rythen, and no your not bothering me. Everyone is welcome in the practice tent at all times. How are the both of you getting along? Anything you need?" The two of them had just started settling in and she hadn't had much time to check on them.

"I slept fine," Azra said with a small smile. "Same with me," Chenol said with a nod. "How did you sleep?" Hearing Hanna Azra looked up from her bowl and gave her a smile. "Matin Hanna, I know I did." She gave her one more smile then took another bite. Chenol looked up and gave Hanna a smile, then started eating again. "We are definitely ready for the show tonight! I can't wait." That's what the twins lived for. Performing made them happy.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 06:21 PM

Ophelia grimaced at Azra's question. "Eh... not well, actually. I got a letter from my par- from Antonio and Danielle yesterday." Ophelia confessed. She didn't know how her parents- not her parents, she kept reminding herself- managed to keep tabs on her like they did, but every so often she'd get a letter from them. She'd yet to reply back, but she couldn't bring herself to just send the letter back, either. She couldn't stop herself from staying up half the night reading it, either. "I'll be fine for practice, though, and for the show. I'll grab a quick nap or two before the performance tonight. My wrist's all right too, so I won't have to dumb down my routine tonight." Ophelia said, putting on a smile.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 08:19 PM

Scarlett, as usual was waiting for Aiden to show up at the training tent. She had been practicing all her parts of the show all morning and was now laying down on the cold, blue mat and looking at the tent ceiling. Her full lips let out a long sigh as she ran her hand through her dark, slightly wavy hair. At the moment she was wearing black and white striped tights and a long black tank top. It was her simple outfit that she practiced in. She sat up and looked around the practice room before standing up and stretching her arms, then bending over to stretch her legs. By the time she had released the tension in her muscles she started to walk towards the exit of the practice tent, her eyes glancing around for Aid.

((Sorry its short, I'm a little busy at the moment > . < ))

oh comme je souhaite pour nos lè...
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JessehBoo is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 09:04 PM

"Crap crap crap!" The angel shuffled around his tent as she looked for some jeans to put on. Finding a pair and put them on, almost falling over from a lack of balance for the moment. Throwing on a white beater he looked around for his boots, they were under his leather jacket which he also put on. "She's gonna be so mad at me." Aiden mumbled to himself as he laced the boots which came up to a few inches below his knee. Grabbing is motorcycle keys and his helmet he walked out and headed over the the practice tent. Seeing Scarlett looking for him he waved. "Sorry Scar, overslept." He said with a hint of embarrassment and scratched the back of his head. "Ready to practice?" The angel asked as he twirled his keys on his finger and smiled.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-18-2011, 11:46 PM

Rythen looked over at Ahanna then back at Zalia. "I'm glad to hear that. We have settled in just fine. Or at least with the place. I fear Ahanna hasn't settled with being in a group of people yet." He looked back over at the dark woman and sighed. She was beautiful and with those blades he knew she was deadly but she was also broken and weak. "I hope this place will do her some good." He looked back at Zalia and smiled. "But I don't think we need anything. Or at least I don't. I haven't really gotten Ahanna to talk much since coming here."

Ahanna had noticed the human girl but didn't spare any attention for her. Instead she added blades, speed, and height to her juggling. When a winged man ran into the tent she gasped. She had never seen an angelic one before. She stared at him for a moment only to snap her mind back to the knives. A moment too late though. One of the blades dove down and hit the ground after first slicing through a finger. She quickly put the finger in her mouth and stepped back. She did reach out to grab one blade as it passed but let the rest fall.

She took her finger out of her mouth and silently cursed. It was a deep cut but not horrible. It would hurt but, with her herbs, it wouldn't take very long to heal.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 07-19-2011, 01:13 AM

It was quiet for the most part in a tent that was set up close to where Zalia set up the library, at least it was till a oud thump sounded followed by two loud curses, one male and the other female. Bolting out of the tent was a thin male with blonde hair, a pair of navy blue boxers peeking above the low slung dark orange sleep pants, another blonde, though female, stayed at the tent opening, throwing wooden sticks at the running male before she turned back inside to dress. The brown eyed blonde though just laughed and continued running to the mess tent to grab some fruit before making it to the practice tent. Eyes lighting up as he spotted the ringmaster, Kyle bounded over to her, stopping seconds before he could bowl her or the person she was talking to over. "Morning Zalia!" He greeted, taking a quick hug from her before bounding to the multi-level group trampolines.

The blonde, green eyed female, stepped out of the tent, wearing a pair of dark grey capris that were snug at the thighs and loose around her knees and a crimson spaghetti strap built in bra top, grumbling about annoying brothers as she finished tying off the braid she wove her hair into that was close to her head. Making it to the mess tent, she calmly made herself a bagel before snagging a bottle of strawberry lemonade. She waved to the others and a small smile as she left to walk to the practice tent. Stepping inside she focused a full glare at the blonde male on the trampolines before walking to greet Zalia. "Ohayo Okasan.(Good Morning Mother.)" She greeted, albeit informally in japanese, one of the languages she was self teaching herself. She gave the older woman a hug and smile.

Outside the perimeter of the circus, a lone wolf walked along side an orange tiger, both rather large for their respective creatures, both appearing even more odd to be carrying a few canvas bags filled with items, one that the tiger carried held a long katana in it. Breaking through the bushes that lead to the outer area of the circus where the performers set up their tents to sleep in. Setting the bags down, the two animals shifted to human shape, both blondes, though the male was more a white blonde. The male wore a pair of baggy khaki cargo pants and a navy tank top. The female wore a pair of tight black short shorts and a matching black vest like top. Picking up the bags the made their way to the practice tent, to let Zalia know they were back. They had been gone longer than planned, which was completely unintentional, but couldn't be helped.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 07-19-2011, 05:50 PM

Cire was a morning person, since she barely needed sleep... 3 Hours a day was enough for her to start a morning with a smile. Which was a good thing, if she needed 8 hours it would be difficult for her to guess when exactly everyone went to sleep and when to wake up. It's not like she could see the sun.
The fox made a ponytail of her long white hair, pulled on a tank top, and a simple pair of nice waist high denim jeans (so her tails could stick out) with a jacket of the same material. Denim was wonderfull, it was sturdy, felt good, didn't make you sweaty, you could work in it, and it looked good as well... Though she wouldn't know the last part for herself. That was a thing she heard.
The woman walked towards the animal tent on her bare feet, starting her day with greeting the animals, cleaning the cages and feeding the animals who didn't have their personal caretaker.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 07-19-2011, 06:06 PM

Zalia gave Rythen a kind smile and nodded. "I hope she can call this place home someday. Were all here for her now. I hope it will do her some good also." She glanced over to Ahanna and watched her cut her finger. Being the mother hen she was, it was hard for her not to rush over to Ahanna. But she knew it wouldn't help matters. Turning back to Rythen she replied. "Well if you need anything please just ask. She hasn't spoke much at all? Is there anything I can do to help? I've stayed away because I know she feels uncomfortable and I don't want to intrude."

Zalia had just stopped talking when Kyle came running over and engulfed her in a hug. Laughing she hugged him back and watched him run over to the trampolines. Then when Akasha came over she hugged her with a smile. "Good morning sweetheart. Your doing very well with your studies. That was perfect!" The two of them, along with there other brother and sister were like her adopted children. She loved the four of them with her whole heart. "Where are your brother and sister at? They've been gone longer than expected and I'm beginning to worry about them." Zalia glanced up at Rythen and gave him an apologetic look, for the interruption to there talk.

Frowning when Fee told her about the letter Azra couldn't help but feel a little bad. She didn't know much about Fee's story but she did know she didn't quite enjoy those letters. "I'm sorry Fee. How do you think they keep finding you? I mean the circus moves all the time and it's hard to track. Oh and you know Zal can look at your wrist, just in case right? She'll just do a little magic and it's all better!" God's knows that she's saved both her and her's sisters butt and few times when they've hurt something. Chenol nodded in agreement.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 07-19-2011, 06:45 PM

Ophelia sighed. "It's probably Opehlia- the real one." She tried to keep the bitterness out of her voice. "She was in the Fae world for so long, she probably knows how to search out the magic. Besides that, we do have things like advertisements up." Ophelia said, seriously considering the suggestion of going to the ringmaster to get her wrist checked out. It may have felt better now, but that didn't mean it wouldn't flare back up at whatever time it felt convenient- say, when she was hanging twenty feet in the air without a harness or a safety net. "I'll get Zalia to look at my wrist before I start practicing, don't worry." Ophelia assured the Naga, rubbing her wrist. Finished with her breakfast, Ophelia tossed her plate and fork in the trash. "I'll see you in the tent." She called, heading toward the practice area. Hopefully, her practice rig was still set up, and Zalia would be there so she could get her wrist looked at.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 07-19-2011, 09:06 PM

Akasha smiled brightly. "Thanks." She said though blushing a little. Green eyes looked around the tent, having already expected the other two to have gotten here, but it seems they hadn't. "I'm not sure at the moment. I can tell that they are on their way though." She replied, munching on the bagel as she eyed her surroudings critically, much like her animal shape would. "Anyway I should go get in some practice." She finished off the bagel, snagging another hug and jogging off towards the trampolines where Kyle was already stretching on the ground.

Kita slowly approached the practice tent, nervous of what Zalia would say about them being late. She hated disappointing the older woman. Caleb smiled ruefully as he glanced at his younger quarter-twin. Oh he knew how Nakita was feeling, he was nervous too, but he was the elder sibling. Pushing aside one of the tent flaps, he gave a small wave to Zalia with his full hands as he set the bags near the entrance, taking Kita's bags too and setting them with the rest. Gently leading the anxious girl over, both her hands gripped tightly behind her back, he moved to Zalia with a light apologetic smile. "Hey Zal. Sorry we took so long. Part of it was from the shopping, the other was we were tailed for a little bit." He added the last part quietly.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 07-19-2011, 10:16 PM

Smiling Zalia smoothed a few short stray hairs down on Akasha's head. "Your welcome," she said then nodded. At least they were on there way and not still gone. Hugging her back Zalia watched Akasha run over to her brother. Hearing someone enter the tent made her turn around. Seeing Caleb and Nakita made her let out a relieved sigh. But then she put her hands on her hips and gave them the look. She waited patiently as they walked over to her, Kita absolutely anxious. All of her anger and worry flooded away when she heard they had been tail, it was placed with relief. Stretching her arms out she engulfed the two of them in a hug. "I'm just happy your both back here and safe. But please don't ever do that to me again!" She pulled back and gave them both a smile. Reaching out Zalia ran her hand over Kita's hair affectionately. "How did they find you?"

Both the twins gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Fee, it must suck have to deal with them." Chenol nodded when she said she would get her wrist checked out. "Good good, don't want something to happen!" She said with a smile. When she got up and left both twins called out goodbye and waved to her. Then they both started in on the rest of there breakfast. "Hey Hanna, you ready for tonight?" Azra said after she had taken a few bites.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-20-2011, 12:59 AM

Nervously the dark haired girl, or woman, fingered the things set beside her. Serenade's "uncles" had assured her that this was the place, and had quite seriously told her that if the ringmaster didn't give her a chance that they would deal with her. The two fairies couldn't lie, and were protective of their human family member. It was a strange family, a mixture of humans and supernatural beings which coexisted easily and in relative peace. Serenade's blood family had no fae blood, but her grandmother had saved a noble of the courts, and her sons and daughters had been raised with these wonderful people. They had continued the tradition with their children.

Twisting her hands, Serenade tried to decide whether or not to step across the boundaries on this early morn. She knew how terrifying the fae and their brethren could be when crossed in anyway. Old pranks came to mind, which caused a smile to lift ruby red lips in remembered mirth. To trick a fairy was something hard to do, Serenade hadn't succeeded trough no lack of trying.

Casimir watched. It was one of the many things he was trained to do. Sometime soon, the circus would open and finally the young man would be able to enter. Perhaps someday soon Caz would prove himself to everyone. They thought him weak, an inferior within his own family.Anger rushed trough him.

Trees swayed, making the chocolate haired man grip it's branches. Greece was a wonderful place for such a journey to end. The journey of many lifetimes. This circus had been searched out by many hunters, and was the ultimate prize of all! Supernaturals were known to gather in this place they called a haven from people who wanted to destroy them. That would change, and then the creatures, those animals, would have nowhere to hide anymore. Even they would realize what ile things they were.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-20-2011, 02:31 AM

Rythen silently watched the young people run up, hug Zalia, and then run off. He smiled when she spoke and then was once again distracted with more people. Family. Maybe we can have this here too.

"I hope she can too and I think she will." He looked over at her and sighed mentaly when he noticed the blades on the ground. "No, she didn't speak for a long time after the attack but was finally getting better. But about a month ago we had to go into a town for food. We got seperated and when we both got back to the woods later that night she wouldn't speak. Since then she barely talks. I don't know what happened. I do know that her hands were bloody and scrapped up from punching someone. But I don't think there is anything any of us can do. She will come back to us as long as we treat her kindly and like anyone else."

He looked back at her and smiled then looked at the newest bunch she was talking too. "But I see you have worries of your own. I'll let you go to speak to your kin while I go help Ahanna clean the blades she dropped."

He turned and walked over to the darker elf and without a word knelt down and picked up several blades. He looked them over for nicks then dropped into a sitting postion. He carefully started cleaning the blades and put them back into their own spots.

Ahanna gave a dark smile when Rythen came over. She held up the single blade she had caught and spoke softly. "I'm sorry. I didn't let Father's blade fall."

Raven sighed from her tree perch outside the circus. She was tired of running around and hiding. It was always "go there, do that" but they never said good job. Her and Robin had finally made it to Greece on the hunt for a harpy but as soon as they arrived they were told to come to this wooded area. No other information. But Raven had had enough. She would still follow directions but Robin didn't really need to be here. So instead she had told Robin to go see the sights and rest at their hotel.

She thought of what her sister was doing. She smiled sadly wishing their lives were different but knew that wishes never had fairy godmothers to make them true. She moved her arms and legs around to keep them from falling asleep then settled again to wait looking out over the circus tents.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 07-20-2011, 03:07 AM

Aki and Kyle finished their stretches, climbing up onto the trampolines, Kyle bouncing up towards the top, bringing him at least three stories above ground. Keeping his legs locked, he merely just started bouncing into the air, building momentum to bring him higher into the air, when he pushed up from the tarp like fabric from his bent knees. His arms stayed against his sides, he was currently doing a bit of balancing training. Aki watched her brother from her spot on the more walkway like bottom tier. Nodding softly she stepped to one side and, running a little, at the 1/4 mark she leaned forward into a spiral of three flips, the last one sending her spinning in the air before landing on bent knees to absorb the impact. She repeated the process again, this time using backflips.

Kita nearly cried, but she didn't she just snuggled into the side of the older woman, not letting her go as Caleb stepped back after giving the woman a quick squeeze."We can only try. You know the hunters will do whatever they can." He replied though his expression darkened as the memory of his youngest sister's capture just before they came to the circus. Kita nuzzled against the woman's shoulder, both to comfort herself and Zalia. "We're not sure. We were sitting in one of the public parks, going over the books we had gotten, and some of the weapons we had picked up, when they just appeared out of no where. We think they may have been after someone else there, but since it was such a large group, they sent people out to tail everyone who ran away." The young female said, her voice soft even as green eyes looked at the male Zalia had been talking to before he stepped away. "We had to use creative means to get away, but we managed." She spoke, Caleb nodding in agreement as his sister talked. "Did we interrupt something?" The younger asked as she looked up to the ringmaster.


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