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The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-25-2015, 01:50 PM

Nov. 25th: 3D technology

3D printing is so cool! It's a huge cost for materials but I like watching videos about it. Body part to houses. It's crazy how much this concept has got done in the short time it's been around. I can see my grand children using them for their school work. XD Also scary things like robotic clones being printed to over throw us.

I got up so early and without an alarm today. I hope I won't fall dead asleep when I get off work. To many self imposed deadlines to meet.
  • Day job time today.
  • Make dinner clean up a bit.
  • Art <3 (if I don't fall asleep)

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-26-2015, 11:41 PM

Nov. 26th-28th: Puzzle Books/It Was on Sale!/Something Red

I used to buy Word search books all the time. It was something I enjoyed on my free time. Now I have to many hobbies and my art I focus on that gives me the same/more satisfaction. Cosplay for example. It's expensive and take up a lot of time putting something together but I enjoy it. :)

Lilith is sick today (Saturday) :( We had to call in for her work. She's resting in my bed as I right this. Sort of watching movies but mostly sleeping. Chris and I were going to go out for dinner but then remembered how busy every thing was going to be out there so we opted to stay in. XD Since Lilith is sick to boot we're having sammichs and soup. :)
  • More Day job stuff
  • I can't wait to get a good start on my most recent art project. :D

Last edited by Nephila; 11-28-2015 at 10:01 PM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-29-2015, 07:06 PM

Nov. 29th: Opa Mene Style

Right now I'm wearing an icy look for winter. I wanted to be icy and sparkly. Cute abd cool. I also wanted a muted desolate looking bg to make my icy sparkle pop out more. I love the way the cool blue vignette makes the White Art nouveau Frame look frosty.

Lilith is feeling a lot better today so that's awesome. :D I won't feel bad when I go meet up with my friends for drinks and games. Yay booze and Cards against humanity. XD lol.
  • I made a new avatar!
  • Getting some art done before I head out to visit friend
  • Alt Tracker: 2750/8140 Main: 12750/30000

Last edited by Nephila; 11-29-2015 at 07:09 PM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-30-2015, 08:42 PM

Nov. 30th: Oldie but a goodie

So it turned out we were suppose to go on the 6th of December...not last night to our friends. We laughed about it. Good thing it's common practice in Canada to call before you head over. We do this just in case we get stuck in the snow somewhere. Even though everyone has cell phones now it's just something we do.

Found some of my Ex's School stuff I paid for. Old books on Computer programming and networking. Also Physics and a few other subjects. We were going to toss them but Lilith took interest in them and started reading. Once she gets going on a book it's pretty pointless to try and take it away. It's college level stuff, but she seems to grasp it. She amazes me.
  • I made a yummy crustless quiche for lunch today. The family loved it.
  • Art time! :D

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-02-2015, 02:41 AM

Dec: 1st : Old Friends

Heh Well I was suppose to be meeting some what I thought was last weekend but is actually this upcoming weekend. XD
  • I Did a long work out for the first time in a while. >.<
  • Got a few things done around the house
  • Ahh now for a hot shower and some art

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-04-2015, 12:16 AM

Dec: 2nd&3rd : New Friends & Winter Fashion

The new owners are almost fully trained. They're a really sweet family and I'm enjoying getting to know them. So far everything is smooth. They had to pay us all in cash this time because they don't have direct deposit set up yet.

Winter Fashion where I'm from mostly consists of what will keep you the warmest. Big puffy parkas and layers of mittens and scarves. None of it is really all that fashionable. In fact it's down right goofy looking. XD
  • Do all the things OMG T>T it's already Dec3!

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-04-2015, 11:47 PM

Dec: 4th : Snow Flakes!

I love snowflakes. They're so pretty. :D
  • I went for a nice walk today and did some stretches.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-06-2015, 04:05 AM

Dec: 5th : Scents

I used a perfume called "beautiful" to go out with Chris for dinner. It was a fancy kind and we both dressed up for it. Its something that is normally out of our price range but I one a big gift certificate for it at one of the costumed events I went to this year.

I was so yummy. I had a Lamb Shank with maple vinaigrette reduction. It came served with Mashed potatoes and seasonal veggies. To drink I had a "Blushing Bride" A sparkling wine cocktail made with peach scnapps and Grenadine. Chris was not so secretly jelly of my sweet but not to sweet drink. He stole a few sips.

For desert we had a Cappuccino Creme brule. So good. I didn't even know there could be different flavors in one of those things. Just typing a bit of this fast but now we're prolly going to watch a movie then go for a walk.
  • Alt: 4250/8140 Main: 14000/30000

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-06-2015, 05:48 PM

Dec: 6th : Pretty Jewelry

I never wear jewelry unless it's for a specific costume. I do have an obsession with puzzle rings and claddaghs. I do love snowflakes and cool colors of winter.

  • Going to a friends after dinner
  • Lilith is going to be on Christmas break soon.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-07-2015, 08:17 PM

Dec: 7th : I Want it

I'm not really a materialistic person. So wanting something for me isn't really a thing. The odd time I do want something I just buy it and don't really think to much of it. Or I make a plan and save for it. After making the plan it doesn't weigh on me. Just auto mode make money. XD

Right now the auto mode for getting money is renovating Mine and Lilith's rooms and switching them over. :) We're both reducing the amount of old stuff we have kicking around and and swapping sides. I took some before photos for all the stuff we had in here. I'm going to take some more when we have everything out to see how empty it is. It already is looking empty but we still have a way to go on it.

I have it projected for spring. So far it's looking good. :)
  • Purr it's an art day!
  • Made an avatar with our new CI <3 Then improved it a bit


Last edited by Nephila; 12-07-2015 at 08:21 PM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-08-2015, 10:01 AM

Dec: 8th : I Need it

Nothing. I'm lucky. ;) \\

I would love a Time machine though. :D
  • Another art day :D

Last edited by Nephila; 12-09-2015 at 03:40 AM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-09-2015, 03:39 AM

Dec: 9th : This Thread Rocks!

~ I've been bummin around GD and talking to a few new people. It nice to see newly active members. :D
  • Off to the day job today.
  • Continuing the routine.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 10:24 PM

Dec. 10th: Wrapping Paper

I hate wrapping gifts. I'm a bag kinda girl. Unless There's free gift wrapping at the shop I'm going to bags are just so much easier. Also since I know I how much I personally hate wrapping gifts when someone does wrap mine I take care not to rip it like a mad person.
Tomorrow is Mel and Faye's last day. I'm baking some cookies for them. I'm going to miss them. :( It's going to sort of be a goodbye/hello party tomorrow. Not that I really needed something else to do BUT it's for good people I'll miss.
I just ate a half a bag of carrots... lol I guess it's good I get full before I make the cookie's. XD
  • Bake some cookies
  • Doing the stuff!

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-12-2015, 12:51 AM

Dec. 11th: Doin MAH OWN THANG!

Well, Today was the last official day of my old owners rule. I pray for the Patience to deal with all the insanity that follows. I'm going to miss that woman. She gave me her number and told me to stay in touch. We'll mostly likely be going out drinking sometime soon.

Most of the girls were in tears. I was not one of them. Not my style. I stay strong till I'm alone with chocolates. XD I think it'll set in next week when I'm one of the few original left. *sigh* There was going to be more, but half of them quit. O.o Kids so not a huge loss, just training that many new bodies at once will be a challenge. I think I'm going to end up work a few extra shifts. >.<
  • Alt Tracker 5750/8140 Main: 25250/30000 :D (My before event goal is getting closer!)
  • Back to my Artsu weekend! yay!

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-12-2015, 07:56 PM

Dec. 12th:gloves

I have two favorite pairs. One pair are well fitted leather "lady" gloves. They make my fingers look longer and are surprisingly warm. The other is an old pair or navy knitted mittens with a snowflake pattern on them. :)

I have a few things on my plate today and I don't feel like doing any of them. >:O I need to wrap some gifts...and don't know where I put my gift bags. I hate when I hide things away and then forget where they are.

Apparently I started biting my finger nails again. I haven't done this since High School. :( I guess I'm officially stressed now. XD
  • Art stuff
  • Find Gift Bags
  • bf babysitting

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-13-2015, 05:48 PM

Dec. 13th:Can you hear it?

The sound of self doubt and hatred.

Last night I was having fun joking around with Chris. During baby talk I asked him "whose your favorite person" Instead of playing back like we had been he got really serious and then said "well it depends where I am" then got mad because it wasn't a "fair question". Since we were currently just messing around the sudden change was alarming.
His change in mood really shocked me and when he started saying things like oh it depend if I'm at work and just kept digging a hole deeper for himself. I asked him to explain more about how his favorites are dependent on where he is because when it comes to emotional and personal preferences I don't understand things (He knows this about me) He just kept getting more and more upset with me when I was only trying to understand where I stand in his heart and head.

When your a logical thinker and not an emotional one it's really frustrating. You can only have one favorite of anything, but he choose many and chaging faces depending on where he is.

He should have kept with the baby talk joke tone of the previous convo and said YOU. But instead it was a long list of people that weren't me.

It leads me to believe something else is up with him. Longer lunches at work that start earlier is another source. He also freaked out when I had letter head from his building. He asked me who sent it to me. It was him. He brought me home some lost and found cds in it. He forgot. I jokingly said he should know who. His face was really worried. That face pretty much confirms along with this bs last night that he has a side chick.

We have a lot of problems every time I try and understand what his problem is he gets more and more upset. I don't know how much more of it I can take. Many relationships right (at work and home) are changing around me right now and I'm done trying to predict outcomes of if it's worth it to stay with someone or leave.
  • More Art stuff.
  • Hoping for the best expecting the worse. I'm to old for this relationship bullshit.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-15-2015, 12:41 AM

Dec. 14th:It's the law

Well so today was a day for Sci-fi/geek Trailer's being released. Also last week too. So many thing happening in the next few years. My brain can't even.

TMNT 2, Independence Day: Resurgence, Star Trek Beyond, World of Warcraft, Star Wars, Dead Pool, Suicide Squad. even more. . .O>o Gah! My wallet! XD

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-16-2015, 01:02 AM

Dec. 15th: Mannerisms

Some of my old particularly bad ones are coming back in force. Nail biting and to many weigh ins as well as skipping meals. I only go to my day job 3 day out of the week so it really shouldn't be stressing my out THIS much.

The sudden reemergence of these things is worrying to me, not sure if anyone around me at home has noticed yet. I'm pretty good at hiding how I feel or what's going on inside. I'm already missing my claws after biting them off. It looks terrible too. I don't just bite the nail but skin all around the nail. None of them are bleeding yet so that is a plus at least.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-17-2015, 03:14 AM

Dec. 16th: Co-Workers

Getting to know people. Not my strongest thing. But this family makes it easy. :)

In other news I'm eating nummy apple breading.
  • Thing 1
  • Thing 2
  • A bit of art.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-17-2015, 11:39 PM

Dec. 17th&18th: top 10 Mene commons/ I'm baking

Some commons I love, some are goals for the future. We have so many commons. Narrowing this down is insane.

My top 10 commons
  • Elsa's Flats (simple ballet shoes)
  • Whalecow On My Head! (old school lulz)
  • Aurora set
  • Glammy Coats
  • Day Gown
  • Athena Dresses
  • Octavia gowns
  • Cyber Punk set
  • Houppelandes
  • Midnight Dreams Gown (a goal)

Also some random stuff
  • I've made my 30K before event goal!
  • My Core membership lapsed for DA. >.< So a lot of the images I had in que need to be re-loaded when I buy it.
  • Had some yummy foods today.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-20-2015, 09:07 PM

Dec. 19th Dec 20th: Ahh! It's coming!

Chris and I spent yesterday doing some last minute shopping and wrapping. We still have a few cards to send out but nothing major. I think we'll probably be doing some baking later too. I'm feeling cinnamon cookies or maybe snicker doodles. We already made ginger breads and sugar cookies.
  • I finished my quest for Hopscotch!
  • I'll be choosing my next shop after the holidays.
  • Finishing up some art thing tonight. Hoping to at least.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-21-2015, 09:39 PM

Dec 21st: Holiday hopes

Solstice night. Return of the light happens tonight. :) Everywhere is looking lovely with lights decorations outside. My family is all coming over later. I can't wait to see my little sister. :D

The gifts are all under the tree and looking good. Now they stay there for about a week. I hope everyone likes their gifts. :D I know Lilith will for sure. We most likely have enough in the way of baking for a small village, but I like doing it so I might make more things yet.

No borialus are predicted for my area, but it would be so lovely if there were.
  • Changing my Signature today. :)
  • Finishing up one last bit of art.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-23-2015, 12:20 AM

Dec 22nd: 5 Naughty Things

Merr I'm not really sure what is naughty or not. I just do and hope it turns out. Perhaps there are a few things I can think of. . .
  • Eating the cookie dough before it bakes. Mmmm cookie dough.
  • Saying you'll do something, then forgetting or putting it off until it's to late.
  • Not taking responsibility or pushing the blame unto others.
  • Not taking time for people that really matter. >.> I'm very guilty of this. I'm very task orientated. I kinda schedule a lot of things. With things it's ok...but people. not so much.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-23-2015, 02:45 PM

Dec 23rd: 5 Nice Things

Let's see a few nice things are...
  • Having a nice meal with friends and family.
  • Being creative and having fun with it. :D
  • Achieving a goal.
  • Helping for the sake of helping.
  • Watching movies snuggled up on the couch with people you love.

---------- Post added 12-23-2015 at 08:48 AM ----------

Dec 24th: Strange Food

There's always that one thing at the dinner table where your like...hmm NOPE. XD For me it cranberry sauce from a can. I have how it looks. I mean it tastes ok... sometimes but I'm not a huge fan.
  • Doing that event thing in between family and art...yup that's how I do

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-25-2015, 06:24 AM

Dec 25th: Dat Holiday

I'm writing this in advance because I don't think I'll have time in the morning. I just finished putting all the presents upstairs and it's bed time. My Nephew will be here around 10 so if I wake up at around 7 I should have the bit of time I need to wake myself up. yeah. Gotta prepare for the crazy of my family. Should be all good as long as I don't go back to sleep after Chris leaves for his Grandpas thing.

I'm not sure how long they're staying but I'll find a way to do the things... just watch meh! XD
  • I bought myself The DA core membership.
  • Already thinking bout the food. :)


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