View Poll Results: Are you a Night Owl?
Present and accounted for! 20 58.82%
Sometimes. :3 11 32.35%
Not really. 1 2.94%
I'm just here for the snacks!! 2 5.88%
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Amane is offline
Old 07-09-2015, 08:24 PM

You would think those kids all wanted to go into politics.

bluerockman is online now
Old 07-09-2015, 08:32 PM

Gotta be aware of the things affecting our lives.

Amane is offline
Old 07-09-2015, 09:37 PM

So young, though!

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-09-2015, 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by LiviInLove View Post
Life totally got in the way!! How're y'all doing?
No problem hun! :D
I'm doing okay - better now than I have been since last week. Trying to unwind now that it's all over and get back into my normal routine - tonight I'm just watching TV and turning in early though! :3

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-09-2015, 10:59 PM

Emma; haha nope right thread. I'm just starting to get my feet wet back in Mene again. It's been a good long while. Sadly.

Nanook is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 06:10 AM

Good Evening. Is it alright if I chat here for a bit. :/
I'm trying to find an active thread at the moment.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 06:26 AM

Originally Posted by Veno View Post
Emma; haha nope right thread. I'm just starting to get my feet wet back in Mene again. It's been a good long while. Sadly.
I know how you feel - I'm swamped during semesters so I'm not overly active on Meme for 90% of the year - but I try to be a little more active during the summer and the month of January during my breaks - it's been a struggle though lol!

How long has it been since you've been active?

Originally Posted by Nanook View Post
Good Evening. Is it alright if I chat here for a bit. :/
I'm trying to find an active thread at the moment.
Of course! The more the merrier! :D I might pop off soon as it's 3am but I'd be happy to chat until I do! And I'm sure once I crash someone will be on haha There's usually activity throughout the day in here!

How are you?

Nanook is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 06:40 AM

Thank-you. :)
Ah it's 3am already? Wow it's only 12:16am over here. I would suggest getting some sleep if you can.
Hopefully. I plan to chat until like 2 or 3am. lol

I'm doing alright, just really cold right now. I'm supposed to be working on some art for a friend but I'm being lazy.
I already drew it, I just have to color it in.

How was your day?

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 06:52 AM

Yup! I'm over on the east coast in NY :3 I've been trying for over an hour and a half to get back to sleep now. :( I woke up from a nightmare around 2am and haven't been able to get back to sleep! So I'm now watching a couple episodes of KINMOZA! Season 2 to get my mind off of it lol

Ahhh you're halfway done! Coloring is always the fun part - I find the line art so tedious lol

It was a good but sad day. I had a funeral today for my Dad's Mom and then the family got together afterwards to visit as it's been a long time. So it was a sad day but a good day - kind of a release of the stress that has been building since last week. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions for sure!

Nanook is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 07:00 AM

Oh cool! How's the weather over there?
Really? Bummer. I hate when that happens. It's happened to me a few times. Usually making tea always helps get me back to sleep though. Maybe you should give it a try when you can?

Yes, the lineart is the toughest part. -nods- Took me an entire day to draw it actually. I ended up going to sleep at around 3am last night. Today I should have colored it in to upload it in the morning, but I'll probably just color it tomorrow and that same day upload it. I do want to at least have it colored tomorrow though. I hate making people wait for art, especially since it's not even awesome art. :/

Oh no, I'm really sorry to hear that. -pats shoulder- ; n ;

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 07:04 AM

Nanook ; I think you found the right spot. We're pretty active most of the time at night. Haha.

Emma; I frequently Mene in 2008-2009, then up until 2010. Then went a couple years with just bursts here and there. Then came back for a bit in 2013 and for the most part except to check some PM's from a couple people I've been gone up until about 2-3 weeks ago. Though i probably wouldn't of gotten back into it if I wasn't pregnant. Lol My parents wont let me do like anything, and it's been really hot so I haven't been spending as much time outside as I would like. I can't handle it. Lol and I love the heat. I live in FL for a reason.

I have only been up that far north once and that was for my brothers wedding a couple Octobers ago when he lived in Connecticut.

Nanook is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 07:07 AM

Really Veno? Well I'll be active for a few more hours before I get some sleep. But if my eye keeps killing me, I might go to bed sooner. I must say, you have a lovely avatar. :)

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 07:09 AM

Aw shucks, thank you. ^^ I was actually kinda envious of yours. There's something about it that I adore. <3

I'll probably be up for at least a couple more hours. Pregnancy insomnia is going to be the death of me. Haha. I'm sorry about your eye. Allergies or too much computer/tv screens?

Nanook is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 07:18 AM

-chuckles- You're welcome and thank-you.
My avatar looks pretty ghetto right now, but I'm happy to know you like it. :3

D'aww you're gonna have a baby? Cute!
I think it's due to too much computer screen all up in my face. lol
But I'll just blame it on that nasty almond milk I drank in the morning.

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 07:53 AM

If you mean ghetto as in the mob/mafia from the 1920's then you are entirely correct. Which is one of my favorite eras. Then you have the hair and tats on it. Very very cool.

Haha yup totally about to pop out a baby. and yeah computer screens and whatnot. D; I try to stay as far away from electronics as possible usually. I just even recently got a smart phone. xP That was only because a good friend of mine sent me her old phone so she could skype me after I have the baby. haha.

And yum Almond milk is super tasty!!

Nanook is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 07:57 AM

Hehehe, well thank-you very much! :D
The hair reminds me of a greaser which is awesome.

Boy or girl? Got a name already? I try to stay away from computer screens since I do love to read, but lately I've decided to take a break from reading since it tired out my eyes. Well that was very nice of your friend to do that. :3

You like it?
I tried it and I really didn't like it. I only drank it because I was really thirsty. lol

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 08:02 AM

Greasers weren't much in the era that I've paid too much attention to. Very interesting from what I do know though. I'm more into the 20's-30's and the 70's-80's haha kinda beating around the greaser bush. :P

Boy, named Finnley Reid. He's due on July 19th but we will see when he actually arrives. Lol. I read a lot. Specially even more in the previous months of me working at a call center (we don't handle a huge influx of calls in my department. Maybe 20 max a day that maybe last 5-10 minutes a piece during a 9 hour shift) haha So I had plenty of down time to read. <3 Which of course I adored. Thankfully we have a very well stocked and huge public library here.

I'm actually a vegetarian on my way back to being vegan. Dairy products don't really agree with me anyways unless they are in something. Like milk in mashed potatoes wont bother me but a bowl of icecream or cereal with real milk does. But I'm working on going gluten free, organic, vegan, and no prepackaged or processed foods.

Nanook is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 08:26 AM

Yeah they do sound like interesting people huh? My avi needs a cigarette I think, but I can't find one.

Yay, that's a really nice name, like no lie. Congrats by the way! :)
I tend to read a lot too, but I read so slowly. I have quite a bit of books I have promised myself to read and I keep buying more when I can. xD We have a public library here too, but I stay away from it since due to my slow reading, I never finish the book by the time I'm supposed to turn it in. :/

That's really neat that you're trying to become a Vegan, I wish you luck since I'm sure it's probably not that easy. Milk upsets my tummy too, well the lactose does anyway. That's why I stick to lactose free milk. o u o

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 08:44 AM

Probably would fit your avatar to have a cigarette. I think there is one I just don't know what store it's in...or maybe I'm just mistaken. lol

I appreciate that. A TON of my friends and family just kinda look at me like "Wtf did you choose? really? um how about no?" My parents tried talking me out of that name since I chose it like 6 months ago. lol I almost spelled Finnley the "proper" Irish way Findlay but I just figured that would unlock too much teasing at school "FIND THE LAY" either talking about the potato chips or something of a sexual nature. >.< Least now the most they can really do is call him Finn and every Finn I've read about in books or seen on tv were adventurers :) And I'm not sure where the name Reid came from. Only thing I can think of is off of the tv show Criminal Minds that my friend is like obsessed over. haha other than that I don't think I've heard that name before. If it had been a girl her name would of been Reagan Elyse. Which I totally totally adore. But I was hoping for a boy anyways <3_<3 so I'm glad.

I can't remember the last time I actually bought books. Lol Too expensive when I can either borrow them from the library or my friends. I read pretty darn fast. Especially if I'm REALLY into the book. And then I usually will end up rereading it again if I liked it. My favorite books hands down are Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite, Paint it Black my Janet Fitch, Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume (favorite book since elementary school) As well as Joyride by Lindsay Faith Rech. Poppy Z. Brite though. Oh my word I love all of that authors books. My brother gave me a couple of the books on my 11th birthday (which looking back now they are NOT suitable for most kids under the age of like 16 aha) But I was a pretty mature kid at that age with books at least. My elementary school in 5th grade had to request my books to read (if I didn't go to the public library) from the high school. by 4th grade I had a 12th grade reading level. Yay me. I really hope my son picks that up from me like I did from my mom. We are book hounds in this family.

WHEW I'm sorry I'm really really chatty I guess Dx

Going vegan really isn't going to be that hard for me. Going gluten free is going to be my downfall. I'm a bread and pasta fanatic. But I'm going to slowly incorporate gluten free breads/pastas and flours (like almond flour) into my vegan diet. Basically the only thing that keeps me from being vegan now is cheese. I already eat egg substitute. It's not that I'm against animal products, I just don't personally like the thought of consuming something that has come from an animal like that. And with milk/cheese/etc. cow's milk is made for baby cows. You don't see us churning up human breast milk for cheeses. And I haven't eaten eggs since I was a kid when I cracked one open and it had apparently been fertilized because it was a dead baby chick in there. Yup I was done for life. And a couple years later I went to a meat processing plant with my school for a field trip and haven't eaten any meat since. So 3rd grade? haha I use to eat fish but it just isn't appetizing to me anymore.

Nanook is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 09:10 AM

Right? I don't know what store it could be in. We probably don't have one though because I searched the marketplace and found nothing under Cigarette. D:

Well I think it's a really cool name, very fancy! :D If your family doesn't like it, it really shouldn't matter. You're the mother and if you like the name then that's what really matters you know? Perhaps over time your family will grow to like the name too. I agree, all 'Finn' named characters loved to go on adventures! xD
I love that show, and Reid is probably my favorite agent. He's so adorable. lol
Girl, you're coming up with super fancy names! That's a very pretty name for a girl. I'm happy that you're happy though, that's the most important thing.

Oh dear, I can't pick a favorite book. I love a lot of them, but I did really enjoy 'The Kite Runner' by Khaled Hosseini. I read that book twice and I'm sure I'll read it again someday because it's just a really moving book.
Oh wow you were a really smart kiddo! o u o I love reading books, everyone in the house here loves reading except for my mom. I got my love for books from my dad. When I was younger like around 4th or 5th grade, I was reading a Stephen king book. I forgot what it was called but it was pretty graphic but it wasn't scary. I really want to read that book again but it's probably put away in one of the many boxes.

Hahahah, it's alright! Nothing to be sorry about really!

Ohh I see. Wow that's pretty gross that you had to see that when you cracked the egg open. That's one odd field trip though. I personally hate eggs, I can't stand the smell of them. I only ate one egg once in my life and I didn't really like it. -shudders- The smell of eggs makes me gag though, same with fish. Tried it, hated it, the smell makes me gag. Another thing I'll never eat is pork. I don't care who makes it or how, but I'm never eating that gross junk. No way. ; n ;

I think I'll be going to sleep now. It was a real pleasure chatting with you though Veno. Hopefully we can chat again tomorrow late at night when I get on. Goodnight and sweet dreams. :3

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 09:37 AM

haha I don't know. I'm pretty sure I've seen someone with some sort of cigarette or something on here...maybe they just call it something else to save their butts? ;D no pun intended.
Haha yeah agree Reid is probably my favorite character on that show. He's just so adorable and smart!! Then the Finn that I think of the most is played by Matthew Mcconnaughey in Fools Gold. He plays a beach bum treasure seeker. I think that might be one of my top 10 favorite movies. And of course a couple of my friends who actually like the name Finnley think I chose it because I can call him Finn and I'm a HUGE beach bum. Like even being pregnant and all I still went to the beach. Just went really early or in the evening. Just didn't go like I usually do. I use to get off work at 7am and go spend the day at the beach, take a nap when I got home and go to work at 10pm xD I LIVED at the beach. Always have, grew up around it. Pretty sure I should of been born a mermaid. Just saying.

My dad is the mathematical one in the family. Lol and both my parents are some of the most off the wall creative people in my life. I think that came about when they were raising my brother. They were FLAT broke all the time. Got married at 17, neither of them graduated, my mom got pregnant at 19 with my brother, and then 8 1/2 years later I was born. Lol Up until probably I graduated high school my parents were always broke - money wise. We were always doing something. Even if we couldn't go camping or something, we would pitch our make shift tents in the back yard, have a bonfire and all sorts of just creative-cheap ways to have fun as a family. I wouldn't change my child hood for anything. I had an incredible time and the most off the wall adventures even just in my back yard. Which I think that's another reason we went to the beach alot as kids. We live like, 15 minutes away? My mom was a stay at home mom because it was cheaper to watch us than it was to work and pay for day care. They weren't raised to accept help from the government so even though we would of probably most def qualified, it never happened. We had a home, lights, water, food, family pets, always had christmas's/birthdays etc. I have no idea how in the world they did it, but I am always thankful for it. I learned alot growing up. I remember the like 3-4 years we didn't have a dryer and started hanging our clothes on the line. - Im totally guilty of still doing this with a good amount of my clothes on pretty days - they smell so lovely. We always had a garden, learned to can/make jellies/jams. My brother kinda bailed in and out after he turned 16, so for a lot of the time it was just us three. Lol I had to buy a pumpkin last year for Halloween because a tree limb fell on our pumpkins. I was quite devastated. That was the first time since I can remember to have to buy a pumpkin and not carve the one I grew. Which everything I did as a kid I CANNOT wait to do with my son. Like omfg. People always say "aw you must of had it rough growing up" Nope. I think I had it better than a vast majority of people. -personal opinion -

Yeah our school was...different. haha we always went on strange and odd field trips. Informative and full of learning though. I'll give them that. haha. And I couldn't eat pork. We had a pet pig when I was reallly really little. I think our neighbors kidnapped him... I don't know i was like 6. I really only like "eggs" in like potato salad and things that require "eggs" like cakes and whatnot. I dont like just scrambled eggs or something.

Goodnight and sweet dreams. :D Look forward to chit chatting with you again. haha or writing another book. -thank god for fast typing skills-

Amane is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 01:38 PM

Walls! Walls of text! It's raining gold on Veno!

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 04:31 PM

Haha I guess that is one way to look at it when I type super long messages like that. I just can't help myself. It helps that I can type as fast as I can think. Thank goodness. xD

How are you this morning?

Amane is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 04:53 PM

It's no longer morning here. Still, nothing to report.

bluerockman is online now
Old 07-10-2015, 05:13 PM

Myself, I'm looking over ways I can improve my laptop and hopefully not break it in the process. This lappy and I have gone through alot in 3 years, we have.


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