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Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 12:26 AM

(Soturo Ayami + Magician Girl Mirani) - The Captain's Doctor, or the Doctor's Captain depending on who you ask.

The Doctor let out a sigh, the air passing between his barely parted lips in a small gust. He glanced at the flashing TARDIS console, at all the little lights and apparently blinking eyes that seemed to wink back at him. How long had he been traveling by himself now? He wasn't quite sure. It had been a while anyway and he was beginning to miss having a companion around. There was nothing that he thought would ever be able to substitute for the TARDIS and the unique bond that he had with teh ship that could transverse the large distances between space and time but that didn't mean he didn't miss a good conversation. When his companions were around it gave him something other to focus on, something to draw his attention away from the fact that he was the last remaining time lord in existance.

The TARDIS hummed, seeming to sense his mood. He smiled slightly and rested a hand on the faintly throbbing TARDIS, the rhythm almost seeming to be a heart beat. Very few people realised just how alive the TARDIS really was and how complex her 'thoughts' could be. He was still astounded by what she could do and he'd been with her for such a very long time. It didn't matter that he'd stolen her or that she was a Type 40 TARDIS and was technically already a museum piece when he took her. He'd felt drawn to her and that had been that.

A small noise emitted from a nearby screen and his eyes were drawn to it immediately. He squinted, tilted his head and squinted some more. That was odd. He blinked a few times for good measure before reaching out and beginning to fiddle with the controls, pushing buttons and pulling leavers here and there.

"What have you found now?" he murmured, staring at the screen some more. The readings he was picking up were odd, extremely odd. Something was clearly out of it's proper place. Or at least that was what the readings seemed to indicate. Whatever the TARDIS was picking up was definitely out of it's proper time or place and The Doctor, being who he was, couldn't leave it alone. Something was clearly setting the TARDIS's scanners off and he wanted to know exactly waht it was. "Go on then, take us there." He pulled down a final leaver and set the TARDIS going. It hummed in agreement before burrowing it's way through the time stream towards whatever it was. "A new adventure awaits."

((Sorry if it's a bit rubbish but it's all I could think of right now))

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-25-2011, 01:15 AM

A sigh left him. There was nothing left for him any more. They were in a sense gone, dead. Sometimes he cursed himself for not being able to join them. If only...but he shook the thought from his head as soon as he thought it. He had to live this existence he might as well live it for them. They wouldn't have wanted him to mope about at all time, making it harder and harder to get up every morning. He could already imagine the scolding he'd get. It made him smile to himself. The world was vast and full of knowledge he might as well try and make his peace with it.

Shrugging he pushed a button here or there, another smile spreading across his face. The ship was empty and cold but that didn't mean he couldn't think of things to warm him up from time to time. Especially at night, in the dark. A shiver ran up his spine and me pushed forward on his voyage. He was certain he wasn't familiar with this galaxy but that was all the more reason to explore. It was pretty the star patterns. The way he saw them day after day, some of them even seemed alive. He wished he had some one to chat with about it, about...anything really. Anything would be better then this silence, the dark, the...And he was on the thoughts again. Damnit he'd never be rid of them.

Frustrated he ran a hand through is hair and along his face. He needed a shave and a hair cut at some point. His hair had grown just past his ears and he was starting to feel the beginnings of a stubble. Jack also supposed he could try and eat regularly. He was beginning to look a bit pale. Pushing a few more buttons his head leaned forward onto the dashboard and he fell asleep.

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 01:22 AM

((Should have asked this earlier I supose but where should Jack and The Doctor meet up? Should it be on a near-by planet or should THe Doctor beam the TARDIS into Jack's ship and then they head to a planet? The planet may be easier though))

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-25-2011, 01:26 AM

((yeah the planet might be easier. Something small, a rest stop planet? :3))

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 01:37 AM

((Yeah that'll work. Here we go then!))

Soon the TARDIS was coming to a stop. The usual noise that she made when landing reverberated throughout the control room and a smile spread accross The Doctor's face at the familiar sound. He hadn't actually landed anywhere in a while, preferring to mull about in the time stream in the vortex and not get involved with the rest of the universe for a while. He hadn't realised until now just how much he'd actually missed that sound. Finally she came to a complete stop and he amost absently gave the console a reassuring pat before striding confidently to the door and opening it cautiously.

Being a Time Lord he was able to tell exactly which date it was and, as he was so used to using the earth-calander date he automatically prosessed the fact taht in earth years it was 2011. He glanced around for a moment, taking in the sites. He was on a relatively small planet orbiting a red dwarf in what would be the Taurus constilation on earth. This particular planet was used as a sort of rest stop for travelers to refuel before heading off to further away destinations. He looked around for a moment, getting his bearings a final time before shutting and locking the TARDIS door. No need to invite thieves to come and steal the TARDIS by leaving it unlocked now was there? Why go looking for trouble when it usually found him anyway?

He carefully placed the TARDIS key in an inside pocket of his jacket before beginng his customary exploration of the planet. He could sense that whatever the TARDIS had picked up was coming closer, it wasn't here yet. That was alright. He could wait. He had all the time in the universe at his disposal (pretty much) so he could afford to wait. In the mean time there were a few interesting venders selling some very interesting items and The Doctor, being who he was, couldn't resist poking around a little.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-25-2011, 03:03 AM

Jack shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He was feeling better then ever after getting his hair done, he even went ahead got a shave and even got his nails done. It wasn't like he had anything better to do. His smiled lasted as he watched a few people pass him by. Some elderly woman giggled as he walked past and he just waved to her flashing his pearly whites. Yep he got them done too. It was a long way from grieving that was for sure. he stopped by a shop on his way out and got himself a new suit but he was starting to get low on money. He should probably curb this spending before he blew it all. But as he thought about it what did he have to lose. Not to mention he wanted to wander through the market some more. There were interesting things to do on rest stop planets, people always trying to sell you something. Maybe he could charm his way into a discount and maybe he could get some food while he was at it. He hadn't even bothered to eat when he landed.

A man behind a booth motioned him forward and he couldn't help but oblige. The man was Tall thin and his skin was as dark a night. He was pretty, his night blue eyes stood out against his face and his smile was very inviting. Jack gave the man a grin of his own as he approached. "And what are you selling?" He asks tilting his head.

The low baritone had a slight hiss to it but it seemed to fit just right for the man who seemed to be eying him. Not that he minded really, he'd take it if it meant he got a better deal. He had been spending too much on his travels as it was. His lip curled up with a coy smile. He listened to the man talk and replied with small talk. He didn't notice a man come up behind him slipping things from his pocket at first but when the man had stopped talking he noticed he was a little light. He glanced around a bit trying to see where the idiot had gone but he couldn't spot him. Bastard.

Last edited by Soturo Ayami; 05-25-2011 at 01:55 PM..

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 08:16 AM

As The Doctor walked through the market he noticed a vender talking to a customer. Normally he wouldn't pay any attention to it but there was something about the back of the customer's head looked familiar. He was distracted from this however as he saw someone slip behind the person adn begin to pickpocket them. He frowned as he watched this but the other didn't seem to notice as he was talking to the stall owner. Was this a trick? Were the vender and the other working together to rip off customers? You never did know on these planets. They were interesting places but pickpocketing was also a lot more common.

He saw the pickpocket begin to slowly move away, being careful not to draw attention. Well it was too bad for them taht he'd seen the whole thing. "Oi!" he called, making his way quickly towards the pick pocket. "Ever heard that picking someone's pockets when they're busy talking to someone else is extremely rude?" There, that should draw enough attention to the guy for the other to be able to track them down.

As he got closer to the stall where the pickpocket-ed person was though he was suddenly almost overwhelmed with the feeling of wrongness that swirled around the other. He was...but it couldn't be. They were lightyears away from Earth. Why in the universe was Jack Harkness here rather than with his team. A frown creased The Doctor's face as he stared at Jack. What was going on? Why was he here? He felt himself cringe unintentionally at Jack's presense. It wasn't his fault after all. He was a fixed point in time, a fact, something that shouldn't exist. He'd said as much to the immortal man before. It wasn't Jack's fault and he wished that he didn't cringe at the other's presense but it was an instinctive reaction. He was a time lord and something like Jack simply shouldn't exist.

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-25-2011, 11:42 PM

Jack twitched when the man in front of him grinned and motioned behind him. if they had been working together it wasn't expressly obvious, the man behind the booth did not seem perturbed in the least bit. But Jack gave him a scowl before he whipped around to give the little brat a what for. At least he was going to. He recognized it that voice pattern. Something in him gave a massive upheaval and he could feel a small panic bubbling up in his system. Of all the places in the galaxy for him to be the Doctor had to be here. He was the last person he wanted to see at them moment. All his thoughts and feelings on overdrive at once as he marched over to the man who had taken his things. The smaller life-form gave them back with shaky hands and Jack just turn his head to the Doctor a wide grin on his face.

If he was going to be forced to associate with him he might as well be himself. He clapped a hand over the mans shoulders. He looked pretty much the same as he last saw him. Maybe a little younger. No matter what he always seemed to get younger. It was slightly baffling but then again not many knew much about time lords and he was sure the Doctor wasn't telling. Besides the fact that they had all been wiped out by the dialects. Thankfully they were also gone, it was a scary ordeal with something like them. He gave a mental shudder at the thought. The Doctor brought him some good and bad memories, then of course there was the fact that he was almost the same. While Jack was a fixed point in time as long as the time lord had the TARDIS he could regenerate just fine.

"Well isn't it a surprise seeing you here?" He laughed patting the Doctor's shoulder roughly. "What have you been up to all this time?"

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 09:45 PM

The Doctor watched Jack carefully as he first took back his things and then strode up to him and started talking. He could see the play of emotions passing over the immortal human's face. There was first shock, well that was expected. The odds of them both appearing on the same planet at the same time were severely stacked against them after all. The second emotion...panic maybe? He wasn't quite sure. Human emotions weren't exactly his forte after all but it definitely wasn't a pleasant emotion. He could also see the mask, the way that Jack tried to act like normal. He would be sure to question the other about that later but for the moment he'd accept it. He filed the information into a small place in his mind before refocusing on the immortal.

He couldn't help but wince slightly as Jack's wrongness came into contact with him. He tried not to though, somehow not wanting to offend Jack. It wasn't his fault he was like this after all. It was just...not right, not right for a human to be fixed the way that Jack was. Still he wouldn't purposefully push Jack away. He'd already abandoned the other once and run away another time. He didn't want to do that again. Jack was his friend even though he shouldn't belong.

"Nice to see you again, Captain," He said. Well he wasn't lying. it was nice to run into the captain again but it wasn't quite so nice to be reminded of the wrong feeling. He pushed that aside and concentrated on interacting with him. "What brings you here?"

Soturo Ayami
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Old 05-30-2011, 01:38 AM

Jack just took his hand back from the Doctor. "Oh right, forgot about the touching thing." He half mutters turning his head away. He was starting to wonder if this really was a coincidence. Maybe some 'higher power' was messing with him. Or even the good Doctor himself. Jack just shook his head to clear his thoughts. "I'm on holiday." Not a total lie. He was trying to get away, kind of like a vacation. So what if he had nothing to return to. He deserved a bit of happiness now and then.

A part of him wanted to tell the man right off the bat but the other part of him just told him to keep it to himself. The Doctor wasn't completely un-feeling and he was pretty sure he could relate to him but he just didn't feel like opening that sack of cats. He laughed at his own humorous tendency so the forced smile on his face was a real one for a moment. Again he patted the Doctor on the shoulder and laughed. "Well since you help me, how about I take you out for drink? The least I could do." He insisted.

((Damn writers block.))

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 08:49 PM

((I know the feeling, one of the worst ever! Almost worse than being stuck in an exam and not knowing how to answer a question. -shudders- Horrible!!!!! I (unfortunately) have experience with both senarios and neither is all that pleasant))

Even as Jack answered his question The Doctor could tell that something was wrong. Jack wasn't exactly lying...but he definitely wasn't telling the whole truth. There was something taht the immortal Captain and former time-agent wasn't telling him. His frown deepened slightly as he thought it over and took in the false smile. It turned to a real one, just a split second, and he wondered what had passed through his former companion's mind to cause that brief flash of humor to light in his eyes.

"You're hiding something," he stated simply, not bothering to beat around the bush. What was the point? Besides, it wasn't as if he was any good at it anyway. "I'll not push you though. You'll tell me in your own time I supose, whenever that is."

He paused at Jack's offer of a drink, raising an eyebrow unconciously as he looked at the captain. He thought it over, wondering exactly why Jack would offer such a thig. Again he winced as he came into contact with Jack at the presense of the man's hand on him again but it wasn't as bad. His body was beginning to get used to the feeling of Jack. It wasn't easy but over the time that they'd been in contact with each other, especially during the year that never was, he'd managed to build up a small resistance to the feeling. It just took a while to kick in during initial contact. That didn't mean it still wasn't painful to be around him, it was just more bearable.

"Are you trying to get me drunk, Harkness?" he asked, feeling the need to lighten the situation a bit.


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