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ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-29-2022, 01:15 AM


header blatantly stolen from my 2016 thread

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-22-2023 at 04:24 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-29-2022, 01:15 AM


New Year's Resolutions

--------------------------------Eat more reasonable portions

--------------------------------Use LoseIt to plan mealtimes

--------------------------------Wake up before 11am, ideally around 9am

--------------------------------Meditate more and be more mindful; take deep breaths and stretch

--------------------------------Exercise 3x/week, for at least 30 minutes

--------------------------------Stretch/Yoga every night before bed

--------------------------------Wash or soak feet every evening around 8pm

--------------------------------Keep brushing 2x/day and flossing 1x/day

--------------------------------Draw more for myself and less for other people

--------------------------------Avoid thinking traps, and reframe negative thoughts

--------------------------------Avoid people-pleasing behaviors & perfectionism


Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-26-2024 at 10:00 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-29-2022, 01:15 AM

Media Progress

--------------------------------Songs Learned in Spanish:. 5 .

--------------------------------• Suerte - Shakira (Memorized)
--------------------------------• Debajo de mi Lengua - Julieta Venegas
--------------------------------• La Bicicleta - Carlos Vives & Shakira
--------------------------------• Lo que me gusta a mi - Juanes
--------------------------------• Pareja del Año - Sebastian Yatra, Myke Towers (in progress)
--------------------------------• La Oveja Negra - Llane (in progress)

--------------------------------TV Episodes Watched in Spanish:. 2 .

--------------------------------• Star Trek TNG - unknown episode (1)
--------------------------------• Huge buildings TV episode

--------------------------------Movies Watched in Spanish:. 6 .

--------------------------------• Pitch Perfect (Spn subtitles w/Eng audio)
--------------------------------• Una Chica Apura (Spn dub with Spn subtitles)
--------------------------------•zA few documentaries
--------------------------------•zStar Wars I: The Phantom Menace

--------------------------------Writing Works in Progress:. 2 .

--------------------------------• Forbidden Island Oracle Guide
--------------------------------• You're On The Air screenplay/storyboards

--------------------------------Books Reading:. 14 .

--------------------------------50 Book Challenge


Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-26-2024 at 10:02 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-29-2022, 01:16 AM

January Highlights

First year being forever partnered, first month of my 30th year, two years since graduating

Filling at the dentist
• First one in years, very excited to have good dental health
• Went well, the dentist made a lot of jokes and had a TV on a medical grade arm that lets it be above you while he's working on you. I couldn't really see the tv past his head, but it was neat. Can't eat on the left side of my mouth for a week and I'm going to be sticking to mostly soft foods.

Resolution to exercise more and eat more sensible portions/meals.
• Knee got hurt at the end of December, so I can't walk or stationary bike, but I'm trying to do yoga every night and weightlifting/light cardio 4 days a week.
• Using LoseIt! app again. loving sweet potatoes, broccoli, shrimp & black bean pasta
• Having a hard time resisting the siren's call of sugary granola bars

1/12 - Knee is feeling better! I might bike gently tomorrow or go for a little walk.
And my filling is ready to be chewed on again
Still gotta do my Secret Santa, I got an extension till February 12, but I want to try to have it done before my trip. Buuuuut instead today I worked on designing a semi-open species OC . I've been wanting to do it for a while, but I keep trying to force myself to do the secret santa, so today I just said fuck it and let myself draw what I wanted to draw. The mods of the species approved my sketch too, which I was a little stressed about because they're very strict with the rules of the species.

February Highlights

Orlando Trip Feb 4 - 8
• Disney Springs, Universal, Disney World,

- Pin Trading-- found everything i was searching for and more!! got a VIP DMC Coco pin right after someone put it on the trading board! found the Sorcerer Mickey at the Fantasia store under California Grill, and their pin trading board had the Taurus Eeyore!!!!!!!??? it could have been any zodiac, but it was Taurus! and i literally didn't see any other zodiac pins the whole time i was there. Scout found the spinning Pride pin i had seen and liked, and i found my spinning 2023 pin. i also bought a sliding Minnie & Mickey's Runaway Railroad pin, and a Orange Bird pin because i lOVE HIM and he was everywhere. then i got a whole bunch from trading!! i traded every single pin i planned to trade :D Scout worked hard to track down every store with a pinboard, so it was like boom boom boom trade after trade, it was awesome.
- Penny Pressing
- Haunted Mansion special 50th edition Mickey ears with the blinking eyes and singing wallpaper and a tophat
- Experiencing the lands around the rides
- Went on SIXTEEN RIDES!!!! my feet are so blistered, but honestly i prepped really well for this trip with endurance training exercises so i'm not as tired or sore as i expected. i also used to long distance walk every day through Denver to get to work, so i think my body is kinda built for long walks
- I can't even describe all the rides, but they were so soothing and immersive, even after any frustrations or rushing or anything else, once we got in those gorgeous queues, everything else just melted away. My favorite ride I hadn't been on before was the Navi River Journey, but honestly all of the ones we went on totally thrilled me. Haunted Mansion was like orgasmic for me, it's basically a small special interest, so I had a lot of fun thinking about how everything works and it felt like greeting old familiar friends :')
- Photopass!! We got so many amazing pictures, it was like having a wedding photographer
- Photopass lenses! I studied ahead of time to know what filters were specific to what area, and we had a lot of fun playing with them while we waited between rides or after closing time. The only one i missed was Hector from Coco in Epcot :'( but i got a Coco penny and a picture of the golden 50th Coco statue, so it's ok.
- Lazy river & hot tub with palm trees
- Stayed really hydrated and bathrooms everywhere!
- Got to ride the monorail through the resort we ate at the night before

March Highlights

The weather has been so nice! A couple little snow flurries and a lot of wind, but it's been so sunny and none of the snow has been sticking. I've been going for walks as part of my exercising, but it is scary because there are never many people on the street, so people are always very aware of me, and sometimes they don't like what they see, so it's dangerous for me. I feel like I have some stressful interaction with a random stranger every time I go out, so it's hard to motivate. But usually I can trick myself into going out when I go to check the mail or take the trash out.

I've been riding my indoor bike and lifting weights regularly, I would say it's been about every other day, so that makes 3/4 days a week, which is my goal! I had been slacking because I didn't want to get re-injured before Disney, but now my goal is to build strength and get more fit before next year's Disney trip, so that I don't have to stop working out next time and I'll be more ready for those 30 miles. I have this weird muscle tension in my left foot, I guess because my shoes don't have enough arch support? So hopefully I'll get some good insoles, and I'll be all ready for the walking we're gonna do on our New Mexico trip. But I've been stretching it a lot, and doing little 1 mile walks has seemed to be helping.

I've been figuring food out really well too, I've decided to always have one protein prepped, either shrimp, salmon, or tofu, and I've been cooking them when I'm not hungry so that I have them for later instead of feeling like omgomg gotta eat right now. I've been doing the same with sweet potatoes, so I have a good filling source of fiber, and then I'm still sticking with those frozen veggies. Broccoli has been my saving grace. I also decided to start baking my shrimp scampi so I don't have to babysit a sautée pan.

Scout and I got Orange Bird shirts!! I don't know why but I love that little guy so much. I like having matching shirts with Scout. We're cute.

We've been doing a big project to get all our trip photos over the years uploaded and then also we're making Orlando 2023 scrapbooks. It's been fun, we've been cutting out the photos the traditional way which I haven't done in foreverrrr. It's making me be really creative, I've always loved scrapbooking and collages. I even got rejected from an arts academy for middle school because I made my acting portfolio a scrapbook with like paper cutouts and bubble stickers and everything

St. Patty's day went kinda ignored by us, we didn't put up any of our decorations. But I did dress in green, and I got some stickers a few days afterwards, so I still felt in the spirit. But we don't drink so it's kinda like eh to celebrate.

April Highlights

• Found an awesome boba place near us! Their decor is super cute, my partner said it looked like they raided a dollar store but i think it's awesome. it's very green, with a clean white and bamboo color palette, neon signs, and pandas everywhere. And there's a giant boba cup outside. We went twice this month, I got Thai iced tea with yogurt boba the first time. the yogurt boba didn't quite go with it because it was citrusy, but they both tasted good individually. The second time I got vanilla with red bean, and it was really good. Next time I want to try Taro.

• Everything is starting to bloom. I've been teaching my partner Ndee Bi'yati', and the word for this time of year is T'aa Nachil, which means the buds are swelling. He likes when I text him pictures of little things blooming, it makes me so happy to have someone appreciate my dorkiness like that. My succulent started to bloom! Just one of them. At first I thought they were a bunch of succulent petals bubbling up, but then they started to stretch out, and one by one they opened until it was a full bush of blooms. They bloomed all month, and it was a really gradual process. I've only had one succulent bloom before, so this was really cool.

• Easter in Staten Island with Scout's family was fun! His mom set up an egg hunt for all the grown-up kids (me, Scout, his brother, and his brother's wife) and the three of them got so competitive about it, shoving each other out of the way i just went around scavenging the remainders

• I got to ride the Staten Island Ferry and see the Statue of Liberty all lit up at sunset, and then I took the train all by myself from NYC to Albany. I had a really good Jamba Juice, my partner got one too. I had Electric Blueberry Lemonade and he had Blue Vanilla Sky.

• Scout is redecorating our kitchen all Disney themed for our birthdays! But classy we have a bunch of framed prints and we did our best attempt at putting a skin on our fridge (we kept it with imperfections instead of perfectly smooth, it kinda looks like paint) and we have special themed plates :D And I have Haunted Mansion prints in my room, which is a dream come true.


Last edited by ghostPastry; 05-03-2023 at 02:46 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-29-2022, 01:17 AM

May Highlights

30th Birthday - May 15
New Mexico trip - May 10-24

June Highlights

Found my first mushroom at Peebles! Looked like chicken of the woods, bright yellow growing off the side of a tree.

Started talking about moving with Scout.

Tried to give blood, but got so nervous they wouldn't take it because my heart rate was too high I wasn't even scared of the needle, it was just all the bullshit I had to go through in the waiting room, and then they started asking me all these questions, and with my brainfog and medical trauma I have a really hard time answering them, and then they waited until AFTER that to measure my heart rate, and they wouldn't even let me step outside to let it go down, I had to sit there and get more and more nervous...

New season of Bachelorette started! I'm extra invested in this season because Charity Lawson is the bachelorette! I've been rooting for her since before her season of the Bachelor even began, so when it was announced that she would be the bachelorette, I absolutely flipped my lid.

July Highlights

Got back on Insta, Tumblr, and X, mainly with a focus on X because that's where all the big businesses and famous people are, the best place to network right now imo, and the art community there is really thriving.

Started out with 0 followers on Insta and X, and the Tumblr has been going for a few months and a lot of my close internet friends follow me there, so I have about 14. Ended the month with 8 followers on X.

Anniversary and Scout's birthday! We went to Secret Caverns and a Railway explorer to celebrate, then later that week we went to a Brass Band concert, and Scout got some photo ops with his trombone. I found a lot of mushrooms at the venue, it was outside at a Sculpture garden, and the rock sculptures were all covered with moss and shroomies.

ArtFight bluh bluh bluh. Lots of drama this year, Takaia is a fucking liar and has been stealing money from teenagers and young adults for years, in the tens of thousands of dollars range, under the guise of "donations", so she's not held legally responsible for what should by all rights be a small business, and not some sole-proprietor shit. I played anyway, but this is probably my last year and I stopped playing before the end of the fight because the people who are trying to take over as staff are 1. just as incompetent and 2. were friends with Takaia for YEARS and just let all this slide over and over. and 3. from screenshots i've seen, they never were as professional as something this big needs. I got some great art though! Even a couple handmade things.

August Highlights

Hawt weather baby, oh yeah!

Made a post on X that got reblogged by the Good Omens official X account!!! by August 6, it had 51 Replies - 938 RTs - 10,491 Likes - 158 Bookmarks - 200k Views, which is the most amount of anything I've gotten on any post ever. Even just the number of bookmarks is higher than the most notes I've ever received on one post!

Went from 8 followers on X to 36.

August 14, started nature photo Insta after getting locked out of my witchcraft insta. I find it so much more fulfilling. My nature photos always used to flop because people just wanted free readings out of me, and I always let that get to my head, thinking my photos just sucked. But now that my blog is photo-themed, they all feel like they belong, and my feed just looks great. No more weirdass faux-spiritual bullshit, it's all just mushrooms and plants!

"Went" to Bonnaroo by watching the livestream in our living room. Our screen is really good, so I took a lot of zoomed-in pictures of it, pretending we were really there. If you looked at my camera roll, you would just think I had a really good seat.

First visited our new home!!! It has such a gorgeous river view, and you can even see our kayak launch from our balcony! I can walk to a state park in 15 minutes, and there's also a library and a grocery store within a 30 minute walk (2 minute drive). The library is kinda shitty and small, but you can request any book to be sent there from any library in the district. The grocery store is AMAZING and has a lot of healthy options.

This house is so much bigger than our old place, and we'll have room for a gym and a lego-building station in our basement, as well as the patio chair that used to live in my bedroom. We have a patio and a balcony, right on top of each other, and we have a little spot behind a fence right on the edge of the water that the groundskeeping people have started clearing of shrubbery for us.

Sparks is very nervous now and is confined to my room, but it's not as bad as it could be because all of our stuff is the same and smells like us. She was very confused when I first took her out of her carrier, she looked around like ???? did you just take me from your empty room back into your full room, how did this stuff get here?? and then she looked around and it slowly dawned on her that this place is a new place. She really liked the bathtub, she always does, but this one I think smells more like dog than anything else after Scout's thorough carpet cleaning. She keeps sniffing the crevices between the wall and carpet too.


Last edited by ghostPastry; 09-12-2023 at 06:57 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-29-2022, 01:19 AM

September Highlights

October Highlights

November Highlights

December Highlights


Last edited by ghostPastry; 01-04-2023 at 07:04 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-29-2022, 01:19 AM

Reserved 3

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-29-2022, 01:20 AM

Reserved 4

ghostPastry is offline
Old 12-29-2022, 01:21 AM



You're welcome to chat in here, don't worry about burying my memories,
I'll put all the important stuff on the first page.


Last edited by ghostPastry; 01-04-2023 at 07:18 PM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 01-10-2023, 07:59 AM

Wishing you so much luck in all of your endeavors in 2023❗️ ♡♡♡

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-10-2023, 03:18 PM

thank you, hums!

---------- Post added 01-10-2023 at 02:31 PM ----------

thank you to R u b y: for the inspiration for my new thread name

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-10-2023, 06:52 PM

Omg ghost you didn't xD HostPapa forever

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-10-2023, 07:55 PM

i mean, you're welcome to come up with another one that makes me sound less like a Daddy Dom

---------- Post added 01-10-2023 at 03:55 PM ----------

but for now it's durr de dur de daddy

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-10-2023, 07:59 PM

but what if I’m into that

If you’re into dancing you could be a gho gho dancer

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-10-2023, 08:05 PM

i mean who isn't into that

i'm one box step ahead of you

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-10-2023, 08:19 PM

do those legs go all the way up?

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-10-2023, 09:01 PM

hey li'l mama lemme whisper in your... uh... panda?

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-11-2023, 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
hey li'l mama lemme whisper in your... uh... panda?
wow what a flashback

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-14-2023, 10:10 PM

I showed my mom Carl Poppa so she would understand and she loves it

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-15-2023, 01:34 AM

ahaha that's awesome

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-15-2023, 02:47 AM

I've been showing her all the memes and stuff I reference so she can be in on my jokes

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-15-2023, 04:04 AM

it's important to do! i'm always having to teach my partner about memes and John Mulaney jokes because he doesn't do any social media so he literally just missed out on decades of pop culture but he still appreciates the humor, he just doesn't have the familiarity

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-15-2023, 06:16 PM

I was so glad when John Mulaney got popular I've been quoting him since my early teen years and now people GET IT xD Have you heard his bit about the salt and pepper diner? Where they played what's new pussycat over and over?

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-15-2023, 06:25 PM

in front of a seemingly indifferent staff?? "same shit as always..." "god DAMN IT!!!!" ahh like he had just got his 50 day anger management chip

i was so glad too, i always had my one John Mulaney friend and we would speak almost exclusively in John Mulaney quotes to each other, there's really a quote for every situation. so it was really cool when i started seeing FB groups dedicated to him and a bunch of gifsets on Tumblr.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-15-2023, 06:35 PM

YES!!! I was quoting that all the time when I was 14

I love that! I've always talked in movie lines or quotes


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