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Madame Rousseau
Madame Rousseau is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 01:01 PM

banner by Mythos

Last edited by Madame Rousseau; 12-03-2013 at 06:22 PM..

Madame Rousseau
Madame Rousseau is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 01:01 PM


Oh hey there all you peoples! Miss yer pal Madame Rou? Never did say thanks fer gettin' me off that stinkin' island! Not gonna start now! I'm just pullin' yer seagull. Thank'e kindly. Now that I got no coconuts and seaweed to keep myself lookin' fine and fancy, I think I'm a-needin' some duds! Think you can help with that?

I do love ma island getup and style. Especially how this braided coconut frond belt accentuate my womanly curves! Only problem is these holes and patches ain't that nice when the wind whips up and the snow starts fallin'. I ain't found nuttin' that suits ma style in yer shoppies.

That and what you guys think? *blush* I think I might....look a bit more pleasin' and frou frou for a certain someone.

There ain't nuttin' here that remind me of the big ol' ocean and beach. Or the rocks and shells I put in piles, buried about, and shouted at when they got cheeky. Help me keep all ma favorite things here on Menewsha too! Now just remember. I ain't as young as I used to be so....I don't want no skimpy short shorts.

Just don't gimme any of dem crabbies for shoes!!! They pinch my toes something awful! I don't fancy those red snappy little stinkers.

Last edited by Madame Rousseau; 12-03-2013 at 06:22 PM..

Madame Rousseau
Madame Rousseau is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 01:01 PM

How to Participate: The OOC Version

This is an avatar contest. Your goal is to come up with a new outfit (avatar) for Madame Rousseau's everyday life in Menewsha. Folks who create the best avatars will win prizes, and may have the distinct (or.. dubious? ) honor of seeing their designs modeled by Madame R herself!

  • No background items. NPC avatars are sans background for versatility, so we ask that you don't include floors, walls, frames, etc. :)
  • Limit clutter. Lots of extra things do not a good NPC avatar make. Imagine having to cart everything equipped on your own avatar around with you, everywhere you go, every day.. such is life for NPCs. Some flavor bits are okay, but too many will render your entry unusable.
  • No more than three entries per person. Don't use an alt to get more entries in, please. Staff-approved charity mules are welcome to enter on behalf of their charities, however. :)
  • Please use an outside image source to save your entries (Imgur, photobucket, etc)

Notes: You may use the Dream Avatar Creator (DAC). Rare items are OK as long as they fit the above guidelines.
Please post any questions you have here & we'll get them answered ASAP.

You have until Dec, 11, 2013 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time to get your entries in.

Good luck, everyone!


[COLOR="Blue"][B][SIZE="4"]I have an outfit for Madame Rousseau![/SIZE][/B]
Img: (( link image or URL here ))
Comments: (( anything you want to tell us about your entry here ))

Last edited by Madame Rousseau; 12-07-2013 at 04:51 AM..

Madame Rousseau
Madame Rousseau is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 01:01 PM




Comments: Here is a fetching outfit for Madame Rousseau! A nice beach themed outfit to remind her of the good ole days on the island. Even includes a pet crab on a leash to go with her island days!

Hope you like it, Madame Rousseau!

The Wandering Poet


You mentioned wanting to wear something that reminds you of the beach, but you also mentioned Frou Frou, so I based my submission off of that.
I made sure to use a design that allows for free movement, allowing you to be active, while minimizing the amount of skin that is revealed.
Additionally it has a red shell like pattern on the side for that seashell type feel.
I may not know what a boy would like, but I think this might catch their eye :)

Murasaki Fujiwara


Comments: Now, my dear, you said you wanted somethign a little frou-frou, so I chose a very feminine blouse. The pants would allow for movement, and the boots will protect your toes from the crabs.
I chose natural tones that reminded me of a gentle, cloudy day at the beach. And if you're trying to catch the eye of who I think, no archaeologist could say no to a lovely lady like you in an outfit like this.



Comments: I went for an array of blue and ocean colors, so that Madame Rousseau can always feel near to the sea. I picked jeans and sneakers for comfort and exploration, a coat for when it gets chilly, and a bag for her to carry whatever keepsakes she finds. The flower in her hair and a shell necklace serve as a reminders of her island days.



Comments: So, the Madame has her eyes on someone, eh? Well, how about this here outfit? Different shades of blue that resembles the colors of the ocean. Now, the Madame says she would like an outfit that has frou frou and she also mentioned her belt accenting her curves. This outfit provides both! Pretty, stylish, and attractive! It is sure to catch the eye of that special someone. The shoes are wide, yet provide a nice touch to this feminine outfit. The bag, which matches the outfit perfectly, is the perfect size for carrying goods and your seashell friends!z

Note: I also gave her a new hairstyle. She's here in the city now, might as well get her hair done. ;)



Comments: I went with an outfit that a mature woman would love to wear out on a date. Something feminine but demure. Her necklace reminds her of where she has been and who she is. She has had her hair done and it is now silky smooth and wavy. Go out and have fun Madame Rousseau!



Comments: I didn't want to change Madame Rousseau's style, she's wonderful the way she is~ I tried to find her warmer clothes that were similar to her old style, but also a bit posh (to impress that certain someone). I tried to keep an eccentric feel- with a bit of buccaneer swag. Mostly because if she wants to keep that eye covered on the mainland, we can make that work. And no pinchy shoes, I got flat comfy buckled shoes under that skirt!



Comments: I decided to go with some natural sandy beach colors. The blue is a bit darker for some added sophistication. The boots don't have a heal for easy walking, but they'll keep your feet warm and away from those pesky crabs. I chose a top that was covering, yet had a bit of poof in the sleeve for same extra femininity. The bag is over the shoulder for easy carry and access. For an added touch, a cloth belt as a callback to your old coconut belt.



Comments: I decided to work with the covered eye and colour scheme that Madame Rousseau already has going on, but class it up a bit. And as for keeping it near to the ocean, I figured 'who loves the sea more than a sailor?' and decided that I'd go a bit piratey on it.

Silver Storm


Comments: A simple but elegant look for a very elegant woman.



Comments: Sometimes just a nice simple look can be so beautiful and Madame is such a beautiful woman that she can make anything look wonderful.



Comments: Keeping to her original scheme, but brightening it up with a small blue flower. :) A very cozy look, that will definitely have 'that someone' feeling like they wanna mellow out and just be them selves around you.



Comments: A more elegant and womanly look, with a bit of youth in it. A shell necklace to remind you of the beach is included too!



Comments: In order to preserve the untamed quality of your natural beauty, I didn't want to change anything too drastically. I've kept the same basic colors, but instead of a ragged green tunic I gave you a lovely forest green skirt ~ long, like your legs ~ with an asymmetrical hem to add a touch of feminine mystique. I noticed you have a habit of wiping your hands on your hips, so I've added a short coverlet in forgiving brown so you won't have to worry about dirtying your skirt. Your blouse is a roomy romantic affair, white with a slight bell sleeve. For your bosom, nothin' helps the ladies out like a nice bustier -- perks 'em right up if you know what I mean! *wink*

To remind you of the ever-present melodies of the windy sea, a fine belt of tiny bells to tinkle when you walk. Speaking of walking, have you ever worn a shoe so luxurious as these silk-lined Wokou ninja shoes? They're so comfortable, it's almost like being barefoot!

Your hair is perfect as it is, so I've only added an Eggplant Hibiscus bloom to bring color to your outfit so that you look as lively on the outside as we know you to be on the inside. And since you're no longer stranded on an island, some fun with tweezers and lipstick can really draw attention to those beautiful blue eyes!

I hope you like your new outfit, Madame Rousseau!



Comments: I went for a fun beachy look by choosing softer colours but i also wanted to make sure not only was it practical for cooler weather but also comfortable. The top floats away at the waist to accentuate your lovely bod, and the softer colours help to keep it fun and free like a beach vacation. the blue in the arms also helps to being out the blue in your eyes ;)



Comments: So, Madame likes her belt? Well, how about this then? An outfit that brings the best out in her favorite belt! It accents those womanly curves perfectly! And this skirt gives her plenty of room to move about while remaining conservative, yet elegant with a touch of sexy for that special someone. *winks*
And just look at those boots! No heels for comfort and walking, yet remains fashionable and matches her favorite top!
Next we move on to the matching accessories! A darling purse that is cute and light, yet has enough room to hold a few seashells and whatever else a woman might need. The color makes it a perfect pick because it isn't too flashy, yet it goes along with the overall color theme! The hair piece adds to the outfit and also can be a reminder of the island with it's tropical leafy look. The green gives it an exotic and almost wild look, while the silky ribbons match the skirt and calm it down with elegance! Just like Madame Rou herself! Elegant, with a wild side.



Comments: These are the three outfits I picked for you. But Madame if I may be so bold don't spend so much time fussing about what a man may or may not want. First thing is first, work on you. Now that your back find yourself some gainful employment and do what you love. Unless you have ooddles of money locked away somewhere collecting interest you'll need it to be a stable member of the community. Secondly, don't let being stuck on an island for so long change you. Travel, enjoy all our world has to offer. Rekindle old passions. You don't want to become a shut in. After you get your life together again perhaps then start to pursue love, but don't force it. I mean, Jeryck is lovely and all but do you really want to fall for the first man you've seen? Be you above all else.



Comments: I wanted to go with something that was pretty and aged appropriate, but still full functional. Nothing with High heels. Nothing too low cut or too high cut. Something simple and elegant. I hope you like it dear Madam Rou.

Parasitic Panda

Murasaki Fujiwara


Comments: This is my second idea for Madame: I chose soft, sandy colors and went for a less practical, more feminine look. I also decided to try for a slightly different hairstyle, which would suite Madame's face in an elegant way.



Comments: I know how much you love leaves and feathers, Madame Rou, so I thought that it'd only be suitable for you to get to wear them, too. Plus you always talk so highly of hair pieces, so now you have your very own pretties! You have the refreshing colors of green and brown like luxurious palm trees, and the soothing colors of lapping waves. I chose warm clothes and layers so that you no longer have to worry about being so cold, but you still look womanly and modest. And of course we have a lovely belt to accentuate your curves, and sturdy boots to keep them crabs away from your toes! ;)



Comments: Here is a little bit more casual of an outfit. I feel like the blues really bring out your eyes, and guys do love staring into a woman's eyes, right? Eh? Eh? *waggles eyebrows* Once again we're avoiding those pinchy heel shoes. You also have a lovely bag - great for stashing rocks (always great for when you need someone to talk to) and keeping your lucky starfish in since it's a little less socially acceptable to leave it on your face now. Plus, you need somewhere to put all those lovely leaves that you find, just incase you want to try out a different style with your hair. Once again we have a lovely shell necklace, that way you can always keep a little piece of home near to your heart.



: Now it's time for her to have some fancy duds. I went for something a bit more elaborate for when it's a special occasion. Here we have intricate designs in the cloth and vibrant colors. These colors make me think of the tropics. A flowing ocean in teal, and luscious foliage with vibrant purple flower tones intermixed. Once again we have no heeled shoes, and I thought the flow of this outfit might be something Rou is more accustomed to rather than tight-fitting clothes, except for some lovely figure accentuation. Even her hair pieces should make her feel more at home. I also really love here how the vibrant colors just make her luscious silver hair shine and compliment it so well. Guaranteed to catch the eye of any man ;)



Comments: I used shells, rocks, and feathers from the island to design you a new outfit! It's the color of the waves, and with a touch of shiny that may catch the attention of a certain someone for you. Hope it accentuates your womanly curves how you want it to!



Comments: Using the colours from Madame Rousseau's island wear I designed an outfit that should be practical for keeping warm when you're out and about on Menewsha as well as simple yet stylish enough to stand out from the crowds. I kept the starfish as Madame Rou seemed rather... attached to it.



Comments: A lovely "frou frou" ladies blouse (layered with something a bit more familiar for that home-y feeling), a nice neckerchief that matches you know who's, some nice stomping boots to keep those nasty crabbies away from your toes, thick pants, and a bit of color in the form of a flower (a gift from Nalin.. He's such a sweetie).

Cardinal Biggles


Comments: I think it makes you look younger



Comments: When i think of a "madame' I think of the historical French madame's full of glamor and gaudiness (and themselves lol). Outrageous in their day and ours. I think that this look would suit our dear Madame Rousseau partly because of her colorful history and her wonderful personality. She would look just smashing for that "someone" If i do say so me'self... and... I do!



Comments: Something feminine yet conservative and traditional that I thought would be appropriate for a woman of your age. The hat reminds me of the ocean breezes...



Comments: This one is a little more colorful and fun featuring practical boots and a knee length dress for easy movement.



Comments: You'll be nice and warm in this ensemble. Simple, yet classy.



Comments: I decided to let Madame Rousseau keep a few of the pieces of her outfit and have a similar coloring scheme. She said she like her belt, so I wanted to at least keep that. X3 One outfit is to gout to holiday parties and to look good for that special someone and the other is for venturing outside in the woods or mountains nearby. X3



first we have a belt to accentuate madame R's womanly curves, layers of fancy clothes to keep warm (menewsha isn't like beach livin', people!) and some fancy boots for keeping crabs away while also a touch of frou frouness (see ruffles and puffed sleeves for more frou frou). lastly a little fishy from the island so she'll never be lonely! A perfect combination of stylish and warm for the menewshan winter woman on the go!



our next madame R look is for painting the wintery menewshan town red with that special someone . complete with belt (the cincher) to really accentuate her womanly curves, a nice balance of comfy and cute with comfy shoes to make the night last forever. chock full of frou frou and accompanied by a color coordinated fishy friend like all good former island inhabitants need to have!



the last look for the madame rousseau set will quench her traveler at heart. comes complete with utility belt (which happens to accentuate those womanly curves we've all been hearing so much about), a scoop neck shirt to give off a more feminine (or shall i say, 'frou frou'?) feel, boots made for stompin... any stinkers and of course, the little fishy friend to make madame R always feel home away from home. this particular look has two special features: the red kerchief to help keep the sweat off her brow and the hair out of her face as well as a handy dandy pick axe, say like for example, if she's out on an archaeological dig or something. (amiright?) happy trails!



Comments: Reminders of the blues of sandier days, this outfit is designed to be both manuverable, hip and flattering (Just check out how bright your eyes are with all that aqua!) The belt cinches your waist but more importantly it helps draw attention to those hips-- 'cause hunny, you still got 'em!



Comments: Or how about something a little brighter (...that adds a bit more badonk to that badonkadonk!) and more formal with bright tiki and peach orchid even at formal events you'll find that you will be able to blend back into those big wild bushes of the Menewshan gardens and get the jump on those crabs should they show their little flat heads, those jerks!



Comments: Like the previous two outfits this one is designed to be nice and warm for those relatively colder Menewshan nights but this particular outfit makes use of one of your favorite fabrics... Sea weed! With boots for keeping crabbies off the toes and a neckbow to quickly wipe away any extra grouper goulash it is both fashionable AND functional.

Last edited by Madame Rousseau; 12-09-2013 at 10:28 PM..

Madame Rousseau
Madame Rousseau is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 01:02 PM


Now fer the good part. What's in it fer you!

First Place: 4k
Second Place: 2k
Third Place: 1k

I've also got a little something special that I shoved in ma pockets before I left behind that stinkin' island. It's super cunning so try yer hardest my little poppets!

Last edited by Madame Rousseau; 12-03-2013 at 06:24 PM..

Madame Rousseau
Madame Rousseau is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 01:02 PM


Last edited by Madame Rousseau; 12-03-2013 at 06:24 PM..

Madame Rousseau
Madame Rousseau is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 01:02 PM


Last edited by Madame Rousseau; 12-03-2013 at 06:24 PM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 07:56 AM

Oh this is fun! An avatar contest without any event to tide (lulz) us over till the winters bash. :D LOVE IT! I can't wait to enter.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 08:12 AM

Sounds interesting, but I'm not entirely sure what her personality is like so it's a bit hard to come up with something...o_O;

And are male outfits allowed?

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 08:23 AM

Sounds interesting. I might give it a shot if I remember to come back before the time limit is over :)


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 10:02 AM

oh i love avatar contests! ill try to get one going right away! any restrictions on hair? skin tone? theme?

Last edited by bloodstainedwings; 12-04-2013 at 10:05 AM..

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 10:18 AM

Oh, fun! I'm definitely going to have a go at this tomorrow.

Quick question: should we try to replicate Madame Rousseau's current base, or will a blank, mannequin base work?

Send a message via AIM to Admiral
Admiral is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 11:43 AM

Ahh, this is going to be so much fun! I'm so excited! OxO I'll have to see when I can do this and play on DAC.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 11:58 AM

oooh, this sounds fun. Good Luck guys ^.^

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 01:49 PM

Does Madame Rousseau want some fancy clothes? Or casual clothes? Or a mix?


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 01:53 PM

That's for you to decide!

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 03:19 PM

Omg, I sooo want to do this! :D


shinigamikarasu is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 03:43 PM

Oh, this sounds like fun!

I'm sure between all of us we can come up with something fabulous.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 04:06 PM

well this I CAN do, I am not much of a clutterly person. So, do we post the entry form here?

EDIT: Another question, do we use our own base or mimic Madame's? And then post them?

Last edited by Immy; 12-04-2013 at 04:09 PM..

Madame Rousseau
Madame Rousseau is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 04:26 PM

Mimic me? Ain't no one like me!

I'm just yankin' yer chain. Since these duds is fer me, you might as well try and imitate me.

I sure am excited to seee what you folk can come up with!

Take my darkest fears and play t...

Send a message via MSN to blueblackrose
blueblackrose is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 05:01 PM

This looks like a fun avatar contest. I will have to see about making some entries.

Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
Any restrictions on hair? theme?
I wanna know this too.

Never mind, this has been answered.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 12-04-2013 at 05:04 PM..

Murasaki Fujiwara
Murasaki Fujiwara is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 05:25 PM

Do we need items form our own inventory, or are we allowed to use the DAC?

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 05:28 PM

Yup! It says in the rules you're allowed to use DAC.

I'd think BBR, so long as it's a style that M. Rou would approve of, that should be fine...if it went along with how your avatar for her looks.


Velvet is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 07:07 PM

Seems interesting. Now, how are we supposed to come up with an outfit for that crazy ol' lady? :P

This does look fun and challenging. Definitely going to give it a try.

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 07:58 PM

gah! i can't paticipate because it's DAC is for donnars.....and i don't think my stuff in my avi will suit Madame.....crap!


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