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Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 06:19 AM

Couldn't make it to Momocon 2009 this year? Give me a good excuse for missing the convention and you may win a copy of the "Georgia Peach" tee-shirt!

If you did attend Momocon 2009, go to this thread and post so I can check you against the list of people who wrote their names down on our sign-up sheets! :)

So, now the question is, what's a "good excuse"?

Well, it could be the truth, if you like! Or you can make up something totally outrageous. Did aliens abduct you? Well, that would be a "good excuse" for missing the convention!

The more creative (and even funny) your "good excuse" is, the more likely you are to win a Georgia Peach tee-shirt for your avatar! Amuse me! Enthrall me! Make it epic! :3

I cannot give everyone a shirt, as much as I'd like to. That defeats the whole purpose of going to Momocon or future Georgia conventions we have until the shirt is retired. :) But it'll be a nice round number of users who will win the shirts. :)

You have until March 23rd to post your best excuse!

Please let me know in your post if you'd like a male or female shirt if you win. :)

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 06:36 AM

D: I couldn't go to the convention because I got called on to save the planet. There was a swarm of giant man eating porcupines that was invading the city, so I had to take care of them. First, I lured them away from the city with a trail of strawberry cheerios. Once I got them away, I called upon my Jigglypuff to sing to put them to sleep. Once they were sleeping, I put them into cages one by one and sent them back to the animal experimenting lab from which they came from. So now, I'm just waiting for them to break out again so I can capture them again. I think there was another escape planned during the next convention as well so I dunno if I'll be able to make it... D:

(Or, more realistically, as much as I wanted to go, it wouldn't have been very responsible of me to spend all that money on a plane ticket (from France) to go just for a couple days)
EDIT: Oh yeah, and if I win, Male shirt please ^^

EDIT2: Lol, my story is so lame compared to others D: I'll try and think of a new, real one if possible before the end date.

EDIT3: Rosebleed lent me her Male shirt until I manage to get a shirt of my own... I hope that doesn't cause a problem ^^; if I were to win I would send her shirt back to her immediately, of course.

Last edited by CrepsleyKabob; 03-19-2009 at 08:00 PM..

Fashionably Late

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Ivvy is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 07:28 AM

I didn't make it to the convention because my evil twin kidnaped me! She locked me in a closet and went to the convention without me. She was invisible though and didn't even write down an email! o.0 How mean of her. It was all to taunt me with! I finally escaped tonight though....but it was too convention for me. *Shakes fist in air* curse you evil twin curse you!!!!

On a serious note, I had no money and no one to watch my sons, or I would have found a way to make it a few states over....maybe for the next one..if there is more warning I can make it out..I would love to meet some of the Mene staff. :) I hope my excuse was a good one..

And if by some mericle I win one I would like it to be a female shirt please.

Last edited by Ivvy; 03-16-2009 at 09:42 AM..

Kiari is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 08:11 AM

I could't make it to the convention, because a giant yumeh attacked my house and i had to clean up after the mess.

Really though i couldn't cause it is too far away and right now my money is being saved for a trip to Japan. <3

If i get one i would like a female shirt.

\ (•◡•) /
Rvaya is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 08:51 AM

I'm afraid I couldn't attend because I'm currently living on the other side of the pond in France. But I had bought a ticket to come only to find the President of France barring me from leaving the country! It turns out I've become some sort of a hot commodity in the French art scene and they were afraid if I went back that I would be offered anything I wanted so I would move back.
-shrugs- It's not my fault really it's these "evil" Frenches trying to keep me all to themselves.

kemii is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 12:01 PM

I didnt make it to the convention because just as I was about to step foot inside, my mind, distracted by unbridled glee and happiness, wandered and allowed myself to fall down a rabbit-hole and I got turned into a gangster. I was called upon to defend our gang's honor and fought a duel with a turtle, armed with a toothpick. With grievous wounds, I stumbled away only to fall off the Edge of the World, but I was caught by a sexy werewolf, who then proceeded to help me back to Momocon- Or so I thought, for when were were almost there he turned into a vampire, sucked my blood, and left me at the door, where I was trampled by Menenewshians unaware of the human doormat underneath their feet. I dragged myself up but I got turned away, because scared members believed I was covered in pasta sauce.

edit:// If I win, a female please <3

Ping me Baby!
crunky is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 12:23 PM

CK- I like how you are giving out the shirts, I think it is a cool way to do it.
I had no idea this is what you had in mind but I think its good because it gives everyone an equally fair chance. ; )
Well as much as I would have loved to go to the conference, it was about 12 hours away so even if I would have been able to afford the gas and hotel room to go, then I would still have had to try to convince my husband (who hates computers and online stuff =O) to come with me since I can't go driving off by myself because I would get hopelessly lost and I don't have anyone else to go with. =/
Plus we are down to only one car after the accident so I can't abandon him without a means of transportation.
Either way, I still could not have gone because I can't take off work right now because we need all the hours they will give us because work is really slow right now due the economy.
I'm so sad I didn't get to come meet some of the members since I have been here nearly a year and would have loved to actually meet the lovely people I talk to.

If you choose to gift me a shirt, I would love a female one. <33

`L is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 01:14 PM

Ok, so the reason I couldn't make it to the con is because when I was walking out my door to fly on my magical unicorn Pegasus, someone flew by me on there cow and hit me with a stick. I got knocked out, when I woke up I looked at the time. I decided that I would have to run if i was going to make it. So I started to fly on my unicorn, I was looking around for the con when all of a sudden Ronald McDonald handed me a ring and said "One onion ring to rule them all".

Then I was like OMG What does that mean? So I decided to go on an adventure ( a 3 min one of course) and I finally dropped the onion ring in the huge peanut oil pit.

Then I was happy! I was two inches from the momocon when all of a sudden I was abducted my aliens and had many experiments done on me. Now I'm sitting here on my computer chair "ALIVE" typing this.

Which... now I'm wondering why I have two heads.... hmm.. OH WELL! ^_^
If I win a shirt, I would like the male one <3

Last edited by `L; 03-16-2009 at 01:39 PM..

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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 02:49 PM

I couldn't go because I was put on a bus that accidentally went through the garbage dump and suddenly we were driving through a field where the Backstreet Boys were walking out in there usual boyband walk and singing 'I want it that way' smelling like garbage and the boy crazy girls on the bus actually threatened the bus driver to strangle him with their Loius Vuiton scarves if he didn't stop so we ended up staying the night at the garbage dump field where we sang a hit medley of all the BackStreet Boys and since the convention is 2 days long, the next day, BSB decided to join us on out bus because if they didn't they'd have to walk their slow motion boyband walk all the way back to Florida. So instead of heading to Gerogia, we drove all the way to Florida smelling like crap. Even if the states are just a border away, there was no way I'd want CK to see me smelling like a smelly backstreet boy XD

All the above, I actually dreamt a long time ago, I really remember BSB walking out from the dumpster.

But he real excuse is that I live in Malaysia ^^" where I am thousands and thousands of miles away from the event and the economic situation does not permit me to go... :(

your resident bonafide coffee ad...
Rylynne is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 03:05 PM

Why was I not able to go to Momocon this year? =O Well, that's an interesting story indeed...

You see, I am part of a non-partisan organization in your university, and so it is our duty to act as mediators for events, especially politically-induced ones. For you see, our university is known for being very... vocal about each other's personal beliefs on a variety of subjects.

Now, I had some money for savings so I could book a ticket and attend, but you see, one of the more... vocal members of the opposition of a current issue (let's just say it involved whether our country could import our famous "dirty ice cream", which I will not divulge if it really is dirty or not xDD) wanted to stop me from going, because their side was currently losing the debate and they needed my participation to win it. So, they snuck into my house, killed my poor beagle for being so loud, and took my ATM card and password and stole all my money as a bargaining chip. D:

Me being me, I reported the incident, hopeful that I could still make it in time (Momocon was still two days away). When the opposition heard of it, they grew angry, and started revolting. Dirty ice cream cones were tossed everywhere as ammunition, and the university was so overloaded with dirty ice cream that many people drowned and died due to lack of air or for being too fat from the ice cream that they exploded.

I barely survived, but only because I stayed on top of a statue of a naked man the entire time, who is the symbol of our university. After the bloodshed though, I was so hungry from staying on top of the statue for too long that I decided to clean up the place and ate all the ice cream. I then passed out and woke up to be informed that I was diagnosed with accumulated hyperacidity and that I could never eat ice cream and coffee ever again. D:

As for the debate, well, because all the dirty ice cream in the Philippines was used as ammo for what will now be dubbed as the War of Dirty-but-not-so-dirty Ice Cream, the opposition won (their side having been that it is wrong to export said ice cream for sales). =|

Some details in said story are actually true (such as the organization, issue, and the naked statue as our university's symbol xDD). But really, I couldn't go because I live in the Philippines, which is practically halfway around the world.

Plus, I seriously have professors and groupmates who will burn me alive if I left now. Now THAT is not an understatement. =| You should see what they did when someone went to the province during an exam... >.>;; Not a nice story. D:

And btw, if ever, I am female~ 8DD;; <3<3

Insane Cricket
Insane Cricket is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 03:28 PM

I couldn't attend MomoCon because there was this strange little flower that's been growing in my backyard for some time now. About two weeks ago it began eating the local squirrels, and over the course of the last week it also ate a few rabbits and coyotes. Well, this weekend when I woke up on Saturday morning, it was humongous and screaming, "Feed me, Cricket!"

So I had to spend the entire weekend hunting down the criminals and filth of the city to feed the large plant in hopes that it wouldn't eat my boyfriend. D:

The truth? Highlight to read: The real excuse is that I live in Missouri, had no way to get to Georgia, and I was attending NakaKon in Kansas City at the time. ;;>.>....

Edit: I forgot to say that if I win one I'd like a male shirt, please. ;;>.>...

Last edited by Insane Cricket; 03-19-2009 at 03:36 AM..

\ (•◡•) /
Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 05:00 PM

Maa, the reason I couldn't attend MomoCon is because I had this giant that wanted a three-foot cake made by the end of the week. It was a real pain, especially since that stupid giant kept on changing the plans for the design. I was so fed up that I just put something from every design change into it. He threw it at me and broke my arm and one of my legs.

So, I was in be most of the weekend too. ^-^;

{The real reason? Well...I live on the other side of the country in Washington. I don't make enough money to buy a plane ticket and go to MomoCon. I really want to go some day though. -keeps fingers crossed-

Also, if I win, it would be a female shirt that I'd like. Arigatou!}

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 05:13 PM

Well, you see, I was going to go. I was driving down the highway in my Porsche when I saw a little kitten standing on the side of the road. Afraid it might dart into traffic, I carefully pulled over and rescued it.
So then the kitten (who I had, by this time, named Thermopylae) were cruising along in my Porsche, jammin' to some tunes when suddenly the car in front of me applies its brakes. Of course, my Porsche being the awesome car that it is, is able to come to a very smooth stop and doesn't hit the crappy little junker in front of it.
Traffic is now inching along very, very slowly. Thermopylae makes a rude joke about it being slower than Sarah Palin's baby (did I not mention that my kitten can talk?) and I turn to scold him for such an awful comment when out of the corner of my eye, I see movement. I look up to see David Hasselhoff running through traffic in nothing but a speedo and a leather jacket.
Understandably, I lock my car doors.
The Hoff was apparently what was slowing traffic, because all the cars past him resume moving. I'm about to make a getaway when suddenly he jumps onto the hood of my car!
Thermopylae, being a cat, and thus having very good hearing, remarks that Hasselhoff seems to be singing Rock The Casbah, but has the lyrics wrong. Thermopylae and I then argue over the correct lyrics for a few minutes whilst the Hoff performs some strange kind of dance on the hood of my Porsche. I've never seen the dance before, but it seems to involve a lot of thrusting and high kicking.
I'm considering calling the police on my brand new iPhone when help arrives in the form of David Bowie circa 1970. With a bright red mullet and full Ziggy Stardust attire, he also hops up onto my car's hood. The weight of these two men on the hood might make some car owners flinch, but I own a Porsche, so of course nothing was damaged.
Bowie stares down Hasselhoff in what may be the longest staring contest I have ever seen.
Seeing that there is no immediate threat to myself, I roll down the window and pop my head out.
"You guys!" I call to them, "I have to get to MomoCon! It's going to be awesome!"
"MomoCon, you say?!" The Hoff says, whipping his head towards me (and simultaneously losing the staring contest) "I was just on my way there myself!"
"So that's why you're dressed that way..." I murmur to myself, not familiar with much anime.
"Of course it is!" Hasselhoff exclaims while Bowie does a victory dance for winning the staring context. "Isn't mine the best Inuyasha cosplay you've ever seen?"
A chain of events then occurs that is much too complicated to explain here. Anyway, so I'm driving along with Thermopylae the talking kitten, a partially naked David Hasselhoff, and David Bowie is stuffed in my trunk. I can see the MomoCon building on the horizon, but it's not that easy, no!
Using his super powers, David Bowie breaks out of my trunk (though my Porsche is unharmed, of course, because it's a Porsche) and stops right in front of my car. I come to a sudden (though smooth, because it's a Porsche) stop to avoid hitting the rock god. David Bowie stands there, unmoving, so I roll down my window.
"What is it?!" I call out, frustrated.
"I gotta pee!" He sings back, while an awesome guitar riff fills the air. He sings a few ridiculous (but musically talented) verses about needing to whizz, and then launches into an epic guitar solo. Though I don't want to stop the god at work, I need to get to MomoCon, so I interrupt him and say that there's a 7-11 at the next exit. Bowie makes a strange squeeing noise and hops into the backseat alongside Hasselhoff.
While Bowie takes a tinkle, I wander around the 7-11 convenience store (I don't need to refuel, I drive a Porsche). Hasselhoff asks me to buy him a snack cake, and after begging me for a few minutes and throwing me the puppy dog eyes more than once, I finally buy him a Twinkie. Thermopylae, seeing a chance, asks me to buy him a Red Bull. Unable to resist the allure of a kitten, I comply.
Bowie, who had returned from the bathroom during this, now begins begging me for everything in site. A small bag of Cheetos, a case of beer, a candy bar, a lighter with Dale Ernhart Jr. on it, a bouquet of flowers, a frapuccino... If it was in that store, he wanted it. I think he also asked for the cashier, but he was talking so quickly that I may have been mistaken.
Of course, I have plenty of cash (I own a Porsche), but I don't want to spoil Bowie, nor do I want to have to make another potty break. So I agree to buy him only two things. He goes through an intense elimination process that combines elements of both reality television and hard mathematics until he finally decides on a cola and a 3 musketeers bar. I make the purchase, but by now Hoff has finished his Twinkie and complains of being thirsty. Haven gotten Bowie a very big soda cup, I tell him to share with Hoff. They both exchange disgusted look and begin simultaneously whining about cooties, not wanting to share, it not being fair, Thermopylae getting his own drink, etc. Frustrated by all the whining and hyped up on Red Bull, Thermopylae attacks them and knocks them out. We carry them back to the Porsche and strap them into their seats and resume driving.
We finally reach the building! I'm so happy that I made it that I could cry. I don't even care that I'm late.
Thermopylae and I walk into the building and are greeted by the bouncing melody of Hava Nagila, and a large crowd of people dancing in a circle. I've never been to a convention before, but something tells me this isn't correct. I look at the sign posted by the entrance which reads "HAPPY BAR MITZVAH, ALEX!"
"...Maybe it's upstairs," Thermopylae suggests.
We search the building, then the adjoining buildings, and then the entire city before we realize we're in Oregon.

EDIT: Oh, and if I win, I'd like a female shirt, of course. ^^
Uh... can I roll for insight on the spiders?

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 03-16-2009 at 06:34 PM..

High fives are pretty great!
Jennifer is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 06:09 PM

Let's just say, I couldn't get it off.


Female Tshirt.

'heaven is the feeling i get in ...
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Eileanora is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 06:48 PM

living on the other side of the country is one part of the excuse,
not being able to afford a plane ticket would be another XD

not a very elaborate/creative excuse, but i would still love a t-shirt anyway hehe

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 09:05 PM

Good luck to all the far more creative people than me. You're very kind to give us a chance CK. ^^

The night before the convention I could hardly sleep. Not just because of the excitement of the chance to meet the Menewsha staff, but because I was adding the finishing touches to my cosplay. The last few stitches to attach the red ribbon to my hat, practising tying my hair back just so... not to mention polishing my gold pocket watch so it caught the light just right.

The next morning was a blur and I hardly had a minute to admire my handiwork before it was time to get the bus to Momocon. I made my way through the other exhibits and stalls not wanting to let them tempt me before I could reach the Mene desk. I wrote my name down and took some time to speak to everyone else there. Then just as I was about to make my way back home I became aware of a chiming that wouldn't stop. My alarm had been going off for hours! I had fallen asleep with the needle and thread still in my hand and the entire day had just been a dream. Oh dear... ^^;

(Again, the real reason is geographical, I live in the North of England and even British cons are usually too far away for me to attend. I would be overjoyed if I won, and I would request a female shirt.)

IRK3N is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 10:11 PM

A "good" excuse, huh?

Well, sadly I'm not a terribly witty or creative as some people on this website, so I'll just give my real story.
See, well it is partly a geographical thing, (though long distances to go to things I like hasn't stopped me in the past, mind you USA only) but, it was announced a little too late for me to even plan to go.

Though I really would have loved to go; I really love cons. Just the atmosphere and the people -- I think its awesome. And I don't even really like any anime (minus Loveless *cough*). The atmopshere, the people ... oh yeah, I and the vendor's room and artist's alley. Fun times. And I do love to go to different conventions as well.

Anyways, sorry I rambled, I seem to be quite good at that. But yeah, also I'm a poor college student in Pennsylvania with only a part-time job which I work only weekends, so I don't make too much money. Tis a real shame, I would have loved to come and see Menewsha at its first con. (subliminal message: Do Otakon or Anime Expo and I'm there. xD ) Plus, all my current funds are towards my cosplay/getting to Texas at the end of May to see my favorite band perform. :3 And mind you, they're Japanese, so they don't come to the states very often.

If I happen to win one of those cute little shirts (though I don't think I will, not being very creative. >_< ), a male one please~. <3

\ (•◡•) /
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Crystalunicorn is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 10:35 PM

The reason i did not make it Momocon 2009

I ordered a pair of Pegasus Ponies to fly me across the sea. To land in a small car park somewhere near. I had a map i was going to use. So i could get as close as possible. They rung me and cancelled at the most inconvient time, of a week before the event. So next i got hold of someone with a unicorn who could wink and transport me anywhere in the world... i was going to just appear at the event... this is my pirate way. They cancelled saying the unicorn was sick two days before the event. My last and final hope was put on a dragon who was going to fly me across the waters like the pegasus's. Well i got my bag with a lovely chicken sandwich within, my ticket and my map. Forgetting my keys i go back inside. Before i reach the door i smell something cingded. Oh opening the door i stare in horror at my blackened backpack, and the nose of the dragon eating the sandwich in one. Stomping over there i pick up half of ticket, waves it in the air. Frowning
"maybe they will understand, i still have half".
But then the dragon burps and the end is on fire... i watch the charcoled ticket discinderate in my hands.

And that is the reason i did not make it.

True reason - no job - no money - would loved to have come... come here!

I would like a female tee-shirt if i win one.

Last edited by Crystalunicorn; 03-16-2009 at 11:42 PM..


Kent is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 11:19 PM

I think I'll just say the truth. :C

I live in Indiana and I'm dirt poor. I don't have a car, either; not even a driver's license. XD
So, the only way I could get to a con is if it's in Indianapolis and it's cheap or free. X3

I'd love a male "Georgia Peach" tee-shirt~ ;O;

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Siri is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 11:22 PM

So... I was super excited and ready to go to Momo-con, just for Menewsha. I mean, I really don't like anime so I wasn't motivated for any other reason, but seriously, people. It was Menewsha's first convention! I just HAD to be there. Nevermind the long drive from Illinois to Georgia or the fact that I'm broke or that I was still in school studying for exams. None of that mattered to me that fateful morning.

As soon as my alarm went off, I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs like a hysterical maniac. Grabbing a quesadilla for breakfast, I got into my mom's car and took off without letting her know that I was going to borrow it for a few days. To my utter dismay, the car spontaneously caught on fire while I was cruising down I-80 at 75 miles per hour.

When I staggered out of the blazing vehicle, I was nearly killed by a deranged motorcyclist who looked eerily similar to Jacob Black from Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series. Fortunately, the rest of the traffic slowed down, allowing me to crawl to the side of the highway, whimpering in pain. From there, I quickly called a taxi and continued on my way. I was going to make sure that nothing could deter me from making it to the con!

When I reached the general location of the convention, I was dismayed that it was extremely foggy outside. I couldn't see any of the signs or buildings clearly! Deciding to ask for directions (rather than be late), I stepped toward the first person I could find--in this case, an old man with a wobbly cane and beard as long as Dumbledore's. I asked him about the con, but his reply did not amuse me.

"Whaaaaaaat?" he stammered, leaning toward me in confusion. "I couldn't hear anything you just said."


"Huh?" the old man looked at me strangely.

Sighing in frustration, I rumaged through my bag and found some Q-tips. I pulled one out of the box and held it out for him. Instead of taking it, he gave me a quizzical look, as if he'd never seen a Q-tip before.

I thought to myself. How can this guy not know what a Q-tip is? No wonder he can't hear anything.

I stuck the Q-tip in my ear, showing him what it was used for so that he could help me out in a moment. However, when I pulled it out, I noticed that my hearing was all fuzzy. I couldn't hear anything in my left ear! The old man laughed and walked away as I began to panic. Fortunately for me, a police officer stopped by because he noticed that I looked distressed. He drove me to the hospital to get my hearing checked out.

In the end, it turned out that I got the end of the Q-tip stuck in my ear and I had to get it surgically removed. ;__;

And that's why I couldn't make it to the convention. I tried to make it, I really did, but you know how things in life don't always turn out.
I'd like a female t-shirt if I'm chosen... :angel:

c u p i d
c u p i d is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 11:25 PM

The reason i did not make it Momocon 2009 was that
the night before the big day i was going to go to sleep into my bed, and everybody where out when then suddenly a flashing light appeared from no where, i looked and looked around but nothing i opened my window and man o man was it could cold outside it was snowing too.... when suddenly this guy got a hold of me and bite my neck.
he came inside my room and my neck was bleeding a bit, he was so beautiful dark and mysterious with little bat wings and big fangs. i was so scared and i asked him who are you and why did you just bite me he dint say nothing just smirked and then after a couple of minutes something happened to me i felt so different like my body was changing my teeth... fangs started growing from them and my nails became longer and sharper my boobs became bigger O_o;
and i grew little bat wings and i was so freaked out i fainted.
when i woke up after 10 minutes i think iduno i was knocked out sheshh
that guy was outside my window flying and he reached out his head and told me to grab it so all confused i did all happy and scared i could fly i fell from the third flore and my bra was mingled on a try hanging upside down >-<

and the next thing i know i wake up on my room with my bj's with a big bird staring at me

i then yealed at the bird and he/she left and then the bird came back and pooped at my face x_x

and i was stuck all day up in my roof ontil my parents found me

---If I was to win I would like a female shirt please ^-^ -----

Last edited by c u p i d; 03-16-2009 at 11:39 PM..

Moogie is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 11:26 PM

My excuse is really quite silly xD

The funny thing is that I actually did attend MomoCon on both days and I past the booth at least twice. The thing that got me stuck was the fact that I wasnt really active and since my memory is very unreliable at times I could'nt remember my username or anything. Plus with me being the shy person that I am, I didnt get the courage to walk over and ask xDD

I am happy that I saw the table because it has me active here again *hugs the website* =^_^=

(If I was to win I would like a female shirt please x3)

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leasfy is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 11:47 PM

I could not make it due to the fact that... I really cant D:
if only menewsha can pay my flight ticket then it would be awesome D:

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 11:59 PM

I was so excited about going to the Momo-con and the day I was leaving for the convention my dog, Luca, comes up to me and actually talks. I was like OMG did you just talk and he says “Yeah, what do you think I’m just a stupid dog or something?” So I ended up fainting. Well after I woke up I got out the video camera to make sure he could talk and that I wasn’t dreaming. I got some great video of him talking put it up on youtube right away. After it had been up for an hour it turned out to be a big hit. The next thing I know I’m getting a called from Steven Spielberg saying he wanted my dog to be in his next movie. After I got off the phone with him I got a call from Universal Studios. They wanted Luca and me to fly out to California on the next available flight. I was still in shock after I hung up. Well I couldn’t exactly pass this up so I finished packing and made arrangements to fly out to California. It was all happening so fast and was amazing. Luca had photo shots and made a commercial for a new dog food. After signed a movie contract for Luca I fainted again because he was going to be making some much money. Luca and Lexi, my other dog, were licking me in the face when I woke up. Apparently I had actually fallen down the stairs because I was in such a hurry to leave for the convention and dreamed everything that happened. On top of that I had been out for almost two days and missed the convention.

(If I win I’d like a female shirt please)

MirukuKuroNeko is offline
Old 03-16-2009, 11:59 PM

hmmm, why i couldn't go to the convention?
i worked at a booth with one of my friends ans it was awesome, though a small con it was so cool!
i went to my first rave as well!
just talking about it gets me all excited to go to another one!
if any one went to AO con, i was the girl at the only anime booth there!
(the girl with the cat ears and "fish net" shirt, you know what i'm talking about if you were there!say hi to me on here if you want!^-^)

i'df like a female shirt if you feel like giving me one!lol

hey is mene going to sakura con? or akicon?(both in washington state)

Last edited by MirukuKuroNeko; 03-17-2009 at 12:02 AM..


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