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Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 01:38 PM

Right, Well...

In the Halloween event of 2013, there was this conversation that started between Kat Magenta and myself, it went as follows: (edited for easy reading)

The ConversationX

Star Valo - We should so totally cosplay Menewsha NPCs at a convention...
Kat Magenta - I was thinking of printing out some of those little advertising flyers. We'll both dress up as Afrodonkey.
Star Valo - Like the Pantomime horse/cow thing? WE. WILL. BE. EPIC! Leave random flyers about the bar tables!
Kat Magenta - I was imagining us both as Afrodonkeys, I hadn't thought of that. That idea is even more hilarious! I'll persuade all the drunk people to join Mene.
shinigamikarasu - Haha, all this convention talk is making me wish I could afford to go to one right now. Cosplaying mene NCPs is an interesting idea. Has anyone actually tried that yet?
Star Valo - I don't know if anyone's tries Mene Cosplaying yet, but I think I'm gonna give it a go ~nod~ Who do you guys think I should cosplay?
Belly Button - Depends on your style, I'd say. Vicky would be fun! Or Lise :D
Kat Magenta - Heh, I was going to suggest Vicky but her outfit is so complicated.
Star Valo - Vicky is the obvious choice really isn't she?
I've decided right now, MCM Expo Next year in October, I'll do a Menewsha NPC Cosplay. I figured Expo next year 'cos it'll give me a good chunk of time to work on it, it'll be my first Expo and more people to flog Mene at :3
~Idle Chat~
Star Valo - Might do LFCC instead of MCM... LFCC sounds more organised...
shinigamikarasu - Yeah, as cute as it is, Vicky's outfit is really complicated. I think Channah would be a lot of fun to cosplay.
Shadami - viky's outtfit would probably be really fun. other than the hair. xD
Star Valo - I'm thinking Vicky's outfit would potentially get me most attention, thus advertising Mene a bit more
Kat Magenta - If you were Channah you could hit people with handbags.
Star Valo - Kat, will you be my Channah?
Kat Magenta - I'll start working on my beehive.
Star Valo - I could start a thread in the Art section, like a Journal as I work on the cosplay

I think My Head's decided on Vicky

If that was too long for you, it's effectively discussing Cosplay and who I should cosplay to try and Promote Menewsha at MCM London October Expo or Winter London Film and Comic Con.

This thread is mostly for me to keep a track of my cosplay, as it's Menewsha based, and for input, feed back and any help from you menewshans :3

I am a 21 year old cosplayer from England, often going under the Badge name "Star Valo"
This Cosplay is an attempt to promote Menewsha in a more unique and eye catching way.
I am unsure which Con I will be wearing Vicky to, but it will be either MCM October Expo, London, or London Film and ComicCon
This Cosplay will be worn in 2014, giving me one year to complete it
I am a Perfectionist, especially when it comes to Cosplay
Certain aspects of Vicky's outfit will be altered for Easy, Comfort and practicality, but Overall I should have a pretty accurate resemblance

I WILL ask you guys for help, and I will create business cards to hand out at the convention

Last edited by Star Valo; 11-06-2013 at 02:52 PM..

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 01:39 PM

We all Love Vicky

For easy access to my progress, I will update this post with each post I make that details or photographs progression in the cosplay.

Update 1
Update 2

Last edited by Star Valo; 11-19-2014 at 09:24 PM..

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 01:40 PM

Reserved for now

---------- Post added 11-06-2013 at 02:39 PM ----------

Thread's Open ^^ If anyone wants to post ^^

bork and means

Assistant Administrator
jellysundae is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 08:24 PM

Oh wow, good luck! I'm fascinated to see how this turns out, and the things you do!

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 11-13-2013, 11:22 AM

Thank you Jelly ^^
I'm really excited to get to work on it :D
It's gonna be slow to begin with until Kitacon has passed, but then this cosplay will be my main focus :D

I just really want to help promote Mene, and an eyecatching Cosplay of one of the main NPCs of the site seemed like a fun idea :D

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 11-15-2013, 12:20 AM

This is such a cute idea Star Valo, good luck with it!!!

I can't wait to see how the outfit progresses!

The Daydreamer
Ling is offline
Old 11-19-2013, 03:27 AM

What an awesome idea, look forward to seeing your progress Star Valo.

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 11-19-2013, 10:47 AM

Oooh, I can't wait to see how this goes for you!

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 11-19-2013, 04:58 PM

Best of luck with this! I can't wait to see its development.

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 01-23-2014, 09:17 PM

I think I forgot to mention! if you guys find anything or can think of anything that'll help me here, Feel free to share it!

That tends to be a theme with Cosplays and me, I suck at finding the right things

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 06-06-2014, 08:07 PM

Right, so it's been what? Half a year since I made this thread?

Now I'm calling on Menewsha.
I need your help.

I'm low on funds after May Expo costing more than I anticipated, and whilst I'm not asking you for money, I do want to ask for your help.
Whilst I am struggling to find work suitable for me (People-based Anxiety, means I can't do bar work, waitressing, reception work, yanno, all the stuff they're looking for people to do :/)
The only income I get is doing work around the house for my parents, and any art commissions I get (which are few and far between)

I was hoping to rally you guys, to help me search for items, materials and the rest to make this cosplay that little bit more special.
Because even thought it'll be me wearing the costume, I'll know it's because of all my friends here that it looks so amazing. And Even if people don't know who I'm cosplaying, I have learnt, that standing around having me picture taken (Cue boyfriend with my digital camera) Other people start taking photos too.
If I can get Vicky circulating as much as I can, as well as handing out these Buisiness cards advertising Menewsha, Hopefully we'll get a bigger, more active community.

Down to the nitty Gritty.
I have been searching my Ass off for Vicky's boots, These are the one thing (bar the base of the wig) that I can't made, but I need them to be just so. I just don't want them to look like awful, fancy dress, white go-go boots.
I have learnt massive heels are going to kill me, as I just about managed a 2 inch wedge boot for two days last time. and as I'm hoping to wear her for LFCC and London MCM Expo, both in October, I'll have to cope 4 days in them, rather close to each other (as far as I'm aware)
If anyone wants to search ebay for me for that, or wherever, I take a size 6 UK Shoe.
and I am in the UK, not the US. England, Great Britain, United Kingdom. Sizes differ, so I wouldn't want someone to get really excited because they found the perfect shoe for me, only to find it's a different country's size 6.

I'd like to get this started now, because if I do have to order from America or Hong Kong, atleast I've got plenty of time.
Ontop of that, Summer is coming. My mum works term time, so I should have access to her help when it comes to sewing.

I've got no bits of this costume so far, I'm planning to make her Boa out of Fur, which i can easily get hold of, but sourcing the other materials at a reasonable price is a skill I am lacking.

Please, if any of you can help make this costume as amazing as possible, please, please, feel free to help out
The more amazing I'm able to make this costume, the More people whose attention I'll grab, the more people I can give business cards to, the more people can learn about Menewsha

hummy: I don't know if you and your RAKers can help out with this?
jellysundae: I don't know if you fancy trying to round up the penpals too?

With all you menewshans helping me, I have no doubt that with your skills and talents, and the vast areas of the internet in which you roam, you can help me find all the small details that will make the costume shine!

And whilst My Boyfriend isn't a Menewshan, He does know and understand how much this site means to me
So much so, he's said, if I want him to, He'll cosplay Mr Mayor with me.
If you guys can help me pull Vicky out of the bag, I'm sure you can do anything, including Luci's little details for my boyfriend.

Another thing I'll need is a business card design.
Now that can be left a little later, but I know Mene is full of Talented Artists, and whilst I'd love to make it myself, I'd prefer to concentrate on the costume at the moment.

If you guys are confused, let me know, I'll do my best to explain.
If I've missed something, ask me about it
if you're not sure what I need, ask me
I don't bite, I just desperately want to promote Menewsha to the best of my abilites, and I can't search the internet all the time.
I have tried so hard and I don't want to loose motivation for this costume and let down everyone.

I love Menewsha, it's my home on the internet
I just want to help it grow like it should be

Thank you for any help you can offer

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 06-06-2014, 09:41 PM

Do you have a picture of the real life boots you need, star
Oh and sizes and such for each item you need would be awesome
Size 6 IK is that size 8 USA?
did I miss the deadline
I'll pass on the information to everyone
good luck!

Last edited by hummy; 06-06-2014 at 09:47 PM..

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 06-06-2014, 10:01 PM

No, No boots specifically, just any nice, knee high white boots with a small-ish heel
I'm a UK size 8 on both tops and trousers/skirts, which i think is a US size 6?
I'll double check what my shoe size translates to in the US, I think I got a 38 shoe when I was there a few years ago but I'll double check, let me get back to you on that one.

No, the deadline's not gone yet, the deadline for the whole costume is october, so I'm hoping to work on her full on over the summer

Thank you so much hummy, I really Appreciate it <3

---------- Post added 06-06-2014 at 11:04 PM ----------

checking a shoe size conversion chart, a UK size 6 is a US size 8, the 38 is the EU Size

Last edited by Star Valo; 06-06-2014 at 10:05 PM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 06-10-2014, 08:27 AM

Last edited by hummy; 06-10-2014 at 08:43 AM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 06-11-2014, 11:56 PM

This is going to be AWESOME! :D

Penella Goldeater
Penella Goldeater is offline
Old 07-09-2014, 08:20 PM

Just want to send some love your way. This is the coolest thing I've heard of.

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 08-17-2014, 08:37 PM

Due to me being an absolute fail turkey, I feel the need to bump this back to May Expo/LFCC

Regrettably, Last minute costumes for last minute attendances have taken my priorities away from making Vicky.
After we (My Boyfriend and I) attend The Ayacon Cosplay Ball (I still be Frankie Stein from Monster High, Another Last minute costume to make something suitable for a ball) And LFCC (Cerise Hood, Costume re-wear, she's in my siggy) My Focus will be back on Vicky

We've chosen three cosplay projects each to work on over the winter period for spring when the conventions pick back up again
Vicky is at the top of my list to get done for May, Followed by Cerise Wolf (SDCC exclusive doll) and a fully functioning Vocaloid SeeU costume
They're all pretty ambitious costumes but I'm hoping with the help of my Boyfriend, his mother, and you lovely lot here, I can keep going with it all to make them all equally as amazing as I'm hoping Vicky will be.

I still need to work out a way to effectively distribute the Menewsha name, so and Ideas for small little business cards or something would be wonderful. I can print out a few sheets and give them to people who take my photo or who talk to me to try and both keep in contact with people i meet, and give people something physical with the website name on so they can remember what this place is called :3

I'm sorry again for those following this thread that I've not been able to post much progress, in fact, none at all
But It's really just me being fickle and flitting from one project to another and not having my priorities sorted
That, and hopefully over the winter, if i have several costumes to work on I can keep up the momentum by swapping from one to the other if i get too annoyed with one
I'm sure you guys understand that

Sorry again and I'll update as soon as I can!

On a side note, I have located the perfect shoes on eBay! I'll probably buy them with my birthday money

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 11-09-2014, 01:58 AM

Evening lovelies.

About time Vicky got an update, don't you think?
I've not forgotten about her and I do still aim to wear her for may mcm expo in London.

I have aquired some stunning, never-worn, perfect white boots from a charity shop up north. For a fiver no less. And I was going to spend seventeen on eBay!
Minor accessories need adding to those, but they'll come in time, once I have the main fabric for her outfit. Then it'll all match :3

I have also just bought her base wig. Fingers crossed it looks good when it gets here. In the mean time, I need to fashion hearts for her hair to be shaped around.

I will share photos with you all soon. I promise. I'll do a makeup test when the wig arrives too.
But at the moment my computer desk and chair is covered in junk I need to organise.
Might take me a while...

But Vicky is starting to make progress !

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 11-19-2014, 09:23 PM

Finally got some stuff to show you!

First off, Here are my boots!

I'm planning on adding the hearts with either Worbla or a pre-made heart-shaped alternative if i find one. and the pink trims will be added when I've sourced my material so it all matches, like I said before.

and HERE!

Genuinely love this wig.
Forgive my face, I didn't do a make up trial 'cos I'd just got home from work and was too excited xD

What do you guys think? Have I picked good boots and a good wig?
I wanna knooow! <3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-26-2014, 02:28 AM

Yikes, I would have a hard time walking in those heels! The wig looks super cute though and just look at those adorable dimples! I can't wait to see the full effect when you pull everything together.

Walküre ga tomaranai!
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Old 01-08-2015, 07:52 PM


(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-11-2015, 03:12 AM

Yes to the boots and hair!!!

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 04-14-2016, 02:16 AM

oh my goodness. are you really!?! Star you will make an adorable vicky! I love your cosplays so much!


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