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Kent is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 12:22 AM

Good luck finishing commissions! I know I've had a hard time with it too. orz

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Good luck finishing commissions! I know I've had a hard time with it too. orz
I may just close my art shop.
Idk..I don't feel that great with anatomy.
Plus I can only draw females >__>


Kent is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 01:39 AM

Aww! I'm sure you can do it! Don't give up! It'll make me want to give up too. ;; o;;
If you keep on working on it, you'll only get better~ ; w;
For some reason, I'm able to make time to draw Pokemon for Hadsvich's art contest, but I won't work on commissions even though I want to. It's weird. But its really helped me grow more confident in my drawing abilities. > w<

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Aww! I'm sure you can do it! Don't give up! It'll make me want to give up too. ;; o;;
If you keep on working on it, you'll only get better~ ; w;
For some reason, I'm able to make time to draw Pokemon for Hadsvich's art contest, but I won't work on commissions even though I want to. It's weird. But its really helped me grow more confident in my drawing abilities. > w<
It's kind of hard to continue when you just don't feel confident in your abilities.
Plus..All I have to draw right now is my mouse.
Forgot where I put my tablet and my tablet pen is in storage somewhere in a box.
I am planning to get a new one after we get settled into our new home
and buy the essentials like my sewing table, comforter, new pillows and such.

I've done 6 years of pixel art so maybe I'll focus on that for the time being.


Kent is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 03:02 AM

Aww, I understand. ; w; Just try doodling every now and then for the fun of it.
You can practice on pencil and paper too. X3
I hope once you have your tablet and pen or a new one you'll feel the urge to draw~

Ohh~ Pixel art is nice~ o uo Sounds like a good idea.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 03:05 AM

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Aww, I understand. ; w; Just try doodling every now and then for the fun of it.
You can practice on pencil and paper too. X3
I hope once you have your tablet and pen or a new one you'll feel the urge to draw~

Ohh~ Pixel art is nice~ o uo Sounds like a good idea.
I can't do traditional art
as good as i can do digital art XD It's kind of like when you have two characters in a game and you are trying to level them both up to the same level but your main one is much higher.

Yeah me too. I am sure i will get to soon.

Yes it is. I do pixel art by mouse so i can do that easily. XD


Kent is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 04:30 AM

lol Good analogy. My skill with each is quite different too. I think as long as you practice on any medium, even if you're worse at one than the other, you'll improve on both.

Ah, that's good. I can't imagine pixeling. Seems complicated. X3

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-10-2015, 04:46 AM

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
lol Good analogy. My skill with each is quite different too. I think as long as you practice on any medium, even if you're worse at one than the other, you'll improve on both.

Ah, that's good. I can't imagine pixeling. Seems complicated. X3
hehe thanks.
i thought it was awesome.

Well..I think before a new tablet..i need a new laptop.
ugh I need too many things it's sad.
I need to get sewing to make some profit out of it ;3;

It's complex at first but once you get it, it is easy.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-31-2015, 09:56 PM

*pokes head in* :3 Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-31-2015, 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by salvete View Post
*pokes head in* :3 Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!
It's just me Sal.
No one else comes in here.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 02:11 AM

I sometimes do ^_^ when I remember, at least <3

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 03:10 AM

I should just close this thing really.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 03:17 AM

Aww <3 well I mean, you can if you want to, but I have strong hopes for this shop, that it would be awesome because you are doing art and all <3 and people are certainly patient and know that you are busy and also make art when you are inspired ^_^ *nods*

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 03:19 AM

I never did my orders
and don't know if I can.

Besides, i don't do art often.
Sometimes I have random artistic spurts and sometimes I am in a rut.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 03:31 AM

Hmm *goes to front page to see what orders there were*

Hmmm well I mean I can take one or both of your orders if you want. I have no idea when I would be able to finish them, but if they really are still waiting on their art, might as well find some way to give it to them? :) and also, I am not an artist or working towards being one (although that would be really awesome), so my art might not be as good as yours is ^_^;

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 03:39 AM

You don't need to do that.
I just need to find the time to do them.

I just don't know how to do 2 of them because i don't know how to color to make
it look like water.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 03:50 AM

Fuu-Chan <3 you're so nice. I really admire how, even when other people offer to help you with something, you want to take responsibility for it and hold yourself accountable <3 I really believe you can do it! I can't personally offer any advice on how to color to make it look like water, but maybe there are tutorials online that could help you learn?


Kent is offline
Old 01-22-2016, 03:11 PM

Just do your best! I'm sure your commissioners would appreciate any effort you put into it. Have you found your tablet and pen yet? O:

And yeah, you probably could find a tutorial for it. X3

And salvete! You are an artist! D: If you make art, you're an artist~

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 01-22-2016, 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by salvete View Post
Fuu-Chan <3 you're so nice. I really admire how, even when other people offer to help you with something, you want to take responsibility for it and hold yourself accountable <3 I really believe you can do it! I can't personally offer any advice on how to color to make it look like water, but maybe there are tutorials online that could help you learn?
It kind of is my responsibility
since I am the one who accepted the orders and opened the art shop in the first place. Yeah there is a tutorial. I just don't really know how to draw it out i guess.

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Just do your best! I'm sure your commissioners would appreciate any effort you put into it. Have you found your tablet and pen yet? O:

And yeah, you probably could find a tutorial for it. X3

And salvete! You are an artist! D: If you make art, you're an artist~
I moved so I found my pen.
I am probably just procrastinating.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-24-2016, 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Just do your best! I'm sure your commissioners would appreciate any effort you put into it. Have you found your tablet and pen yet? O:

And yeah, you probably could find a tutorial for it. X3

And salvete! You are an artist! D: If you make art, you're an artist~
Aww Kent *hugs* okay okay I am an artist 8D

---------- Post added 01-24-2016 at 03:28 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Fuu-Chan View Post
It kind of is my responsibility
since I am the one who accepted the orders and opened the art shop in the first place. Yeah there is a tutorial. I just don't really know how to draw it out i guess.

best of luck <3 practice makes perfect

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 01-24-2016, 10:58 PM

I did make a livestream account
for if i decide to livestream my art.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-25-2016, 01:39 AM

Oohh that would be cool!

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 01-25-2016, 03:21 AM

Yeah so i am unsure when i'll
start livestreaming.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-25-2016, 08:39 PM

No worries, just let us know when you do ^_^

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 01-25-2016, 09:03 PM

I will No worries.
I think when I figure out a pose for a commission on another
site i'll start then.


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