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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:09 AM

(Banner by zigbigadorlube. )
Do you feel it? That chill in the air? Yes my friends, winter is coming. And you know what that means. ... No, not the Starks, silly. Winter, for those of us in the northern hemisphere , means the holidays are here again. And no matter how much we grow up, no matter how far we move away, we always go home for the holidays. And home means family.

Thus begins your journey of returning from where you came and seeing again those you left behind. But will the holidays be happy... or horrible?

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-22-2014 at 03:34 PM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:38 AM

If it seems confusing at first, don't worry. It's easy. Easier than I was on my first date with jelly. ... What could I do? She bought me cake.

Each round you will be presented with a certain aspect of your return home. You will be given ten lettered options to choose from. These options range from best to worst, and carry a point value. +10 the best, down to +1 the worst. You will not know which option you've chosen until the round is over.

The points will accumulate throughout the rounds and those at the end with the most win.

  1. Choose a letter from A to J.
  2. Copy and paste the provided form, fill it out and post in this thread.
  3. Wait until the next round to see how you've scored. Each round will end and a new one will begin at 9PM Pacific. [Click For Current Pacific Time.]
  4. Rinse. Repeat.
Only one account per person is allowed to play.
The exception being staff approved charity mules, who may play for their charities.

Q. I've already chosen a letter, but i'd like to change my pick. What do I do?
A. Just ping me, stating your new letter choice and i'll make sure it's noted.

Q. I'd like to see the current score tally, but there doesn't seem to be a post for it.
A. I've outsourced the tallying to elves. The kind that live in a hollow tree. They will be keeping track of scores behind the scenes. Y'know, when they're not making me cookies. --- But if you'd like to know your score, you're free to keep track of it yourself.

Q. So what exactly do we win?
A. My undying affection. ... No, not really. Prizes are, for now, a secret.

Q. Can I have a coookie?
A. Sure, when you get your own elves.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 12-19-2014 at 05:40 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:44 AM

Night has fallen and the holiday is winding down. Tomorrow you're returning home. But before then, you'll spend the evening having quality time with your loved ones.

But will this create fond memories, or ones you'd rather forget?

Copy, paste and fill out form to play.
[COLOR="#cc0000"][FONT="Georgia"][B][SIZE="5"]Today is Day Eight. How will my trip home end?[/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE="4"]I Choose Letter:


CK - x
dragoness129 - x
GwenaHikari - x
hummy - x
liquidrage - x
Maha-Aamir - x
shinigamikarasu - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x
wish - x

BellyButton - x
Emma Corrin - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Jeannesha - x
Miscreant74 - x
Whisper Invictus - x

KatMagenta - x
sadrain - x
sjacklene - x
woohoohelloppl - x
zigbigadorlube - x

blueblackrose - x
Chexala - x
LaVida - x
Mnemosyne - x
musasgal - x

Cardinal Biggles - x
EirianHikari - x
spicedroses - x

Cherry Who? - x
Elirona - x
Kent - x
Liztress - x
Maria-Minamino - x
sushi_mew - x

Angel Spirit Girl - x
Dystopia - x
fireprincess - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
Roxxxy - x
Salvete - x
Saravi Boo - x
Wrenji-chan - x

Cora - x
Damia Flagg - x
Esmme - x
Hadsvich - x
Linnea - x
Nema - x
Shadami - x
star200shadow - x
Xogizmoox - x

HamletSpamlet - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Liquid Diamond - x

DariaMorgendorfer - x
Divacita - x
DivineHeart - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Nephila - x
pollik17 - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x
Velvet - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-03-2015 at 03:21 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:45 AM

Gift boxes lay open. Wrapping paper litters the floor. Receipts are quietly exchanged. Present time is over. Now we move on to food! Bring on the feast!

But will your holiday meal be delicious or malicious?

B +10 Points
Now there’s home cooking and then there’s home cookin’. Your mom must be the best cook in the world, and boy does she put out quite the spread during the holidays. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, chestnut stuffing, roasted squash, sweet carrots and green beans and a whole host of desserts. As you sit down at the dinner table with you family, you’re filled with a warmth you just can’t find anywhere else.

I +9 Points
It’s been decided that this year’s dinner will be a potluck. Mom provides the turkey. Grandma makes a sumptuous beef wellington. Dad fries up some fish he caught earlier in the week. Grandpa mixes up the eggnog. You, Melinda and Tommy work together to make the sides. Aunt Dale fills the credenza with cookies and pies, while Uncle Lewis prepares a traditional figgy pudding. Chad surprises everyone with a delicious vegetable stew and even little Tabitha makes cupcakes with help from her mom. It’s nice to see everyone contributing, it adds a special touch to your holiday meal.

G +8 Points
Nothin’ says lovin’ like what comes out of mom’s oven, but unfortunately Mom’s decided she’d like to take it easy this holiday season. This year’s dinner will be professionally catered. It’s quite the feast, to be sure, and undeniably delicious, but seems to lack that special, quality home cooked magic.

C +7 Points
When you think of traditional holiday meals, you tend to imagine turkey, ham and all the trimmings. But this year Mom wants to go outside tradition. She and Dad recently did some traveling, and she’d like to give dinner an international flare. Hangikjöt from Iceland. Portuguese salted cod. Slovakian kapustnica. Tabouleh and baba ganoush. A yummy looking French bûche de Noël and much more. It’s unusual and definitely not what you’re used to, but still tastes really good.

E +6 Points
If there’s one time of year you shouldn’t have to worry about calories, it’s the holidays. Sadly, Mom didn’t seem to get that memo. She’s goin’ healthy this season. No creamy mashed potatoes or rich gravy. No decadent cakes or pies. Nope, this year’s meal consists of poached turkey breast with rosemary roasted potatoes. Parsnip mash and lentil salad. And a gingered angel food cake for dessert. – Now don’t get it wrong. It all tastes good, it’s just not what you were hoping for.

H +5 Points
Your trip home was filled with visions of all the tasty things you were going to nom; none of which included eating frozen dinners in front of the TV. “Well, I’m just so busy this time of year, honey.” Mom explained. “I simply didn’t have time to whip up a proper meal.” Sigh. The food is unquestionably subpar, but you have to admit, there’s something special about all of you sitting round the television, watching Chilly the Snowman’s Non-Specific All Inclusive Holiday Special. It’s kinda nice. ... Kinda.

A +4 Points
Your sister may be many things, but she is definitely not domestically inclined. She has a maid to clean her house, and a cook to prepare her meals. But every once in a blue moon, Melinda decides she wants to do something herself. And regrettably, for you and yours, that something is now the holiday dinner. You all approach the table like condemned men being led to the gallows. On the surface, the food appears mostly edible, but taking a bite proves slightly less so. Instinct would have you push your plate away, but Melinda was so earnest in her effort that the family simply soldiers on with a smile.

J +3 Points
Juicy turkey. Delectable ham. Rolled pork with cranberries. It all could have been yours. It should have been yours. It would had been yours… had not the refrigerator broken down and spoiled all the food inside. “We’ll just have to make do with what we have.” Mom says. This means a smorgasbord of canned goods. And try as you might, you just can’t trick your brain into thinking canned spaghetti is turkey.

D +2 Points
Dinner was supposed to be extra special this year. Only yesterday did they deliver Mom’s brand new stove, and she was so excited at the prospect of christening it with the holiday meal. “This is pretty fancy.” You say. “Did you read the manual?” – She chuckles. “Oh sweetie, I think I know how to work an oven.” But the stove proved more complicated than she thought, and what resulted was a burned disaster. “I guess we’ll have to order out.” Dad say. – “Oh, no!” Mom says, crossly. “I busted my back making this dinner, and you’re all going to eat it!” So dig in. It’s only marginally more flavorful than eating charcoal.

F +1 Point
You don’t know what happened. It all looked so good. It all looked so perfect! You couldn’t remember when you had a better nosh. But it started with Grandpa Frank. A loud rumbling erupted from his belly and, wide eyed, he hurried away from the table. You all wondered what the deal was, when a growl sounded from Melinda’s stomach. Then Tommy’s and Uncle Lewis’. Then it hit you, the pain. Oh god, you need to get to a bathroom, fast! It’s… It’s… It’s food poisoning! The family retreats to their respective homes and spends the next few hours glued to their respective toilets, each a sweaty, quivering mess.


Cherry Who? - x
Elirona - x
hummy - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
sushi_mew - x
wish - x
Xogizmoox - x

DivineHeart - x
EirianHikari - x
sadrain - x
woohoohelloppl - x

Esmme - x
Nephila - x

Divacita - x
Dystopia - x
Liquid Diamond - x
sjacklene - x

Angel Spirit Girl - x
fireprincess - x
GwenaHiakri - x
liquidrage - x
Nema - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
Shadami - x
Wrenji-chan - x

Emma Corrin - x
Kent - x
Kitsune37 - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Mnemosyne - x
musasgal - x
Saravi Boo - x
Whisper Invictus - x
zigbigadorlube - x

Chexala - x
CK - x
Jeannesha - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

Cardinal Biggles - x
Liztress - x
Maha-Aamir - x

dragoness129 - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Hadsvich - x
KatMagenta - x
shinigamikarasu - x
star2000shadow - x

blueblackrose - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Linnea - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 12-30-2014 at 04:37 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:46 AM

The first step in going home for the holidays is figuring how you'll actually get there. You have quite a ways to travel, and time is of the essence.

Let's hit the road. But will your trip be enjoyable or deplorable?


B +10 Points
Holiday traveling can be a nightmare, but your time in the airport was thankfully a calm experience. With no layovers, you’ll be at your destination in a few short hours. All that’s left for you to do is sit back and relax.

I +9 Points
A train voyage may not be as quick as a plane, but it is just as leisurely, if not more. Watching the scenery speed by, all your cares seem to drift away.

E +8 Points
Traveling by bus may not be your ideal transport, but it’s really not so bad. It’s a direct trip, and a relatively quiet one you find. Giving you ample time to read, listen to music or nap.

F +7 Points
When it comes to getting from point A to point B, a boat may not seem like the best decision. Versus traveling by land, the route is a much longer journey. But breathing in the cool, crisp air and looking out over the peaceful waters, you think you made the right choice.

A +6 Points
Driving long distances isn’t anyone’s idea of fun. Hours of seemingly endless stretches of road. Fumbling with maps. But you’re able to keep your own schedule and you’ll be nice and toasty in a heated car.

G +5 Points
Everyone touts the virtues of a motorcycle. The freedom of the open road. The wind at your back. But in this case the roads are clogged with snow and the wind is freezing. And you have a long way to travel.

C +4 Points
Your car’s in the shop and you can’t afford to pay to get where you want to be. Luckily the older couple next door, themselves on their way out of town, offers to take you along. How bad can it be? With his stubborn refusal to ask for directions, her desire to see every roadside attraction and the two of them constantly bickering, it turns out pretty bad.

D +3 Points
The average person wouldn’t even consider something as risky as hitchhiking, but you’re in a real bind. Hoping for the best, you stick your thumb out and pray to be picked up by someone sane. The first guy that stops has an odd expression on his face and an axe wrapped with a ribbon in the front seat. “Who’s that for?” You ask. “The world,” he smiles. … You politely decline the ride.

J +2 Points
Worried there may be no way to get home for the holidays, you see your last means of mechanical transport on the front porch. Your bike. There hasn’t been the occasion to test the winter tires, but now you’ll have ample opportunity.

H +1 Point
All other means of transport have failed you, all except the one nature provided. Looks like you’re gonna be hoofin’ it. If you start out in late November, you just might get there in time.


Angel Spirit Girl - x
ClockReject - x
Cora - x
hummy - x
Maha-Aamir x

GummyBearKisses - x
Ivvy - x
Linnea - x
Saravi Boo - x

Blazing_Tiger - x
blueblackrose - x
CK - x
EirianHikari - x
Elirona - x
Nephila - x
shinigamikarasu - x

Cardinal Biggles - x
DariaMorgendorfer - x
Dystopia - x
fireprincess - x
Jeannesha - x
LizzyCollinsDeArc - x
Shadami - x
zigbigadorlube - x

Liztress - x
Mnemosyne - x
musasgal - x
sjacklene - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

Chexala - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
KatMagenta - x
Maria-Minamino - x

Liquid Diamond - x
Salvete - x
Xogizmoox - x

Hadsvich - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Nema - x

BellyButton - x
Kent - x

Divacita - x
GwenaHikari - x
Kitsune37 - x
pollik17 - x
Razak - x
Roachi - x
Roxxxy - x
sadrain - x
star2000shadow - x
Woofie267 - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 12-25-2014 at 04:42 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:46 AM

You've traversed the miles and made your way home. Time now to reconnect with the loved ones and discover which of your family members you'll be shopping for.

But be warned, some are easier to buy for than others.


E +10 Points
Out of everyone in the family, your brother Tommy is the easiest to shop for. That’s because he’ll pretty much take anything. Tom is an eternal bachelor, living the bachelor lifestyle. This means he lives with beanbags and a mattress on the floor and a fridge full of beer. Fittingly, Tommy's only luxuries are a giant flatscreen TV and an Xbox. So most anything he takes back to his apartment he sees as an upgrade.

H +9 Points
It can be a pain shopping for some people. They act coy and drop subtle hints, leaving you to run all over town, looking for something you may not even find. Not your dad, though. He’s a direct and straight to the point kinda guy. He’s concise about what he wants, how much it costs and where you can find it. It’s never a chore when it comes to Dad.

C +8 Points
As enjoyable as the holidays are, they can also get a bit dreary at times. That’s why it’s always nice to see your Aunt Dale. She’s a walking ray of sunshine. There are fewer people in the world sweeter than her. And she’s pretty easy to shop for as well. Anything cute warms her heart. You do feel a little silly strolling down aisles of knick knacks and stuffed animals, though.

G +7 Points
Your Grandma Emily is much like other grandmas. She’s warm and loving and makes great cookies. And like a good grandmother, she worries about you. Buying gifts for her isn’t difficult, it’s mostly the looks of concern when she opens them. “My goodness,” she frets, “I hope you didn’t pay too much for this,” as she once again reminds you about living through the Depression.

A +6 Points
Mom is the woman you look up to most. She’s quirky sometimes. Sappy others. But she’s always there for you and will do anything to make sure you’re happy; even if that includes pretending to like your present, when you know the next day she’ll be standing in the gift return line at the mall. Oh well.

F +5 Points
Now Uncle Lewis is definitely the most interesting guy in your family. He’s traveled the globe and experienced so many different things the world has to offer. Appropriately, his wish list is a bit exotic. So good luck finding a traditional Peruvian chullo or a Mongolian yak bridle at the mall.

J +4 Points
Grandpa Frank’s lived a long life, as he likes to tell you. And according to him, our modern world just can’t live up to the good ol’ days. Try as you might, anything you buy him will be, in his opinion, overpriced or poorly made. “Would you look at this,” he’ll complain, “does no one take pride in quality anymore?” Just keep telling yourself the holidays come once a year.

D +3 Points
In every family there’s at least one relative that’s a bit of an outsider. In yours that would be Cousin Chad. Now Chad’s not a bad guy, just a bit weird. Whether he’s talking about his Canadian girlfriend that no one’s ever met or asking if you’d like to read his Wonder Woman/Catwoman fan fiction, it can all get a little awkward. Awkward like some of the things on his wish list. Where does one even buy a life sized anime body pillow, anyway?

B +2 Points
Whereas your brother Tommy is basically one step up from a vagrant, your sister Melinda is on the complete opposite of the spectrum. Melinda’s all about keeping up appearances. She lives in a big house. Drives an expensive car. Wears only designer clothing. She is a person accustomed to the best, and demands nothing less. Not such good news for your wallet.

I +1 Point
You love your little niece, Tabitha. You really do. But she must be the most spoiled child to walk the face of the Earth. She’s definitely your sister’s daughter. Tabitha knows what she wants and she wants lots of it, and will kick and scream if she doesn’t get it.


GwenaHikari - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
KatMagenta - x
Kent - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

Chexala - x
CK - x
Razak - x
Xogizmoox - x

Cardinal Biggles - x
dragoness129 - x
Dystopia - x
Esmme - x
fireprincess - x
GummyBearKisses - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Liquid Diamond - x
Nema - x
Velvet - x
Whisper Invictus - x

Ascadellia - x
DariaMorgendorfer - x
Mageling - x
Mnemosyne - x
spicedroses - x
wish - x

Elirona - x
Ivvy - x
LizzyCollinsDeArc - x
Sadrain - x
Woofie267 - x
Wrenji-chan - x

DivineHeart - x
For-Chan Cookie - x
Hadsvich - x
liquidrage - x
Maria-Minamino - x
sjacklene - x
woohoohelloppl - x

Emma Corrin - x
Jeannesha - x
musasgal - x
Nephila - x

bloodstainedwings - x
blueblackrose - x
Cora - x
Crimson Shadow - x
Linnea - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Shadami - x
shinigamikarasu - x
star2000shadow - x

ClockReject - x
zigbigadorlube - x

Angel Spirit Girl - x
Antagonist - x
BellyButton - x
Cherry Who? - x
CycloneKira - x
EirianHikari - x
hummy - x
Liztress - x
pollik17 - x
salvete - x
Saravi Boo - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-03-2015 at 11:21 PM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:46 AM

You've crossed the distance, seen the family and now you're right knackered. You have a big day of shopping tomorrow, but before then it's time for some well deserved rest. But wait, where are you staying? ... And with whom?

Roll the bones, my friend, and hope you can find a comfy bed.


D +10 Points
Being home for the holidays doesn’t mean you have to stay at home. The hotel is so relaxing. You love your family, but who can say no to accommodations like these?

A +9 Points
The idea of parents keeping their children’s bedroom the same, even when they move away, always seemed silly to you. But you're starting to think differently. It’s not as private as you would have liked. But now being here, lying in your old bed, amongst all the familiar comforts, gives you a warm feeling. I guess you can go home again.

J +8 Points
Having never stayed with them before, sleeping at your aunt and uncle’s cabin home seems a bit awkward at first. But you’re soon put at ease. Dale is so loving, like a second mother to you, and Lewis is a real card. It’s actually a lot of fun.

B +7 Points
This will be the first time you’ve stayed at your sister’s house. You’re excited. Melinda lives in the lap of luxury. But it turns out to not be what you expected. It’s a nice place, for sure, and very modern; lush and full of amenities you’ve never had. But the place is like a museum. Melinda always wants things looking neat and pristine. That means being careful where you sit, which towels you use, taking off your shoes on the hardwood floors. Etc. Fancy living sure is tough.

E +6 Points
It’s not a grand hotel and not the most posh of accommodations, but the motel is okay. Good for the budget, though. It’s lacking some of the things you would like. Room service, for instance, and cable TV. At least there’s WiFi.

F +5 Points
The memory of spending summers at your grandparents’ cottage comes rushing back. Early meals, game shows, having to be in bed by nine. It’s pretty much the same except now it smells a lot more like old people, and Grandpa Frank complains quite a bit more. At least there’s a comfy bed in the spare room and plenty of Grandma Emily’s mouth watering cookies.

C +4 Points
Your journey back home was filled with thoughts of settling back into your old bedroom and kicking back. So it was that much more of a disappointment to learn that it had been converted into a sewing/craft room. “Where’s all my stuff?” You ask mom. “Oh honey, we put all that in the attic. But you can use your father’s old army cot.” – Joy. You had almost forgotten how itchy and musty dad’s cot can be. Almost.

G +3 Points
You’ve never known hell, but you have known your brother’s apartment. It isn't exactly squalor, but you can still see it in the rearview mirror. And he may be a bit dense, but Tommy is the nicest guy you know, so you hate to hurt his feelings by tellin’ him how he lives. You had expected to sleep on his moth eaten couch, with springs in your back, but are surprised to see he's invested in a futon. In the morning you ask why it smells funny. He replies, “I dunno. It smelled like that when I fished it out of the dumpster behind the men’s shelter.”

H +2 Points
Out of everyone in the family, you had hoped, nay prayed, that it wouldn’t be with your cousin. Now don’t get it wrong, you don’t dislike Chad. But he lives in a cramped little camper in your aunt and uncle’s backyard, which is a wee too close for comfort. At night he wants you to play D&D with him, insisting you be the busty elf and talks endlessly about Star Trek. Then when it’s time for lights out, you share the only bed, where he spoons you and calls you ‘Madoka’ in his sleep.

I +1 Point
Well friend, it seems you’re at a loss. You can’t afford a hotel and none of your relatives has room for you. “What am I going to do?” You lament. Dad offers up a solution. “You can sleep in the car out in the garage.” Your mouth drops open. “Are you kidding, I’ll freeze to death!” Mom just chuckles. “No you won’t. I’ll give you some extra blankets. Oh, it’ll be like a camp out.

“Couldn’t I just sleep on the couch?”

“And ruin my new slip covers. I don’t think so.”


Emilio - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Kitsune37 - x
shinigamikarasu - x
woohoohelloppl - x

blueblackrose - x
Esmme - x
Hadsvich - x
Liztress - x
musasgal - x

Jeannesha - x
liquidrage - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Saravi Boo - x

Angel Spirit Girl - x
DariaMorgendorfer - x
Divacita - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Kent - x
lunanuova - x
Shadami - x
star2000shadow - x
wish - x

Cardinal Biggles - x
Chexala - x
CrimsonShadow - x
Nema - x
Razak - x
zigbigadorlube - x

Ascadellia - x
Cora - x
DivineHeart - x
Dystopia - x
Emma Corrin - x
fireprincess - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Roxxxy - x
Sadrain - x
SilverStorm - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

BellyButton - x
Damia Flagg - x
EirianHikari - x
Whisper Invictus - x

Antagonist - x
Elirona - x
GwenaHikari - x
KatMagenta - x
Mageling - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
Woofie267 - x
Xogizmoox - x

CK - x
Ivvy - x
Linnea - x
LizzyCollinsDeArc - x
Wrenji-chan - x

dragoness129 - x
hummy - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Nephila - x
pollik17 - x
spicedroses - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 12-27-2014 at 04:30 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:47 AM

You've had your rest and a new day has dawned. Time to break out your wallet and feed the bloated machine of capitalism. Your next destination...The mall! But returning to your hometown stomping grounds offers the opportunity to meet some old familiar faces.

Will you receive a warm welcome or an icy reception?


C +10 Points
Just outside the mall, you feel a tap on the shoulder. Turning, you’re surprised to see your old flame from high school. Back in the day you two were pretty serious, and thought you’d be together forever. Things change though, and going off to college the distance proved to be too much. But seeing them here again, you can still feel that old spark. Could this turn into something more serious?

B +9 Points
You’re about to enter the crowded mall when you hear your name called. Turning, you don’t initially recognize the face, but on closer inspection discover that it’s Doug Giomondi, an old friend you haven’t seen in ages. Giving him a friendly hug, you joke about his now lack of hair and you both have a good laugh. During your time in town, the two of you get together and reminisce, vowing to keep in touch from now on.

G +8 Points
Checking out the discounted section of the book store, you hear a sudden “Hi.” from behind. Seeing who it is, you’re almost speechless. “Remember me?” He asks. You most certainly do. Matthew Hewell. During high school this guy was nothing but a jerk to you. You hated his guts. But time seems to have changed Matthew. Before you can speak, he ashamedly admits how terrible he was and apologizes for his actions. Accepting his apology, you begin to talk and discover what a nice guy he’s become. Looks like you’ve made a new friend.

H +7 Points
Why are you browsing the clothing racks? You really don’t know the size of anyone in your family. Returning a particularly tacky sweater to its home, you jump at the sound of your name being exclaimed. Well what do you know? It’s Mrs. Rosales, the lady who lived next door when you were a kid. She’s still the same: small and plump and full of smiles. She pinches your cheek and gives you a big kiss, like you were still seven years old. Mrs. R invites you out to lunch. You try to explain that you’re short on time, but she’s just so jolly, that you can’t say no.

E +6 Points
Does kitchenware make a good present? Maybe not. You shrug and put down the hand mixer. You’re about to move on, when you do a double take. There, looking at the blenders, is Ellen Rittenberg. Criminey, you haven’t thought about her in years. Up until the tenth grade you both were as thick as thieves. But then there was a major falling out. Words were said and you two never spoke again. You debate whether to say hello, when she spots you. Pleasantries are exchanged, but there is still a pronounced awkwardness. You’re surprised though when she asks for your Facebook address. You give it to her and she quickly heads off. What does this mean? Could it be a chance to start again?

J +5 Points
Checking out the high end plasma TVs is fun, even if you can’t afford one. The prices on these things are seriously ridiculous. Good thing looking is free. You turn to exit and run right into another shopper. “I’m sorry, I didn’t…” You begin to apologize, but then grimace. “Well, look who it is.” The man smirks. Of all the people... Daniel Kurakawa, your old rival. Back in high school, you two competed for everything. Neither of you could stand being outdone by the other.
“Can I help you fellas?” The attendant smiles.
“Yeah, I’m looking for a TV, about 32’.” Daniel says.
You don’t know what possesses you, but instinctively you interject. “I wanna buy a 42’!”
Daniel’s face sours. “Did I say 32? I meant a 55’!”
There’s no way you’re going to let him beat you. “I want a 64’!”
“72’!” Daniel cuts in.
“I want the biggest TV you have in the store!” You’re screaming now. The salesman is thrilled. “Yes sir.”
Daniel crosses his arms and grins. “Looks like you win, chum. I could never afford an $8,000 TV.” Oh crap, what did you just do? You better hope they have a good return policy.

I +4 Points
You browse the selection of fruitcake, wondering if anyone actually eats them, when an unwelcome voice hits your ear. “Hey loser!” Ugh, why did it have to be her? During your school days, Leslie Macaroy was the biggest bully in school, and she particularly delighted in tormenting you. “It’s good to see you again, dweeb.” She smirks. Is she for real? “You know we’re adults now, right?” You say. “Aren’t you a little old to still be acting like such an asshole?” This definitely doesn’t make Leslie happy. “What did you say to me?” You sigh and cross your arms. “You heard what I said. Grow up. You don’t intimidate me anymore.” … It’s an entire ten minutes before you’re able to remove yourself from the trashcan.

D +3 Points
Just inside the mall entrance you’re greeted with an interesting sight; a rather agitated-looking gentleman with a duffle bag on his head. You try to steer clear, but he makes a beeline in your direction. “Hey Santa, you got a dollar?!” He gesticulates wildly. ... Sure, why not? It’s the season of giving, after all. You hand him the single and he jumps into the air. “Calloh callay, with this token of love, you seal the deal, Frenchie! Soon we will be married!”
What the hell?! The man is kicking his heels and making quite a fuss. Soon mall security arrives to investigate the ruckus. “What’s the problem here?”
The man grabs your arm. “Just me and my fiancée, constable.”
“What?” I am not… I don’t even know this person!” You protest.
“Such a shy badger. We had our first kiss under the moonlight. I braided pork chop through my hair. I couldn’t talk then, cause I traded me voice for legs. Oh, but the fishes, they sang! LA LA LA LA LA!”
The mall cop frowns. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you and your fiancée to leave.”
“I told you, he’s not my…”
But before you can finish your sentence, you and your new friend our escorted outside. … “Let’s go back to my place.” The crazy man smiles. “Dracula makes a mean eggnog.”

F +2 Points
Y’know, most people read a greeting card only once and then completely forget about it. So why are they so darn expensive? You replace the one decorated with kittens when a shrill voice makes you jump. “Aha, I found you!” Oh no, it can’t be! “Miss Heidelberg, you’re still alive?! Er.. I mean, it’s good to see you.” Back in the day, Miss Heidelberg was the meanest librarian in town. Even then she looked like she was a hundred, now she’s positively ancient. “Save your honeyed words, brat! I’ve been looking for you for years and now I found you!”
“Years? Why?!”
“You checked out Spaceman Steve on the Planet of Werewolves and never returned it! I want it back!”
“Are you nuts?! That’s when I was a kid! I don’t know where it is now!”
She scrunches up her wrinkled face. “Then you’re going to have to pay the fine.”
Sigh. “Whatever. How much?”
“With late fees, $20,000.”

A +1 Point
Even though it’s warm in the mall, a nice coffee drink will take the edge off this day. You pay for your low fat, mocha cappuccino and head toward the escalator. As you ride up, you look across and see a familiar face moving down. Oh crap, it’s your old flame from high school. Back in the day you two were pretty serious, but then you had to go and do something stupid. It was a small infidelity, but you were caught and the person who was supposed to be most special to you was hurt. It’s a mistake you’ve always regretted. You try to get their attention, buy they’re deliberately ignoring you. You stumble back against the flow of the escalator and then trip. Drenched in scalding hot coffee, you hit the bottom of the steps, only to be carried up again. The cycle of tripping and ascending repeats a few times before mall security is able to help you out.


fireprincess - x
Liztress - x
LizzyCollinsDeArc - x
Razak - x
Roxxxy - x
Shadami - x
Velvet - x
Wrenji-chan - x
Xogizmoox - x

GummyBearKisses - x
GwenaHikari - x
hummy - x
liquidrage - x
zigbigadorlub - x

Chexala - x
ClockReject - x
CrimsonShadow - x
dragoness129 - x
Ivvy - x
Linnea - x
sadrain - x
star2000shadow - x

CK - x
Cora - x
Rochel Silverfire - x
Saravi Boo - x
Whisper Invictus - x
woohoohelloppl - x

CycloneKira - x
Emma Corrin - x
spicedroses - x

DariaMorgendorfer - x
Dystopia - x
Esmme - x
Hadsvich - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Maria-Minamino - x
musasgal - x

BellyButton - x
blueblackrose - x
Elirona - x
KatMagenta - x
wish - x

Angel Spirit Girl - x
DivineHeart - x
Kent - x
Liquid Diamond - x
Nephila - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x
sushi_mew - x

EirianHikari - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Mnemosyne - x
Nema - x

Divacita - x
Jeannesha - x
pollik17 - x
shinigamikarasu - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 12-28-2014 at 03:29 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:48 AM

Gift giving is a two sided coin. On the one hand it's nice to make others happy. But in turn, buying them can be a real pain in the ass. Regardless, it's time to brave the crowds and do some shopping. But what will your experience be like?

Are you in luck, or are you f... Uh, never mind.


E +10 Points
Many of us have nightmare stories of holiday gift buying, when shopping becomes less of an activity and more of a death sport. But this year you made it out completely unscathed. In and out and at a good price.

I +9 Points
You’re able to locate what you’re looking for, but wouldn’t you know it, there aren’t any left on the shelf. You try to catch the attention of one of the store’s many harried employees. Ten minutes later an attendant offers to help. Hoping against hope, you ask if perhaps your potential gift is in stock. The employee runs off and promptly returns, item in hand. “You’re in luck.” He says. “This was the last one.” Proving that it never hurts to ask.

F +8 Points
Locating the gift wasn’t a problem, it’s the lines that are the real killer. They stretch from the registers to the back of the store. You’re queued up for a half hour, but at least the rest of your day is free.

G +7 Points
You hate these big box stores. It’s like they cover a whole city block, and your search ends up turning into an expedition. You criss cross the store, back and forth, with seemingly no attendant in sight. After an hour and a half of hunting, the situation has become more than ridiculous. You’re about to give up when finally you spot what you came in for. Isn’t that always the way?

J +6 Points
What’s worse than having to scour one store? It’s having to drag your carcass from place to place. At the first you were told, ‘No we don’t carry that. You should try such and such across the mall’. So you head over there and get, ‘Nah, we haven’t sold that for months. Check out blah blah blah.’ So you mosey on down to ‘blah blah blah’, only to hear, ‘What, we never carried that. You’d be better at yet another location.’ This goes on for three more stores until, thank glob, you find what you’re looking for.

A +5 Points
You’ve gone here and there, over hill and dale, and yet that one special item eludes you. You stop to rest on a mall bench when you spot a small kiosk. Wait, is that the thing you’re looking for?! Investigating, uh… not exactly. Turns out to be a knockoff. But in fairness, it’s a pretty convincing imitation. Your relative will never know, right?

B +4 Points
The stores are packed with people and stifling hot. Agitated consumers prod and poke and crawl over each other, all to the sounds of holiday muzak. After several fruitless searches in other locations, you brave the throngs of shoppers at this new store. All seems hopeless, but then yes, there it is! You dive for the item just as another hand reaches for it. You and the man lock gazes, eyes narrowing. He’s not giving up without a fight and baby, neither are you. It’s a mighty battle. Hair is pulled, faces elbowed, feet stomped. And in the end you are the victor! You limp away, satisfied, while your opponent retreats with nothing but a black eye.

D +3 Points
If one word describes this day, it’s ‘futile’. Try as you might, you could not find what you set out to buy. Defeated, you walk out into the mall, wondering what your next course of action will be. Just then, there’s a beacon of hope! A woman holds the very gift you seek. Approaching her, you start your spiel. You’ve got to have that item, and you’re willing to pay extra for it. She thinks for a moment, and then shrewdly says, “Sure, pal. Five hundred dollars.” What?! Five hundred bucks for something that shouldn’t cost more than fifty! “Take it or leave it.” She smiles. Against your better judgment, you accept. You feel like a real chump, but at least you’re done shopping.

H +2 Points
As the days closes, you’re tired and grumpy and still have nothing to show for it. Dejected, you head out toward the parking lot as the shops close. Outside the mall entrance, you come across a shady looking gentleman, peddling his wares on the walkway. “You look down, friend. What’s wrong?” He says. Disheartened, you explain your predicament. “You mean you were looking for this?” He smiles, pointing to a box. And by glory, there it is! It’s like a miracle. “How much?!” You exclaim.
“For you… two hundred bucks.”
Well, a costly miracle. But you have little choice. The transaction is made, and though you know you’ve been gouged, your mood is lightened considerably. … It’s only after returning to the car do you think to actually look in the box, which, of course, turns out to be filled with rock. You race back, but the man is long gone.
Next year you’re staying home.

C +1 Points
By the end of the day, your shopping experience has turned into a haze of price tags, sales racks, pushing and shoving, and incessant, mind numbing, easy listening. You didn’t find what you were aiming for, but you got something and something is just going to have to do. You pay for the item and leave the store. As you pass through the doors, the theft detector sounds. That snaps you out of your fog. The store detective asks to search your things. Doing so turns up a wayward tape cassette of polka hits from the 80’s. How did that get there?
You try to argue. It’s a mistake! Who the hell still even listens to cassette tapes?! But it’s no use. You’re going to have to spend the rest of the night down at the station, trying to work this out.
Next year you’re giving gift cards. Your family can buy their own damn presents.


Ascadellia - x
ErianHikari - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Linnea - x

HamletSpamlet - x
Mageling - x
musasgal - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x
sushi_mew - x

CycloneKira - x
DivineHeart - x
Mnemosyne - x

Angel Spirit Girl - x
Cardinal Biggles - x
ClockReject - x
Cora - x
DariaMorgendorfer - x
Divacita - x
Dystopia - x
fireprincess - x
hummy - x
Nema - x
Nephila - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
sadrain - x
Saravi Boo - x
Silver Storm - x
star2000shadow - x
Whisper Invictus - x
Wrenji-chan - x
Xogizmoox - x

KatMagenta - x
liquidrage - x
Maha-Aamir - x
woohoohelloppl - x
Woofie267 - x

blueblackrose - x
Jeannesha - x
Maria-Minamino - x
shinigamikarasu - x
Velvet - x

Esmme - x
Ivvy - x

CK - x
Emma Corrin - x
LizzyCollinsDeArc - x
zigbigadorlube - x

Liztress - x
wish - x

Chexala - x
dragoness129 - x
Elirona - x
Hadsvich - x
Kent - x
Liquid Diamond - x
pollik17 - x
Shadami - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 12-29-2014 at 04:35 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:48 AM

It's what we've been waiting for, folks. You've made your way home, withstood a raging sea of holiday shoppers and, most harrowing, dealt with your family. But the big day is finally here. And we begin the festivities with... presents! Who drew your name and what did they give you?

Open it quick, we all want to see!


C +10 Points
You never worry about what your mom will give you. Because you know that whatever it is, it will be given with nothing but love. And that’s worth more than anything in the world.

E +9 Points
Presents given with love are the best in the world, but there’s something to be said for pricey and flashy too. Your sister Melinda enjoys giving expensive gifts, just to show she can. The gold watch may not have much sentiment behind it, but hell, it is a gold watch.

G +8 Points
In the same way Grandma Emily fusses over how much you’ve spent, she worries about how much you have. She’s totally convinced that you’re a hair width away from living on the street. She pulls you aside and puts a wad of cash in your hand. “Just don’t tell your granddad.” She says. It takes away the joy of opening a present, but a stack of bills ain’t so bad.

F +7 Points
Now your dad’s gifts aren’t the most flashy or exciting or fun, but they are practical. He has never given anything you didn’t find useful at a later time. So the portable generator sits in your closet for a while, but you’re thankful to have it some months on when a major storm knocks the power out for three straight days.

B +6 Points
Uncle Lewis, being a man of the world, likes to spin tales of his travels and loves to share the unique items he’s found. His gifts aren’t very practical, but they’re always cool. Who else is goin’ home with an Indonesian statue of Garuda?

A +5 Points
If there’s one thing to be said for Chad’s gifts, they’re definitely unusual. This can be either good or bad. You’re not sure how to react to the dancing cat speaker at first, but the little guy eventually grows on you.

D +4 Points
As can happen with some older folk, Grandpa Frank has trouble keeping up with the times. In this case, he judges value by how much things cost thirty years ago. As you open the pack of handkerchiefs with the days of the week embroidered on them, he proudly announces that he spent five whole dollars on your gift. Lucky you.

I +3 Points
Aunt Dale loves all things cute and sweet. Too bad her gifts tend to skew in the same direction. Opening your present, you’re greeted by a small ceramic figurine. Charming to some, disappointing to you. “Isn’t he adorable?! He said he wanted to go home with you.” Aunt Dale chirps. You force a laugh and smile.

J +2 Points
Easy as it is to shop for your brother Tommy, it’s not easy pretending to like his presents. As a man who’s comfortable forever living like a college freshman, he has no real gage when it comes to quality. He explains the old sandwich maker he’s given you was in his apartment when he moved in. It’s broken, but he thinks you can get it working again.

H +1 Point
They say it’s the thought that counts. Well little Tabitha doesn’t have to think much, as she assumes everyone will like what she likes. You try to smile as you unwrap the Barbie doll, lest you trigger one of her tantrums. Tabitha grabs the package, rips it open and demands you play with her. Unwillingly you do so, and reassess your plans to someday have children.


Chexala - x
Dystopia - x
Hadsvich - x
liquidrage - x
Roachi - x
Silver Storm - x
sjacklene - x
Velvet - x
Whisper Invictus - x

Elirona - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Linnea - x
Saravi Boo - x

blueblackrose - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

Emma Corrin - x
Esmme - x
fireprincess - x
hummy - x
KatMagenta - x
wish - x

Cherry Who? - x
DivineHeart - x
Liztress - x
Mnemosyne - x
sadrain - x
spicedroses - x
sushi_mew - x
zigbigadorlube - x

Jeannesha - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Nema - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
Shadami - x
Woofie267 - x

CrimsonShadow - x
GwenaHikari - x
Kent - x
shnigamikarasu - x
Xogizmoox - x

DariaMorgendorfer - x
dragoness129 - x
HamletSpamlet - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Maha-Aamir - x
star2000shadow - x

Cardinal Biggles - x
lunauova - x
Nephila - x
woohoohelloppl - x

Angel Spirit Girl - x
Divacita - x
musasgal - x
pollik17 - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 12-30-2014 at 04:28 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:49 AM

Gift boxes lay open. Wrapping paper litters the floor. Receipts are quietly exchanged. Present time is over. Now we move on to food! Bring on the feast!

But will your holiday meal be delicious or malicious?


B +10 Points
Now there’s home cooking and then there’s home cookin’. Your mom must be the best cook in the world, and boy does she put out quite the spread during the holidays. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, chestnut stuffing, roasted squash, sweet carrots and green beans and a whole host of desserts. As you sit down at the dinner table with you family, you’re filled with a warmth you just can’t find anywhere else.

I +9 Points
It’s been decided that this year’s dinner will be a potluck. Mom provides the turkey. Grandma makes a sumptuous beef wellington. Dad fries up some fish he caught earlier in the week. Grandpa mixes up the eggnog. You, Melinda and Tommy work together to make the sides. Aunt Dale fills the credenza with cookies and pies, while Uncle Lewis prepares a traditional figgy pudding. Chad surprises everyone with a delicious vegetable stew and even little Tabitha makes cupcakes with help from her mom. It’s nice to see everyone contributing, it adds a special touch to your holiday meal.

G +8 Points
Nothin’ says lovin’ like what comes out of mom’s oven, but unfortunately Mom’s decided she’d like to take it easy this holiday season. This year’s dinner will be professionally catered. It’s quite the feast, to be sure, and undeniably delicious, but seems to lack that special, quality home cooked magic.

C +7 Points
When you think of traditional holiday meals, you tend to imagine turkey, ham and all the trimmings. But this year Mom wants to go outside tradition. She and Dad recently did some traveling, and she’d like to give dinner an international flare. Hangikjöt from Iceland. Portuguese salted cod. Slovakian kapustnica. Tabouleh and baba ganoush. A yummy looking French bûche de Noël and much more. It’s unusual and definitely not what you’re used to, but still tastes really good.

E +6 Points
If there’s one time of year you shouldn’t have to worry about calories, it’s the holidays. Sadly, Mom didn’t seem to get that memo. She’s goin’ healthy this season. No creamy mashed potatoes or rich gravy. No decadent cakes or pies. Nope, this year’s meal consists of poached turkey breast with rosemary roasted potatoes. Parsnip mash and lentil salad. And a gingered angel food cake for dessert. – Now don’t get it wrong. It all tastes good, it’s just not what you were hoping for.

H +5 Points
Your trip home was filled with visions of all the tasty things you were going to nom; none of which included eating frozen dinners in front of the TV. “Well, I’m just so busy this time of year, honey.” Mom explained. “I simply didn’t have time to whip up a proper meal.” Sigh. The food is unquestionably subpar, but you have to admit, there’s something special about all of you sitting round the television, watching Chilly the Snowman’s Non-Specific All Inclusive Holiday Special. It’s kinda nice. ... Kinda.

A +4 Points
Your sister may be many things, but she is definitely not domestically inclined. She has a maid to clean her house, and a cook to prepare her meals. But every once in a blue moon, Melinda decides she wants to do something herself. And regrettably, for you and yours, that something is now the holiday dinner. You all approach the table like condemned men being led to the gallows. On the surface, the food appears mostly edible, but taking a bite proves slightly less so. Instinct would have you push your plate away, but Melinda was so earnest in her effort that the family simply soldiers on with a smile.

J +3 Points
Juicy turkey. Delectable ham. Rolled pork with cranberries. It all could have been yours. It should have been yours. It would had been yours… had not the refrigerator broken down and spoiled all the food inside. “We’ll just have to make do with what we have.” Mom says. This means a smorgasbord of canned goods. And try as you might, you just can’t trick your brain into thinking canned spaghetti is turkey.

D +2 Points
Dinner was supposed to be extra special this year. Only yesterday did they deliver Mom’s brand new stove, and she was so excited at the prospect of christening it with the holiday meal. “This is pretty fancy.” You say. “Did you read the manual?” – She chuckles. “Oh sweetie, I think I know how to work an oven.” But the stove proved more complicated than she thought, and what resulted was a burned disaster. “I guess we’ll have to order out.” Dad say. – “Oh, no!” Mom says, crossly. “I busted my back making this dinner, and you’re all going to eat it!” So dig in. It’s only marginally more flavorful than eating charcoal.

F +1 Point
You don’t know what happened. It all looked so good. It all looked so perfect! You couldn’t remember when you had a better nosh. But it started with Grandpa Frank. A loud rumbling erupted from his belly and, wide eyed, he hurried away from the table. You all wondered what the deal was, when a growl sounded from Melinda’s stomach. Then Tommy’s and Uncle Lewis’. Then it hit you, the pain. Oh god, you need to get to a bathroom, fast! It’s… It’s… It’s food poisoning! The family retreats to their respective homes and spends the next few hours glued to their respective toilets, each a sweaty, quivering mess.


Cherry Who? - x
Elirona - x
hummy - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
sushi_mew - x
wish - x
Xogizmoox - x

DivineHeart - x
EirianHikari - x
sadrain - x
woohoohelloppl - x

Esmme - x
Nephila - x

Dystopia - x
Liquid Diamond - x
sjacklene - x

Angel Spirit Girl - x
fireprincess - x
GwenaHiakri - x
liquidrage - x
Nema - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
Shadami - x
Wrenji-chan - x

Emma Corrin - x
Kent - x
Kitsune37 - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Mnemosyne - x
musasgal - x
Saravi Boo - x
Whisper Invictus - x
zigbigadorlube - x

Chexala - x
CK - x
Jeannesha - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

Cardinal Biggles - x
Liztress - x
Maha-Aamir - x

dragoness129 - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Hadsvich - x
KatMagenta - x
shinigamikarasu - x
star2000shadow - x

blueblackrose - x
Divacita - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Linnea - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 01-03-2015 at 11:57 PM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:49 AM

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:50 AM

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:50 AM

Dystopia is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 12:43 AM

Today is Day One. How will I get home?
I Choose Letter: D

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 12:47 AM

Today is Day One. How will I get home?
I Choose Letter: G

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 01:01 AM

Today is Day One. How will I get home?
I Choose Letter: G

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 01:22 AM

Yay, the event is up!

And i've already attracted some Halloweenies! ... Oh wait, it's not Halloween. Um...

I've already attracted some Christmasses. ... Yeah, that's not so flattering.



Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 01:23 AM

Today is Day One. How will I get home?
I Choose Letter: D

Milk and Cookies
Xogizmoox is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 01:29 AM

Today is Day One. How will I get home?I Choose Letter: Gizzie chooses letter G^.^

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Mak...

fireprincess is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 01:30 AM

Today is Day One. How will I get home?
I Choose Letter: D

---------- Post added 12-22-2014 at 08:31 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
Yay, the event is up!

And i've already attracted some Halloweenies! ... Oh wait, it's not Halloween. Um...

I've already attracted some Christmasses. ... Yeah, that's not so flattering.


As opposed to Halloweenies? XD

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
Send a message via AIM to Liztress
Liztress is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 01:31 AM

Today is Day One. How will I get home?
I Choose Letter: E

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 01:34 AM

Today is Day One. How will I get home?
I Choose Letter: B


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 01:35 AM

Hi Howdy! This looks like fun!

Today is Day One. How will I get home?
I Choose Letter: Capital I, Capital I

I need a life :/

sjacklene is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 01:36 AM

Today is Day One. How will I get home?
I Choose Letter: E please! ♥


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