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Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-06-2012, 08:21 AM

it's okay I'll try to poke my head in here more often. Sorry I haven't been around at all.
There's just a lot of chatty people at work and by the time I'm home I'm all chatted out.

What happened to the marketplace while I was gone? Has that been going on for a while?

Paying for school is hard, I did the pell grant and a scholarship or two my first few years but no I just bite the bullet and pay for it straight out of pocket so I can get it back in taxes. But that way I only have money to take a class or two at a time so it's making school take forever.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-06-2012, 09:06 PM

That's understandable, no need to explain. Real life is more important than the internet. :)

Yes, it's been going on for about a month now if I had to guess. Ever since they did some humungo update awhile back a few things have been messed up on Mene. I keep having to remind myself not to buy shit in the marketplace...buying a 10,000 CI could be a mega bad thing right now. XP Even 2,000.

I don't like paying for anything school wise, but the fact that I had to pay $234 for parking this year pissed me off. It's like, now I not only have to come up with the gas to commute, I have to pay to park in your lot when my tuition and books come to almost $4,500 already?

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-07-2012, 08:03 AM

yes but real friends are important no matter where you are :)

eek scary, good thing I have no need for the marketplace for right now... I hope it gets fixed soon I hate waiting for people to be online at the right time to buy something

wow that is a lot for parking ours is only 25 a semester or two dollars a day (which I did because sometimes I ride the train, russ drops me off or now I can just walk from work) that gas bill must hurt as far as you drive to, are you still thinking about moving closer?

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-09-2012, 04:37 AM

Awh. *huggles* Very true, Birdie.

Yeah, I got what I wanted from the marketplace before it was borked. I want everything fixed, though, because I'm always excited to see the new CI, but they can't release it until paypal is fixed, now.

Parking for my CC was something like $25, and it was added into our tuition fees, and I didn't care. I also found out that if I wanted to pay my tuition fee online they'd charge me $100 along with my 4200 to "keep up the website." I was like, wtf? And just drove the fifteen miles to the school. The gas was cheaper than paying 100 bucks!

The gas bill does hurt, but not as much as rent. I'm still planning on moving closer, yeah, but I'll most likely do that once I get my bachelor's, or right before. I get pissy about living at home occasionally, but then I remember the massive amount of money I'm not spending and I get over it.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-09-2012, 01:59 PM

oh wow mene's having all kind of problems... :( maybe this will at lest give wish plenty of time to make the new ones? Scary they are having problems with pay pal, that site is normally dependable. Are they just charging to much?

it's so annoying how they all have such lame excuses for there bs fees. So many places say "do it online to avoid the fee" and then other places use it as an excuse. T-mobile does that to me, it seems like the only way I can pay them with no fee is snail mail XD

Yeah freedom costs quite a bit XD you could always look into a room mate but that can either go very well or terrible. I did find a studio in denver once for 300 a month though, but that was on colfax and ogden so you can imagine the neighborhood XD At lest while annoying your parents are tolerable. that makes it easier.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-09-2012, 04:29 PM

Yeah, Peeblo and Afrodonkey have been awful little borkmonsters lately. XP I'm not sure what happened to paypal. I think that they shut down Mene's paypal so it doesn't work? I didn't pay much attention to that announcement because I don't do the donating thing.

Right? I hate that. This is the first time I've ever run into a "business" that preferred something other than electronic payments. It's gotta make their life so much harder, because CSU has 28,000 students...that's gotta be a long line in the cashier's office come September.

One of my friends has mentioned several times that she'd like to move out with me when she does (but she wants to wait till about 22, too, so there's a decent chance that we'll move out together then). I don't like living with people a whole hell of a lot, though, so there's also a good chance I'm going to spend the next two years saving money and then buy a condo. I'd love to have my own little place for awhile where the only rules are mine and I can decorate however the hell I please.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 01:50 AM

Mene is always having money problems I'm sure this isn't going to help.

Maybe it's just cheaper for them to pay one poor soul to deal with all those students? Though it's not like they don't have the website already so... I dunno that is one good thing about a community collage most of the fees are fairly small even if they are frequent.

I dunno, the one time I tried to live with friends it turned out badly, just to much time together and not enough space. But we had a small trailer so maybe if you were able to get something with to master suites, or like a small duplex that could be nice.

Sorry I'm always popping in and out, I'm just at work all the time because of the way the schedule me and russel.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 02:10 AM

Yeah, I've been genuinely worried about Mene because of these paypal issues. If it doesn't get fixed it isn't going to end well.

My take on it is that they're (a) trying to force newbie students to come and walk around the campus more and (b) they really are just money grubbing turds like that.

Exactly, which is why I kinda want to deal with it and live at home longer so I can move out on my own. I like it when friends come over, but I don't think I'd want to live with them. Although, the girl I mentioned is nice, I just think our cleaning habits would greatly differ if you know what I mean. I'm not the cleanest of people (I do organized chaos), and she's from a military family.

It's okay. Life has been hectic for tons of people lately.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 02:39 AM

:( no and i don't really know of a way for them to get donations otherwise.

I bet they just want money anyway they can get it XP

Well you could always try getting a duplex, splitting the mortgage for a duplex still might be cheaper and you would have all your space? Or on the other hand a slightly cleaner roommate isn't always bad XD compromise on the main living spaces and claim a few places for your chaos XD

It's not that its so busy it's that they will put russ in at like five in the afternoon and then me in at nine but closing so we both are here for a few hours but not supposed to be working. :( Then it gets busy and we end up working anyway sometimes but it's just annoying, I know we can't have the exact same shift, but we tend to only have an hour or to overlapping so it like wastes our whole day

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 02:50 AM

Yeah, people have already said they wouldn't donate if paypal went away.

I keep things clean--no mold, etc. but I leave shit sitting all over the place. XD I like it, but others might not. We'd probably work out as roommates so long as we both had one room all to ourselves.

Yeah, I hear a lot about work messing up couples because the shifts don't overlap. It's irritating.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 03:05 AM

well hopefully we they get it sorted soon, I don't want Mene to fade away. I know wizards takes way more of my time lately but Mene is still my home, I'll never leave it completely

Well you would each have your bedrooms for sure, and even then a little clutter isn't really so bothersome as long as its not all encompassing XD

Well I just started bring my laptop so I could have online time, but then I get called in and I have no good place to put my laptop where I know it's safe (we have lockers but my laptop is just a bit to long for them) not that I don't distrust anyone here but I don't particually know them either, and I'm not one to take a chance with something as important as my laptop

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 03:24 AM

So long as Mene is here, I'll probably have some kind of presence. It's been too important to me the last couple of years.

My type of clutter consists of shiny things, aka lots of knick knacks and pillows and scarves and vases, etc. It's not junk, I just like to have lots of stuff. If you've ever seen Howl's Moving Castle, picture Howl's room and that's what I do.


I understand ya. When I was going to my community college, I'd go to the cafeteria and sit my shit on a table while I went to nuke my lunch in the microwave. I'd always have one eye glued on my stuff while I was at it, though, because even though I didn't think anybody WOULD steal, I didn't forget the possibility.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 03:30 AM

lol thats not clutter it's decoration XD

yeah, later at night I'll leave it in the office and such but if I don't know all the people that I work with that day I just leave it home. But then I'll have no entertainment for like four hours o.O When I do bring it though I my internet still works better so I've started having it more and more anyway

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 03:56 AM

Damn straight! It's good decoration, too.

Ach. My first semester of college I had four hours between my morning classes and my afternoon classes and it was hell because I didn't have my iTouch at that point to browse the internet with to pass time. If I can help it I'll never deal with that again.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 09:33 PM

I have to say my place is a bit like that to shiny sparkly things everywhere XD
Speaking of decorating if you ever have the time to start a wizards account you should let me give you a house tour XD
russ got me that house
i showed you on you tube :) it's pretty cluttered already but I love it

'yeah if I have the computer it would be no problem, but thats always when it gets busy and I clock in early XD Murphey's law I suppose XD

I actually did that with some of my classes on purpose so I could have mandatory homework time with the open labs for my auto cad classes and such. My drawings always took tons of time.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 02:00 AM

Ooh. You got your treehouse? Very nice, Birdie. :)

I tried to do that once...give myself the homework time, but it only worked every now and then. I usually ended up drawing or listening to music as a relaxation. When I had the four hours of down time I just sat there and talked to the friends I had at the time (I miss that).

And yeah, I know what you mean. Every time I have my entertainment stuff I can't use it, but I never have it when I'm bored.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 02:53 AM

I did but Russ got to it first being he plays like a crack addict XD he turned my fairy house into his barracks XP it's still pretty cool though I love the waterfalls and such.

that is nice, I always had the big break for lunch and a few of me and the other nerds would play a round sometimes XD but I never really get to talk to them to much anymore, it's strange how my friends will seem to change by semester just by who was in my classes and such.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 04:09 AM

Dang. I keep missing you.

Lol, well guys tend to get more into that stuff than girls so I'm not surprised he's addicted to it like crack. XD I get obsessed with stuff like that, but I can't stay loyal to it. Once I feel like I've whooped a game to the extent that I want to I'll never look at it again. A guy'll go in there, whoop the game, then go back and rewhip it to get little fiddle fart achievements.

Meh, that's not strange. At least not by my standards. Like I told my mom awhile back, I don't want a crapton of friends in my new college, I just want people to hang with at lunch. I'll take a friend or two with me as time passes, but not many. I'm really going to miss my guy friend from the last year and a half, though. He won't transfer to my college for years, and I doubt he'll even transfer to where I'm going anyway. We live so far away from each other that hanging is too much of a hassle unless we were bf gf.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 06:29 AM

oh today is our day off so I'm going to be on and off all day

well they are constantly adding new stuff to this game so that is nice :) and there is lots to do, even though russ has beaten malistare (the original end of the game) there are still like nine worlds after it to explore XD he hasn't even bothered with side quests or anything yet.

aw that's lame you won't get to see him much more :( maybe you guys could skype at lest? give you something to do at lunch XD. I don't need a ton of friends or anything either just one or two good ones is all I need.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 06:40 AM

That great, but I still felt bad for missing you!

I can't imagine how many hours of game play that would be. The last time I played an online game I must've put 500 hours of time into it and still was only half the way leveled up. I get tired with endless dungeon crawls to get .1 of a level per night. o.<

Yeah, I'd like to. Normally I don't get to liking people as much as I liked him, so it makes it sad. Especially since he was a he. I've always had trouble with guy friends.

And yup, I would love to have a big group of extended friends, but I can't deal with a bunch of people knowing everything about me. I can only keep up good friendships with a few people at a time...and at that I've never seen somebody have a group of like 10 good friends who didn't end up with awful drama.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 06:49 AM

your fine :) it's my fault for never being on XD

yeah I'd say at lest four months easy to finish the game, not including separate wizards (you can have up to six). Though they are good about giving you lots of stuff to stay entertained, lots of easy xp so you lvl quick and get new spells and such all the time, it's set so that you get about ten lvls each world. I like that it's possible to solo though, some online games they just are to hard for that, with this one, it may take some time but it's possible :)

I have an easier time with guys actually, girls seem to have to much drama for me at times. I've had a few really good female friends but I can get annoyed quickly with some of our more crazy tendencies XD but yeah in big circles someone always upsets someone else and then wants you to take sides. Thats all the crap at my work, a lot of the people there are cool to hang out with on a personal lvl but a lot of them don't like each other and get annoyed when I just want to get along with everyone and do my job o.O

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 07:11 AM

I think most online games are too hard to level solo. Then there are games like League of Legends that won't let you solo anything, and I hate that.

All in all I like men much much much more than women, but I've only had one guy friend in my whole life who didn't try to go to the next level so I get a little more over protective around guys than I should. I do a lot of testing with them to see what they're up to with me before I start hanging out a lot.

I'm not saying I'm irresistible (far from) XD but sometimes I don't want to think about if I'm leading somebody on or not.

Girls I agree with. I hate drama. Sometimes shit happens, but I don't like my life to be driven by someone else's crud. All in all I just like personalities and I try not to start things. Boy or girl, I hate it when I can't spend 24 hours with a person without having some huge catastrophe.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 09:58 PM

Yeah Wizards is the opposite, there are a lot of quest (most of all the ones to get your new spells and such) you HAVE to solo. You can tell the kids who normally do it in groups because they whine that its to hard because they are so used to having back up, but really with a little strategy they are fine. There's only a three places (towers) that I have had friends for and they were in no way need to progress the game, they just had tons of gold and pet snacks XD

I know what you mean. I make tons of silly jokes and for some reason it will come of as flirting to newly made male acquaintances and they will get the wrong idea. That hasn't happened since russ of course, but guys do seem to jump at any chance they may think they have, and it makes it very awkward afterwards.

Yeah I know what you mean, I think I've told you about her before but my friend Lydia is like that. She has no real problems and she's completely supported with no responsibility. No school no work just hangs out and parties all the time. Her parents pay all her cell phone insurance gas etc. All the needed stuff and then what her parent's won't buy her ( cigs, weed and alcohol really they will give her anything she actually wants) her boyfriend gets her. O. o But she never has to deal with her own problems so she doesn't know how and something as simple as not being able to find a parking space downtown gets her frustrated enough to cry. She is a good friend to me and fun to be around most of the time but if she ever gets a tiny bit of adversity she's shuts down O.O

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Old 08-17-2012, 03:09 AM

The only reason I like games where you can have parties is that you can get mega high levels to one hit things for you and you can level up like there's no tomorrow. Now that's fun. Especially when you get to one hit shit later after you've got the higher level for someone else.

I'm still kinda like this, but when I was younger I was nice to a fault and I also crack jokes around guys because they have better senses of humors most of the time. It always comes off flirtatiously, when sometimes I really just wanted to chat with the dude sitting next to me in a class because I was bored. Now I keep more to myself than I used to, but it still happens.

Oh jeeze. That's way oversensitive. And I thought I was spoiled. My parents would never let me freeload that badly.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 08-17-2012, 08:27 PM

Yes :) I just got to lvl 60 (lvl cap is 80 right now but it increases with each new world they open) and they really let you be pretty all powerful XD Russ is at 78 and he can just annihilate groups in a single it XD Plus at 50 they allow you to start criting which make you do double the damage XD I love when that happens with attack I have called judgment. I got it pretty early actually but it is the most power single person attack you can get and I generally kill things in one feel swoop with it that way they have no chance to regain health or anything. The life and death magic both heal themselves so it really is the best strategy anyway.

Exactly, I'm just trying to be funny! Not flirt, it happens to me all the time at work that guys will hit on me through the drive through o.O I'm like you can't even see what I look like! What if you pull up and I'm a nine hundred pound crater face O.o
Normally though Russ will just do the window at that point XD

lol No Ely you guys may be well off but you are far from a spoiled brat like her XD I think the last time I was complaining about her was when they were paying for her to go to beauty school and she started ditching because class was "just to early" and she thought one of the girls "might" be making fun of her.


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