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Captain Pains
Ouja Akuma
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Old 12-03-2014, 03:50 AM

[I enjoy writing a lot, it helps the creative juices flow. Lately I've been having urges to write random scenarios about my characters but don't want to participate in an RP. So this thread will contain just that. I'll mark each story as either a one shot or a continuation, just in case anyone reading is curious~]

[[None of these stories are canon to my actual story, which is the webcomic I am currently working on. They are just random ideas I've come up with over time that I like too much to put in the trash bin that is my brain.]]

[[[I do not want any form of critiquing, since this is just a "for fun" thread for my random word vomiting. I do not have any foundation for any of the subplots for a formal moving plot, all of that extra work is put into my actual story/webcomic. Haha. This is mainly to help me understand my characters more, help get a visual on what everyone looks like, and development their personalities all while keeping me from getting too bored.]]]

[[[[You're welcome to comment here however if you have any suggestions on a theme however. I like taking my characters into areas I haven't thought about, such as weird dates or funny events happening in the world. To understand the characters more, see my blog.]]]]

-Yaoi/BL/Homosexual Relationships
-Anti-Religious themes


Last edited by Captain Pains; 12-06-2014 at 07:49 AM..

Captain Pains
Ouja Akuma
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Old 12-06-2014, 07:49 AM

[Will be a continuation]
[[This is about the origins of Tadao and his family, starting at the very beginning with his father, Nikita and his mother, Ladushka. Time frame: A very very long time ago pre-civilization.]]


Nothing could be said about the cold darkness that I grew up in. Since day one, I have been encased in this numbing blanket, nurtured in a cradle of death. Life couldn't escape this endless pit, forced to grow, to develop, to evolve. Our world was protected by a wall of white, where no one could enter but anything could leave. Only those born and raised in the heart of darkness could maneuver the land bestowed upon us. Only those who bore a strong will to live and gifted with intelligence could pass on their blood. That is how we survived.

My ancestors before me had adapted to the harsh climate, they had mastered the at of survival and thrived. Through their foot steps, created the bath to which we would follow and continue to mark for those lucky enough to survive. We were the future. They are our future. An endless chain of blood propelling our survival to completely dominate the hart of darkness.

This was Mother Russia. And my name is Nikita Vladimir.

My story is old, older than the longest religion. I've seen things that people can only experience through a text book. I have lost a great deal through the years, but gained something everyday. I have been robbed of happiness but granted comfort. My life is old, but my soul is young. My body is frozen, but my spirit is free.

I am a demon.

I was once human, however. I am as old as Russia itself. I was born to a family of 3, part of a small nomad group. I don't remember the faces who bore me, but I remember the cold blanket that encased me everyday. I was raised in this darkness, and consumed by it. My weak soul was broken many times, but grew stronger with each recovery. I was taught brutality and was brought down by it. Although encased by the cold, I still felt warmth.

Marriage didn't exist during the time of my youth, but I was still partnered up with a life long companion. Due to the small size of our nomad group, I was paired up with the healthiest woman of our group that was born near the same time I was. Although healthiest, she was sick and weak. Both her parents had died from the cold when she was no more than 8 years old. Due to her sickness at the time, she was ignored and had to beg for scraps.

During those times, there was no ceremony or exchanging of livestock that future unions would practice. In some parts of Russia, there was, but as as a small nomadic group no large than 20 people, we only had was he could carry. We could travel to follow the herds of animals we survived off of, and to escape the deadly snow storms. We were never in one spot for very long, before I knew it we were packing up and moving on. After my union with Ladushka, I was no longer a part of my parents group. I had been pushed out of the nest at the young age of 15 and told to care for my partner. There was no one else.

During the time of rest, when the clan would stay in one spot for longer periods of time,t he men would leave to find food and bring back water, while the women stayed behind to care for the children, prepare food for when we would return, and fix our fur clothing if it were torn. This form of life style was common during that time, and it even continues on in society today. Men did the heavy labor while the women did the rest. This was our daily existence.

Ladushka was an out case in the clan due to her sickly nature and being an orphan, no one wanted to associate with her. The moment our union happened, I was put in that category as well. We were treated differently, but that didn't bother me. I wanted to survive, I wanted to continue my blood line. The petty thoughts of others made no difference to me and my will to live. My partner, however, didn't feel the same. She was timid and shy, and wouldn't associate with the others due to their negative behaviors toward her. She preferred to be left alone. I respected her wishes at times, but there were moments when we had to interact, whether it be for food or clothing purposes.

We both knew that at some point in time, we would have to produce children in order to continue our clans blood and make it grow. But she was always sick during the time I wasn't out hinting, so it was hard to get her to comply. My parents advised me to never produce children when the mother was sick or the child would become sick and possibly die. The death rate for children was high during this time. out of 6 children born to one mother, normally only 1 or 2 would survive. I had siblings before my time, but none of them made it past the age of 1.

Ladushka was already burdened with the weight of potential parenthood, along with the stress the clan gave her with their judgement, that I didn't want to push any more on her. The stress alone was the main cause of her chronic sickness, if any more was added, she could have died. If she died, any chances of fatherhood for my would be broken, and I wouldn't be able to have another union. I didn't want her to die, even for my own selfish reasons.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - time lapse

5 years into our union, Ladushka started opening up to me more, becoming a bit more friendly. She still kept her distance, however, when it came to more intimate situations. It was during this time that I was becoming more irritated with her avoidance on anything children related. Now the pressure was on me, because we were still the youngest members of our clan. Any child born then were dying due to the harsh climate and spread of diseases, plus the mothers were also during during child birth. Perhaps it was these events that instilled the fears onto Ladushka, preventing her from taking the step forward. And maybe it was these fears that kept me from being more aggressive about the matter.

During the 6th year of our union, the clan was making the effort to move northern, despite the harsher climate. The clan leader, my father who's name I had forgotten over time, was hell bent on moving north, knowing the dangers of the climate, scarcer food, and for certain death. The group was split on whether it was a good idea or not. I didn't like it, we needed to move south for winter for more suitable weather so we did not run out of food or freeze. Even though the herds we hunted are moving north, I knew it would be a death wish to follow. Why my father thought this was a good idea, I never got to find out.

At the time, I had to follow my father and the clan to see it prosper, but deep inside, I knew the decision was to move north would lead to death. I pleaded with him to reconsider his decision but it was no use, he had made up his mind. He was going to lead the clan north to follow the herd, and lead the clan to death. The entire clan was talking about the move, sharing worries and woes. Ladushka, however, had already made up her mind long before the move was announced.

"When the time comes, you can leave me behind. I decided long ago to stay in this spot until my death." She said.

When she told me this, it was before I was leaving for a 3 day hunting trip with the other men. She had intended for me to think up on this, to digest what she wanted and how I should handle it. It's not uncommon for parts of the clan to stay behind, but most of the time they wouldn't survive. Ladushka knew she couldn't survive on her own, so a deep unsettling feeling blanketed my subconscious, that she was welcoming death.

At that point in time, I didn't have a deep relationship with her compared to marriages of modern day. She viewed me as the provider of food and keeper of protection while I saw her as nothing more than a child bearer. That was normal during these times. But I still didn't want to part with her for I was still childless, but I've grown accustomed to her presence, to return to the tend with her greeting me, that I don't know if I could be without.

I let her request sink in as the days progressed. I didn't tell any of the other members of my hunting party about her decision. Usually when members of our group stayed behind, they were in parts of two or more, never had one left on their own. With my father's brash decision on traveling north, I wasn't opposed to staying behind, but I still wasn't 100% sure at this point. I didn't let the weight distract me from doing my job in the hunting trip, however. In between waiting and carving did I think about her announcement.

[[to be continued...]]

Last edited by Captain Pains; 12-10-2014 at 01:55 AM..

Captain Pains
Ouja Akuma
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Old 12-09-2014, 07:23 AM


On the way back from the trip, members of the troop noticed that a great deal of the land had been burnt and damaged from some sort of fight. After some examination, we came to a conclusion that this was a raid on another nomad that we would often trade with when our paths crossed. Most of the area was black due to a fire, but among the remains of the ash did we find tools and supplies. Not one body was discovered, but the ash was fresh and our clan wasn't that far away. We all decided to hurry along and warn the others of the danger and relocate to a safer location. Our group was tiny compared to others so we wouldn't be able to fend off against a raid.

It took another day and a half before we had reached our camp. The women greeted us and helped take the supplies to prepare them for dinner and preserve the rest for the coming weeks. They also took the bulk of our clothes to repair them while we placed our broken tools in a pile to fix for another time. Normally we would go about our business from then on but we urged for a gathering.

Inside the large tent that was my parents home, we all huddled together to talk about the possible raid we could be up against. The group I was with had discussed to my father prior about what we had seen, but I had a feeling it didn't affect him much. He didn't seem phased by it almost. I knew he would explain later on so I didn't bother asking, but as I sat with the group, they murmured among themselves about various theories as to why they were all called here.

I could see my mother sitting off to the side with a tired look on her face. I could tell she had been arguing with my father due to her expression. Her entire presence seemed exhausted in a way. I felt like even her soul was too tired to continue fighting against my father. Even though they stuck to each other like glue and never went against each other, there was some very obvious strain between them as of late, quite possibly due to my father's brash decision to lead our clan to death. She and I were never on very good terms, beyond the basic needs of raising a child, but I still felt sorry for it, and wished to console her. But I knew it wasn't my place to interfere.

My father entered the tent and everyone fell silent. We all looked at him awaiting what knowledge had to be shared, what knowledge was so important to call everyone here for. I felt uneasy about it, honestly. I knew deep down it was going to be a long meeting, and it was going to end in a poor favor.

"My family, I have been told some disturbing news that threatens our safety." He started to explain. The air became tense. "I've known for awhile that there are raids happening all over our world, and they are getting closer to us no matter how far we travel." He continued. The entire room became very very quite. Even the wind stopped it's noise. "In order to preserve our safety, I have decided to continue forward with heading north. If we were to enter the land of death, we will live."

An unsettling chill crawled up my spine. I couldn't believe this was the real reason my father wanted to head north. He was made our leader because he was tactical in situations based around our survival. Yet this was blowing everything he was known for out of the water. Perhaps this was the reason why my mother was so strained, even she couldn't believe his brash decision.

"We will leave from our location when the sun rises again." Was the last he said of the matter.

But before he could leave the tent, going against everything I was raised to not do, I stood up and challenged him. "I refuse to follow your orders. Heading north at this time would lead us to death, not victory." There was a hint of fear in my voice, but I still pressed on.

My father turned around and gave me a look I still remember today. It was cold, it was heartless. He had so much dishonor for me within his entire being that I froze. Everyone else froze as well, I felt this unbelievable heavy weight resting upon my shoulders and my legs began to feel weak. He walked over to me and got right up to my face. "You go against my orders?" He asked in a low voice.

With every ounce of courage I had left, all I could manage was a simple nod. And with that, my father punched me in the face, knocking me straight to the ground. I heard Ladushka yelp as I fell. My head was ringing and my face became hot, but he didn't break any bones. If he had used full force, then I would have been knocked out cold. My mind was fuzzy and I couldn't get back up, but I could feel his presence towering over me.

Everyone in the tent backed away, but none of them left because they were too interested in what might happen. This is the first time someone has gone against my father in any way, and they were eager to see the results.

After a few moments, I managed to get back on my feet, but my vision was a bit blurry. So much blood was rushing through my face I could feel it under my skin. It was an unpleasant feeling. I took a few steps back away from my father in case he wanted to take another swing at me. I wasn't about to fight my father, but if he decided to make an attempt at my life, there were no promises at that point. "I will not sit and allow you to condemn us." I repeated, a little out of breath. "You're going to lead us to death, and I will not tolerate it. I will be splitting from the group."

Those words came out of my mouth without my knowledge. I don't know how it came about, but I felt some of the weight on my shoulders lift. Within a few seconds, the group began to murmur to themselves again. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but I knew it was about my announcement. I felt someone place their hand on my arm from behind, but I couldn't tell who it was right away. It hurt too much to turn my head.

"And I, too."

It was Ladushka.

"You have filled my son with these ideas!" My father yelled. His voice bellowed from deep within his stomach and managed to echo within the tent as if he were yelling at the entire world.

"Don't speak to her like that!" I snapped back. "She feels just as uneasy about your decision as I do!"

"You are not my son anymore! Leave the group! Immediately! Die alone for all I care!" Those were the last words he ever said to me. I left before he could continue, and I took Ladushka with me. Without saying anything, I pulled her to our own tent and began packing everything I could, as fast as I could. My blood was boiling with rage which made the injuring on my face hurt even more. I felt it throbbing but I ignored the pain and continued throwing everything into bags.

Ladushka tried putting her hand on my shoulder again, but I brushed it aside. I didn't want to deal with her at that moment, I was too angry to think straight. She sat there in silence waiting for me to calm down.

[[to be continued...]]

Last edited by Captain Pains; 12-10-2014 at 01:55 AM..

Captain Pains
Ouja Akuma
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Captain Pains is offline
Old 01-14-2015, 09:01 AM


Hours passed since I last spoke a word, I was too busy packing away everything to notice the time pass. After I had packed away almost everything, save for some blankets and the tent itself, I took a deep breath in to try and relax myself. It'd been a good while since the argument with my father, yet my blood was still boiling. This is how I knew that no matter how the dust settles, things will not be the same. Our paths would split in the coming hours.

I had decided while I was packing, to detach ourselves from the clan before sunrise, before anyone else awoke. There was no way I would walk passed the members in shame. Everyone saw the clash between my father and I, and I'd rather slip into the night than face their judgement. But as I pushed everything to the side, gathered up together to leave in one step motion, I remembered Ladushka. Was she still awake? When I turned around to see, she had already fallen asleep next to the small fire. Curled up into a ball like always, a blanket covered her entire being. Cozy, she looked. After noticing her, a yawn crept up on me, and soon a wave of exhaustion fell over me. Perhaps I should sleep, get a few hours in before the journey into the unknown.

With that in mind, I crawled over to her, taking some of the blanket from her. It was the only one I didn't pack away, and it was the biggest one we had. Normally we didn't sleep so close together, each of us on the opposite side of the small fire we had going at night to help us stay warm in the frigid temperatures. Hopefully she didn't mind if we shared. I wasn't against the idea but knowing her personality, she might resent it. Dealing with enough issues today, she was just going to have to deal with it if she were to have an issue upon waking up. I was too tired to care, honestly, and too tired to find another blanket. I scooted over a bit to get more blanket, my back to hers, barely touching. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

An hour or so passed, assuming, before I awoken to something touching me. It was coming from Ladushak's side, and when I turned my head to peer over, I saw her, right there huddled against my back. She was close, a bit too close. Again, I didn't mind it, it helped me stay a bit warmer, but she has never done anything like this before. She gets nervous from when I accidentally touch her in any way. Perhaps she was just trying to comfort me, after all, we were just exiled from our clan. Upon thinking about that, I wondered what time it was. I was afraid that if I fell asleep, we wouldn't be able to leave before sun rise. Taking that into account, I sat up, and with that force, Ladushka woke up too.

Confused, she sat up just a pit, propping herself up with her elbow, rubbing her eyes with her free hand. "Is something wrong?" She asked, forcing back a yawn.

"We need to leave soon." I replied stretching my arms a bit. I sat still for a few moments, trying to get myself to move. I was still far too exhausted to travel long distances, but there was no other choice.

"Why now?" She asked, sitting up all the way. "Cant we leave when the sun rises?"

I shook my head and then began to get up. I moved the blanket away, putting my share on top of her. "If we do that, they'll see us. We need to fade away." I added, putting my hunting outfit on. It was the warmest outfit I had, it was a full coat, thick pants, leather boots, and leather gloves, along with a hat that covered my forehead and ears. These were my favorite items, and you could tell due to the wear and tear on them.

While I was getting ready, Ladushka still sat there, processing everything. She wasn't a morning person, which went against our whole clan's lifestyle. She was always seen the last to rise, but the earliest to retire. Granted, she was sick most of the time that allowed her some leeway, but after living with her for so long, her weak morning routine wasn't due to her sickness but due to lack of discipline. I really didn't mind a whole too lot, since I was always up before her, and she would still do what I would ask her to do all while still making food and repairing my clothes. She was a good wife, who was perhaps a bit lazy then.

"Hurry and get your winter gear on, we have to carry everything on our backs and take down the tent before we can leave." I said, putting my shoes on before standing up. While I was adjusting my clothes into place, Ladushka wrapped her arms around my torso, giving me a hug from behind. This was a strange day for her indeed. This was beyond her physically contact of any form. Concerned, I looked over to her. "Is something bothering you?" I asked.

She burred her head into my back, giving a muffle noise I couldn't understand. She grabbed tighter onto me after that, not letting go for a few moments. Not fighting it, I let her stay that way for however long she wanted. Something was truly bothering her and if this helped her clear her mind, so be it. But as the moments rolled on, we were wasting time. I tapped her hands to let me go, and when she did, I turned around and looked at her.

"We don't have time to waste. We need to hurry up and go." I said, a bit more stern. I walked away before she could respond. She was very good at following my orders, so when I started packing up the remaining things lying around, did she start getting ready. She too, had a winter outfit for when times called for traveling to a new location. A long coat, thick pants, boots, and gloves were all she had. Her hat was lost long ago and wasn't able to obtain a new one. She would often travel with her hands over her ears to keep them warm. Perhaps when we found a new home, a new hat could be available for her. But our new home, where was that? Would we join another clan or perhaps fall into the strangeness that are towns? Our future at this point on, was unclear.

[[to be continued...]]


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