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Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-11-2011, 01:45 AM

Welcome to our Casino. We welcome you to join any games or contests for a chance to win big.

*smiles* Yes, I know we weren't here before but we saw this lovely place and thought that this would be a wonderful place to set up our little business. This little Casino is just a trial run I suppose.

We shall be open from June 24-30th.

Last edited by Suzy Sunshine; 06-25-2011 at 01:42 PM..

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-11-2011, 02:18 AM

Q: Why a casino?
A: Why not? I was working on the last user event, Feast of Fools, and was thinking about the next user event. The idea of a casino popped into my head and wouldn't leave. It seemed good too me so we ran with it.

Q: When will the Casino be around?
A: June 24-30th

Q: When will it be leaving?
A: 7pm Central on the 30th (What time is it now?)

Q: Are there new EIs?
A: Sorry, no. We are a simple user event and as such we don't make new items. We do have lots of gold, CIs, EIs, and other items.

Q: Why do a user event?
A: Because we want to. Because we can. Because we love to give back.

Q: Why did you send me this egg/s?
A: It is a page prize. Every post, but a hosts, is a winner for the first pages of all the stickied threads till I run out of them. So enjoy.

If you have anymore questions feel free to ask in here or pm any of the hosts.

Last edited by Suzy Sunshine; 06-19-2011 at 07:57 PM..

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-11-2011, 02:57 AM

The Amazing Hosts
Lilith W
Ashtyn Leigh
Clair Voyant
Beautiful Disaster

Want to Learn about the Hosts? (click here)


Name: Lilith W (though I've been called Lolly Pop and my real name is Elizabeth)
Date of Birth: April 8th, 1989 (makes me 22)
Address: 108 Rainbow Lane
Hobbies: Reading, internet, anime, recently I've been really in Webcomics
Job Position: Man in Charge, one of the Evil Faeries, the Head Magician, and the person behind the mule
Salary: $0.20 a day (so not enought, right?)
Past Experience: 1. Co-host of the Evil Faeries Giveaway during the Mene~Summer Night's Dream event
2. Co-host of the School of Knives thread during the Mene Circus event
3. Co-host of the Memory Game & Knife Throw thread, the person behind the mule, and the Man in Charge of the Mene Feast of Fools event
4. Many non-event Evil Faerie Giveaways
5. And long ago a charity
Why you want to work for the casino? I love giving to people. And really what place is better at giving then a casino?
How did your theme come about? Well I'm running three threads so; Jack of Clubs (the mule) is simply the Front Desk, the Magic Show is simply the Magic of People, and the Giveaway is True Magic. The Front Desk simply happened since that is what it is, Magic of People happened because I thought there had to be a magician, and True Magic made the most sense with faeries.
Other: Nothing much else to say other then I love my two rat terriers. Female named Patchy and male named Ditto. And of course the rat terrier stray that lives in a chair outside, currently named Doc Strange.
Name: Seridano (Seri or Brii for short)
Date of Birth: August 31st, 1990 (going to be 21 soon, watch out world!)
Address: N/A
Hobbies: Reading, writing, singing, doodling (badly), making AMVs, collecting music, sufing the net
Job Position: Writing Contest Judge
Salary: Na-da *feels unloved*
Past Experience: I run the Thief in the Night charity, which was active when I was active and boasted a few rather ‘special’ games. Really I ought to get back on that now that I’ve returned to Mene.
Why you want to work for the casino? I’ve been looking for a chance to give back to the community and help draw in more interest so, when Lilith W made mention of the upcoming Casino User Event, I couldn’t pass up the chance to get myself involved.
How did your theme come about? I wanted to have something a bit more open-ended so as to entice more people to join / to keep from being overly restrictive, as I am well aware that restrictive themes cut interest severely when it comes to writing related contests.
Other: I've got a love-ely bunch of coconuts. o.o
Name: blueblackrose
Date of Birth: August 8, 1986
Address: 13 Never More Way
Hobbies: Drawing (digital & traditional), reading, writing, anime, internet, larp (live action role playing), rping, and gaming.
Job Position: Never More Poker, Overseer
Salary: $200.00 a day
Past Experience: 1. Host of the art contest at the Summer Pool Party in 2008
2. Original Planner of the Menewshan Circus in 2009 (had to step down due to real life issues)
3. Hosted a fortune telling thread at the Feast of Fools in 2010
4. Owner of the INSANE Asylum charity from 2007 until ealier this year.
Why you wanted to work for the casino? I wanted to work for the casino because I thought it would be fun and I like to give back to the community.
How did your theme come about? First I toyed with the idea of having a Western theme due to the name of the card game being played, but Menewsha lacks "western" themed items. I then thought about doing a steam punk theme and unfortunately I wasn't able to come up with a steam punk avi that I liked. So I just went with the direction casino worker avi was heading in which leaned towards Gothic. Plus Edgar Allen Poe is one of my favorite poets and I thought it would be interesting to have a room centered around his poetry and the like.
Other: "Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." ~ Edgar Allen Poe
Name: Codette (Cody for short)
Date of Birth: July 20th 1991 (Almost 20 ^.^)
Address: 169 Bunny Way
Hobbies: Sewing, Dancing, Writing, Drawing, Reading, Watching Horror Movies
Job Position: Sexy Bunny
Salary: $9.00 a day, plus tips ^.-
Past Experience: uhhhh, did I say I'm a Sexy Bunny
Why you want to work for the casino? Because I love to entertain!
How did your theme come about? I dunno, I just always wanted to be a sexy bunny. Prancing around in a corset and short skirt ^.^
Other: As of June 21st, my boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and 3 months. My longest relationship before we got together, three months. A bit of a jump, yes?
Name: Siti Hajar
Date of Birth: April 1st [not an April Fool joke, it's for real]
Address: Somewhere in the world
Hobbies: Drawing, Photoshopping, and lately playing around with Flash CS5
Job Position: Casino Beach Art Party
Salary: $9,999,999, cause I'm cool that way~
Past Experience: Events go-er and lurker. Participant in most of the games in Feast of Fool.
Why you want to work for the casino? I love art, and wants to see the art of others. And wouldn't the casino looked too boring without art?
How did your theme come about: I went on a vacation a few weeks before the event, and that was by the beach. It was an abrupt decision, but I think it's nice.
Other: Nothing much, but I hope you'd mind my mistakes through out the event, as it's my first time hosting a contest thread for an event
Name: Silverwingedshadows or Silver-chan
Race: Humanoid Neko
Family: Tsukuyomi-no-kami
Address: Tsukuyomi-no-kami Yama
Hobbies: Reading, gardening, anime, stargazing, and painting.
Job Position: Assistant to the Magician
Salary: Magical Baubles
Past Experience: *blink* Well I have been magical neko all my life, just need more practice with certain magical objects.
Why you want to work for the casino? I think it would be fun to spend time with humans, vampires, and oh um you didn't know about all the magical beings around you? *stares* Ah well. Hmm how about I am eager to spend time with people from all over? *smile*
How did your theme come about? Well Lith-chan and I chatted about it. It was decided this would be the best since I'm mildly clumsy and this would be the safest.
Other: I'm in college. This is my second user run event. I hope to see many of you there. *bows*
Name: Ashtyn Leigh
Date of Birth: February 23, 1994 (That makes me seventeen, yea I'm a youngster.)
Address: 8642 Parkway, Magical Texas.
Hobbies: Drawing, Talking, Hanging out with friends, Reading, and many more.
Job Position: Party Designer, judge.
Salary: Between 5,ooo and 10,ooo per party.
Past Experience: Hosting and Making my quest thread, that's about it.
Why you want to work for the casino? I feel the need to make others happy and have fun.
How did your theme come about? I was thinking what would be a good contest for a casino theme, what better than an outfit for the employees and a masquerade party!?
Other: I don't have much really to say except that my baby sister was recently in the hospital and we don't really have internet, I'm borrowing from friends, but I hope to be plenty of active and be here for you wonderful people! :D
Name: Clair Voyant (Call me Clair... real name? Too hard for you to pronounce )
Date of Birth: January 12th (not sayin' the year)
Address: Rural Nowhere Lane, Nowhere, Nowhere, USA
Hobbies: Reading, writing, walking/hiking, swimming, drawing, menewsha, traveling...
Job Position: day care staff, undercover Evil Faerie
Salary: too high to say
Past Experience: Evil Faerie Co-founder
Why you want to work for the casino? Because what better place is there for a Faerie to wreck havoc!?
How did your theme come about?
Name: Esmereina (aka Esme, Es, Reina-chan. Real name is Esmeralda)
Date of Birth: July 20, 1980
Address: 667 Evil Faeries Way
Hobbies:I love to sing and dance! I also love to give to those in need and help around whenever I can.
Job Position: Evil Faeries Charity Host number 3. ^_^v
Salary: Rainbow cookies.
Past Experience: I have been working with the main Evil Faeries, Lilith W and Clair Voyant, for almost 2 years now. My duties were simply to help give. I am afraid I am still a novice. OTL
Why you want to work for the casino? Oh, I love anything that deals with money. *giggles* However, my job at the casino is to give. This is the most exciting part and I plan to do my best! :D
How did your theme come about? Well, the Evil Faeries are known to be quite cheeky when we want to spread the joy of giving: The Evil Faerie way. ;D So why not an invasion? Right?
Other: I am a nanny and I enjoy being around kids. I also cosplay at conventions and have fun whenever I can. I am quite friendly despite my appearance. Please join me in a chat if you see me! :D
Name: Beautiful Disaster, or Batman. I dont know your name, so you dont know mine.
Date of Birth: 2/21/ n/a
Address: Gotham City
Hobbies: Being a vigilante, and magic the gathering.
Job Position: Vigilante
Salary: Vengeance
Past Experience: Ive had my own threads with prizes and things over the past 3 years that I have been on Menewsha. They have always been popular and fun.
Why you want to work for the casino?: Because I want a chance to have my 'own' event thread, to have fun with the fellow users and to have fun.
How did your theme come about?: Ive always loved zombies, all my threads are themed around it.
Other: Tu madre.

Lilith W- All banners, but the quote banners in blueblackrose's thread
letyumino (on deviantart)- chibi art in banners

Cora Lorington
Lilith W
Alexis Durem
Clair Voyant
Beautiful Disaster
Ashtyn Leigh
Goblin Maiden

Last edited by Suzy Sunshine; 06-25-2011 at 01:44 PM..

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-11-2011, 03:05 AM

We are having a little, or big depending on how you see it, lotto. We managed to snag some great stuff for you and thought they would do wonderfully in a lotto.

1st draw- Oriental Fan
2nd draw- Bee Slippers
3rd draw- Calesco's Fury / Ire of Naias
4th draw- Jamming with Yumeh / Rocking out Rock Star
5th draw- my outfit (what Jack is wearing)
6th draw- 10k
7th draw- pumpkin bugger cookie
8th draw- phear meh
9th draw- dark crystal armor

How to get a ticket.
>Avi Contest- one ticket per entry
>Faerie Giveaway- one ticket per day that a person posts five times
>Roulette Wheel- one ticket per day played
>Poker- one ticket per day played
>Magic Games- one ticket per day played
>This Thread- one ticket for first post per person
>Art contest- one ticket per entry
>Writing Contest- one ticket per entry
>Yatzee- one ticket per day played
>Trivia (below)- two tickets for most answered, one for second most
>Slots (below)- random tickets



For Posting in Charity Day 1
1. momochan
2. crazymuch
3. Clair Voyant
4. blueblackrose
5. Usuke
6. shadow_universe
7. Ikuto Akihiko
8. Cora Lorington
9. sadrain
10. Vickyll3
11. Roxxxy
For Playing Roulette Day 1
12. Roxxxy
13. PapillonCameo
14. LizzyCollinsDeArc
15. Siri
16. Majokko Honey-chan
17. blueblackrose
18. sadrain
19. Hadsvich
20. ainebella
21. crazymuch
Roulette Day 2
22. Vickyll3
23. crazymuch
24. PapillonCameo
25. sadrain
26. Eastriel
27. Roxxxy
Poker Day 1
28. Roxxxy
29. LizzyCollinsDeArc
30. ChiNoMizuumi
31. momochan
32. sadrain
33. Hadsvich
Magic Games Day 1
34. Roxxxy
35. PapillonCameo
36. LizzyCollinsDeArc
37. Hadsvich
38. Rei
39. sadrain
40. kent
41. blueblackrose
42. LaVida
This Thread
43. Cora Lorington
44. Jesus of Suburbia
45. Hadsvich
46. sadrain
47. Roxxxy
48. Siti_Hajar
49. Vickyll3
50. Siri
51. LaVida
52. Codette
53. Beautiful Disaster
54. blueblackrose
55. Liztress
56. Kent
57. Eastriel
58. emilysaurus
59. PapillonCameo
60. Nephila
61. bloodstainedwings
62. LizzyCollinsDeArc
63. Silverwingedshadows
64. Anglie
65. momochan
66. FakeSunShine
67. lunanuova
68. Ling
69. Dillo
70. Izumi
71. fairywaif
72. woohoohelloppl
73. Wulfwynn
74. heartpoint
Roulette Day 2 Cont.
75. Ainebella
76. Neller
77. Hadsvich
78. Kent
79. Fairywaif
Magic Day 2
80. Roxxxy
81. FakeSunShine
82. sadrain
83. Vix Viral
84. Hadsvich
85. Eastriel
86. Rei Ann
87. momochan
88. Kent
89. LizzyCollinsDeArc
90. fairywaif
91. Dillo
92. lunanuova
Yahtzee Day 2
93. blueblackrose
94. sadrain
Poker Day 2
95. sadrain
96. momochan
97. Roxxxy
98. Hadsvich
99. Car'a'Carn
100. LizzyCollinsDeArc
101. Dillo
102. lunanuova
103. Kent
104. kenskidoodles
Avi Contest
105. Ikuto Akihiko
106. Momochan
107. Roxxxy
108. LizzyCollinsDeArc
109. Momochan
110. Roxxxy
111. Kent
Charity Day 2
112. momochan
113. crazymuch
114. blueblackrose
115. FakeSunShine
116. Ikuto Akihiko
117. shadow_universe
118. sadrain
119. Usuke
120. Cora Lorington
121. Lai-lai_CHING
122. lunanuova (from slots)
Magic Day 3
123. Kent
124. Kenskidoodles
125. Ling
126. Luna
127. sadrain
128. Bloodstainedwings
129. Roxxxy
130. LizzyCollinsDeArc
131. fairywaif
Fairy Day 3
132. Momochan
133. LizzyCollinsDeArc
134. blueblackrose
135. Crazymuch
136. Cora Lorington
Poker 1 & 2 updates
137. Car'a'Carn
138. Dillo
139. lunanuova
140. Kent
141. LaVida
142. fairywaif
143. mewmew07
144. Siri (bonus ticket from slots)
Magic last days
145. Dillo
146. Shania583
147. mewmew07
148. sadrain
149. jecynecy
150. Hadsvich
151. Bloodstainedwings
152. Blueblackrose
153. Roxxxy
154. Alaunt
155. Mageling
156. LizzyCollinsDeArc
157. JapaneseCherryBlossom
158. FakeSunShine
159. WinglessFairy
160. Kent
161. Sadrain
162. Lunanuova
163. Jecynecy
164. Roxxxy
165. LizzyCollinsDeArc
166. Kenskidoodles
167. Hadsvich
168. blueblackrose
169. Kent
170. Rei Ann
171. Fairywaif
172. JapaneseCherryBlossom
173. Roxxxy
174. mewmew07
175. FakeSunShine
176. Jecynecy
177. Sadrain
178. Lunanuova
179. Hadsvich
180. Blueblackrose
181. Dillo
182. Bloodstainedwings
183. Fairywaif
184. LizzyCollinsDeArc
185. Sadrain
186. Mewmew07
187. FakeSunShine
188. Roxxxy
189. LizzyCollinsDeArc
190. Kent
191. Hadsvich
192. Roxxxy
193. PapillonCameo
194. LizzyCollinsDeArc
195. Hadsvich
196. Rei Ann
197. sadrain
198. Kent
199. Siri
200. blueblackrose
201. Vickyll3
202. emilysaurus
203. Vix Viral
204. FakeSunShine
205. Eastriel
206. fairywaif
207. Dillo
208. lunanuova
209. woohoohelloppl
210. kenskidoodles
211. Ling
212. bloodstainedwings
213. Shania583
214. WinglessFairy
215. mewmew07
216. jecyncey
217. Alaunt
218. The_Crow
219. Mageling
220. JapaneseCherryBlossom
221. Carzeebear
222. Yumeh
223. Popcorn gun
224. momochan
225. Roxxxy
226. AlbaRosaria
227. sadrain
228. LaVida
229. Dillo
230. mewmew07
231. LizzyCollinsDeArc
232. lunanuova
233. Sexy Blue Candy
234. Dillo
235. Car'a'Carn
236. mewmew07
237. Roxxxy
238. jecynecy
239. Whisper Invictus
240. sadrain
241. lunanuova
242. Sexy Blue Candy
243. Hadsvich
244. AlbaRosaria
245. LaVida
246. LizzyCollinsDeArc
247. momochan
248. fairywaif
249. LaVida
250. Roxxxy
251. mewmew07
252. Nephila
253. jecynecy
254. Car'a'Carn
255. kenskidoodles
256. sadrain
257. lunanuova
258. Dillo
259. JapaneseCherryBlossom
260. LizzyCollinsDeArc
261. AlbaRosaria
262. Hadsvich
263. Whisper Invictus
264. momochan
265. Sexy Blue Candy
266. fairywaif
267. Hadsvich
268. Car'a'Carn
269. LaVida
270. momochan
271. lunanuova
272. Dillo
273. mewmew07
274. sadrain
275. Roxxxy
276. jecynecy
277. kenskidoodles
278. Sexy Blue Candy
279. AlbaRosaria
280. LizzyCollinsDeArc
281. Whisper Invictus
282. Nephila
283. Siri
284. Nephila
285. shadow_universe
286. Fauxreal
287. Woohoohelloppl
288. JapaneseCherryBlossom
289. Bloodstainedwings
290. Rozalyne
291. FakeSunShine
292. Kultura
293. Blueblackrose
294. Omnomnomnom
295. Sadrain
296. Rochiel Silverfire
297. Omnomnomnom
298. Ikuto Akihiko
299. Blueblackrose
300. Nephila
301. Rozalyne
302. Bloodstainedwings
303. Sexy Blue Candy
304. Lunanuova
305. Woodlandnymph
306. Siri
307. WinglessFairy
308. Sadrain
309. Kultura
310. Rochiel Silverfire
311. FakeSunShine
312. JapaneseCherryBlossom
313. Kat Dakuu
314. Kent
315. JapaneseCherryBlossom
316. sushi_mew
317. Roxxxy
318. WinglessFairy
319. Momochan
320. Zeapear
321. Zeapear
322. LaVida
323. Fairywaif
324. Fairywaif
325. Rochiel Silverfire
326. blueblackrose
327. Nephila
328. Sexy Blue Candy
329. AlbaRosaria
330. Blueblackrose
331. Alba
332. BBR

49. Vickyll3 wins the Fan
67. lunanuova wins bee slippers
37. Hadsvich wins Ire and Calesco
5. Usuke wins Jamming and Rocking
129. Roxxxy wins my outfit
38. Rei Ann wins my gold
83. Vix Viral wins pumpkin cookie
239. Whisper Invictus wins phear meh
87. momochan dark crystal armor

Last edited by Suzy Sunshine; 07-01-2011 at 01:25 AM..

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-11-2011, 03:17 AM

Just recently I decided I wanted to do a little Trivia. So I thought this would be a good enough place.
There will be trivia about Menewsha, and random information.
I will put up a new question at least once a day at different times. I will put up to five different ones a day.
The first person who gets the answer right gets the point.
Even if a question was put up the first day it can still be answered in later days as long as it hasn't been answered yet.
I will strike them when they have been answered.

Day 1: What was the name of the slot machine that Charles Fey made that became the model for all the rest? - Liberty Bell
What is one of the characters names from Las Vegas? - Danny McCoy

Day 2: In the comic Fables what was Flycatcher's job when we first meet him and what does he later become? (sorry reading the comics) - Janitor then a Frog then a King
In the movie "What Happens in Vegas" (2008) who is the lead male actor? - Ashton Kutcher

Day 3: What user event, to date, has the most posts? - Summer Carnival 2007

Because I've missed a few days we will do this a little differently today.
I will post a list of trivia. You can only answer one at a time. Three people most post after you and then you can answer one more. And over and over.

What were the themes of all of the user events?
When is the next leap year?
How many cards are there in a deck?
What do the card suits represent?
Who is the largest producer of playing cards?
Who do the kings represent on playing cards?
How high was the highest card house?
Name all of the hosts?
Who was suppost to host but then didn't?
When did the planning for this event start?
How many pages does the planning thread have?
Who donated the most gold to this event?
What was the biggest donated item and who donated it?

Day 1: Hadsvich, Hadsvich
Day 2: Roxxxy/sadrain, LizzyCollinsDeArc
Day 3: Roxxxy
Mega Trivia Day: jecynecy, Rozalyne, LizzyCollinsDeArc, jecynecy, jecynecy, LizzyCollinsDeArc, sadrain, LizzyCollinsDeArc, sadrain, Rozalyne, sadrain, Rozalyne, LizzyCollinsDeArc

Last edited by Suzy Sunshine; 06-30-2011 at 12:21 AM..

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-23-2011, 11:00 PM

Well, I just got a call and one of our hosts has called in and quit. Now I can't let her game go unattended so I've brought the slot machine to my desk. I don't have a lot of time to run it with all my other duties. So this is what we will do.

You can play three times a day. This might change but I will tell you.

Roll the dice: (take out the space)

[dice= 3]10[/ dice]

I have a super special hidden list of the numbers that match to a prize.
When that prize has been won then those numbers no longer will win anything.

(examples only)
>lotto tickets (for above)
>EI sets

Day One
none ye

Last edited by Suzy Sunshine; 06-25-2011 at 01:06 AM..

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 11:45 PM

fill free to post now

Silverwingedshadows is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 11:48 PM

Welcome all to the Casino!

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 11:49 PM

*bunny pounce on Jack* Hey Cutie!

Someone New
Send a message via AIM to Siti_Hajar Send a message via Yahoo to Siti_Hajar
Siti_Hajar is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 11:50 PM

Welcome all~ I hope you enjoy it here!

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 11:51 PM

So many things to do~ * u*
Can't wait to try everything out~
I hope I can keep track of it all. x'3

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 11:57 PM

There sure is a lot to do.
Shoot there is a lot to do in this thread alone.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:00 AM

Hi everyone! There are so many things to go and look at!

Might as well roll some dice while I'm here..

The 10-sided dice lands on 4
The 10-sided dice lands on 4
The 10-sided dice lands on 8

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:02 AM

I guess I'll start here then~ o uo

The 10-sided dice lands on 6
The 10-sided dice lands on 6
The 10-sided dice lands on 8

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:16 AM

Sorry but it looks like the slots weren't good for you today. Neither of you won.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:22 AM

Pretty machine!
The 10-sided dice lands on 10
The 10-sided dice lands on 10
The 10-sided dice lands on 10

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:23 AM

a trivia question has been updated


Sorry Roxxxy but it seems to be on a losing streak. Still no winners.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:27 AM

Is the answer to that trivia Liberty Bell?

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:28 AM

You sure are fast. You are correct.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:29 AM

Yay~ I love trivia~ o uo

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:31 AM

Trivia is fun. I'll probably put another up in an hour and then one sometime late tonight.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:34 AM


Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:37 AM

Aw, I don't mean to bring you down. ; o;

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:41 AM

The 10-sided dice lands on 6
The 10-sided dice lands on 9
The 10-sided dice lands on 4

Hm... I didn't notice this page till now. XD! Anyways, I hope I win the lotto. ^_^; For some reason I never won my state's lotto. lol

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:42 AM

The 10-sided dice lands on 2
The 10-sided dice lands on 3
The 10-sided dice lands on 8

Lets hope I win something


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