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Lady Chello
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Old 12-19-2015, 08:36 AM

Tick and Tock looked at each other hearing what she said. "What?!!!" They both yelled at the same time hearing her response. The pair both at the same time put their hands to their heads rubbing them as they looked rather upset. The two open their eyes at the same time looking at Mimi and sighed as Tock thew up his hands to Tick to take the floor and explain things to Mimi.

" Oh my, We have much to teach you." Tick said as she sighed again looking at Mimi. " You really don't get out much do you? Of all the masters. Ours has great power and doesn't even know it great!" She said as she rolled her eyes and sighed again. "This is giving me a headache." She said in a child like voice as she sat down in a white chair that appeared and leaned her arm on a small white table that appeared out of thin air for her as she held her head placing her scepter on the table as well. " uhhhhhh...." She sighed as she finally looked back to Mimi. " First of all next time someone gives you something ask questions. Secondly if you get the person's name you came make them answer you truthfully. And thirdly I'm sure that it was amused you would figure out how to use your power. All you have to do is wish. Unlike other people your magic is strong enough you don't need to speak you just have to envision what you want and make it so. So spell books mean nothing to you nor to us. I guess you could say we are your guardians and guides of shorts. The ribbons you wear can only be worn by a person with powerful magic. Once chosen a master the ribbons will only serve that person and will protect them. The ribbons are enchanted with very powerful magic. No one is really sure when the ribbons where made but they hold great power for protection and other mysterious powers. Some say that they let the uses chose their powers beside basic magic. However I'm not really sure on that. " Tick said as she looked deep in thought for a moment.

" Any how when you finally thought about the ribbons and that they had power and wasn't sure how to use it, it freed me and Tock to come and help you. So I guess you could say we are part of your ribbons as well. Really though it's strange you didn't know you had magic. I can see your magical aura and it's really strong Mimi. We really have to work on your personality and get you to start living your life. You are so pretty to be so sad. We can feel your emotions and that guy wasn't wrong you are brave we're going to have to prove it to you though. You have to have confidence with magic for it to work. You have to not just believe in yourself but KNOW that you can do it with out a shadow of a doubt. " Tick said as she smiled softly sitting up tall in the chair as she picked up her scepter and held it in her right hand as she sat there.

" Why don't we try a simple cup." Tock said standing beside Tick as he smiled warmly at Mimi. " Imagine the most beautiful cup." He said in a very warm voice. " Now Imagine that it was yours and the happiness you would feel." He suggested as he smiled warmly at her still. " reach out and grasp it." He said knowing that if she did as he asked with her power the cup she imagine would appear.

Tick was surprised that Tock wanted to start teaching her magic so suddenly. However she trusted him he was great at judging people and their skills. If he believed in Mimi she would as well. Besides Mimi was their master and creator. She had wanted to explain they had chosen to call themselves her children because they had been made from her and their appearance made them look like children. It would be easier to explain to others they felt like.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-19-2015, 09:03 AM

Mimi listened and nodded, she understood. Or at least, she felt like she understood for the most part. "I see, interesting. It sounds easy enough and I am sorry, I could not think of any questions at the moment the ribbons were given to me." Mimi explained. Listening to Tock, she imagined a cup she had always wanted and grinned. Holding out her hands, a cup appeared in her hands. Opening her eyes, she gasped when she saw it in her hands and hugged it close to her chest. "It worked! Tick, Tock it worked!" she squealed and twirled around happily.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-19-2015, 11:26 AM

(OMG RANDOMLY I GOT ONE OF THOSE!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I have a think for owls, mooses and dragons.)

Tock smiled and laughed as he looked to his twin and the pair just smiled together and laugh. " Of course it worked! Your stronger than you think! And your magical!" He said as he look very happy along with Tick. " Mimi you need to make another don't you for that guy. Uh what did you name him. " He said looking like he was really thing about it. " Oh, that's right!" He said snapping his fingers excitingly. " Kiba that's what you named the fellow. You know if you asked we would be happy to make you house for the night fully functional. It honestly is a small matter for either of us. Besides wouldn't it be nice to sleep in a nice warm house for the night and not have to worry about any animals?" He asked softly.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 12-28-2015 at 02:49 AM..

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-19-2015, 10:39 PM

"Oh right, another one of course!" Mimi said and closed her eyes, focusing on the cup and then smiled when she had a second cup in her hands. She remembered what the woman had said, great power brings great responsibility so she probably shouldn't use it unless she really has to. When Tock mentioned making a house for her and Kiba, Mimi wasn't sure how to respond. "W-well yes it would be nice." she agreed as she set the cups down gently inside the pot and picked it up. "However, I do not think that would be wise. I do not want to overuse my magic, I am still learning and if a house was in the middle of the woods...wouldn't Kiba grow curious as to how a lovely house came to be here?" Mimi asked curiously.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-28-2015, 03:10 AM

Tock looked to Tick as she rose to her feet the table and chair vanishing instantly. She held a slight grin on her lips as she started walking right at Mimi Tock suddenly appearing besides her following in perfect sync with her. The pair suddenly parted walking past Mimi as they both held a wicked grin on their lips. " Leave the man and beast to us. You may not be able to use your powers fully but we can. Besides there is nothing from your world that could challenge our magic. With us you are fully protected. Our purpose in life is to do your will. " The two said simultaneously.

The pair lead Mimi back as they stood side by side their staffs out as the great Dragon let out a mighty roar fear shown in it's eyes along with fear in Kiba's eyes. The twins wicked grins just widen into almost sinister smiles as they crossed their staffs and suddenly laughed in unison. " Day dream or Nightmare what are you? So easily wiped away." The pair said in unison as they looked up at the same time right at Kiba making him step back in fear. " Only half a man. Never to be a real boy." Tick said. " Just a day dream or Nightmare by night. Such things have no places in this world. " Tock said as the two stared intensely at Kiba. Suddenly the twins lifted their staffs and slammed them to the ground at the same time a beautiful house appearing.

The twins started walked to the house as they suddenly paused looking forward suddenly turning their heads looking right at Kiba. " Dreams will fade and Nightmares will vanish from memory over time. Hero's are made not born. Villains are made not born. IN this world who shall you be when your story is written and told? No place you have here. You will be torn. That is your Fate. " The pair said turning suddenly as they walked into the house leaving the door open.

Kiba shook in fear as he watched the wicked twins vanished. He stared at the house they had summoned and looked to Mimi with fear in his eyes as he felt the same power coming from her. It scared him as he stepped back from her turning his head to the house thinking of the strange twins looking back to her. He didn't need a introduction those two where powerful and not something to play with. He felt a scary power coming from them. The same scary power he could feel from Mimi now. Something wasn't right however he wasn't sure he wanted to know where Mimi and those twins had come from. He had never felt fear like this before. He knew for some reason that if the Twins or Mimi wanted to they could end his very life. The thought scared him. He was afraid to touch Mimi as he thought about what the women had said.

Had he done something wrong? Had something evil happen to Mimi? Or was this what was suppose to happen? He wasn't sure but he knew he wanted to be as far as he could be from all of them until he could understand why he felt such fear from just being near them. He didn't understand anything since he had woke up.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-28-2015, 03:31 AM

Mimi watched in confusion and listened to what the twins were saying but didn't really understand any of it. When they left into the house they had created, she rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't imagining things and then looked over at Kiba. She could see the fear in his eyes and that made her frown, was he afraid of her? Was it bad that she had these ribbons? Did the woman do this on purpose? "W-well...I guess we have a comfortable house now." Mimi said and smiled sadly. "Kiba are you okay?" she asked. "You look frightened. I didn't mean to scare you, I told them that a house was not a good idea but I guess they think it is a good idea." she explained. "Please say something?" she pleaded.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-28-2015, 04:37 AM

Tick appeared in the door way as she looked at Mimi. " He is scared because he can feel our power. He doesn't belong in this world. He was made from a dream or was he made from a nightmare mistress? " She asked as her eyes cut to Kiba. " He is scared because if we so chose we could rip him from this world. " She said as she looked to Mimi. " You are his maker and you happen to be one of the most powerful people in this world. His magic is nothing here. There for you could easily kill him if you chose to that is why you see the fear. His world is made of dreams and nightmares witch means our world is the ruling world. So if one such as he was to ever enter our world they would do so at a high price to themselves. Their kind can't last long in our world. He is mortal here something that he nor any of his kind have every had to worry about. I am curious who could have had such magic to bring one like him here. If he is here then I would bet there is another of his kind here. " She said as she looked to Mimi.

"Our world and their world must have balance. So if there is one there must be another. The question is why? Is he the day dream or he the nightmare? The forces will meet and clash eventually. Mimi you are our Mistress and we'll do as you say. But our job is to teach you as his I believe is to protect you. However let's pray he is the day dream for your sake." She said as she looked at Kiba. " If the nightmare wins this world will be a nightmare. " Tick said as she looked to Kiba.

Kiba wasn't sure what to say as he looked to Mimi. " You've done nothing wrong. " He said as he looked to Tick. " I don't understand. I don't understand most of this." He said confused more so as he looked at the strange girl. " I woke up here on the sand this morning. A strange women in Pink said many strange things to me. She told me that Mimi needed me and she was the Key. "

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-28-2015, 04:52 AM

"Well I don't want him hurt. I like having Kiba with me so please do not hurt him, he is my best fiend and all I have really." Mimi explained and listened to what Kiba was saying. He couldn't be a nightmare, he was too kind to be a nightmare. Lord Reux was the real nightmare and yet she wondered if he was okay. Shoving those thoughts out of her head, she smiled at Kiba. "The same woman gave me these ribbons! She said that you payed the ultimate price to find me." she informed. "She is very mysterious but I do not think she means any harm." Mimi added.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-28-2015, 06:05 AM

Tick stood there in thought as Tock appeared beside her. She cut her eyes to her twin who looked right at her answering her thoughts with his look. She turned as she entered the house once more along with Tock. The pair said nothing choosing to keep their revelation to themselves. The pair walked to the middle of the house and slammed their staffs down again as they cast a protection spell on the house suddenly turning it invisible to everyone but themselves, Mimi, and Kiba.

Kiba looked to Mimi as he smiled softly at her. " They weren't going to hurt me Mimi. She was right I haven't felt power like that before it scared me. If they where going to hurt me or you where I believe you would have by now. Besides we should get inside. I don't want you catching a cold." He said trying to put on a brave face not sure about what Tick and Tock meant. He had a feeling those two knew much more than anyone else did. he turned as he felt a surge of magic and knew that he was right. They had put up a protection spell they where expecting something bad to happen. He turned quickly and smiled warmly at Mimi not allowing her to see his worry as he gently too her hand. " Well then it was meant to be. I don't believe the women is evil at all. If anything I believe she cares about everyone here. She wanted me to save you. "

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-28-2015, 06:53 AM

Mimi watched Kiba closely and then looked around. "Well I would never hurt you Kiba, you are my best friend." she said and picked up the pot with the two mugs inside. "Look! I got the pot you asked for!" she said happily and laughed softly. Mimi nodded and walked with Kiba inside the house. "I agree, I don't think she means any harm, she has been kind to me and she has been kind to you too I can assume." Mimi said and looked around the lovely new house. Mimi smiled and walked over to the kitchen where she set the pot down and pulled out the cute mugs, handing one to Kiba. "Here, I got this one for you." she said to him and hoped he liked it. If not she could always just get him another one.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-28-2015, 07:20 AM

"It's lovely Mimi." Kiba said meaning it as he smiled warmly at her. However his smile vanished as he turned not seeing the twins. He tried to not panic as he looked back to Mimi and smiled warmly at her as he laughed softly. " Well it's lovely just like you Mimi. However we should keep traveling starting tomorrow and find a place that you want to call home. I'm sure when we find it you'll be happy." He said meaning it.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-28-2015, 07:37 AM

Mimi was very happy to see that Kiba seemed to really like the mug. "I'm glad you like it Kiba." she said softly and nodded at his words. "We will keep traveling tomorrow but for now I think we should eat and then get some sleep right?" she suggested and hugged him happily. "Anywhere is home as long as you are with me Kiba." she said softly and honestly.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-31-2015, 04:52 AM

Kiba smiled softly as he heard her. " Mimi...." He said softly as he smiled at her. " You are far to kind for this world." He said to her gently caressing her face softly. He smiled as he went and got the food ready. He still felt a little weird as he tried to act normal or what he felt was normal. He wasn't sure what normal was or really what he was doing. He sighed as he fumbled around the place and finally managed to get the food on the table. He felt a little weird still about everything and the strange twins still bothered him greatly. However he had to believe in Mimi.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-31-2015, 07:19 AM

Mimi blinked in surprise at his simple action. She didn't know what it meant or why he did that, but it made her smile. She stood there, watching him with the smile still on her face, it seemed that he was having trouble adjusting to the house and she couldn't blame him. The house was quite a surprise for both of them after all. Mimi decided to break the silence and walked over to him, "Is everything okay Kiba? You seem a little worried." she pointed out, worried herself. "If something is the matter, please tell me. I will do my best to help you any way I can." she added honestly.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-31-2015, 09:44 AM

Kiba paused as he sat there for a moment before speaking. " If I am to be honest those twins of yours bother me greatly. " He said as he frowned softly sitting there. " Maigc comes at a price Mimi even in my world. Because of my powers there I can't live in the Kingdoms with others. I'm more of a outcast and almost no different than the monsters I hunt. Many see me as a evil person and are to afraid to get to know me. " He said thinking about his life as he sat there. " Those twins are very powerful and mysterious. I feel they know more than they are letting on. If you need them to protect you it worries me honestly because that means there must be a great evil coming for you. They said strange things but not so strange at the same time. I believe it was their way of giving us a warning. In both worlds their has to be a balance of good and evil or light and dark. You can't have one without the other. They asked if I was the nightmare or daydream. In my world the monsters come from the Nightmares and are the darkness of our world. So I would assume that the twins are saying in their own way that if I'm the daydream their has to be a nightmare here or one coming. " He said as he frowned even more.

"The lady told me that I would fight someone and that I couldn't kill him. I am wondering if he will be the nightmare or will become it. Either way you are the key apparently and for that I'm sorry. All I want is for you to have a happy normal life. So I plan on doing everything I can to ensure that you can have that. I want to find a land that you adore and help you make a life there. That is my wish and my promise to you Mimi. " He said as he looked up at her smiling warmly at her. " As much as those Twins bother me I do believe that they are here to help. That being said I believe you should try to spend time with them and take their help. I don't believe they have been around many others. So it may be good for them to learn for you. I think maybe you should treat them as if they where your little brother and sister or even your children. It's easy to see they haven't had love in their life and don't know much about bonds like friendship. They may know many things but they don't apparently know about love and friendship. Power is a good thing but it can't compare to love."

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-31-2015, 10:53 AM

Mimi quickly took a seat as well and watched him as he spoke. So the twins bothered him? She couldn't see why, but they did have an odd way of speaking. Almost in riddles it seemed. She didn't know why anyone would see him as an evil person, he was the kindest man she knew. "I..." Mimi started and thought for a moment. How was she supposed to respond to this? "I didn't mean to summon them Kiba, it just happened while I tried to think of a way to get the pot." she explained. An evil coming to get her? What evil could that be? It couldn't! "A nightmare?" she repeated and shook her head. "The only n-nightmare would be Lord Reux. But...-he cannot get here can he?" she asked Kiba, seriously afraid.

Fight someone he couldn't kill? What did the lady mean by that? Who was she talking about? "Oh are so kind to me. There is no way you can ever be a nightmare. You are the best daydream anyone could ever imagine. You are my best friend who has shown me nothing but kindness and has always made me feel safe when I felt terrified." Mimi commented honestly. So he wanted her to talk to the twins? well she would do her best to, she just hoped she understood what they were saying to her. "I promise to do my best and speak with them Kiba." Mimi promised.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-31-2015, 11:24 AM

Kiba smiled and laughed softly. " I know you will Mimi you always have and will." He said as he heard her. " Friend hun?" He said more to himself as it made him frown a little. He let it go as he fixed himself a plate and started eating. He paused and looked up as he was about to take a bite into his fish. He saw Tick standing in the door way watching him. He felt like he was with Earth again. She was curious he could tell. He put his fish down as he pointed to the open spot at the table for her. " Why don't you join us. If you haven't tried fish before you should. Why don't you invite your brother." He said warmly smiling friendly at the young girl.

Tick stepped back caught off as she blushed slightly and looked a little flustered. "I...uhhh..." She finally composed herself as she looked a little unsure as she finally made up her mind to join them. She walked to the spot beside Mimi and sat down as she fixed herself some of the fish staring at it. She hadn't had real food or food that wasn't made from magic. She closed her eyes as she smelt her fish and then took her first bite. " yummy!!!!!" She said excitedly.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 01-01-2016, 07:53 AM

Mimi looked over at Tick and smiled. She wondered where Tock was but she'd talk to them both eventually. Right now all she wanted to do was enjoy her meal and hopefully talk with the twins later on in the day. She did want to get some sleep as well, she wasn't too tired but some sleep would be good. Mimi smiled when Tick enjoyed the fish. "I'm glad you like it Tick. Where is Tock?" she asked curiously as she fixed herself a plate with fish.

Lady Chello
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Old 01-02-2016, 01:46 AM

Tock suddenly appeared as if on commanded as he took a seat besides Kiba. " I was checking on the dragon. I wanted to makes sure it was alright being outside." Tock said being honest as he looked at his sister enjoying the food. He looked at it and took some food for himself as he sat there and enjoyed his portion of the food.

Kiba tried to smile and be friendly as he ate. He finished his food and sat there watching the others. He was honestly impressed that Tock had chosen to check on Earth. He smiled and cleaned up his dishes walking to the small kitchen area and started to clean his own dishes. He honestly thought the house was nice he didn't have anything so nice in his world. This was honestly a treat for him. He left the house and walked out to the cave where Earth was. He gently patted the large dragon as the dragon looked ready for sleep. Kiba hung his head as he saw that Earth had went and gathered food for himself. "Sorry some of fish was going to be yours. But it looks like you found you some deer instead. I bet it was far more filling." He said as he finished up the bed for himself and curled up on it drifting off to sleep with Earth's large wing over him.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 01-02-2016, 07:43 AM

Mimi enjoyed the fish and when she was done, she watched Kiba wash his plate and then leave and wondered if he was okay. She decided not to worry too much about it and looked at the twins."What did you two want to do today?" she asked them. She wasn't too tired and wanted to learn as much about them as she could. Getting up, she gathered the dishes that were left and washed them carefully. "I would love to get to know the two of you better." Mimi commented. They made Kiba nervous and she wondered why. Tick and Tock didn't look like they could hurt anyone.

Lady Chello
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Old 01-10-2016, 03:35 AM

" You shouldn't worry to much about him. He is worried because in his world those like us aren't the kindest. And he's bothered by what all has happen today just as I'm sure you are." Tock said speaking up as he finished his meal. He stood and took his dishes over to where she was and picked up a drying towel to help her. " We could play a card game! Tick and I love games!" He said smiling honestly excited at the idea of getting to play a game. " However you have to watch Tick she's a tricky one. I swear the odds are always in her favor when we play card games. She always beats me." He said as he sighed.

Tick looked at Tock and laughed haring him. " I don't win all the time! Besides what would Mimi want to do? We could read we could dance...hummm we could do many things. " Tick said as she sat there thinking about what things they could do. " We aren't use to having someone to do something with. It's hard to pick just one thing." She said as she smiled and laughed softly like a small child.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 01-10-2016, 04:18 AM

Mimi smiled as she listened to Tock. "I'm not bothered, just surprised and slightly confused is all." Mimi explained. She was happy to see little tock helping her with the dishes by drying them off for her once she had finished washing them thoroughly. "Oooh a card game?" she repeated and giggled. "Oh well thank-you for letting me know. We will both have to look out for her trick then won't we?" she asked and smiled happily. "I loved playing any kind of games whe I lived with my parents. Sometimes we even played board games."Mimi explained.

Mimi listened to both Tick and Tock and finished up what she was doing before shutting off the water and drying her hands. "We should play any game you two want. It will be fun!" Mimi said. "We can play a bit before we head off to bed since it is getting rather late and we have a lot of traveling left to do." she informed softly.

Lady Chello
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Old 01-14-2016, 07:30 AM

Tock laughed as he ran to his chair and looked at Tick. " YES!!!!" He said almost screaming so happy to be playing. " Mimi said a board game so what is your favorite and we can play!" He said as he smiled from ear to ear honestly happy as could be. Tick watched as she had a soft smile on her face loving how happy Tock was and Mimi. " Alright then Mimi it's up to you so your choice." She said smiling softly.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 01-14-2016, 07:54 AM

Mimi laughed, seeing how happy Tock was. "Well let's see. I enjoyed playing Candyland as a child. Then as I grew older I started Clue and Monopoly. Oh and Twister but I always lose at that one because I'm not very flexible." Mimi admitted with a shy smile. Twister made her laugh though, it was silly to see how people looked when they played the game and watching them fall was funny too.

Lady Chello
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Old 02-13-2016, 10:52 AM

Tock looked so happy as he thought about the games. "Oh what fun we could have!" He said as he waved his hand all the games she mentioned appeared as he looked ready to start playing them. He frowned as Tick waved her hand leaving Candyland or Monopoly for them to play. "Bu-But you heard Mimi she likes them all we should play them all!" He said as he looked at Tick with pleading eyes.

Tick sighed as she shook her head and looked to Mimi. " Please pick one for us to play." She said as she looked back to her twin. " I'm sorry but Mimi needs her rest and so do we. Besides we have a long journey ahead of us. We are to help Mimi and think of her needs first. I don't want to give the dragon nor his rider any reason to be cross with us. They would both be upset if we played all night and didn't get some sleep. Remember Mimi want to be free and so do we. So we help Mimi."


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