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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-07-2015, 06:42 PM

Chloe stared at the offending device in her hand. She hadn't planned on using her cell phone much this week but she at least wanted to check in with her parents so they wouldn't worry. As much as they butted heads, she didn't wish that sort of stress upon them. Holding up her phone, she walked around her campsite a bit to see if she couldn't get a signal to one side of the trees or the other. She knew she probably looked like a fool but then again there really wasn't anyone directly across from her so it didn't really matter. Unfortunately however it was all for a lost cause.

With a sigh, Chloe finally let her tired arm drop to her side and looked over at the pond. It was a more open space and the hill beyond might provide for a better signal. Her mind made up, Chloe left her campsite and started the short walk over to the pond. She checked her phone a few times on the way but then gave up when that didn't yield a different result and simply held it in her grasp as she walked along the dirt road that connected the plots in this area. 'Patience Chloe, patience...' She wasn't usually an impatient person but the sooner she was able to connect with her parents, the sooner she could forget about them and get back to enjoying her vacation.

When she finally reached the edge of the water, Chloe resisted the urge to look up at Darius' campsite and instead pulled out her phone and checked it once more but the display still read "searching". With a sigh, she began to scale the hill. It only took a few moments but the results were the same. Sighing again, Chloe finally looked over to the tent popped a short way off. Maybe Darius had a different carrier that could get signal in this area? She hated to ask him for help but the only other option was the long walk back to the station house. While that wouldn't be too terrible, Darius was obviously the easier option at the moment and it couldn't hurt to ask while she was here, right?

Walking back around, Chloe approached Darius' campsite. She raised her hand as if to wave at him but paused mid-action when she noticed the way he was reclined with his eyes closed. Was he sleeping? Chloe studied his face carefully since the first time they had met. Damn but he was cute! It made her insides squirm uncomfortably. She watched him for a few moments longer and decided that he must be napping which simultaneously made her feel both disappointed and relieved. Not wanting to wake him, Chloe turned around to walk back down the hill.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-11-2015, 03:49 PM

Darius had been relaxed, but something gave him the feeling that a pair of eyes were upon him. He frowned slightly, before opening his eyes He sat up more, turning his gaze around him a bit to scan for the source of the feeling. There did not seem to be anyone there and for a moment he thought he was going insane. However, he caught the tail end of someone moving off down the hill, causing him to stand. So there had been someone there after all. “Wait” he called out, running a hand through his hair. He wondered why they had disturbed him. The glimpse he had caught made his heart slightly skip a beat, had it been her?

She had been watching him? He lightly jogged over, easily closing the distance between him and the receding figure. As he got closer, the identity was confirmed. It was her. He reached out, catching her wrist. Turning her to face him, he misjudged the distance a bit. The two nearly pressed against one another as a result. He chuckled lightly, taking a step back as to not make her uncomfortable any more than she might be now. His hand slipping from her wrist, their fingers brushing before he let go completely. “Sorry…did not mean to be so forward…” he apologized to her. Once more, he could not get the thought of her having stood there watching him out of his head.

Was she merely watching him? He pushed the thought from his head, there had to be some other reason. He doubted that she came over to his site simply to visit or to see him. A guy could hope, but the limits of their relationship so far still played a problem. They barely knew one another, there was no reason to be so drawn to one another…and yet… He found himself slipping into thought, pulling himself out of it. “Is there something I can help you with?” he asks her.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 09:11 PM

Chloe didn’t hear Darius call out to her and gasped in surprise as he tugged at her wrist, turning her to face him. Her flip flips slipped on grass and the young woman nearly tumbled into him but managed to regain her balance in time. As she righted herself, Chloe’s eyes met Darius’ and she wondered if he could hear the fierce beating of her heart brought on by the surprise of suddenly finding herself face to face with the man she thought had been sleeping.

She felt his hand slip away from her wrist and her fingers tingled slightly as his fingertips brushed against her own. She sensed her mouth was still hanging open and tried to compose herself despite the frantic beating of her heart and the tingling that was spreading through her limbs. “That’s alright, you just…surprised me is all,” she managed to say at last, trying to reassure him with a smile. “I was just wondering if you got cell service out here actually. My…parents wanted me to call them when I arrived, but unfortunately it looks like Verizon doesn’t get service here.”

Chloe fought the urge to blush. It was embarrassing admitting that she still answered to her parents but she preferred to tell the truth rather than come up with a convenient lie. Hopefully Darius would be able to lend her his phone. If not she would walk back to the welcome center. She remembered seeing a pay phone while she was cashing out. In a way, it was actually a good thing that her campsite was in a dead zone. At least that way she wouldn’t need to worry about work or her parents calling to bug her during her vacation.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-15-2015, 03:29 PM

Darius noted the slight ways that she reacted to him, when their encounter happened. His eyes on her's, he for a moment was tempted to say something. His mind slipping a bit, before she spoke up. He held his tongue, listening to what she had to say. She was there to see if he had service on his phone, so she could contact her parents. He smiled after a moment, finding it more sweet rather than odd. He himself was not one who was that kind sadly. It would have been embarassing for him to admit it as well. He rarely spoke to those back home, other than his mother at times. He slipped his phone out of his pocket, his eyes upon the screen as he pressed the power button.

He had turned it off, since he had not been expecting to use it other than in the case of an emergency. The woman asking him though, he was inclined to help her if he could. As it turned on, he caught sight of the bars in the corner, signalling service. "Yes, it seems I manage to get slight service out here.." he nodded. He then looked back at her, before turning the phone to offer it to her then. "You are welcome to use it if you like, family is an important thing..." He gave a slight smile, though this one slightly more reserved and simple than the playful joking ones from before. He would wait till she took the phone, before stepping away back into the actual site to give her a bit of privacy.

He picked up the book he had been reading, his eyes upon the cover. He was not really seeing though, his mind a bit distracted. He was instead back in France, thinking about his own family. His father, his mother, and his sister....part of him wondered how they were. He frowned lightly, he had not really left on the best of terms, perhaps he should give them a call when he could. He turned his eyes to the water, the calmness of it helped to ease him a bit, before he would look back at the woman who held his phone. She was close to her family then? What would she think about him, if she knew that he was not? Would her oppinion of him change? She might decide that he was not worth such subtle hints of infatuation after all.

That made a part of him sting, his heart. She might think him worse of a man. He sighed slightly, sitting down upon the chair once more.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 02:42 PM

Chloe watched as Darius powered up his phone and checked the signal. She wasn’t sure if she was more relieved or embarrassed when he informed her that he had service, albeit weak. He held the device out to her and Chloe hesitated only a moment before taking it from him. Better to get it over with she supposed. ”Thank you,” she said softly, watching as he stepped back to give her some privacy.

When he was a few feet away, Chloe looked down at the screen and blushed yet again, embarrassed by the personal object in her hands. Everything from the wallpaper to the way the icons were arranged would say something about the man who had lent it to her. She hadn’t thought about that previously. There was something strangely intimate about holding onto the device that was still warm from his pocket, that had previously touched his face…

Trying to push those thoughts out of her head and not snoop on whatever personal information might be contained in the device, Chloe brought up the dial screen and typed in her father’s cell phone number. He picked up on the third ring with a gruff “who is this”. ”Hi dad, it’s me,” she said, glancing over at Darius. He seemed focused on his book but she spoke softly even so. There was a jumble of words on the other end as her father put her on speaker so her mother could speak as well. The two tripped over each other, chastising her for not calling and simultaneously asking her if she was okay. The phone did it’s best to transmit their voices correctly but the weak signal crackled and snapped, breaking their voices off in the middle. ”I’m fine,” she said, annoyance leaking through her voice despite her attempts to be patient, ”I arrived about an hour ago, yes I’m fine, yes Mom, yes, I know…” She sighed and let them ramble on a bit before finally cutting them off, ”Anyway, the connection is really bad, I have to go. I just wanted to let you know that I arrived safely and that my phone doesn’t have service so you won’t be able to call me.” There was another flurry of responses on the other end and Chloe sighed once more, ”I’m going to hang up now, alright? Bye. I love you, bye.”

With one last sigh, Chloe took the phone away from her face and tapped her finger on the screen to hang up the call. Turning back towards Darius’ camp, she walked slowly back to where he was sitting. How much had he heard? Did he think she was childish for calling her parents? Pushing aside those insecurities she held the phone out to its owner. ”Thanks a bunch,” she said with a smile, ”It seems you’ve saved me once again.”

Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 07:04 PM

The screen was rather simple enough, the usual apps upon it that one would find on a normal phone. On the personal side, he did have an app that kept track of health, such as work out, food intake etc. It was more because of his healthy nature. The background at the moment was simple as well, it was a picture of a warm sun set overlooking the beach. He had been thinking of travelling there for awhile, but never got the time to do so. This being his first break and all from work for the past few years actually. He did not listen in as she spoke to her parents, a few things on his mind, clouding his attempts to read at the moment.

When she came over to return the phone, he sat the book aside. Standing, he reached out to retrieve it from her. Their hands brushed for a moment, to which he hesitated and found himself looking up into her eyes. Not wishing to make things awkward though, he moved on a moment later, accepting the phone from her fully. He gave a light wave, brushing off her comment of having saved her yet again. "It was nothing, no need to thank me. Je apprécié votre camaraderie" the other language slipping out, but he smiled afterwards. Perhaps she would know what he said, if not, it would add a pleasant amount of mystery to their little meeting.

As for the whole trouble with what she might think if she knew he did not maintain contact such as that with his own family, he allowed it to brush off his mind for the moment. Instead, his eyes turned out towards the water, the mid day sun warming the area and leaving it with a beautiful reflection across the surface of the landscape. "You are welcome to use it any time you desire" he says, his eyes moving back to her, "Il me donne une raison d'être près de chez vous." He smiled warmly before slipping the phone away once more. "Now then...are you settling in well?" he asks, shifting gears just a bit from their conversation moments before.


"Je apprécié votre camaraderie" <- > "I enjoyed your companionship"
"Il me donne une raison d'être près de chez vous" <-> "It gives me a reason to be near you."

Last edited by Kiyoto; 05-31-2015 at 08:07 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-11-2015, 06:57 PM

Chloe's hand tingled where Darius’ hand brushed against hers as he reached out to take back his phone. She was used to being touched by strangers. In the city it wasn’t uncommon to be brushed against, bumped into, stepped on, and so forth so why was she so hyper aware of the feather light touch of Darius’ skin against her own? Looking from his hand to his face she was slightly surprised to see him gazing directly into her eyes. Her eyes searched his own for some indication of what he might be thinking but a moment later he was already pulling away.

She smiled when he spoke. It was cute how he was using the formal French speech rather than automatically tutoyer her like young people had the habit of doing. Still, formal speech might also mean that he wasn’t ready to be on closer terms with her. Pushing her overanalyzing thoughts away she forced herself to smile and answered, “Moi aussi.” She couldn’t speak well but that much was easy enough for her to remember from her stay in France. She wasn’t quite sure what to say to his next phrase however and was frantically searching for something to respond with until he thankfully changed the subject.

“Yep!” she said, maybe a little too eagerly in her relief. “I’ve got everything set up so now I can just relax,” she said cheerfully. “Your campsite is really nice,” she said, motioning around her to encompass both his setup and the lake. “It’s got a really nice view,” she added, gazing out at the water for a moment before turning back to face him.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-14-2015, 02:17 PM

He watched her reactions a bit, noting slight shifts within her. He could not help but wonder what was going through her mind behind those eyes as a result. Was she nervous, on edge? Because of him? Why did he care so much what she thought? He was used to working where he needed to separate his business and his personal feelings. If he worried to much what people thought or felt at times, he would be broke and probably under someone's boot. He was not the submissive type, especially if the one in charge was an egotistic pain in the.... He pulled his mind out of those thoughts, focusing once more on the more appealing sight before him. She began to speak once he changed subjects, seeming relieved about the shift.

He found it actually a bit cute, watching as she shifted to speaking about the site and her own. He chuckled a bit, following her eyes and her motions to his own site. He nodded, his friends had indeed picked one that suited him well. "It is quite something..." but it compared little to her. He paused, had he really just thought that? Looking at her once more, he thought for a moment of asking her to stay, perhaps on a date. They had beat around the bush already, and he was one to be more forward and blunt. He could not dispute the idea that he was clearly interested in her, about learning more of her. Though what kind of a date would be in the middle of the woods. It would either be really romantic...or possibly a disaster. He did not wish to destroy things, especially when they were still new to each other.

So for now, he kept his bolder side in check, holding his tongue. But a slight bit of his thoughts did slip out. "You are welcome to stay for awhile....or return any time that you like" he smiled. Perhaps that was still a bit forward, but he did not mind. He did want her to stay. He liked her, he was interested, plain and simple. It was a bit of a hint as well, but in the end, it was her choice. He would not force her to stay or to visit, but he would like it if she did. Perhaps over time, it would allow him to unhinge his jaw and say what was really on his mind. Like formally and officially asking her out.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-19-2015, 10:57 PM

Chloe smiled even wider despite the blush that crept across her face when he chuckled at her. She felt lighter than she had in quite a while, truly free for the first time in ages. The shadow of her parents was gone from her shoulders now for the next week and she hadn’t realized until now just how much they had been weighing on her mind. Perhaps spending some time away from them is just what she would need to find the strength to stand up for them once and for all. She would think about that later though. For now she would breathe in the clean air, soak in the sunshine, take in the view, and enjoy her time with or without Darius. Things happened for a reason and she would go with the flow.

Darius invitation wasn’t unwelcome and while she would normally have felt a bit reserved about accepting his offer, today was a different day she decided. ”That sounds lovely,” she said warmly, confidently. She hoped it would imply her interest in him. If she had been reading the signs correctly she was pretty sure he was interested in her as well. What exactly did she expect from this if things went further? A hookup in the woods? That was really the most she could imagine happening at this point. She lived halfway across the country and a long distance relationship would hardly develop over the course of a weekend or even one week. Still, life had a way of turning things around in interesting ways and who was to say a hookup would be terrible? It wasn’t something she would usually consider but the idea was alluring and if things went sour the distance from here to New York would work in her favor.

Pushing these thoughts aside she asked, ”How long are you staying?” wondering if he was just here for the weekend or rather for the week like she was.

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Old 06-23-2015, 03:12 PM

Darius smiled, watching her as she seemed to think over a few things before giving an answer to him. Saying that it sounded lovely made him nod in responce. So, she was willing to reach out as well. Seemed she had picked up a bit on his interest and that he might be picking up on her's. They were still in a sort of game of cat and mouse. Neither knowing to much about the other for the moment, both testing the water with the other. He wondered about her thoughts on him, but he would not come right out and say it. She asked him about how long he was planning to be here at this place. His friends had booked him the site for the next week, so he had awhile.

"I will be around for this week....after that I should be heading back to work I suppose" he sighs lightly. The thought of heading back to work was both alluring and at the same time something that put him off. He was a man of work for the most part of his life since leaving his past. Now however, more and more people were attempting to put the thoughts in his head of life being more than work. He knew this, many had various things within their lives, such as love and family. For the most part, Darius had kept such things out of his life for a reason. But now, being here, he could not help but think back on such things. Life and love was a possibility, even for him. But distance and so many variables made it a challenge.

He should expect such things, nothing ever merely falls in one's lap, much of life had to be worked at and for. He was willing, a hard worker at heart. So why not take a chance for once, let himself be pushed out of his boundaries and go for something more. It may turn out worth it in the end. He smiles once more after a moment, gently taking her hand. He lifted it, once more placing a light kiss on the back of her hand. "I look forward to seeing what unfolds through any length of time with you" he says, his eyes on her's once more.


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Old 07-19-2015, 09:49 PM

Chloe watched Darius’ face as he revealed that he too would be staying for a week. He didn't seem terribly excited about the prospect of going back to work though. She completely understood the sentiment, her own career had been very rocky thus far and she still had such a long way to go to try to get where she hoped her path would lead her. Still, she tried not to get discouraged. The world was full of possibilities and surely she would find her lucky break at some point.

Her heart fluttered as Darius’ hand took hold of hers, his smooth, delicate fingers lifting it to his mouth. Warm lips brushed lightly against her skin and her heartbeat sped up at his words, an obvious declaration of his interest with her. Her fingers curled lightly over his own as he lowered her hand, ”I would like that very much,” she said softly, ”I am also here for the week,” she added, realizing that she hadn’t yet answered her own question.

((It's kind of short, I hope you don't mind...))

Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-19-2016, 06:44 PM

A light chuckle escaped from his lips. The female seemed to be taking an interest in him as well. When it came to the office, especially for one in his position, the upper hand was often key. This made it imperative to learn to read people, like their body language. At the moment, he was getting the clear vibe from her, that she was interested in more than simply camping near him. He could not be completely sure though, since he could not read her mind. He did not want to simply come out and full on ask her either. That could be seen as rude, or end up doing more damage to their still relatively new connection.

For now, he would continue to be polite and see where things went. It made him curious why she would be interested. What did she see in him? His simple looks and charming personality like others did? It wouldn't be a stretch to say that had caught her attention. It was one of the first things that people often noticed about him. What was below the surface however, was a bit more trickier to anticipate. They had learned tid bits about each other already, but there was probably much to learn still. That was fine with him, he was interested as well. He was a bit forward to, so he supposed he was not doing much to hide that interest.

She did not seem to mind, she had yet to pull away. Even now, she was still in contact with his hand. He glanced down at their fingers. She would be staying as well, agreeing with his earlier comment. Good, then this might be fun after all. He smiles once more, lifting his eyes to meet her's. He held her gaze for a moment, before giving a slight nod. "Well then...lets make it a week to remember, shall we?" he said. The meaning behind those words left open to what they will. Who knew what would happen, who knew what wouldn't. It was going to be an adventure.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-27-2016, 10:07 PM

A tingle shot up her spine at Darius’ low chuckle. The sound of his voice sounded almost musical to her ears with the slight tilt that his accent put on his words. Although they had yet to really reveal that much about themselves to each other, Chloe could feel a certain physical chemistry between them right away. Whether that could develop into something more throughout the next week would have to be seen.

Her heartbeat increased as Darius glanced down at their intertwined fingers, almost expecting him to pull away from her but he did not. It was a pretty upfront gesture on her part but she was reluctant to release his hand. That smooth warm skin felt so nice against her own. It had been forever since she had enjoyed the company of a man as closely as this. Her mother had tried to play matchmaker over the years, introducing Chloe to friend’s sons or cousins or relations without much luck. None of them could compare to Darius so far though. They had all been too self-serving or greedy or slobbish or any number of things that told her right away that they hadn’t been right for her. Would it be crazy to dream that Darius was the one? Did love at first sight exist? He had many admiral qualities right away—polite, caring, calm, strong, and of course good looking. What sort of other qualities did he have that she didn’t know about? Hopefully she would get the chance to see further into her personality over the course of the next week.

“Bien sur !” Chloe responded with a smile. Her poor French accent sounded terrible to her own ears and she cringed slightly but maybe he would find it cute. It was kind of fun to be able to practice her French. Noticing the book Darius set aside, Chloe’s eyes lit up. “What are you reading?” she asked, motioning to the book with her free hand. She could tell the title wasn’t English but she couldn’t read it from where she stood.

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Old 02-28-2016, 05:44 PM

He noticed that she did not pull away either, from his touch and their interlocked fingers. This made his own thoughts wander a bit. Perhaps she did feel an interest for him as well. He looked up at her, when she spoke. Her attempt at an accent made another light chuckle come from his lips. It was amusing, while also being cute. She was then asking him about the book that he had been reading. His eyes moved to the book, for a moment contemplating if he should answer or not. She might think him a bit odd, or perhaps she might think him a bit over the top. To be honest, he would not blame him. " reading Tartuffe by Molière" he said. Molière was a french writer, often referred to as the Shakespeare of French history. He wrote many different plays, this one being written in 1664.

It was an old book, the speech within it a bit on the older side as well. It might be hard for someone to read and keep up with, as many found the same within Shakespeare. However, he did enjoy it, and he enjoyed the English play maker as well. Many would think it to good to be true. An honorable french man, with class and who was well read enjoying such things? It was very rare in this day and time with any area around the world. He looked back at her, "it must sound a bit odd" he said, voicing his concern a bit. "I do not get the time back home however to enjoy some of the classics" that was true, back home he was often involved in work instead. When he did have time to read, he often was to tired to keep up with the story behind the words, or he was interrupted just as he began to get into the book.

None the less, it did not stop him from enjoying a good book, as well as many of the classics as he put it. He lifted her hand, gently kissing the back of it, before he finally did release their connection for now. He turned, picking up the book from where he had discarded it. The book was older, it belonged to his father. It had been passed down through a few generations, in a sense becoming an heirloom of the family. Seemed well read men ran within the family. It was almost amusing to think about in itself. Perhaps that was one of the reasons men in his family tended to be ladies men. Then again, men within his family were also well respected. They prided themselves on being good and strong. He did not doubt they would not simply use their looks for gain. Though they were not perfect, no one was.


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